• Published 9th Jan 2024
  • 581 Views, 15 Comments

Knight, Rook and Princess - Communist_Egor

Flash Sentry asks Shining Armor to transfer to the guards of Canterlot Castle. The guard wants to discuss an important issue with her. What unexpected consequences will this lead to? And what does Cozy Glow have to do with it?

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New game

The sun's rays infiltrated the room of the young pegasus. At first, she sweetly stretched in the soft bed. But then Cozy remembered where she was, and immediately threw the blanket and pillow on the floor.

"Grogar damn it all! Twilight really thought of everything this time: windows, doors, and even the walls are protected by a magical spell. No sharp corners or objects that can be used as weapons. Guards are everywhere outside. They might as well have sent me straight to Tartarus," Cozy muttered as she glanced at the discarded pillow.

"Well, sleeping on a real bed is nice. Okay, I better not anger Twilight unnecessarily. Maybe if I behave well, they'll let me into the royal garden, and there, more opportunities," Cozy said, lifting the pillow and blanket, and neatly making the bed.

"Although, what are my chances? The guards are like tin soldiers: no swearing, no crying, no pleas for help attract their attention. They don't let maids near me; they themselves bring food indifferently. Simulating illness is useless – instead of a doctor, Twilight will come. There's no chance of recruiting anyone. Whether it's a cell in Tartarus or a room in the palace, the outcome is the same – escape is impossible right now.

The only hope lies in external allies. They must eventually convince Twilight to meet me, right? Then I can play on their sympathy. I won't even lie: I'm really being held captive, and I have no plans for revenge. After the interview, I'll have more freedom, more contacts, more sympathetic ponies, and strong public pressure. Relaxing the security, even to the point of being transferred to a shelter for troublemakers. It's possible to escape from there. But why bother if they'll be searching for me both in Equestria and beyond its borders? It's better to gain the trust of the naive public with exemplary behavior. And upon reaching adulthood, they'll grant me freedom.

Afterwards, I'll start writing my memoirs not only about the cruel punishments of the princesses, but also about how the Elements of Harmony abandoned me. Being the victim will allow me to win the sympathy of all the ponies. And when everyone turns their backs on the main six, it won't be hard to stage a coup and finally become Empress of Friendship! " Cozy dreamt as she opened the door, bringing her back to reality.

"Miss Glow, your breakfast!"

Cozy was surprised that the guard spoke to her.

"Are you allowed to speak to me?" the pegasus asked the guard.

"Of course. Although words are your weapon, I'm not afraid they'll strike me."

"And you're wrong!" thought Cozy. But smiling, she said aloud,

"Oh, thank you, mister..." Cozy tried to find out the pegasus' name.

"Lieutenant Flash Sentry at your service!" replied the guard, even bowing, shocking the mare.

"Flash, I really appreciate your work! I'm sorry you have to guard me because of cowardly ponies. But rest assured, I won't cause you any trouble!" promised Cozy to the guard and sat at the table, already set with breakfast.

"I believe you, miss! A smart filly like you won't do anything foolish."

Cozy's eyes widened in surprise. Despite all her villainy, the royal guard just complimented her? The pegasus couldn't believe her luck. The last time she heard praise was a year ago when she was still studying at the School of Friendship under the guise of a cute and innocent filly.

"Thank you, sir!" Cozy smiled sincerely. "Everyone around fears my brilliance, but I had given up hope that someone would acknowledge it out loud. Let's be friends?"

"Not so fast, miss! You'll have to convince me that you want to be friends for real, not for personal gain."

Cozy sighed,

"Yes, you're right. It's dangerous to trust me. But I don't even plan to escape. What's the point if the whole world will be looking for me?"

"In any case, friendship must be earned. But I'm willing to give you a chance. Anyway, miss, we've digressed: your breakfast is getting cold."

"Oh! Thanks for the reminder, sir!" the pegasus thanked the guard and began to eat.

"You can resist, but you're already on my hook, guard. The key is to manipulate carefully. And then he won't even notice how he becomes my pawn!" Cozy anticipated her first success.

Half an hour later, the mare finished her breakfast. The guard was about to leave with the dirty dishes, but the pegasus distracted him.

"Sir, I'm so bored! I'm not a little filly; I'm not interested in plush toys and children's tales. Could you bring me some scientific books? Please!" Cozy looked at the guard with the most innocent eyes in the world.

"Alright, miss!" The guard bowed and left the room.

"Hooray! How fortunate I am that Flash is not a tin soldier, obediently following the princess's orders. It's much easier to manipulate sympathetic ponies. Beware, Twilight: your guard is already my friend! And then, who knows, the whole country might be on my side!" Cozy dreamed, awaiting the arrival of the guard.


The door to the room opened again.

"Your book, miss!" Flash give a thick volume to the Pegasus.

"Excellent!" the mare joyfully grabbed the book but then looked puzzled at the guard. "Is this a chess textbook?"

"Yes, miss! I noticed that your cutie mark is a rook. And I thought you might be interested in chess."

"Well, I do like chess. But it's just a game! "

" Is it much more interesting to control live ponies? "The pegasus asked, glancing at Cozy.

The filly shyly looked away and remained silent.

Then Flash took a chessboard from his saddlebag and started setting up the pieces.

"At what level do you play chess?"

"I'm a pro at this game! Although the shelter didn't have a chess textbook, I had enough time to practice. Besides, my talent is also related to developing strategies: even without a textbook, I can see all your plans. You stand no chance against me!" Cozy proudly declared.

"Are you so sure of your victory, miss? Well then, let's start the game! I'll even let you play as white," the guard said, taking the black pieces.

"You'll regret it!" replied Cozy and sat across from the guard. The game began!

[Note: Queen (Q) – mage, King (Kg) – princess. The notations are as follows: colon (:) for capturing a piece, + for check, X for checkmate. The games are based on a video and follow the first two games: https://dzen.ru/video/watch/617a8535f30bcd66b6225fb6]

1. e2–e4...e7–e5

2. Ng1–f3...Ng8–f6

"You're not defending the pawn?" Cozy exclaimed.

"No," replied Flash.

"That's foolish," and the Pegasus took it, unsuspecting.

3. Nf3:e5...Nb8–c6

"Why did you move the knight? I'll just double your pawns!" Cozy couldn't understand her opponent's tactics.

"That's my strategy," calmly replied the Pegasus.

"If you want to lose, go ahead!" said the mare, and the game continued.

4. Ne5:c6...d7:c6

5. Nb1–c3...Bf6–c5

6. Bf1–e2...h7–h5

"You moved the rook's pawn? You're giving up the initiative!" Cozy commented on the guard's move, but Flash remained silent.

7. 0–0...Nf6–g4

8. h2–h3...Qd8–d4

"You're already attacking my princess? It's hopeless!" the mare glanced at the Pegasus, but he was focused on the game. Cozy realized her words didn't bother her opponent. And, staying silent, she decided to concentrate on the game.

9. Be2:g4...h5:g4

10. d2–d3...g4:h3

11. Bc1–e3...Qd4–d6

12. Qd1–f3...h3:g2

13. Qf3:g2...Bc8–h3

Cozy began to worry. Flash launched a serious attack on the Pegasus princess, and she couldn't prevent it. "Why does his silly strategy work?! I can't lose!" panicked the mare, but she still didn't give up, defending with all her might.

14. Qg2–g5...Bh3–g4

15. Be3–f4...Bg4–f3

Cozy was about to take Flash's mage but suddenly noticed an attack on her own princess.

"Checkmate in three moves," Flash announced. "Surrender, Cozy!"

"Never!" replied the Pegasus and decided to defend with all her might. But the outcome of the game was already predetermined.

16. Qg5–g2...Qd6–g6

17. Bf4–g3...Qg6:g3

18. Qg2:g3...Rh8:h1X

"Checkmate! Stanford Gambit allowed me to develop my pieces, and your careless play brought your defeat closer," explained the guard.

"You just got lucky! And besides, I haven't played in a long time! Let's play again!" demanded the mare.

"Please! I'll even let you play as white again."

Cozy didn't reply. "This time I'll definitely win! I, the princess's conqueror, can't lose to some guard!" the mare motivated herself.

The pieces were set up on the board again. This time, Cozy decided to fully concentrate on the game. "You think I don't know anything about chess theory? I'll show you the Princess's Gambit!" And a new game began.

1. e2–e4...e7–e5

2. f2–f4...d7–d5

3. e4:d5...e5–e4

4. d2–d3...Ng8–f6

5. Nb2–c3...Bf6–b4

6. Bc1–d2...e4:d3

7. Bf1:d3...0-0

8. Qd1–f3...Rf8–e8

9. Ng1–e2...Bc8–g4

10. Qf3–g3...Bg4:e2

11. Nc3:e2...Bb4:d2+

12. Ke1:d2...Qd8:d5

13. Ne2–c3...Qd5–d4

14. Ra1–e1...Nb8–c6

15. Re1:e8...Ra8:e8

16. Rh1–e1...Re8:e1

17. Kd2:e1...Qd4–b4

18. Qg3–h3...g7–g6

19. Qh3–c8+...Kg8–g7

20. Qc8:c7...Qb4:b2

21. Nc3–b5...Qb2–c1+

22. Ke1–e2...Nf6–g4

23. Ke2–f3...h7–h5

24. Kf3–e4...Qc1–e3+

25. Ke4–d5...Qe3–e6+

26. Kd5–c5...b7–b6+

27. Qc7:b6...a7:a6+

28. Kc5:b6...Nc6–e7+

"Alright, I surrender!" Cozy saw that her position was hopeless. She had already lost the mage and was tired of constantly protecting her princess from check. Winning against an experienced player like Flash in her situation was impossible.

"How did you defeat me this time?"

"I stuck to Albert's counter-gambit. But the game was even until you gave me the initiative, opting for the second rook exchange. An unsuccessful counterattack and a mistaken move with the knight allowed me to attack your princess, bring her onto my half of the board, and win the mage."

"Did I lose again? And not to princesses, but to some guard in a strategic game? Maybe he's not a guard at all but a chess grandmaster invited by Twilight to humiliate me?" The mare suspiciously looked at the guard.

"Is your cutie mark by any chance a chess piece?" Cozy asked, pointing her hoof at the part of Flash's armor covering his flank.

"No, I have no special talents related to chess or strategy development," Flash removed the back part of his armor and showed the cutie mark – a blue shield with a yellow lightning bolt in the center.

"Chess is more like my hobby. But studying the theory of chess strategies and regular practice allow me to play at a master level."

The mare sadly lowered her head and closed her eyes.

"Again, I suffered defeat twice, even though I initiated the attack first. Is this my fate – to lose?" Cozy wanted to cry, but the proud mare held back her tears.

"Don't be upset, miss! You played excellently for your age! You closely followed the game and defended well. In the second game, you could have won if I hadn't noticed the move of your archmage, Qg3–h3, threatening to checkmate my princess in combination with the bishop," the guard praised the Pegasus.

"I still lost!" Cozy replied sadly.

Then Flash approached the little mare and hugged her.

"Cozy, I see that you're as talented in chess as you are in manipulation. If you take chess seriously and study the theory, I'm sure you'll become a grandmaster."

"Really?" the Pegasus asked sincerely, looking at the guard with big eyes.

"Yes! Being a villain is not your destiny," Flash replied.

Cozy started to cry.

"Why are you so kind to me? I'm a terrible pony, I betrayed all my friends, princesses, and all of Equestria! I conspired with dangerous and horrible villains! And almost killed the heroes of Equestria, embodying the Elements of Harmony! Why don't you hate me?" the crying mare asked.

Flash stroked the Pegasus's mane.

"Because you're not a villain; you're a little hurt girl. You need protection and care. I come from a shelter myself and know that life there is not rosy. I know how hard it is to live without a family. Neither princesses nor Twilight can understand our pain. And I can understand why you became so cruel."

" Flash, how did you become a Guard? Were you adopted? " Cozy asked, calming down a little.

" No. One day I saw some bullies hurting a girl in the junior group. I stood up for her and beat the hell out of them. That's how I got my cutie mark and decided to dedicate my life to protecting others. "

The filly sighed.

"And I had to teach those thugs in a different way. Instead of being a victim, I joined their side. Through lies and setups, I destroyed their group from within. And now, the thugs are bullying each other. That's when I got my cutie mark and believed that manipulation can defeat anyone. My talent is hardly related to chess," Cozy confessed sadly.

"That's not true!" the Pegasus argued. "You probably had to develop a whole strategy to win. Building plans is your talent. And chess is an excellent application for it. No one will say a word if you sacrifice all your pieces to win the game. You can also use your manipulation skills to try to unsettle your opponent: the trick you tried in the first game. If your bragging is accompanied by a dangerous attack, the opponent may start to worry and make mistakes."

"Golly! You're right! Chess is what I need!" the mare imagined herself defeating Starlight, Bearded Star Swirl, and even Twilight Sparkle herself. Then everyone would see that she is the smartest pony in the world, worthy of ruling Equestria.

"Thank you, Flash! I will study all the strategies, and next time, I will definitely defeat you!" Cozy promised the guard, smiling cheerfully.

"And I look forward to our next game, miss!" The Pegasus extended his hoof to the mare. Cozy was surprised but immediately joyfully bumped it with hers. With a sense of duty fulfilled, Flash returned to his post, while the mare opened her chess textbook.