• Published 25th Jan 2024
  • 320 Views, 17 Comments

A Vampire's Love - Big Imagination E

Scootaloo meets a dragon like vampire named Rumble and soon began forming something romantic.

  • ...

Recovery and Learning

For what felt like a long while Rumble still sat next to Scootaloo as she was sleeping. Soon, Scootaloo opens her eyes and noticed she's now a vampire dragon and wearing her new ball gown. She thanks Rumble by give him a kiss on the lips.

"Thank you babe. Now we can be together forever." Scootaloo smiled.

"Yes. But there's something that we need to do first." Rumble said.

"What's that sweetie?" Scootaloo asked.

"Well you just earned your vampire powers. Now you may not know what they do so in order for you to truly be a vampire I will teach you the ways of using your powers." Rumble answered.

"Okay I'm glad that you are willing to teach me on how to master vampire powers. But do I still get to live with you?" Scootaloo said.

"Yes you do. As I said before once you made the decision there's no turning back. Lemme send a message to my brother and let him know that you are gonna stay with us." Rumble replied.

"I didn't know you had a brother." Scootaloo said.

"Oh I do. It isn't just me that is a dragon like vampire. I have a brother and my parents who are also vampires too. Once we arrive in my kingdom you will get to meet them. They're very nice." Rumble smiled.

Scootaloo smiled as well knowing that he's right. Rumble took a sheet of paper and began writing a message to him so he knows that Scootaloo is going to stay with the vampires. When he finished the letter he used his magic to send it straight to him and them he led Scootaloo into the forest again. Once there they would start her training on mastering her powers.

"Okay Scootaloo. We will now begin training. The first thing that you have to control is your speed. See most vampires reach speeds of up to 200 mph or more in short bursts. But you must be very careful where you run otherwise you could run into something. Lemme show you." Rumble said.

He demonstrated by going super fast around the entire forest at fast speeds. He then started to slow down when he got closer to Scootaloo cause he didn't want to crash into her.

"Wow. That was fast." Scootaloo complimented.

"Usually is. Now you try but start off slow." Rumble replied.

Scootaloo took a deep breath and proceeded to master her speed. She started going slow for a while then Rumble encouraged her to pick it up. She then started going a little faster and Rumble was impressed. Then he told her to pick it up more. She then entered maximum speeds and ran real fast around the entire forest and was enjoying it. She then slowed down and stopped in front of Rumble.

"Wonderful my dear. Now let's focus on your strength. Now baby I should tell you this. The strength level of vampires in us is not always consistent, and also seems to vary depending on several factors. But typically, we seem to have strength that's supernatural but not ridiculously so; perhaps 2-3 times what a good bodybuilder could manage. Here's a demonstration." Rumble replied.

He went over to a tree stump and using his bare hands he ripped the roots from it and lifted it above his head. He then threw it and punched it so hard it went flying in the air and vanished completely.

"Whoa. Your super strong." Scootaloo smiled.

"Thank you. Now let's see you try it." Rumble said.

Scootaloo nodded and went to another tree stump. If he can lift it then so can she. Scootaloo grabbed the stump and using her strength she ripped it out of the ground and lifted it above her head. She was shock at how strong she was and punched the stump into the air disappearing. Rumble clapped at her effort.

"Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful! Now there's one more thing you must remember about being a vampire. And that's your immortality." Rumble replied.

"Immortality? Meaning I can't die?" Scootaloo asked.

"Technically yes but even vampires have weaknesses. For one they cannot go into direct sunlight as it will cause a horrible sunburn. Never go near holy water cause it will burn like acid and damage our skin. And most importantly stay away from sharp wooden staffs. If anyone has one in their hand then they will try to stab you in the heart and will cause a death." Rumble explained.

"Oh well then I better keep away from any of those things." Scootaloo said.

"Yes and though we have immortality just know that sometimes It will feel like a curse. But take my advice. Don't think it's a curse and think that it's a promise." Rumble advised.

Scootaloo smiled and hugged her boyfriend as he did the same. Then he saw some spirit energy forming into a letter and he grabbed it. He opened it and it said that his brother Prince Thunderlane and his dragon vampire men will arrive soon to pick them up.

"Oh my dear. My brother and his men will be coming soon." Rumble said.

"Then we better head back and and pack up before they get here." Scootaloo replied.

So the two left the forest and headed back to her house to start packing up. Scootaloo's live long dream of living with Rumble was finally becoming a reality.

Author's Note:

He taught her how to master her powers. Good job Rumble. Stay tuned for when they pack up to move in to his kingdom.