• Published 31st Jan 2024
  • 258 Views, 4 Comments

A Blazing Bowser Bash - Big Imagination E

Spike feels left out of many events. But when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. Now they want him in a band! But what is Bowser planning with the band?

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Arriving and Plan in Action

In Ponyville we see all the ponies making their final preparations for the Friendship Festival. But suddenly the ponies looked up to the sky and saw what they believed to be storm clouds in the sky. Twilight did not look happy about this development.

"Storm clouds? I ordered perfect weather! Rainbow Dash?!" Twilight asked frantically. Rainbow looked nervously towards her friend.

"Uh... I... don't think those are storm clouds." Rainbow replied.

"Ooh! I bet those are the clowns I ordered! Or better yet the band's here!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly.

As the airships landed, one of them landed and the walkway lowered to the ground and crushed a balloon animal instantly.

"Brian, no!" Party Favor yelled in anguish. From the top of the walkway we see Spike, Bowser and the Blazing Koopas coming down and the ponies stared at this new comer.

"Where is this Celestia? I demand to speak to her about the show we are gonna do here!" Bowser said.

The ponies were all confused at what Bowser said. Then the royal princesses landed on the front of the crowd and spoke with Bowser. ''Bowser, is it?'' Celestia said. ''I was glad you were able to come here. And is that Spike with you?"

"Yes. For we made him a member of the band. Now we were told that here in Ponyville is where we are gonna do our big Bowser Bash. Which is the name of the show." Rockpunk replied.

"Yes. The stage is all ready for you." Celestia mentioning the stage.

"Excellent. Although I think a little redecorating is in order. Not to worry. We'll have that stage fixed up and we'll be ready to rock. MINIONS! Get the stuff and get busy!!" Bowser demanded.

Soon more walkways on more airships were opening and everyone was getting the stuff and headed to the stage for a little remodeling. Most of them carried all the equipment while others had paint cans for a new paint job. Twilight who saw the Koopas coming here was confused.

"Excuse me sir. Um what are you doing?" Twilight asked.

"We were required to remodel this stage for the Blazing Koopas. So if you'll excuse us we got a job to do." The red Paratroopa said.

So Twilight left and saw the Koopas getting rid of any of the friendship stuff on the stage and started to remodel a bit. She then saw Spike and went to him.

"Spike. I'm happy that you are playing in a band later on but don't you think we can leave the stage as it is?" Twilight asked.

"Sorry Twi if they need to remodel then I can't go against them. Also I think you would like the Blazing Koopas. They started setting up stands for selling their merchandise." Spike answered.

He pointed out seeing the stands that were built and they were starting to sell the merch.

"Well I'm just not sure about all this. I think this Bowser is up to no good." Twilight worried.

"Come on Twilight. You can't just say that they are bad guys when you don't know what they done. Now let's go regroup with the girls and talk about the show. You'll love it." Spike assured.

Twilight nodded and they headed off to regroup. Meanwhile Bowser saw what Spike did and he smirked evily knowing that his plan was working. He then pulled out a walkie talkie and spoke.

"Ninja Koopa Clan. I need you five to sneak in the castle and see if you can get some relics that might provide useful. We need this Bowser Bash to be the best for taking over." Bowser said.

Hiding in the bushes in Canterlot was five Koopas wearing ninja outfits with a symbol on the chest.

"Were on it master. We'll get the job done." The leader said as he put away the walkie talkie. "Alright boys. Let's go get what the master wishes."

Soon the five Koopa Ninjas began sneaking their way in the castle like actual ninjas and taking out the guards. Once they headed in they looked for the vault that carried the most powerful relics. They found the door but a guard was blocking it. Then one Koopa Ninja took down a sleeping smoke bomb and threw it at him putting him in a sleeping state. They smirked under the masks and quickly snuck in the vault. Inside they saw all sorts of relics that might provide useful. The leader took his walkie talkie out and spoke.

"Master. We found the relics." The leader said.

"Good. Now take the ones you think will provide useful for the Bowser Bash. Once you do bring them to the staff." Bowser ordered.

"Copy that master." The leader responded putting it away.

So the Koopa Ninja Clan looked at the different relics and needed to found out which ones will be useful. One of them took a ruby skull, another took two mind controlling diamonds, and the third had a special chip that can be placed in a microphone for them to be controlled.

"Nice work boys. Now let's go get them to the staff.” The leader said

“Yes sensai.” The ninjas said in unison.

So the ninja Koopas placed the relics in their shells and quietly snuck their way out of the castle and once they did they ran fast as they could out of Canterlot. Then they arrived in Ponyville and gave the staff the relics and they thanked them and continued working on the stage.

They went to Bowser and told him the good news on their plan.

“We got the relics and gave the staff them. Your plan to rule the world will be victorious boss.” The leader said.

“Excellent work Koopa Ninja Clan. Now we’re sure to conquer Equestria. Return to the airship and rest up for tonight.” Bowser said.

They did what he asked them to do and Kamek came right next to him.

“My liege. If those ponies catch something missing in the vault of the castle they’ll know something is wrong.” Kamek reminded him.

“How bout you relax? Spike is keeping them busy as we speak. But if you really want to make sure that nothing ruins our plans for the Bowser Bash then you can deal with it.” Bowser said.

“Alright sire. But I still think we should deal with Twilight before things get out of control.” Kamek added.

“You know what? Yeah. This Twilight might get a little suspicious since she happens to be the leader of her team. Kamek. When everyone is heading to the show…..trap her in the airship.” Bowser said evilly.

“Yes sire. But what if her friends?” Kamek asked.

“Oh they won’t be too much trouble. Once they are under our control from the music all of Equestria will be a Big Bowser Bash. And the throne for Equestria will be mine for the taking.” Bowser answered.

The two smirked evilly and prepared the next phase of their plan. Kidnap Twilight and put everyone under their full mind control once they perform tonight.

Author's Note:

Looks like Bowser has phase one completed. Now he’s beginning phase two. I hope she can stop his plan from taking over the world.