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Chapter 1-The Secret of Friendship Pillar

Deep in the Fallout Forest just outside of Canterlot City, Pinkie Pie, a reporter for Crown Feed was looking for ghosts.

"Okie dokie, folks, I being quiet as I can as I approached Friendship Pillar with my Spook Grabber, which detects and capture ghosts and prevent them from escaping," Pinkie said on her vlog camera. "That's right Crownfeeders, I, Pinkie Pie is going to prove that ghosts are real."

Suddenly her Spook Grabber went off making Pinkie gasped.

"Sweet Cupcakes! A ghost!" Pinkie grinned. "Time to nab that sucker!"

Pinkie treaded carefully as the device beeped louder as she close to the target.

"And... NOW!"

Pinkie fires the net.


Pinkie went over there to see who she caught hoping for a ghost but instead it was a young girl, trapped the in the net.

"Sorry! I thought you were someone else," Pinkie as she pulled the net off of her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked her.

"I'm doing a report for Crown Feed. You?" Pinkie rebuttal.

"I was heading to Friendship but my aunt wanted to spilt, and now I'm lost."

"Friendship Pillar? I was heading over and I brought a map," She pulled it out and look at it. "It's that way."

"I'm Starlight, by the way. My family just moved to Canterlot City and my aunt, Sapphire Twirl who's an archeologist, wants to unearth some history. "

"Pinkie Pie. And this place is loaded with history, you aunt can find a rare jewels."

Moments later, both girls arrive at Friendship Pillar...

"Here we are, see for yourself," Pinkie said.

"No way," Starlight was amazed as six stone totems stood in circle with some science equipment. "Where'd they come from?"

"Nobody knows, not even me."

"Amazing aren't they?" Sapphire Twirl came up. "Could be millions of years old."

"Who could possibly have been around to make them?" Starlight asked.

"Sapphire Twirl," She said shaking Pinkie's hand.

"I'm Pinkie Pie. I'm doing a story for Crown Feed."

"Nice of meet you both," Dr. Twirl said. "Our first day here, and already you made a friend. I like her."

"So, what exactly are you working here?"

"Oh, we are going to try to solve the mystery of Friendship Pillar with the help of my scanning system," Dr. Twirl said. "The scanner is place on top of a drone with the drone it sensors can detect anything even under buried structures."

"So, cool. Maybe some treasure underneath?"

"That's what I'm hoping for. Here we go." Dr. Twirl starts the drone.

The drone takes off into the air as Dr. Twirl send it instructions for it to begin scanning each one of the seven Totems in the circle with each one that was scanned a light color from red, blue, pink, black, green, and gold in that order went off.

"Did you see that?"


"How intriguing."

Just then a deep rumbling shook the ground beneath them, causing the group to gasp.

"Was that an earthquake?" Starlight asked.

"Not sure. We don't get much earthquakes around here," Pinkie said.

"But it felt like one," Starlight replied as the drone landed on the box.

"Very unusual."

"What do you mean?"

"Look at that. Below the totems, there some kind of chamber," Dr. Twirl showed them on her computer.

"Underground? Right here? No way!"

"What's going on here, folks?" asked a ranger walking to them.

"Great. It's Warden Strickler," Pinkie whisper

"Good afternoon, I'm Dr. Sapphire Twirl from the AOA, Association of Archaeology."

"Warden Strickler, and you don't have permission to be out here."

"But I was doing a story..."

"Save Miss Pie, with your ghost theories. All of you trespassing. So, pack it up," said Warden Stricker. "Oh, I'll need you to come back to the park HQ and file a report."

"I'm happy to comply."

"It's this way," He pointed behind.

"Load everything in the car and meet me in town," Dr. Twirl said to Starlight. "We've got all the data we need for now. And don't mention this your dad."

"Sure," Starlight agreed as Dr. Twirl left with the Warden as both her and Pinkie started to load up the gear.

"So, you ticked off the Warden once, huh?"

"Tried 24 times. And some of those were totally harmless traps to trap ghosts. He's not a fan of supernatural stuff."

"I can tell," Starlight said dryly.

Suddenly a sound of thunder was heard and someone in scarlet armor appeared. The two of them hid behind a totem as figure was looking someone with what seemed to be a hand-held metal detector.

Energy source detected. The metal detector went off.

"Under those old statues? Interesting," Said the knight.

He then aimed his sword at the ground, disturbing the soil.

Energy source locked on.

"Excellent." He went down the hole he created. Then Pinkie followed him.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to check it out. You're not scared, are you?"

"Of course not, I've been in plenty of tombs, chambers, all sorts."

Both went into the hole, dirt fell around them until they reached the chamber.


"Look at this place. My aunt will flip her lid."

"My story is going knock the socks off."

Just then a door open causing the two to gasp and hide.

"Where's that energy source?" The knight asked looking for whatever he was looking for. "It must be mine."

As he walked past a door, it opens revealing a small dragon with wings on its back.

"What's this?" asked the knight.

"Oh, crap!" Said the dragon being discovered. "Come on, Twilight. I need you!"

The knight wasted no time as he shot an electric blast from sword at him.

"Tell me, old lizard. The energy source. Where is it hidden?"

"First off, I'm a dragon. And second, I'm not that old!"

Unknown to the knight, Pinkie and Starlight move in closer.

"Don't play games with me. I am Scarlet Knight. And you're no match for my power."

"I'm not, but she is!" said the dragon, going over to the panel to release the person who seem to be a red ranger.

"A Power Ranger? Nice try."

"Oh, no." The dragon gulped.

"Now tell me... Where's the energy source?"

"You have to be specific?"

Starlight looks over to see a set of five swords on the wall.

"Don't you play the fool with me."

Just as Scarlet Knight was to strike, Starlight block with a sword.


"Leave, the dragon, alone," Starlight said as Scarlet Knight caught in Pinkie's net.

"Yeah, no likes a bully."

She fires up her Spook Grabber and electricity surges thorough the net shocking him.

"You'll pay for this!" Scarlet Knight cried out as he fell to ground.

"That won't hold him for long," the dragon pulled a key. "Put this key in the saber and the Horsemen will fight for you."

As soon she tosses it, Scarlet Knight catches it.

"Wrong they're going to fight for me," Scarlet Knight growled as place the key in his saber. "A new toy. I'm going to enjoy this."

He activated it and the Horsemen came on.

"This isn't good," Starlight gulped.

"Horsemen, show me what you got!"

"So, any ideas?" Starlight asked as Horsemen surrounded them.

"Well, I have three years of karate."

"So did I, and eight years of sword play."

"Great, want to take the lead on this."


"Deal with them," Scarlet Knight ordered the Horsemen.

The Horsemen attacked forcing the two to get creative.

"Back off, creeps!" Pinkie knocked over a shelf with two Horsemen falling down.

"Where is it?" Scarlet Knight still kept looking for.

"Sorry, Twilight this thing might be too damaged to wake you up," the dragon said.

"Think fast!" Starlight tossed Pinkie a sword as she knocked two Horsemen down.

"Thanks!" Pinkie knocks one Horsemen down then both of them standing back to back surrounded by the Horsemen. "Talk being stuck in pickle."

"We're going to need a miracle to get of this," Starlight said then both of the girls sabers glowed. Starlight's was blue and Pinkie's was pink. "Uh, you're seeing this right."

"Yeah, it's pretty."

Power surged through their bodies and appearing on their wrists was a morpher.

"Uh, ok."

"They have morphers!" The dragon said walking out the room. "I have seen that since..."

He then reaches into his pocket and takes out two saber keys that matched colors. "Here, take these."

"Thanks," As both of them caught them.

They looked at each other and placed each key into their sabers.

"What's happening?" Starlight asked.

Something appear both their heads. It zaps them with power transforming them.

"Yes!" The dragon cheered.

"What the..." Scarlet Knight couldn't believe it.

"All right... Were Power Rangers! Now you're big trouble now!"

"Tear them apart!"

Starlight bended one Horsemen's weapon against the wall. Pinkie slashed a set of Horsemen down enjoying herself.

"Cool powers, costumes, and nice weapons! What else do get?" '

"We also get Zords."

Starlight did a backflip as she kicks down as Horsemen, then slashed four Horsemen.

With Scarlet Knight, he still was searching until.

Energy Source Detected.

"This has to be it," Scarlet Knight said, as he open which show out of this world objects. "Negacore? Of course that was the energy I detected that I need. You two take the chest!"

Two Horsemen grunted and grabbed the chest out of the wall.

"No! Don't touch that!" the dragon said but they didn't listen. "Why won't you work?"

Soon as he punched it the panel lit up. "Oh, thank Celestia."

Twilight grabs her saber and jumps out of her pod.

"Huh?" Twilight said, seeing the Horsemen come at her but she slashed them down. "Uh, Spike? What's on, here? Why are the Horsemen activated? And who they are?"

"It's a long story which I'll happily explain but the Negacore are being taken!" Spike exclaimed.

"Right," Twilight said as she rush over to stop Scarlet Knight and the two Horsemen from getting away with the container of Negacore. "Where did you steal that armor from?"

"Doesn't matter. It's mine now, just like the Negacore."

"I don't want to sound stupid, but whatever Negacore are, they're bad, right?" Starlight asked.

"Very bad."

"Bad for you. Good for me!"

Twilight and the newest rangers fought against him and the Horsemen, destroying them one by one.

"Too slow," Scarlet Knight dodged a high kick from Twilight.

"I've got lot of tricks. Like this. Magi Saber. Dagger Mode."

Twilight pressed a button making her sword smaller then she throws at Scarlet Knight who flings it back in midair, making Twilight dodge it midair, with the dagger plummets into the container holding the Negacores.


Every single Negacore squelches out of the container, feeling free.

"No, they're free!"

"Oh, this can't be happening!" Spike gulped.

"This isn't over," Scarlet Knight growled as headed out of the chamber not before creating a cave in to keep the other Rangers from following him.

Once he was outside, he sees that the Negacore were unleashed into the world.

"No!" Scarlet Knight screamed until one drooped right next to him and starts to bubble. "Well, hello there and you're already hatching."

The Negacore exploded and in its place was a horse-monster.


"You're going to help get those Negacore back," Scarlet Knight said to the monster.

"Yes, boss." The monster said in southern accent and both of them teleported away.

"Ugh," Twilight groans a bit.

"Well that was wild," Starlight exclaimed as they powered down.

"I'll say, but I still can't believe that were Power Rangers!" Pinkie cheered. "This checks off of me becoming a superhero from bucket list."

Then their morphers transformed into a commlink.


"I'm Twilight. And this my good friend, Spike."

"Nice to meet you."

"I'm Starlight Glimmer.

"And I'm Pinkie Pie."

"Pleasure to meet both of you," Twilight smiled. "Spike, how long was I in the pod?"

"A very long time, like over 300 years."

"300 years?"

"You look in great shape for 300 hundred years," Pinkie said. "So what the deal, with the Negacore, anyway?"

"It's begins, 300 years ago, on the distant plant, Magia. The Negacore were unleashed. They hatched into vicious beasts. I led a group called the Knights of Harmony into battle, fighting to defend our home. We were not strong enough. The Negacore Beasts ravaged my planet , leaving a few survivors. But their for destruction could not satisfied. They left, Magia, hungry for their next target. Planet Earth. But we followed them. determined to eradicate the Negacore. But we each battle, they grow stronger, until they grew giant. Forcing to retreat, It seemed the earth, too would be lost. But just as begin to lose hope, the Harmony Masters arrive. Beings with godlike power, they were here to help. I've stories of Morphin Grid before but I had no idea how strong it was. The Harmony Masters joined us with mythical beasts. An alicorn, a mermaid, a sprite, a wolf, and a minotaur, and a griffin to become The Power Rangers Friendship Fury. With that, they gave our mission, to defend the earth against the Negacore beasts. They also provided us with Zords once they went giant."

"So with the Zords help, you beat the Negacore Beasts?" Starlight asked.

"Yes, but at a cost. We capture them and locked them in the chest. But my friends, the other knight, they were lost."

"Twilight and I tried everything to destroy them but nothing did the trick. All we could do was keep them hidden and guarded," Spike added.

"So, you've been here ever since?"

"Yes, making sure that the Negacore never see the light of the day, until today."

"It's not your fault, Twilight, blame this mess on this Scarlet Knight," Spike exclaimed. "Why would he want with it?"

"Your guess is good as mine, but bottom line is, we need to find them and get them back. They'll hide and hibernate, until one by one, they hatch into Negacore Beast. There dozens and dozen of them, and all they know is destruction. They must be stopped," Twilight said. "Your planet is in grave danger. And we're only ones who can save it. But you'll need some training. Are you ready?"

"Are you kidding, I'm in."

"Just tell us what to do."

Author's Note:

Twilight Sparkle

Starlight Glimmer

Pinkie Pie

Twilight Sparkle (Ranger Form)

Starlight Glimmer (Ranger Form)

Pinkie Pie (Ranger Form)