• Published 27th Jan 2024
  • 491 Views, 7 Comments

Spike on The road - Rcmc

Spike He is finally 18 years old and decides to celebrate by proposing to the girl of his dreams, Rarity in a big way, but his plan falls apart when Rarity tells him a few simple words: Sorry, I have a boyfriend.

  • ...

The proof

Spike woke up from his dream dressed in hospital clothes and a cast covering his left arm. “What the…” Suddenly, Spike remembered what had happened a few days ago. Embarrassed, he covered his face and lay down.

*I got out of control again*. When Spike recovered, he saw a note at the foot of his bed and he curiously took it. * I even mentioned Rarity What a shame*.

*He asked me if I was worried about me*

“Hey, Spike, you got beat up, didn’t you?” A tall, burly man with brown hair entered the room, but what caught the most attention was his lush and elegant mustache. “Tell your uncle what happened.”

“I’m sorry you have to come to see me. I’m sure you were very busy.” Spike smiled nervously as he tried to hide the letter as best as possible. *He’s Scorpan. We don’t share blood, but he has taken care of me since I was little*.

Scorpan slowly approached Spike’s bed with a big smile. “Spike, tell me who did this to you.”

Spike tried not to look into his eyes, but in the end, he had to give him an answer. “I had a motorcycle accident, you know. I’m pretty stupid, haha.”

Spike and Scorpan chatted a little, sharing laughter and stories, they hadn't seen each other in at least 6 months after all.

Scorpan gave him a friendly smile and then began to leave the room. “You better rest".

“Yeah, okay, Scorp.” Spike took out the note again quickly. “If you want revenge, come to this address.”

“I hope it’s not too far away.” Spike began to dress in the change of clothes that Scorpan had brought him.

“I have to do it.” Spike had a determined look on his face, ready to leave, until he saw a pair of muscular men right outside his door. “And this?”

“Spike, you idiot. You thought I would let you go unpunished.” Spike’s ex-boss pushed him with a cocky smile on his face. “Dad told me to let it go, that you’re not worth it. But I wanted to at least teach you a lesson.”

“Hey, I’m sorry for what I did to you. I didn’t have a good day, but you know you deserved it too.” Spike tried to fix things, but one of the thugs started holding him tightly, hurting him. “Look, I have something to do, but if you want a fight, then I will give you a fight. But not here. Let’s go outside.”

Spike pointed to the parking lot of the place, and everyone agreed. It didn’t take long until Spike got on his guard.

“Hitting someone who has just left the hospital is unethical for me.” Spike’s boss took off his shoe, showing his stinky foot. “Since I found out you were here, I haven’t washed my feet until now.”

That’s disgusting. I’ve been here for three days, haven’t I? He hasn’t washed them for three days. Spike sighed and began to slowly approach his boss. I guess I owe him that, at least. I did break his nose.

“And so as not to have hard feelings, what do you think if you later introduce me to that girl who rejected you last time, "I know he would date anyone with some money like me,"

Once nearby, Spike began to stomp on his former boss’s foot several times .

“Like I’m going to lick your stinky foot, this is too much for revenge.” Spike spat out the words as he dodged the kick aimed at his face. One of the bullies grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up, only to get a knee in the balls.

“Uuugh!” The guy fell to his knees, clutching his groin. Meanwhile, his partner sneaked behind Spike and wrapped his arms around his neck, trying to choke him.

“Hey, nothing personal, but I met a guy stronger than you recently.” Spike said, elbowing him in the ribs. He easily freed himself from the grip and returned to his ready position.

Spike began to hit him repeatedly with his free arm, landing punches on his face and chest.

“You damn…” The bully lunged at him, trying to tackle him to the ground.

Well, I learned a lot of things from my last fight. Jumping in without thinking is a bad idea. Spike thought, as he sidestepped and grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his back.

“Do you give up?" To the surprise of his boss Spike quickly finished off the thugs even with his arm in a cast.

*I still have it, without a doubt I'm better at fighting sober* Spike slowly approached his former boss with an evil smile.

“Come on, Spike, we can talk about it reasonably, can’t we?” The stinky feet tried to back away, but it was too late.

Hours later, both the thugs and their boss were found with their own socks in their mouths.

*Spike: 1, ex-boss: 0*

After their small altercation, Spike finally arrived at the address of those who had left him like this.

This place is huge The place was one huge, shiny building. It was sure to hurt someone’s eyes if they looked directly at it, Spike thought.

“It’s now or never.” Spike came in, ready to receive any attack. But he was surprised to see a common office.

“Excuse me,” Spike took the note out of his pocket. “I’m looking for someone named Big Mac, Soaring, and Shining Armor.”

Hearing the last name, all the people set their sights on him, cornering him against a wall.

*I knew something like this was going to happen*. Spike felt a hand on his shoulder, instantly recognizing him by his strength.

“I’ll take it from here, guys.” Big Mac quickly pushed the crowd away with his order. “I’m glad you came, Spike.

""I guess you're big Mac." Spike tried to measure himself up to Mac but was disappointed to find out that he was extremely small. *damn giant you beat me again*

Mac chatted with Spike for a while while showing him the facilities of the place.

*We're here, here's the boss's office, who asked me to leave you the letter." Mac opened the door slowly. We're here, here's the boss's office, who asked me to leave you the letter." Mac opened the door slowly The atmosphere of the place changed quickly, everyone started working again and even Mac was a little nervous.

*How tough must the boss be for everyone to act like this?*

The imposing image in Spike’s head faded when he saw the shining armor boss sitting on a small chair playing tea party with his daughter.

I take back what I said. Upon realizing that they had entered, Shining Armor stood up to receive them.

“Hello, Mac, and this guest must be Spike, right? My name is Shining Armor, and this is my daughter, Flurry Heart.” Shining offered his hand to Spike, and he did the same.

“A pleasure.” Even though it was a normal squeeze, Spike could feel that if he did something wrong, he would rip his hand off.

“I, Mr. Shining,” Spike felt a small tug on his pants, and when he looked at Shining’s daughter, she offered him a cup of tea.

“I’m sorry, little one, but I’m not…” Spike couldn’t finish his sentence as he felt an incredible bloodlust coming from Shining Armor.

Before he knew it, everyone in the room was playing tea party. How did we end up like this?

“Then tell me, Spike, I understand that today you came to take revenge on my boys, didn’t you?” Shining took a small sip of his tea while Spike swallowed.

“I’m actually here to apologize, sir.” This surprised Shining a little, but Mac smiled placidly. “I made quite a scene and even attacked your employees, so I had to apologize.”

Spike bowed 180 degrees in a perfect posture of apology. “I’m so sorry.” Flurry Heart laughed at Spike’s actions, earning a smile from Shining Armor too.

“Haha, Spike, get up. That wasn’t necessary. Come on.” Shining Armor got up from his chair and started walking towards his desk.

“Big Mac said he had a feeling about you, and this boy has never let me down with his instincts.” Shining began to search through his papers while Spike looked at the apple in confusion.

“I don’t think I understand, sir.” Without much explanation, Shining Armor put a blade in front of him.

“You passed the test. Anyone who makes Flurry laugh can’t be a bad person.” Shining began to take a lollipop out of his pocket. “We need people like you, Spike. Tell me, do you want to join this company?”

“Me? But, sir, you barely know me.” Spike lowered his head with some shame. “Besides, I’m no one special. You know, I could get better employees. After all, the only thing I know how to do is fight.”

"That's why I'll test you." Shining opened the door, revealing the Soarin figure.

"You? You came for revenge?" Soarin threw himself at Spike, but was quickly stopped by Big Mac.

"Calm down a little, Soarin. You don't want to hurt your partner, do you?"

Soarin stood with his mouth open as he looked at Big Mac. "This has to be a joke."

"By the way, he'll be on your team tonight, so take him. You'll have to put him to the test."

Soarin saw Spike offering his hand kindly. "This is going to be a long night. Come here again." Soarin grabbed Spike by his clothes and started dragging him out.

* Finally got a job without help from Scorpan*. Spike smiled happily as he was dragged out of the facility.

Author's Note:

Hey, how about this chapter? It took me a little more than I thought to finish it.

Hope you like :twilightsmile: