• Published 19th Feb 2024
  • 407 Views, 20 Comments

By the Will of the Council - Captain Neckbeard

Sent to Equestria by their tribe, Celestia and Luna have to uncover their kin's most sacred artifact. During the mission however, Luna starts to realize there might be more important things to find than a mere artifact.

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Intermission: The Vision

Many centuries before the Equestrian Unification...

Magikhan Arcana looked outside towards the east from the council chamber, through the great columns holding up the domed roof. The weather was cool and slightly overcast, testament to the oceanic climate the alicorns created for the island. Her silver mane gently flowed upon a nonexistent wind, with the occasional sparkle popping all over its surface.

Suddenly, one side of the chamber's double doors opened, and an alicorn with a sand colored mane entered. He walked up to Arcana, and greeted her with a nod.

"Master Guardian Erasmus, finally you're awake. Tell me, did you see anything?"

Erasmus, who indeed just woke up from a several weeks long meditation session, blinked slowly, and fixed his gaze on Arcana.

"I did. I had a vision, involving the future of our tribe."

"Interesting." she raised an eyebrow "Continue."

"I saw a being, bearing the mark of magic, having control over the Teardrops of Creation. And this being stood before us, the whole tribe, judging us."

Arcana's mouth was left open a bit, hearing that. She looked down at her own flank, at her own mark, a six-pointed star. She looked back at Erasmus. She began, with a little wonder filling her voice.

"So you're saying you saw me in your vision, wielding our sacred artifact?"

"I did not say that." Erasmus answered, shaking his head once "The vision was blurry, non-specific even. But I saw the mark clearly, which was yes, the same as yours."

"So that being was me, then. Who else could it be? Only I bear that mark. And who else could have the potential to wield such a godly artifact, the very aspect of our creator?"

Erasmus didn't react immediately. He looked outside for a second, then back at Arcana.

"I only want to say surely what I am sure about, Arcana. But I surmise that yes, by all accounts, the being in the vision should be you."

Arcana's cold expression was tinted by a subtle smile. Her cat-like pupils gave off a predatory glint. Turning her head a bit sideways, she spoke again.

"And the Teardrops: how did they look like in your vision? What should we search for, if we ever figure out their location?"

"It was" began Erasmus, taking a deep breath "strange. It was all just a blur, a great blur of colors, each and every color at once. I did not see a shape, nor could I count how many "Teardrops" there were."

"A pity you didn't see more... But tell me, what did I say in your vision? What was my judgement?"

"I couldn't hear words. But the whole tribe stood around the wielder, heads bowed. that's why I said "judgement"."

"So that's the extent of it, but there was me. Very interesting." Arcana slowly nodded.

Erasmus let out a barely audible sigh. He began a slow pace, and answered:

"Master Guardian Arcana, please. Do not misinterpret this vision. Until there are no more specifics, I wouldn't take it for granted that you are destined to find or wield the artifact. Although it is indeed most possible; in visions, there are always many variables. When you look into the great beyond, into Caelum, where the past, present AND the future interject, one must always consider all the possible meanings of what can be seen. My vision was vague, they mostly are. But you know that too, so why so excited?"

"Master Guardian Erasmus, I'm slowly growing tired of this existence. You know there is only one final step for us, and that lies with the Teardrops of Creation. And so, we must find them."

Arcana shook her head, and lowered it in disappointment. Erasmus stopped his pacing, and stepped closer.

"I understand you, but I advise patience. You shall not be hasty, or that could ruin everything. We literally have all the time in the world. A few more centuries matter little."

Arcana did not answer. She looked up, towards Erasmus, but at the same time, stared right through him. The latter talked again.

"Perhaps you should meditate on this yourself. You didn't look into the beyond for such a long time. Maybe you could see something I didn't."

Arcana finally focused back on her fellow alicorn, and said:

"I will do so, Guardian Erasmus. If the Creator wills it, I will figure out the secrets of the Teardrops, and I can finally deliver our tribe."