• Published 21st Jan 2024
  • 2,021 Views, 94 Comments

Counselor In The Forest - RedBlack

A simple Earth Pony finds himself stuck in a part of the forest, unable to leave for some reason. His next move? Let's just try to survive. Also, why am I getting so many visitors? And why am I acting as a life councelor?

  • ...

Second Visitor

*Natural Remedy POV*

After about 18 hours of labor, I finally flattened an area, making it suitable for construction as I decide to rest on a pile of leaves.

I lie down calmly as I look upwards to the biggest tree I've seen in my life.

At the top were weird fruits of an assortment of colors, ranging from an aquatic blue to a fiery red despite coming from the same tree.

The leaves looked normal, but it's probably different since I saw rainbows coming out of it.

After a few days of living here, I realized that I haven't fully explored the area I was trapped in.

So, a simple walk around and I arrived at the center of my prison.

The tree itself was humongous, reaching up so high that I couldn't see the top of it.

The trunk was extremely thick, enough for me to need twenty steps just to go to the other side.

If I build a tree house, this will absolutely be the tree I'm gonna build it on.

I stretch a bit as I get up once again.

"Time to finally build this thing"

I move towards the even-ish planks of wood and the carved logs of wood.

Mentally picturing the design, I start by stacking the logs, making a cube design with one side missing.

Using vines to tie the planks together, I put a roughly shaped flat roof on the walls.

"A new face, in a place like this, it must be fate, to meet you in a crisis?" I hear somepony say as I quickly turn around.

What an odd looking pony?

"Hello?" I greet.

"Greetings to you as well my friend, it is a surprise that you have not fled" she said as she came closer with a slightly shocked expression.

Why does she talk in rhymes?

Her coat was mostly light grey with a heavier grey colored markings and her cutie mark was a grey stylized sun.

She wore a set of golden rings around her neck and her front left leg and two large golden earrings, two saddlebags on her back.

"What makes it a surprise?" I ask.

"I have learned from experience, that ponies are quite racist" she said with a blank face.

I involuntarily give a chuckle as I think about a few fairy tales and stories for foals I remembered.

"Yeah, most will judge things that they're unfamiliar with or have been perceived as something dangerous previously, a threat"

I invite her to sit under the shade inside the new makeshift house.

I'm pretty proud of it.

As we hide away from the sun, she puts down her bags to take out an assortment of unfamiliar objects.

There're some crystals mixed in too.

"May we have a fire started, for I am quite starved"

"It's gonna be hard, I don't have a bonfire yet, I also don't have much ingredients to actually cook something"

"Those are small issues, for I will leave you bemused, as these items of mine, will blow your mind" she said grandly as she brought out more stuff.

I'm pretty sure that the sum of all these can't fit in those bags, but I mostly ignored that thought in favor of eating something different than berries.

She dug a tiny hole and put in some kind of green gem and then slammed it down with a hoofful of powder.

Surprisingly, a pretty decent sized fire rose as it floated right on top of the crystal.

Looking closer, I can see the powder burning, albeit at an extremely slow rate.

"I can see my trick has left you in awe, for it will be hard to forget what you saw" she said while laughing slightly.

Shutting my slack jaw, I just look at the magical fire.

"Wow, I've never seen anything like this" I said, genuinely awestruck.

"What you have seen is potionry, it is in my specialty, it is hard and risky path, so not many pick it's wrath" she explained calmly as she pulled out six large sweet potatoes.

"Hard and risky? Not my cup of tea then" I comment nonchalantly as she wrapped the potatoes in a cloth drenched with a green substance.

"That's quite the contradiction, for I see how you've worked like it's addiction" she said as she handed me a steaming cup of tea that I took.

We haven't even boiled water yet.

She put the wrapped potatoes inside the fire as it floated inside of it.

"Magic sure is convenient" I absentmindedly comment as I watched the floating vegetables.

"As long as you get over the hurdles, you will find that magic can save you quite the troubles" she added cheerily and sat down.

I nod silently as I stare at the warm fire.

It was a weird flame, dancing to nothing as it freely took the shape it wanted.

It gave off the heat you would expect from a normal fire, yet it never seemed to burn what it touched.

"Oh, I didn't think I'd see a zebra here" a voice said as she came to the camp.

"Center Piece, good to see you again" I greet her as I signal her to take a seat.

"It's great to see you too friend, I hope you haven't had too much trouble during my absence"

"Not much"

"So, I don't believe I've met you ma'am" she said and turned to, uh.


We never actually said our names.

"I am known as Zecora, I live amidst this flora"

"I'm Center Piece, great to meet you" she said with a calm smile.

"It is great to meet you as well, and may I have your name as well?" she said as she turned to me.

"Natural Remedy"

With each of us introduced, se calmly sit around the magical campfire that Center Piece doesn't seem to mind at all.

I guess magic fires are quite normal for nobles like her.

"How did you manage to build this thing in a day?" Center suddenly asked me.

"Had a lot of free time" I casually answered, getting a chuckle from both of them.

"Creating a shelter in a day is quite impressive, for laziness can be quite persuasive" Zecora added as she materialised another cup filled with tea and handed it to Center.

"Oh trust me, I know all about that" I say as I sip my tea.

Center let out a relaxed sigh as she drank her tea.

"Something stressing you out lately?" I ask as she looked like she was in heaven.

"Yeah, my job involves paperwork, and with the summer sun celebration coming up, the amount increased ridiculously" she responded with a complaining tone.

"Ah paperwork, I've heard many tales before, such as it being the biggest bore, but to think you would get even more" Zecora added with a pitying look.

"Paperwork, eh, I never really involved myself in it" I comment, getting a surprised look from Center.

"What, how? What about your farm? Surely you had to sign something since your brother left"

"Eh, I think my brother took care of it since I never had to sign anything"

"That sounds to me, suspicious, the intent may be, malicious" Zecora added.


"Welp, nothing I can do about it now" I just casually answer.

"I guess so"

Zecora only nodded for a response.

As comfortable silence enveloped the area, Zecora doused her hooves in a red liquid that she brought out from her bags and started taking out the potatoes.

Dividing it by 2 between us, I stared for a few seconds on how I should do it.

Center just casually peeled the skin off with magic, so I stared at the way Zecora did it.

She caught me staring and smiled before waving a hoof before it.

I confusedly stared at the hoof and back at the potato multiple times, trying to see what she did, then suddenly, the potato skin was gone.

"Whaaaaat?" I silently ask as I stare at her little show.

She just chuckles before throwing it to me.

Although surprised, I still catch before asking if she didn't want to eat it, but stopped when I realized one of my potatoes were gone.

Center seemed to be having the time of her life as she struggled to not laugh.

"Thanks" I just say and take a bite of the sweet potato.

I almost cry from joy at the taste as the memories of random berries and dirty grass fade away.

"I feel like I've taken life for granted till now" I say, earning a round of laughter from them as I continue to eat my potato.

*Celestia POV*

At first I was surprised to see a zebra in Equestria, even more so inside the Everfree of all places.

Though, after thinking it through, the Everfree is a perfect place for those who make potions, like Zecora.

With its abundant natural resources and a reality defying geography which promises even more, it's the best choice for a potioneer.

Then what Natural Remedy said rang out in my head.

He said he's never bothered with paperwork before, yet he's been alone for 20 years.

I should check the records, just to make sure.

"What were your parents name Natural Remedy?"

"Storm Chaser and Green Garden. Why do you ask? Also just call me Remedy, it's so much easier" he replied casually.

"Sure, and, no reason" I lied simply, though Zecora seems to have noticed it.

Thankfully, she didn't do anything, most likely in favor of helping Remedy.

I'll thank her for that.

"On a different note, I wanted to consult you on a different matter" I tell him as he turns to me fully.

"Yeah? What is it?" He asked after taking a sip of his tea.

Pretty sure he finished it about 10 minutes ago.

Zebra magic is always interesting somehow.

"I'm thinking of sending my student to a little town, with a tight knit community, so she could make some friends"

He let out a sound of pondering as he put his hoof to his chin.

Zecora also seemed to think about it.

"I need more details, can she take care of herself? Also she probably shouldn't go alone"

"Mhmm, sending out a young one by herself, could result in a crime by one who dares" Zecora added her thoughts.

"She's an adult mare, so she can take care of herself, and I'm also sending her with her assistant, and the town is quite popular for being a friendly community, so she should, in theory, be fine" I explained.

"Easy on the rant" Remedy said in a joking tone before replying. "Well, I understand that she's a loner, and if the town is famous for being friendly, I don't see much of an issue, though the fact that you're sending her there in the first place tells me that she's either an outcast, or a total bookworm" he finished with a slightly serious tone.

"The latter" I say with a sigh as I remember her reports about missing several parties. "At this point, it was either force her to attend parties, or send her somewhere where she's practically guaranteed to make friends, you know which one I chose" I lament my troubles as he just looks at me.

"Yeah, I see your point, though I wanna ask, do you see her as a friend?"

"What do you mean?"

"How close are you with her?" He asked with an easy smile.

"I, like to say we're close, I've been with her during most of her life"

"What makes you unsure?"

I release a heavy sigh at the question.

"As I've been in most of her life, I've also been teaching most of her life, she puts me on a higher pedestal than herself"

"Ah, difference in authority"

"More or less"

He nodded with a thinking face as Zecora added granite on the fire to keep it going.

"I can't say for sure, but have you ever interacted with her in a friendlier way? Like, not as a teacher, but an actual friend? I think you're close enough to at least TRY it right?" he said with a small smile.

"I guess so" I respond after thinking it through.

Acting like a friend, rather than a mentor.

I do wonder how well that would go.

After leaving a supply of food and drinks, as well as an assortment of tools he could use, I finally return to my castle without my disguise after raising the moon.

"Might I ask why you went missing the second day in a row?" Raven asked me as she held a very pissed off expression, having zero intent on hiding it from me.

"Oh I just, met a friend, and forgot the passage of time"

Ok I also visited Donut Joe for a fresh batch, under my disguise of course.

"You have friends?"

I cough blood as the question pierces straight through me.

The fact that it was a genuine question only made it worse.

"How? What kind of pony would they be to be friends with you? Your social cues are also terrible. Completely outdated."

Every question she asked, it felt like my heart had been skewered once again.

"Let's move on from that topic" I forcefully say as I wipe the blood I coughed from my chin.

She only shrugged and took out her clipboard.

"The scholars you've requested have all agreed to take on the task and will be heading out tomorrow, on the condition that you'll also send guards with them"

Well that's fair.

"Granted, send 5 guards per pony, ask Captain Shining Armor for which ones will go"

She nodded as she wrote down the instructions.

"Do tell Shining Armor to send at least one experienced lieutenant"

"Understood" she said as she stared at me with a slightly nervous look.

"What is it?"

"I'm worried, is it truly wise for you to be facing off against her, alone?"

Oh, this question.

"No, but it is my duty as a sister to receive her when she arrives, so I must do it alone"

She lets out a deep sigh as she debated on her next words.


"Thank you for your understanding" I say as I turn to head to my room.

She follows me as silence descends around us.

"Seriously, what kind of pony did you befriend? They're not imaginary right?" she suddenly asked, almost making me trip.

"I can make friends!" I shout, losing all regality.

"Prove it" she asked with a cold stare as she adjusted her glasses.

"Why should I?" I ask, testing her limits.

"If you do, I'll excuse your tardiness"

"What? I'm the Princess, what tardiness?"

"I'll take away cake privileges if you keep it up" she said as her cold eyes looked at me, causing shivers to run down my spine.

"Fine! I'll prove it!" I yelled, louder than I intended.

She smirked as her eyes took on a challenging tone.

Was she always this terrifying?

I gulped as I thought about my next move.


That could work.

Two candles with one blow.

Wait, wasn't it something about stones?

Whatever, I need to make sure I don't lose cake.

I can never, lose cake.

I am currently sitting at the balcony of my room with Twilight at my side, looking over Canterlot as the moon hung high in the sky.

The stars shined brightly and dimly, creating the mest beautiful artwork for generations upon generations to witness.

We were currently sharing pieces of desserts and tea as I struggled to keep the calm smile on my face.

As beautiful as the sight is, I'd honestly rather die than stay here right now.

After getting started on this 'hang out', I had made, or at least tried, to crack a joke or two, but the scene of Twilight's face visibly crumbling upon itself made me want to kill myself, or atleast knock myself out for long enough for her to forget what I said.

The joke was about a rock and a tree that I still remember from my foalhood, though the only reason it was popular was because of how bad it was.

Looking back on it, that was absolutely an idiotic move.

My smile was strained as Twilight tried, very hard, to recover from the joke she tried to at least fake laugh.

Please don't.

That's only making it worse.

By the stars, Twilight, please learn social cues.

*Thud, thud*

There was knocking on the door as a guard came in with a report.

"Your highness, Prince Blueblood has requested to meet you"

"Yes thank you very much Twilight let's end it for today I'll see you later goodnight" I successfully said with a strained smile in 2 seconds at worst as I practically ran out of the room.

It seems, I've let my age affect my own social cues as well.

Author's Note:


The hardest part about this chapter was Zecora, seriously.:facehoof:

For someone who never really payed much attention to rhyming and such, this was a challenge.

Especially since I'm on mobile.:raritydespair:

The texts from Celestia's perspective always felt like a break, and the later bits were easily the easier parts.:trollestia:

Seriously, whenever I had to make Zecora speak, my mind just stopped and I felt like I was going on a personal quest for the true me or something.:trixieshiftright:

Anyways, thank you all so much for the support you showed on the first chapter, I really appreciate it.:heart:

Maybe it's because I'm still new to writing :derpytongue2: