• Member Since 11th Feb, 2019
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Lady Umbra

I love writing both Original Fanfictions and Movie Adaptations, I also love all forms of feedback

Comments ( 84 )

I will in fact, stay turned.

Is it me or I'm in the only one that heard Alastor voice in my mind while reading the title?

You have this birds attention

For the next 4 years.

This will be interesting. Oh, and heard that the original Alastor died as not only a radio show host, but also secretly a serial killer. Only to be ironically killed due to being mistaken as a deer, thus the horns. Him having turned into a wendigo demon. Though, I do not know how accurate that is.

First time ive ever seen someone steal from the merchant. Cant wait for more.

Well actually my first fic on this sight, Kung-Fu Equestria. The character had stolen from the merchant and was turned into Tai Lungs. Even possessed him turning him evil.

You made read a displaced story for the full chapter, I haven't read a displaced story in a long time.

Sweet Alistor found his Niffty. Wonder who his Husker is gonna be? Zephyr Breeze maybe?

You keep switching between Charlie 'her' and 'he'. Is there a reason for this?

there was no reason to it. it just happens from time to time and usually I fix it before I upload it. Like when I look at the name Charlie...i typically think of a girls name but this is a male character. so there were times where I wrote Her instead of Him. thanks for pointing that out I have fixed it

Wonder what his goal is? 🤔 I'm guessing he'll get bored after awhile like in hazbin hotel and just leave, then when something interesting happens he'll return.

Very enjoyable read though

As someone who's read their fair share of displaced stories, and even revisits them occasionally, I'll admit I'm pleasantly intrigued, and a tad disappointed. The grammar and wording is stellar, which already puts you quite a few steps past a good chunk of the others (give or take a few missed periods here and there, which are easily excused.)

However, the only part that i have complaints is something I hope will be addressed later on; Despite referring to the protagonist by his name of Charlie, everything he's done has been strictly Alastor. It's early, so again, I assume this will be addressed, and I'll be watching either way as you've still done an excellent job to lead in!

I just want to know something; Even if Charlie does somehow have the large money and bought the cane honestly, instead of stealing it from the Merchant/"Blitzo".

Would he still be "punished" and corrupted to turning into the Radio Demon anyways, and start killing innocent ponies? :duck: :twilightoops:

In this hypothetical alternate scenario; Would he still be himself and remember his name, if he didn't steal it in the first place, and somehow got the money to buy it?

Or is the Merchant/"Blitzo" still a dick and did it to him anyways, despite getting the money?

Really enjoying this story, eagerly awaiting for the next chapter.

"I've never seen anything like this before, Not Even Discord's reign instilled such fear" Princess Luna whispers as she adjusts her crown, her eyes narrowing in determination. "But we cannot let fear dictate our actions. We must find the Radio Demon and put an end to this nightmare."

Well to be fair, Discord doesn't brutally kill.

Yeah, I can clearly see the filly's parents in the afterlife utterly be horrified on the fate worse than death to the now named; "Niffty" by Alastor.


Well, I hate to say it, cuz this will criticize the author's direction. But you're definitely right on the money here with the Displaced/Cosplay MC in here being a literal copy-and-paste Alastor with no originality.

Charlie's eyes narrowed as he took in the two mares before him, his curiosity piqued. He couldn't quite place it, but for some reason he felt like he knew these two, even though he couldn't remember how or where.

"Who might you two lovely ladies be?" he asked charmingly, trying to break the ice.

The taller of the two mares raised her chin proudly and spoke with an air of authority. "I am Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria, and this is my sister Luna."

Charlie couldn't help but notice a look of disdain from the princess towards him. But when he turned to the younger mare, he saw a glint of something else in her eyes - contempt, perhaps? Charlie merely grinned in response as he bowed before the two regal sisters.

"It is a pleasure to be in the presence of such royalty," he said smoothly. "Allow me to introduce myself - I am..."

But suddenly, the Radio demon froze. He tried desperately to recall his name, but all he could hear in his mind was static. Panicking, he stumbled over his words before finally settling on a name that felt right.

"You...may call me Alastor," he said confidently, hoping that it was indeed his true name.

Princess Celestia narrowed her eyes at the figure before her. His introduction had been smooth, but there was something off about him. She could sense it deep within her soul.

"Nope, I feel fine, Charlie," Niffty replied through muffled giggles as she covered her mouth with her hands. "I found out I like the pain~"

"My name isn't Charlie," Alastor reminded her calmly. "I am Alastor."

"Oh, sorry about that," Niffty apologized sheepishly as she stood up. "I'm Starving, what are we going to eat?"

I am also a fellow MLP Displaced "Lover". But even I know that the stories original concepts on many displayed stories, has it's fair share of fatal flaws and needs some criticism.

I mean, the over cliche/trope of erasing the main human character's own memories of his/her own life on earth, forgetting all their family/friends/lovers/children, and even the fore-knowledge of the MLP show and other fictional media. And forcefully give him/her the fictional characters own backstory that their cosplaying as?

What's the point of using Displaced's when you're doing the over cliche "erasing memories of old life on Earth" that gives them no unique differentiation from the original fictional characters that their cosplaying as.

WHEN you can easily just bring in the REAL fictional characters ( Like Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss for example ) onto Equestria in the first place!?

Just put in the real Alastor, and I don't see any much difference?

Because, doing this almost feels like total plagiarism and turning them into literal imposters out of the fictional characters that you cosplaying as, if you ask me?

Nice, very nice yes I like that

Heart Lungs Liver Nerves
Heart Lungs Liver Nerves
Heart Lungs Liver Nerves
Good stuff BTW

In an instant, Luna let out a blood-curdling scream and Celestia turned to see her sister being attacked by a small filly. Niffty, wielding a knife with deadly precision, had climbed onto the Alicorn's back and was relentlessly stabbing at her arm. The sisters' moment of triumph shattered as they fought desperately to protect each other from this unexpected threat.

"Luna!" Celestia's furious cry echoed through the streets as she unleashed a powerful blast of magic at Niffty.

Niffty's eyes widen when the blast hit her squarely in the left eye, causing her to scream and fly backwards into a nearby building.

Fueled by concern for her sister, Celestia rushed to Luna's side and erected a protective barrier around them before using her magic to heal Luna's wounds. But even as she worked to mend her sister's injuries, Celestia could hear the cruel laughter emanating from the building where Niffty now stood.

Niffty emerged from the wreckage, clenching her bleeding eye and cackling maniacally. As she sauntered towards the sisters with a twisted smile on her face, Celestia felt a chill run down her spine.

"Pain~" Niffty purred sadistically, reveling in the agony she had caused. "I like pain~"

Her jagged teeth glistened in the sunlight, evidence of the destruction that had been wrought upon her in return for her actions. But it was clear that Niffty was far from repentant; in fact, she seemed to relish in her own suffering as well as that of others. A shiver ran down Celestia's spine as she realized the true depth of Niffty's malice.

"You're going to regret doing that" Alastor said casing Celestia to turn to him and saw his eyes had turning into what looked like radio dials. "I'm going to give you a rather permanent reminder"

One; Does Celestia have some slight regret that she just literally hurt one of her own "little ponies"!? A filly at that? Sure, Niffty attacked Luna and is now a psychotic minion for Alastor.

But still, she was once a innocent filly now being corrupted to be a blood thirsty minion.

Does Celestia and even Luna still feel slight regret of what happened to the filly in the end? Or for Celestia after what she did to Niffty's eye?

And Two; Displaced Alastor really still does still have a "heart", only for his minion/"friend" that is.

The beam of light crashed into him like a tidal wave, its intensity overwhelming his tendrils and causing them to recoil. The blast blew Alastor's left antler off, the Radio Demon let out a low groan as he crashed to the ground. his eyes now void of any otherworldly glow, as blood dripped from his mouth.

"Is it..." Luna approached her sister with hesitant steps, her eyes trained on the unmoving form of the demon lying before them.

"I believe so" Celestia cautiously moved forward, her movements slow and deliberate as she reached out her hand towards the creature's mouth and nose. "It's not breathing"

A small smile of relief spread across Celestia's face as she turned to look at Luna. "It's dead," she announced, her voice shaking with emotion.

But before anyone could celebrate, Luna's scream pierced the air. "Tia, get away from it!" she yelled, her eyes wide with panic.

Before anyone could react, Celestia felt a sharp pain in her arm as her face was suddenly stained with her own blood and when she turned back to the demon, half her arm was bitten off at the joint. The princess let out a agonizing scream as she fell back, clutching her severed limb in shock and pain. Her vision clouded with rage as she watched the Radio Demon rise from the ground, his lips slick with her blood.

"No... no!" Celestia cried out, lifting her remaining arm towards the monster before putting every ounce of magic into one final attack. "DIE!"

Alastor merely laughed in response, sending one of his deadly tendrils towards the weakened princess. Just as it was about to strike, Luna intervened by erecting a magical barrier to protect her sister.

"We need to go, Tia," she warned urgently as she prepared a teleport spell.

But Celestia refused to retreat. "No!" she protested, pushing her sister away. "I must destroy it, it cannot be allowed to live!"

Alastor only grinned at this as he sent another tendril towards her. But before it could reach her, Luna grabbed hold of Celestia and the two disappeared in a blinding flash of light and a deafening crack, escaping from the deadly clutches of the Radio Demon.

As the Alicorn vanished, the powerful form of Alastor shrank back into his usual size. The Radio Demon hummed a tune to himself, his red eyes flickering with amusement as he walked over to Niffty.

Stupid princesses, this is the Radio Demon that you're dealing with. It can NEVER be that easy to just "kill" him!?

And the fact that it costed Celestia a literal arm! Damn! Will happily alternate the MLP timeline by having Celestia lose a arm, showing every pony citizen in Equestria that she ISN'T the "immoral, and indestructible sun goddess" that they thought.

Maybe this will finally humble them to the harsh reality, and also make them more scared of the Radio Demon. :pinkiecrazy:

Even Gods can bleed.

Although, unless Alicorns somehow have a secret high healing spell, or regeneration ability BS Deus Ex Machina, or even somehow make a prosthetic despite being in medieval times and fantasy setting? Then, Celestia is a permanent one-arm princess now. Sucks for her.

He watched as the little filly diligently pried the damaged eye from her skull, her laughter filling the air despite the pain she must have been feeling.

"Yay!" Niffty cheered triumphantly as she finally managed to remove the damaged eye. "Pain!"

"How are you feeling, my dear?" Alastor asked with genuine concern as he snapped his fingers. "You aren't too roughed up, I hope?"

A few bottles and a roll of bandages materialized in the radio Demon's hands. They began to emit a soft green glow as they levitated towards Niffty, gently treating her wounds.

"Nope, I feel fine, Charlie," Niffty replied through muffled giggles as she covered her mouth with her hands. "I found out I like the pain~"

Geez Niffty. :twilightoops:

Welp, guess this is how she became a "cyclops" now.

This is awesome! I'll definitely be keeping my eye on this story.

I have an idea for you if you're interested. Have Niffty be a relative of Applejack that she was very fond of. Then of course, when AJ realizes who she is. Have her try (and fail miserably) to make Niffty remember who she was.

Lol... his name is Charlie, like the Princess

That would be a good idea if we were not in the era were Nightmare Moon appears

Yeah that little bit of irony was not lost on me

Oops, I missed that part.

One quick question, when Luna is transformed into Nightmare Moon. Will she consider Alastor an ally or a rival?

Damn what a disarming situation. Gotta hand it to Alastor. His Bite does match his bark.

this is a really good story so far cant wait to see where this goes.

Thanks for another awesome chapter!

Let's see if Celestia is still a short tempered tyrant in the present or if a thousand years of guilt eating at her has mellowed her a bit.

Whether Twilight will make a deal!

An awesome chapter! Love that Alistor is the source of Lunas Nightmare form. Wonder if the elements will be able to purge it in a thousand years?

A thousand years can really change a person. Though her hatred of Al is likely to burn even hotter as the years pass.

Sweet, though I do wonder why our resident radio demon waited until modern equestria to make a move

Why does any one do anything?

Sheer absolute boredom

Thanks for another awesome chapter!

So Celestia is hiding the true reason Luna fell from grace. Twilight's reaction when she learns what really happened in the distant past will definitely be good entertainment for Alastor. Also, since Fluttershy is assuming Angel Dust's role. My money is on Rainbow Dash taking on Husk's.

Hello again great chapter love the emotion and drama. You didn't respond any of my messages in your inbox. Probably it was a lot to take in huh sorry for that. But I'm also want to know is Rainbow Dash going to be the husk in this universe.

There....Anothering thing is Twilight's assistant is not just Spike...I've also given her Smolder....I'mma let that sink in for a moment..........Bye

Please, don't even think about getting one of them killed. You KNOW what I mean. I have Amazon Prime and seen both shows of Hazbin Hotel. And Helluva Boss on YouTube.

Anyways, reviewing this chapter and the last one. We all know that technically, it is all Alastor's fault for what happened to Celestia.

BUT, it still doesn't excuse her own sins against the the innocent ponies from both the ancient past and present.

Seeing her quite literally doing the yearly-killing really disgusts me. I hope Karma comes after her ass when Nightmare Moon/Luna finally comes back.

Because personally, I'm on Team Nightmare Moon for now.

P.S. Does Alastor get the rest of the Mane Six? Owning all of them with his deals, and slightly corrupting them to be his band of Harem?

And I have a feeling that unlike the show, Alastor will permanently deal with Spoiled Rich, since he now OWNS Fluttershy, if you catch my drift. :pinkiecrazy:

P.S.S. And do you think that the original Displaced's own mind will eventually show up? Horrified of all the thousands of years of torment that his body have done? Because of the original Alastor personality?

One more thing; does Celestia herself get a brand new prosthetic arm again? And despite the Yearly-killing "Purge".

Does she actually feel real regret for the killings of the innocent, along with being a nasty bitch against poor Luna from the past and present?

Or is she still a delusional bitch, but "simmered down"?

That'd be fun. I was think Applejack. But we'll see. Though Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash singing Loser would be funny

Rainbow says more Cherri Bomb than Husk to me. I'd say Applejack is closer to Husk. In a crime-ridden world like this, I can see AJ becoming a jaded, tired, brutally honest farmer, while Rainbow becomes a bit more rebellious.

Due to not wanting to spill anything in only responding to the party about Celestia's arm. It'll need different. Made of metal instead of wood, it'll have a few new items but the overall design will remain the same

Yeah sorry bout that. I did read it but due to so much I couldn't formulate a response.

Sorry for the long essay. I love your story man gives you the Wonder Man how much can the royal sisters can take the Carnage and chaos. Also thinking why this place was sent there in the first place. Why was Alistair sent this version of Equestria to be the Punisher or to be redeemed. Like maybe some Evil dark force is looming around this Equestria that not even the royal sisters have known or may be the worcestors did something terrible in the past that could have changed the story. That's how your story really is man how would really questions.

With all the chaos, Discord should be free for a long time! and the Tree of Harmony must be separated from Princess Celestia!

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