• Published 25th Jan 2024
  • 251 Views, 5 Comments

Killtrix - AndyHunter

In the year 3500, advanced technology had revolutionized the lives of ponies, introducing an era of unparalleled comfort and ease through the ubiquitous presence of robotic companions known as P102s.

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Chapter 2 - Born To Worship. Birth The Freedom

In the heart of south Manehattan, nestled amidst the bustling cityscape, Luster Dawn's bakery stood as a quaint sanctuary amid the urban chaos. Its modest size hinted at simplicity, a quaint haven that went unnoticed by the hurried denizens of the metropolis. The welcoming aroma of freshly baked bread permeated the air, a delicate scent that, unfortunately, rarely reached the nostrils of eager customers.

The bakery, adorned with traditional decor, retained an old-world charm that echoed the timeless appeal of homey establishments. Yet, interspersed within this nostalgic ambiance were subtle futuristic touches, seamlessly blending the past with the present. A sleek television adorned a corner, an attempt to infuse a dash of contemporary entertainment into the otherwise serene setting. However, the glowing screen found itself mostly neglected, an idle spectator to the quietude that enveloped the space.

The constant hum of Manehattan's ceaseless activity seemed distant within the walls of the bakery. The scarcity of customers created an almost eerie silence, occasionally disrupted by the soft hum of machinery and the rhythmic kneading of dough. Luster Dawn, the proprietor of this solitude, found herself immersed in introspection during these lonely interludes.

As the minutes ticked by, Luster would often gaze out through the bakery's window, observing the ebb and flow of Manehattan's urban symphony. Her phone, a conduit to both connection and mystery, lay close at hoof, its screen a beacon of anticipation. The device, manipulated effortlessly by the magical prowess that defined ponykind, became both a lifeline and a source of perplexity.

In these solitary moments, as the aroma of baked delights lingered in the air, Luster allowed her thoughts to drift towards the recurring dream that had woven itself into the fabric of her nights. The dream, an enigmatic companion, beckoned her to seek answers. Her eyes would flit towards the phone, a portal to potential revelations, as the questions in her mind multiplied, each query a whisper against the tapestry of her thoughts.

"Why aren't you answering my messages?" Luster Dawn muttered sharply within the confines of her own thoughts, her steps carrying her in a restless circuit around the bakery counter. The unspoken reproach resonated with an undercurrent of frustration, echoing the unanswered queries that lingered in the digital void. Each silent moment added weight to the unanswered messages, a silent accusation that hung in the air like an unresolved chord.

The bakery, adorned in the quiet hush of solitude, seemed to amplify the intensity of Luster's internal dialogue. The rhythmic ticking of a clock on the wall underscored the passage of time, each second a palpable reminder of the elusive responses that eluded her grasp.

She cast a discerning glance towards her phone, its screen a dormant canvas that refused to yield the desired information. The device, imbued with the arcane glow of magical manipulation, lay in stoic silence, a testament to the unanswered inquiries that had amassed like unspoken shadows in the corners of her mind.

As Luster continued her restless pacing, the bakery became a vessel for her inner turmoil, an intimate stage where the echoes of her unvoiced frustrations reverberated. The aroma of baking bread, usually a comforting presence, now carried the weight of unspoken expectations, mingling with the charged atmosphere that surrounded her.

The unanswered messages, like echoes in an empty chamber, fueled the tempest of emotions swirling within Luster's thoughts. With each unacknowledged plea, the distance between the tangible reality of the bakery and the intangible realm of her expectations widened, leaving her to navigate the space between reality and anticipation.

Luster Dawn glanced at her phone for the fifth time that day, her eyes tracing over the messages exchanged with Emi.

Luster Dawn:
When a dream feels so real, every day I dream that I am falling into a void, while I look at the sky, then everything turns black, what does this mean?

It means that this is your destiny, you must risk everything if you want to be free.

Luster Dawn:
Who are you? I've never heard of a pony with a name like that.

I can't tell you my name, it's my first time being on a network like this, I don't know if they'll be watching us.

Luster Dawn:
Watching us? Who would be watching us?

Luster's eyes lingered on the glowing screen, the words etched into the digital tapestry like cryptic messages. The recurrent dream of falling had become a haunting enigma, a riddle that echoed through her waking hours.

Emi's responses, shrouded in mystery, added layers to the perplexity. The anonymity of her correspondent raised more questions than answers, casting a veil of uncertainty over their digital exchange.

In the quiet solitude of her bakery, Luster Dawn's mind grappled with the implications of Emi's cryptic counsel. The notion of risking everything for freedom resonated like a distant melody, its full significance veiled in the shadows of the unknown.

As the messages lingered on the screen, Luster felt the weight of unspoken truths and unexplored frontiers. The mere existence of an unseen watcher hovered in the background of her thoughts, a specter that raised the stakes of her quest for understanding. The digital realm, once a source of connection, now harbored secrets that demanded unraveling.

"I wonder what she means about somepony watching us; I really need answers," Luster pondered, her eyes shifting to the right where the city sprawled beyond the window. Yet, the urban panorama appeared undisturbed, devoid of any perceivable signs of intrusion. No eerie shadows lurked, and the hum of Manehattan's activity persisted without a discernible disruption.

As her thoughts danced in the nebulous realms of uncertainty, the familiar chime of the bell heralded the entrance of a regular customer, Suri Polomare, a welcomed friend in the quietude of the bakery.

The door swung open, and Suri stepped in, a figure of familiarity in the midst of Luster's contemplations. The subtle scent of baked goods embraced her as she crossed the threshold, bringing with her the lively spirit of a frequent visitor. Suri's presence offered a grounding contrast to the enigmatic whispers woven into the digital exchanges with Emi.

Luster greeted her friend with a warm smile, the lines of uncertainty momentarily eased by the comfort of a familiar face. The aroma of fresh bread, a perpetual companion in the bakery, mingled with the air as Suri approached, filling the space with a tangible sense of camaraderie.

In the midst of the quietude, the bond between Luster Dawn and Suri Polomare emerged as a testament to the enduring connections that blossomed even in the most unassuming corners of Manehattan.

"How is my favorite baker?" Suri Polomare greeted Luster with a smile, the door's chime still echoing in the quiet bakery.

"Everything the same as always, Suri. I rarely have clients; you are client number four coming today," Luster responded, her flip phone finding a place on the side of the counter as her attention shifted to her friend.

Suri approached the counter, her expression a blend of surprise and subtle disappointment. "Really? During all this time, you still have few customers?" she remarked, her tone tinged with genuine concern for her friend's business. The unspoken weight of expectations hung in the air, a shared hope that Luster's bakery would thrive in the vibrant tapestry of Manehattan's culinary scene.

Luster met Suri's gaze, a mix of appreciation for her friend's genuine interest and a silent acknowledgment of the challenges that colored her entrepreneurial journey. The quietude of the bakery, undisturbed by the bustle of a bustling clientele, seemed to amplify the nuances of their conversation.

"Well, I think it was because of the location; there are other bakeries not far from this street. I had to choose this place because it was closer to my hotel. Remember that I get around using a skateboard, and I don't have enough bits to buy a car. I wouldn't want to spend a lot on buses," Luster explained, a tinge of embarrassment evident as she scratched her head with a hoof.

"We're friends, remember? I can give you some bits if one day you need some extra help. Plus, I could also help you with the bakery business," Suri responded, her enthusiasm permeating her words.

"Really? Thank you, Suri. If the business continued like this, I would have to close it one day," Luster admitted, a small sigh of relief escaping her. The weight of financial worries lifted, if only momentarily, in the presence of a friend willing to extend a helping hoof. The quiet bakery, once a realm of solitude, now bore witness to a subtle exchange of camaraderie and shared burdens, a testament to the resilience of friendship in the face of economic challenges.

"Closing my favorite bakery? That will never happen!" Suri declared, resting her head on one of her front hooves, a gesture that conveyed both confidence and affection.

Luster, reassured by her friend's unwavering support, used her magic to retrieve her flip phone, a small smile gracing her features. "I guess you also came so I can prepare the same order as always. Are you sure you don't want something else?" she inquired, her gaze fixed on Suri.

"No, dear. I want the same order as always, please. I would love to stay and chat, but it will have to be takeaway on this occasion," Suri expressed, a practical acknowledgment of the limitations of time.

"No problem, I'll prepare it for you," Luster responded, her steps carrying her towards the kitchen. The quiet ambiance of the bakery bore witness to the unspoken understanding between the two friends. Suri's regular order, a comforting constant in the ebb and flow of Luster's business, symbolized the endurance of familiarity amidst the uncertainties of Manehattan's dynamic landscape.

As Luster disappeared into the kitchen, the subtle sounds of baking became a rhythmic backdrop to their conversation. The exchange, woven with unspoken gratitude and the assurance of steadfast support, unfolded in the unassuming haven of Luster's bakery.

Luster deftly maneuvered through the bakery's kitchen, her magic orchestrating the dance of ingredients as she prepared Suri's beloved baguette sandwich. The rhythmic clatter of utensils and the gentle hum of the oven formed a backdrop to her culinary endeavor.

"Someday you should meet my aunt; she prepares the best cakes you can imagine," Suri chimed in, finding a seat at a nearby table as she cast a fond gaze toward Luster.

Unfazed, Luster continued her culinary ballet, expertly layering ingredients onto the fresh baguette. Her concentration wavered briefly as she stole glances at the flip phone beside her, hoping for a response from Emi.

"When you taste it, you feel like your soul leaves your body—the perfection of the flavor. They leave you with that inexplicable sensation," Suri continued, her front hooves coming together in animated emphasis as she regaled Luster with tales of her aunt's culinary prowess.

As the baguette sandwich took shape under Luster's skilled hooves, her attention oscillated between the tantalizing creation before her and the digital screen that held the promise of answers. The duality of her focus mirrored the convergence of Suri's narrative and the silent yearning for connection that lingered within Luster's thoughts. The interplay of flavors and emotions unfolded in tandem, creating a subtle symphony in the heart of the unassuming bakery.

"They call my aunt the queen of mystery; she has taught me many things. Thanks to her, I now dedicate myself to making dresses. I think I will visit her the other Wednesday," Suri shared, adjusting her scarf with a touch of nostalgia in her gaze.

As Luster finished preparing the baguette sandwich, she deftly packaged it for Suri. Walking over, she handed the carefully wrapped bundle to her friend.

"Do you think I could visit her one day?" Luster inquired, a hint of curiosity coloring her expression as her mouth opened slightly.

"Of course! It could be Wednesday that I'm going to visit her. Are you free?" Suri responded, her head tilted in a gesture of genuine interest.

"Yes, that day after work I can go. I have no other plans after that," Luster affirmed, the prospect of a Wednesday visit to Suri's aunt igniting a spark of anticipation.

Suri marveled, expressing her enthusiasm, "Great! I have to go now; I have to continue working in my boutique. I'll see you soon, Luster, and thanks for the baguette!" With those words, Suri bid farewell, gracefully making her way toward the exit and venturing back into the vibrant tapestry of Manehattan. Her boutique, situated conveniently across the street, awaited her attention, leaving Luster with the quietude of her bakery and the gentle echoes of a budding friendship.

"I think I'll close the bakery now. I hope she answers me when I get to the hotel," Luster mused inside her mind, a tinge of desperation seeping into her thoughts.

With purposeful movements, Luster proceeded to clean the kitchen, the rhythmic sound of a mop against the floor marking the conclusion of another day. The soft glow of the bakery's lights dimmed one by one as Luster turned them off, casting the space into a tranquil darkness.

Securing her skateboard and flip phone, Luster prepared to leave. The act of locking the door with a key resonated with a sense of finality, a brief yet significant ritual that symbolized the transition from the bustling activity of the day to the solitude of Manehattan's nocturnal embrace. As the door clicked into place, Luster ventured into the quiet streets, carrying with her the echoes of unanswered messages and the anticipation of potential connections. The quiet bakery, now dormant in the city's hushed symphony, awaited the dawn of a new day and the promise it held.

Under the night sky, Luster Dawn navigated the bustling streets of Manehattan on her skateboard. The city, alive with the ceaseless movement of traffic and the rhythmic hoofsteps of pedestrians, painted a vivid tapestry of urban life. The symphony of car horns resonated, asserting its dominance amidst the cacophony of city sounds.

Tall buildings loomed overhead, their structures casting shadows that danced upon the crowded sidewalks. Neon lights from advertisements adorned the facades, creating a kaleidoscope of colors that illuminated the urban landscape.

Luster's gaze darted in every direction, a vigilant scan to ensure no unseen eyes followed her—a cautionary measure in response to Emi's cryptic warnings. Amidst the sea of ponies immersed in the ebb and flow of city life, Luster glided with purpose, a lone figure weaving through the tapestry of Manehattan's vibrant streets.

Arriving at her hotel, Luster dismounted her skateboard with a practiced grace. The entrance, framed by the flickering glow of neon signs, beckoned her into the warmth of the lobby. The scent of familiarity enveloped her as she stepped inside, leaving behind the urban hustle for the tranquility of her temporary refuge. The lobby's ambient light cast a gentle glow upon her surroundings, offering a contrast to the lively chaos she had traversed mere moments ago.

In the lobby's reflective surfaces, Luster saw her own image—capturing a moment in the rhythm of Manehattan's heartbeat. The echoes of unanswered messages lingered, but within the hotel's embrace, she found solace, temporarily shielded from the enigmatic forces that seemed to weave through the fabric of her reality.

As Luster settled into her hotel room, a faint murmur permeated the air—the remnants of a forgotten background noise. The source, her radio, played a snippet of news that briefly disrupted the room's stillness.

"Equestria's famous and best flyer, Lightning Dust, suffered an accident last Thursday, during her race in Cloudsdale. It is said that—" The radio's narrative was abruptly silenced as Luster deftly employed her unicorn magic to switch it off.

A moment of realization crossed Luster's features as she acknowledged the oversight. "How silly of me, I had left the radio on. I think since I contacted Emi, I have been more distracted than usual," she remarked, settling onto the bed. The room, now devoid of external voices, enveloped her in a cocoon of tranquility. Yet, the unintentional intrusion of news about a renowned flyer lingered in her thoughts—a reminder of the multifaceted tapestry that intertwined both her personal concerns and the broader currents of Equestria's happenings.

Luster's hotel, a modest establishment in the heart of Manehattan, exuded an air of simplicity and familiarity. The walls, adorned with family pictures, bore witness to the personal touches that sought to inject warmth into the otherwise nondescript space. Multiple skateboards lay scattered on the floor, an emblem of Luster's chosen mode of transportation and, perhaps, a testament to her individuality.

The room itself, though small, served as a sanctuary for Luster's solitude. A computer, positioned prominently, occupied a significant portion of the space—an electronic companion that often monopolized her attention. In the glow of the screen, she found a refuge, a place where the digital realm provided a semblance of connection in her otherwise solitary existence.

The ambiance within the confines of the hotel room echoed with a palpable sense of singularity and solitude. The muted, gray tones of the walls contributed to an atmosphere that, while not overtly melancholic, hinted at the complexities of navigating the bustling city outside. It was a room that encapsulated the duality of Luster's experience—an intersection of personal introspection, digital engagement, and the subtle undercurrents of urban life.

In the tranquil hush of her hotel room, Luster Dawn reclined on her bed, enveloped by the comforting embrace of solitude. Her magical aura extended to the nearby bedside table, summoning her diary and a writing pen with an effortless grace.

As the blank pages of the diary awaited the imprint of her thoughts, Luster's horn glowed softly, guiding the pen across the paper. "I want to be free," she inscribed, the words etched with a yearning that echoed beyond the confines of the room.

Line after line, she repeated the sentiment, each repetition reinforcing a desire that seemed to transcend the mundane trappings of her daily life. "Something's wrong with this world," she asserted, the inked words a testament to the growing disquiet that had taken residence in her mind.

In the sanctum of her private musings, a whisper of uncertainty permeated the air. "I'd like to tell Suri and Coco about this, but I'm not sure if they'll believe me," Luster pondered silently. The weight of her revelations, veiled in a cloak of mystery, left her grappling with the challenge of translating her experiences into words that others might comprehend.

As the pen glided across the pages, an unspoken tension lingered—an inner conflict between the desire to share her truth and the fear of potential disbelief. The diary, now infused with her unfiltered expressions, bore witness to the intricate dance of thoughts that unfolded in the intimate recesses of Luster's consciousness.

In the cocoon of contemplation, Luster Dawn's mind grappled with the weight of her convictions. "When you know the truth or have a belief that others don't, it's difficult to convince even your friends. But what would I become if I let Suri and Coco live in this supposedly perfect world?" she mused, her internal dialogue etched onto the pages of her diary.

A subtle shift in the room caught her attention—an interplay of red and blue lights reflecting off the left wall. Her curiosity piqued, Luster drew back the curtains, revealing a scene that unfolded outside her window. Multiple police cars lined the street near the hotel, their presence enigmatic and foreboding.

As her gaze lingered on the spectacle, a black car pulled up, disgorging three alicorns clad in matching black suits, black ties, and dark glasses that shielded their emotionless gazes. The stark uniformity of their attire and demeanor added an air of severity to the unfolding situation.

"What's going on?" Luster questioned, her confusion palpable. The absence of any overtly dangerous circumstances heightened her perplexity, leaving her to grapple with the enigma of the authorities' sudden and intense interest in the vicinity.

The gaze of one of the alicorns bore directly into Luster Dawn's eyes, a chilling intensity that sent shivers down her spine. In response, she hastily withdrew from the window, closing the curtain with a trembling hoof.

"The way she looked at me... This can't be about me, can it? I mean, I haven't done anything wrong," Luster uttered, her voice laced with a tremor of fear. The unrelenting scrutiny from the alicorn left her with an unsettling feeling—an unspoken threat that lingered in the air, casting shadows of uncertainty over her already perplexed mind. The fear she experienced was an uninvited guest, whispering ominous possibilities that danced on the edges of her consciousness.

Luster's flip phone abruptly rang, jolting her from the disquieting scene outside her window. Acting on instinct, she rushed to answer the call, her apprehension mounting as she discovered that the caller was none other than Emi—an unexpected twist that intensified her anxiety.

"Hello?" Luster greeted tentatively, her voice betraying the lingering tremors of fear.

"They know, you have to get out of there fast!" Emi's urgent words crackled through the phone, injecting a surge of panic into Luster's already uneasy state.

"What do they know? Were they the ones you were referring to when you said they were watching us?" Luster implored desperately, her movements around the room reflecting the turmoil within.

"There is no time, run away from there!" Emi's urgency cut through the line, leaving Luster with a chilling sense of imminent danger.

Determined not to be ensnared in whatever web of intrigue had been woven around her, Luster snatched up a skateboard, her chosen mode of escape, and swiftly rolled out of her room. The urgency in her movements mirrored the escalating tension, as the unknown threat loomed larger in her consciousness.

The Great Escape

Luster navigated the hotel hallways on her skateboard, the urgent need to escape propelling her forward. Suddenly, she found herself face-to-face with a police officer named Officer Fluffles.

"MPD! Stop right there!" Officer Fluffles commanded, extending her front hooves in an attempt to intercept Luster and dislodge her from the skateboard.

Reacting swiftly, Luster skillfully veered to the right, hugging the wall closely. With her body inclined forward and the skateboard rolling inches away from the wall, she aimed to evade Officer Fluffles's grasp.

In a daring move, Officer Fluffles lunged to apprehend Luster, but the young pony's agile maneuvers caused the officer to miss. The force exerted in the failed attempt nearly sent Officer Fluffles tumbling to the ground. The intensity of the chase unfolded with a palpable tension, each movement reflecting the stakes of the situation.

Racing towards the stairs in a desperate attempt to escape, Luster encountered another obstacle. Agent Cadance, one of the ominous trio, emerged from the elevator, determined to capture her.

In a daring move, Luster improvised a Kickflip, propelling herself into the air by jumping with her skateboard. Executing the maneuver with precision, she soared over Agent Cadance, leaving the agent futilely attempting to apprehend her. The intensity of the chase heightened as Luster continued her evasive maneuvers, each daring trick bringing her closer to potential freedom.

As Luster descended the stairs, she skillfully grinded on the edges with her skateboard. At the bottom, Agent Luna awaited her, calmly stating, "Miss Dawn, we just want to talk to you."

Ignoring Luna's words, Luster continued her escape. Reaching the base of the stairs, she executed an ollie, propelling herself into the air and effortlessly clearing Luna. Luna attempted to seize her in mid-air but failed.

Undeterred, Luster continued skating, heading directly for the hotel window. Her plan was clear: she intended to leap from the window and make a daring jump to the adjacent building. The pursuit grew more intense as Luster raced against time, each move a calculated attempt to outmaneuver the agents hot on her trail.

Luster, gripping the tail of her skateboard with her front hooves, closed her eyes as she leaped out of the window. She kept her eyes shut to shield them from potential glass fragments. Momentarily opening her eyes, she glimpsed the considerable height she was at and the numerous police cars lining the streets below. Uncertain about the nature of the supposed crime she had committed, Luster remained determined not to be apprehended easily.

As she descended towards the other building, Luster repositioned her hooves on the skateboard, successfully landing on the adjacent structure. The escape continued, each move a careful calculation to evade the agents and law enforcement pursuing her.

Luster continued to skate through the hallways, finding herself surrounded by multiple officers and Agents Luna and Cadance. The options for escape were diminishing as they closed in. Luster took a deep breath, scanning for any alternative exits. The tense situation escalated when she heard Agent Luna reloading her IMI Desert Eagle Mark XIX.

In a daring move, Luster turned and sprinted towards the bathroom. Utilizing her skateboard, she shattered the window and, with her unicorn magic, hoisted the skateboard as she skillfully climbed a nearby pipe to reach the safety of the roof.

"I think I'll lose them as I skate across the rooftops," Luster panted, feeling the strain of the intense chase.

Glancing down momentarily, she realized the considerable height and shifted her focus to ascending. The exhaustion of the pursuit weighed heavily on her, and distraction was a luxury she couldn't afford.

Suddenly, her hopes shattered as a voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Would you like me to help you up, Miss Dawn?" Agent Celestia's serious tone resonated, punctuating the dire situation.

Agent Luna and Cadance stood alongside Celestia, their weapons trained on Luster, ready for any sign of magical resistance.

"Miss Dawn, all we want is to talk to you, and we hope to have your cooperation," Agent Celestia asserted, her dark glasses adding an air of formality to her words.

Luster persisted in climbing, maneuvering to reach the rooftop. With one hoof on the edge, then the other, and finally gripping a railing, she continued her ascent.

"We would like to know who Emi is. We have no records about her, and she could be a potential threat, attempting malicious actions. We seek to bring her to justice," Agent Celestia declared, maintaining her deliberate approach toward Luster.

"Those are lies; you won't make me fall for your pretty words. That won't be enough to convince me. If I let myself get caught, who knows what you all would do to me..." Luster said, leaning back, holding onto the railing and looking down.

Agent Celestia maintained her composure and formal tone. "Don't make this more complicated for us, Miss Dawn. You have two paths you must take now."

"Emi, I believe in you," Luster Dawn whispered to herself.

"The first is that you will go to prison for ten years if you refuse to cooperate," Agent Celestia declared.

"Free my mind," Luster said in a lower tone.

"The second, if you cooperate with us, we assure you that we will forget everything that happened, and you will not have to worry about the property damage you caused."

"Free my mind," Luster whispered, lowering the tone of her words even more.

There was a brief moment of silence, accompanied by a small wind that lifted the mane of everypony present.

"Have you made your decision, Miss Dawn?" Agent Celestia asked.

"Yes," Luster Dawn responded with confidence in the decision she had just made.

"Well, which one will it be? Be rational, Miss Dawn," Agent Celestia said, waiting patiently for Luster's response.

"I choose, to be free like a bird." Luster Dawn mentioned these words, letting go of the railing, and as she began to fall, time seemed to slow down for her.

As Luster descended, there was an eerie calmness around her. The only sounds she could perceive were the rushing wind and the gentle flapping of wings, presumably from nearby birds. The decision to embrace the fall seemed to bring an unexpected tranquility to Luster, as if she had found solace in the choice for freedom.

"I knew it wasn't a dream," Luster Dawn said in her mind before her body hit the ground.

As Luster's lifeless form lay on the ground, her hooves extended to the side, a pool of crimson began to spread from her head, staining the once pristine surroundings. The weight of the decision she made echoed in the silence that followed, marking the end of her journey and the beginning of an uncertain aftermath. The scene, tinged with sorrow and finality, left a haunting imprint on the cold, unforgiving pavement.

Agent Celestia shook her head in disappointment. "It's a shame." She turned away with a cold, emotionless demeanor. "Let's leave; there's nothing more we can do here." With a brisk and purposeful stride, Agent Celestia, accompanied by Cadance and Luna, departed from the scene. The distant wails of an ambulance echoed through the air, signaling the aftermath of the tragic choice made by Luster Dawn.

Under the somber veil of relentless rain, a mourning crowd gathered to bid a final farewell to Luster Dawn. The gray sky wept as if mourning along with them. The air was heavy with sorrow and the cold droplets of rain seemed to carry the weight of their grief.

The funeral ceremony unfolded, attended by family members, friends, and those who knew Luster intimately. Suri and Coco, clad in black suits, held black umbrellas as both a shield from the elements and a symbolic gesture of mourning. Their faces reflected the profound sadness that echoed through the hearts of all present.

As the casket descended into the damp earth, the realization of Luster Dawn's eternal sleep settled like a heavy fog. Tears blended with raindrops as those gathered paid their respects to a life cut short. The tombstone, a silent sentinel, bore the inscription: "Luster Dawn, our beloved daughter, rest in peace."

The grieving community clung to one another, finding solace in shared sorrow. The echoes of their sorrow lingered in the air, resonating with the soft patter of raindrops that continued to fall, as if nature itself joined in the collective mourning for a life extinguished too soon.

"Why did she have to leave like this? I can't believe it," Suri expressed, struggling to contain the urge to cry.

"I can't explain it either. I mean, I didn't notice anything strange about her when we spent time together," Coco Pommel replied, her voice laden with sorrow.

"If she didn't say anything to you and me, it must have been something she didn't want us to know, although we'll probably never know what it was," Suri remarked, raising the inner ends of her eyebrows.

"I guess it has to do with her phone. She was in contact with somepony she knew, since she was never separated from her phone," Coco said, lowering her head. The somber atmosphere lingered as they contemplated the mystery surrounding Luster's untimely departure.

"Did you notice it too? I guess it will be a mystery that will live in our minds forever," she sobbed. "And I wanted to help her with her business. It is likely that her virtual life would lead her to make a decision like this." Suri handed her umbrella to Coco so she could hold it.

Coco took the umbrella and covered Suri from the rain, while Suri retrieved a photo from her pocket. It was a picture of her, Coco, and Luster taken outside the bakery on its first day. The three friends were captured together, smiling.

The photo began to get wet, not from the rain, but from the tears of both ponies. The silent rain continued to fall, a melancholic backdrop to the sorrow that enveloped them.

"I'm sure that despite everything that happened, she was a very good pony. I wish we had realized what was happening sooner," Coco Pommel said, while Suri wiped Coco's tears with a handkerchief.

"I wish that too, but it's too late to look back," she paused. "Now she is in another world, I hope she is happy. I wish her the best," Suri said, sobbing. The echoes of their sadness mingled with the sound of raindrops on the umbrella, creating a somber symphony of grief.

To be continued

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