• Published 1st Feb 2024
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Cine-magic: Shaun the Sheep Movie - IndyWriter Productions

The Main 6 and Spike are back with another adventure across the filmic multiverse. This time with everyone's favorite farm animal; Shaun the Sheep

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Part 6: Hard Time

The animal containment truck sits, parked next to the animal containment building. Inside, Shaun, Spike, and Fluttershy watch as a barred door slid open, leading to a hallway sided with cells. Shaun gulped.

"I'm starting to get the impression that this guy doesn't like animals." Spike whispered.

The sheep and mare nod. Trumper yanks them forward with the catch pole. A dog reached out for them through a set of bars. The three jumped in startlement. The dog growled and clutched the cell bars. His poodle cellmate does bicep curls with a large bone. As the three continued to be dragged further into the prison-like station, they pass a glass cell housing a cat wearing a cone collar. It hisses at them cryptically. Another cell housed a turtle, who was marking to amount of days it had spent in the shelter. A goldfish was playing a harmonica in it's fish bowl. It quickly hides it away as Trumper walks by. The officer opened a cell and kicked the sheep, dragon, and pegasus inside. He slams the door, snorts at them, and walks away.

"We're never getting out of here." Spike said hopelessly.

"Don't say that, Spike." Fluttershy tries to comfort him. "Twilight and the others will find us. I know they will."

"It's more the "breaking us out of here" part that gives me doubt." Spike said, his tone unchanging.

"Spike, look at me." Fluttershy cupped Spike's face in her front hooves. "I know the situation looks bleak right now, but remember, we still have our other friends, too. They'll look for us and they will find a way to get us out of here. They're our friends, Spike. They do anything to save us. Especially Twilight.

A small smile managed to form on Spike's face. Not only reassuring him, but reassuring Fluttershy, as well. Shaun, however, continued to glare at Trumper.

"Bah." He said.

"Shaun! Language." Fluttershy reprimanded.

Just then, there was a low growl coming from the darkest part of their cell. The three looked back fearfully, thinking some mean animal was about to attack them. Spike hid behind Fluttershy as the creature stepped forward. Said creature turned out to be Bitzer, who yawned and stretched.

"Bitzer? Is that you?" Spike said in surprise.

Shaun was equally surprised, but his shock turned to happiness and relief. Bitzer smacked his lips and peeled open his eyes. Realizing the familiar faces in his cell, he grinned then gaped at them.

"Are we glad to see you." Fluttershy said with relief.

"Bwar?" The sheepdog asked.

"Why are we here?" Fluttershy repeated. "...It's a long story."

She turned away sheepishly, while Shaun's grin turned to a disheartened frown. He clutched Timmy's teddy bear. Bitzer sticks his head through the bars and looks around the cell block.

"So, how did you get in here?" Spike asked.

Bitzer didn't respond. He ran his paw down his face in frustration. He growled and then began to yell out the three.

Meanwhile, one of the security cameras showed the verbal smackdown through the live feed in the security room. Trumper takes no notice, instead, picks up a cup of coffee and pins photos of Shaun, Spike, and Fluttershy to a board along with all the other animals he's contained. He sips his coffee and catches his reflection in a mirror. He straightens his posture then pulls out his catch pole like a gun and snaps the clamp. He turns his back from the mirror. He quickly turns back around and draws again.

Bitzer, by this point, had stopped with the yelling and had sat down on the bench, looking away at his new cellmates.

"Come on, dude. At least we tried to look for The Farmer." Spike tried to argue.

"Grrff." Bitzer growled.

"But, you ended up in here. If we didn't get thrown in here, we may never have been able to find you." Fluttershy tried to calm the situation.

Bitzer didn't respond, continuing to glare at the wall.

"We didn't do this out of obligation. Shaun chose to search for him. We chose to search for him." Spike argued further.

"Bah!" Shaun yelled.

The dragon and pegasus turn to the disheartened sheep.

Bah-bah. Bah. hmm." Shaun said sadly.

"It doesn't matter if we chose to look for The Farmer or not. Bitzer has every right to be upset with me. Twilight was right, it was selfish of me to isolate The Farmer from the farm all because I was sick and tired of the same routine. This is all my fault that we're in this mess."

"Shaun, it's not..." Fluttershy stopped herself. She wanted to say it wasn't Shaun's fault, but couldn't deny the fact that it was. Shaun was the one who came up with the plan to get The Farmer out of the equation in the first place. And he was the one who instigated it.

"...At least you realized your mistake and tried to correct it." She finished.

"Bah." Shaun replied solemnly.

"Your right, it doesn't make what you did right. But, you've clearly shown regret and remorse for your actions and have tried to fix them. That's one of the first steps toward redemption." The timid pegasus explained.

Shaun looked up at Fluttershy, who gave him a comforting smile.

"And even after what you did, your friends will find and rescue you. Rescue us. I should know, they're my friends, too. Even you Shaun." She finished.

"Yeah, we have hope that Twilight and the others will come and rescue us." Spike said.

Fluttershy pulled Shaun in for a comforting hug. Shaun let out a sad sigh and hugged the mare back.

Bitzer wasn't moved by Fluttershy's speech. He sat as far away from them as possible. He was about to start chastising them again, but then Spike glared at him defensively.

"Let him have this moment." He hissed quietly at the sheepdog

Frustrated, Bitzer crossed his arms and stared into a cell across the corridor. A dog was giving them a judgmental glare with bloodshot eyes. Bitzer, unnerved, flashes him a friendly smile. The dog continues to glare. The sheepdog grows increasingly uncomfortable and taps his fingers together. Faking a stretch, he hide his face behind his hand. He peaks up and sees the dog's beady eyes still glued to him.

"I already hate this place." Spike grumbled to himself.

Once the hug broke up, Shaun looked over and spotted the stray mutt from earlier in another cell. He gives her a friendly smile. She wags her tail and smiles back.

Outside, a couple stand outside the entrance of the containment building. They read a sign at the front entrance saying "Adopt a stray day." An administrator shows the couple inside. Once inside, Trumper steps out and looks around the streets. He kicks down the sign and casually strolls back inside.

Back at the cell block, Shaun, Spike, Fluttershy take notice of the couple at the end of the hallway. The other animals got into position to look as cute and cuddly as possible. The cat folds down at cone collar and meows with excitement. The turtle buffs it's shell with a sheet. The mutt wets her paws and tries to smooth out her hair.

"Huh. Talk about a change of mood." Spike said.

"We can't let them choose us though. That will complicate things." Fluttershy pointed out.

The three friends watch as the administrator shows the two inside. One of them gives her a donation.

The first dog sniffs his armpit and smiles, while rocking from side to side, attempting to look and act as innocent as possible. His poodle cellmate cheerfully holds a bone in it's mouth. The female shakes her head and couple move on. The poodle snaps the bone in it's mouth. The goldfish hides coyly behind a seashell. Again, the couple move on. The mangy mutt holds her paws together pleadingly. The male points to her. She flashes them a gap-tooth smile. The couple looked a bit disappointed in the fact that the mutt had such crooked teeth. They move on, leaving the mutt heartbroken. Next, the couple stared into the cell of Shaun, Spike, Fluttershy, and Bitzer. The male whispered to the female in confusion. She shrugs. Spike and Fluttershy exchange glances. The couple move on again.

They find a iguana in it's own sell. The administrator opens the cell and hands them the iguana. Satisfied, the couple begin to leave with their new pet. Shaun sees the mutt begin to tear up. The iguana pumps it's fist victoriously and sticks out it's tongue. The two dogs growl with envy. Trumper stands in front of the barred door. The administrator hands him a clipboard which he takes it and signs it, all the while, with a forced smile. He opens the door and lets the couple past. As the female steps past, Trumper points his fingers to his eyes, then to the iguana, who looked away fearfully.

Shaun tries to cheer up the mutt by giving her by giving her a sympathetic smile. The mutt wipes away a tear, then sulks in a corner of her cell.

"The poor thing." Fluttershy said sorrowfully.

Shaun sighs sadly.

The celebrity's new pompadour was quickly going viral on the internet. A woman resizes the photo and uploads it. Hundreds upon thousands receive the viral hairdo and share with their peers. vlog and news article litter the cyber landscape with the growing-popular photo. Calls and appointments filled the salon every waking hour and The Farmer went to work with giving everybody the same hairdo. The customers take selfies with him, increasing his fame even further.

A photo sharing page showcased other pictures and gifs with the caption "Mr. X" on them. During a photo shoot, The Farmer stands with two pairs of hair clippers crossed together. The photographer instructs him to show a serious frown. the Farmer, however, flashes a big smile as soon as the picture is taken. Other pictures show him in different poses holding his clippers, a skull, and straddling a chair while naked. Touching up a photo, the photographer edits out The Farmer's grin and replaces it with a serious frown.

At an event, the salon staff gifts him flowers and champagne. He holds them up as people take his picture.

Back at the animal containment unit, Shaun rattles the bar of his cell.

"How long has it been?" Flutttershy asked while stretching.

"I don't know. I lost track after the first hour." Spike sits on the floor, his legs tucked against his stomach.

Bitzer just lies on his side on the bench. The dog was still glaring at him. He sighs and turns on his other side, facing the wall. Trumper walks the cell block. Shaun backs away from the bars as he nears them.

"Bah-ah-ah-ah." The officer mocked and laughed at the young sheep.

Shaun just gave him an insulted glare.

The mangy mutt was happily chowed down on a bowl of dog food. Trumper began grunting and snorting at her mockingly. The mutt growled back.

Fluttershy shook her head slowly and sigh. Shaun then noticed a ring of keys on Trumper's belt. He was still mocking the mutt, laughing and stuffing chips into his mouth. Shaun reaches out for the keys. Spike and Fluttershy could only look on in anticipation. The officer reaches his hand back to scratch his backside. Shaun pulls his hand back to avoid making contact. Trumper lets out a small fart. Shaun winces back in disgust.

"Gross." Spike murmured, also in disgust.

The sheep reaches out again, but before he could firmly grabbed the keys, a doorbell sounded at the end of the cell block. Trumper turns and walks away.

"So close." Spike whispered.

Shaun shares a look of disappointment with the mutt. She looks back with confusion. Trumper presses a green button and the barred door slides open to reveal the two disguised sheep dressed as a woman.

Shaun, Spike, and Fluttershy gasp quietly.

"They found us." Fluttershy whispered happily.

Trumper looks on with surprise. The imposter showed him his card with a bright, red kiss stain on it. Trumper smiled flirtatiously and showed her inside. The two dogs sniffed out the sheep and growled at it. She whacks them with her purse. Meanwhile, outside, another sheep maneuvers underneath a barred window. He motioned to the others. The other sheep, Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Rarity peaked out from behind the corner.

"All right, let's do this." Rainbow pumped her hoof.

One of the sheep barrel-rolls past a dumpster, holding a line of tied cloths. Timmy's mom sighs and carries the other end.

"We got to keep a low-profile." Pinkie peered over her. "Never let anypony know your next move."

The pink mare looked around with squinted eyes and tip-toed against the wall over to the barred window. Back inside, Trumper and the female imposter walk down the cell block. The top sheep shushes at Shaun, Spike, and Fluttershy to keep them quiet. They watch them pass with confusion.

"What are they planning?" Spike asked.

The other two shrugged. Outside, Timmy and Rarity finish tying the makeshift rope around the bars.

"Okay, everypony. It's secured." Rarity said.

"You three ready?" Twilight asked.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Shirley stand within the tied rope.

"More than ready, Twi." Applejack responded with conviction

"I was born ready!" Rainbow said confidently.

One sheep holds out a cloth with a picture of a banana on it. That gets Shirley going and she pulls forward. Applejack and Rainbow pull against the rope with all their strength, while the others cheered with encouragement. Cracks begin to form around the window of the building. The sound of crumbling bricks resonated within the cells.

"What's going on?" Spike asked, sounding more afraid.

"I-I don't know." Fluttershy said.

With one last tug of strength, a section of the wall rips from the building. The sheep and ponies clatter around the hole.

"Guys, we're here to save..." Twilight stopped when she realized that neither Shaun, Spike, nor Fluttershy were there. A clueless construction worker was sitting on a toilet, wearing a pair of earmuffs and reading a book.

"What!? Where are Spike, Fluttershy, and Shaun?" Rainbow asked in frustration.

"Uh...girls?" Fluttershy's voice called out to them.

The others turned to see their friends peering through a barred window in a building adjacent to them. Shaun put a hoof to his face.

"You got the wrong building, guys." Spike stated.

"...Oh." Rainbow said sheepishly.

"But, if they're there, then that means." Twilight looks back at hole in the wall. "Uh, oh."

Suddenly, an alarm bell went off and the sheep and ponies flew into a panic. A security camera, mounted on the barbed-wire fence, picked up on the action. Meanwhile, Trumper and female imposter were flirting with each other when the sheep noticed their friends panicking on camera. Trumper could hear the commotion and turned toward the security monitor to see what was going on. The imposter pulled him back and into a kiss to try and distract him further. He pushed back and saw the sheep and ponies trying to flee the scene. He gasped and drew his catch pole. He was about to run out the room when the female imposter, thinking fast, pushes him back. He stumbles onto his chair and falls to the ground, his head getting stuck in a trash bin. The sheep flee the room and hurriedly stumbles toward Shaun and the others. She trips and the two stacked sheep break apart. The bottom half bumps into the cat's glass cell. The three friend watch as both sheep hurry out of the containment building. Trumper gets back up and lifts the trash bin off of his head.

"Now what? We're still stuck in here." Spike said, put off by the failed prison break attempt.

"Maybe they'll think of something else. They won't give up like that." Fluttershy said reassuringly.

Shaun peered out through the barred window again, eyeing the hole in the adjacent building's wall. An idea hits him. He pulls out a piece of chalk from his fleece and starts to draw on the wall. The other three creatures watch him with befuddlement.

"Shaun, now is not the time for chalk art." Spike pointed out.

"Bah-ah." Shaun said.

"Trust me." Fluttershy translated. "What are you planning?"

A door slams opening, causing them to freeze. Shaun quickens his pace. Trumper races down the cell block with a look of ire. The mutt sticks her paw out through the bars. Trumper trips over it and face-plants into the cold, concrete floor. He looks up at Shaun's cell and sees a hole in the wall. He gasps and quickly unlocks the cell door. Unknown to him, Shaun, Spike, Fluttershy, and Bitzer were hiding underneath the cell bench. The officer tries to reach through the hole but is met with a solid wall. He looks at the hands, which were now covered with chalk dust, then to the realistic hole, which now sported a large smear on it.

"Bah-ee." Shaun mocks at him.

Trumper turns to see the sheep, dragon, pegasus, sheepdog, and even the stray mutt now outside their cells. Shaun jiggles the keys and throws them into one of the cells.

"Tricked ya!" Spike said brashly. "Now let's get out of here!"

The five of them make a run for it, while Trumper angrily rattles the bars and shouts in fury. The other caged animals howl and cheer them on as the break out of the building and rejoin the flock. The rest of the Main 6 rally together for a group around Spike and Fluttershy.

"Thank, Celestia you two are okay." Rarity said, on the verge of tears.

"That Trumper jerk didn't hurt you. Did he?" Rainbow asked to her pegasus friend. "Because if he did, I swear I'll give him Tarturus!"

"It's okay, Rainbow. He didn't hurt us." Fluttershy assured her.

"And, Spike. I'm so, so sorry I let this happen." Twilight held her dragon close. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

Spike wrapped his arms around her neck and looked up to her.

"It's okay, Twilight. There wasn't much you could do without getting caught, too." He said soothingly. "You didn't fail me, Twilight. I'm just so relieved that you came and rescued us."

"Of course, Spike. I could never leave you like that. Or any of the others." Twilight sniffled.

"Darn tootin'. We would never abandon ya'll, ever." Applejack added.

"I'll make a saved-our-friends-from-prison party for posterity!" Pinkie said happily.

The ponies and dragon shared another group hug, all overwhelmed by emotions. Meanwhile, Shaun high-fives his friends and retrieves his nap-sack. The mutt whistles to them and signals them through a hole in the fence.

"Where's she goin'?" Applejack asked.

"She wants us to follow her." Fluttershy said.

"But, why?" Spike asked further.

"Maybe she knows where The Farmer is." Fluttershy said.

The other sheep cheer happily and begin to follow after the mutt.

"Guess we're doing that." Twilight and the others follow, too. "Come on, everypony."

Shaun lifts up his hand to Bitzer, hoping for a high-five. Bitzer just growls at him. He was still angry at him for causing all this kerfuffle. Shaun, realizing the sheepdog was going to leave him hanging, decides to follow after the rest of the group. Bitzer follows soon after.

Back inside the cell block, Trumper shakes the bars furiously. He yells in frustration and gives up. He plops down and the bench and crosses his arms. The officer looks up at the adjacent cell and his anger drains away upon noticing the dog with bloodshot eyes giving him a judgmental glare.

To be continued.