• Published 16th Jan 2024
  • 453 Views, 11 Comments

A second chance. - The Gilded fox

  • ...

Wake Up

I don't recall much since I've been here, in this vat. I of course remember me telling mom that I wanted to help Daddy save monsters.. I wanted to be a hero for the underground. She struck me with a needle and then I.. they said I had "Fallen Down." Which is, because of course it is, one hundred percent fatal.

Miss Alphys was gonna try and run some experiments on me but.. she stopped herself. Come to think of it I don't remember seeing the other monsters who've fallen down come back from that elevator.

I could have sworn I saw someone, it wasn't a monster that's for sure, but they walked past the doors to the room I'm in. Was it a..

I woke up again, floating in the white liquid of the vat. I think they Alphys ran a few more tests on me to try and fix me but.. I don't think anything worked, I saw her crying just outside the room..

I thought I was seeing things, a soul was floating in front of me. Was this Alphys' doing? No I haven't seen her in a while after the ground started shaking.

I couldn't help but watch it smash through the glass and phase into my chest. I honestly thought I was going to die.

I laid there, on the ground gasping for air after removing the oxygen mask.


I'm not dead.

I did lay there for what felt like an eternity before finally struggling to stand up, out of curiosity I held out my hand to view my soul, and gasped at what I saw.

It was my soul, surrounded by that glowing yellow soul from before, in perfect harmony. Is this.. what Dad was hoping for?

I couldn't waste any time, I had to get home, to see Mom! Gods I bet she's worried sick! But first I gotta find some cl-


I, embarrassingly, squeaked out of fear and wrapped my arms around my body to cover myself as I looked for the sound of the voice.

"Down here silly!"

My gaze turned to a yellow flower, smiling oh so innocently up at me.

"You must be pretty confused as to what's going on, well first of lets start of with some good news! Your alive! Also the barriers down, pretty convenient huh?"

What? The barrier is down? Is that what that rumbling was...?

"Ya know you should put some clothes on, here, I.. found these.. they might be a tad big on you but they'll do."

A vine lifted up what looked like some cowboy clothes, I would slowly put them on and fit the yellow bandana around my neck, the whole outfit even came with a peashooter which I holstered.

"There we go! No more naked fox girl! Now, how about we get down to business, huh? After all it's been some time since you've been gone Best Friend."

*Huh? I.. don't even kn-

"Oh! You don't. But that silly soul in you does.. how long has it been Clover?"

*But my name is-

*What? Who-

"Oh no no no, there will be none of that." Thick vines shot out, around me, trapping me with the flower before i myself was wrapped in the flowers vines.

"Ya see, after that lil brat gave.. what I can only easily describe as the other me, their soul, saving them from dusting again, the underground is gonna get empty, and I can't exactly harvest souls in the over world with ease. So.. here's what's gonna happen. Me and you? We're going somewhere else. Where? I don't rightly care. But it'll be really.. really fun. I'm gonna be using the last of my power from when I was a God so you should be greatful you little shit."

Before I knew it my vision was filled with a bright light before there was darkness.
When I woke up, I was in some sort of forest.

*What.. happened..
**He's not here.. good.. don't trust that flower.
*Who are yo- no, [Where] are you?!
**Relax, I'm inside you.
** ... Okay could have worded that better, my name is clover, I'm the human soul within you. Ya know.. the one who saved your life? That's my clothes by the by.
*Oh.. I..
**Relax, I sacrificed myself so that monsters could be free.. this was admittedly after me and your mom faught.
*You what?!
**It's a long story! Listen we, well, you should probably find a way out of this forest.

I couldn't argue with that, no telling what's lurking within these woods. And so I just sorta picked a direction and walked.

And walked.

And walked.

*Why do I get the feeling that I've been going in circles..

"Perhapse maybe because you have, young vixen."

I yelped and leaped away from the new voice, only to spot a tall zebra lady carrying a burlap bag over her shoulder. "Calm down I don't bite, I do know the way out of the everfree, but i must say you do look hungry."

*...Maybe I am but I'm not exactly gonna follow a random stranger to their house all willy nilly.

"Understandable, you'd be wise not to trust most that reside in the forest, but please I only wish to help. You aren't the first I've guided through these woods."

I wasn't sure if I could trust the woman.. then again I didn't really have a choice. I hesitantly followed her through the thick forest. She carried some kind of.. mystical energy with her, it didn't feel negative by any means but it was certainly strange.

I occasionally caught her looking back, seeing if I was still following her. Either that or she was making sure nothing was following us. I did hear some growls some time ago now that I think about it.

"Don't fret, we are nearly there. I'll cook up a nice pot of hot soup and then you can rest before we make our journey out of the woods."

[Knowing you have a second chance at life gives you sense of JUSTICE]

Author's Note:

This is a teaser for another story I have cooked up in my head, how is flowey still existing? Well.. wouldn't you like to know.

Comments ( 11 )
Comment posted by DisplacedWriter deleted January 19th

what the actual f Asriel.

Asriel is only really mentioned, he has not made an appearance.

Asriel and Flowey are the same godddam person so yes I know what i meant and said.

detected soul similar to Reborn!Asriel Dreamer and [REDACTED]
Requesting Monitoring Access...Granted
This will be a cool story

Woah chill, if you go back and read the chapter you'd see thay I wrote a lil something that insinuated that Asriel and Flowey were now seperate entitys.

[Knowing you have a second chance at life gives you sense of JUSTICE]

seeing the start of a new journey fills you with PERSISTENCE
hp restored

So after watching undertale yellow now
I see exactly who this is

Btw any updates on the story?

Glad its not dead yet
And this is why you have a folder for not tracking but waiting for updates!

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