• Published 7th Jan 2024
  • 1,552 Views, 60 Comments

Sweet Button Mash - David Silver

Who knew that reading those books on advanced pony robotics would have such a quick turnaround? He'd sacrificed everything! Weeks of videogames! Weeks of new movies! Weeks of comics! All of it, worth every moment for his new creation.

  • ...

8 - Coming Clean

Button woke to a weight pressing on him. That weight had hooves, and was hugging him. "Um?" It was cuddling him, was more accurate, but it was a metal snuggle. "Um…"

Sweetiebot nuzzled at the confused colt's cheek, then slid free to her haunches. "Good morning!"

"Good… morning?" Button slid upright, peering at his creation curiously. "Why did you do that?"

"I wanted your day to start well." She nodded firmly. "Hugs are known to improve both mood and biological processes. Did you enjoy it?"

Button waved a hoof at Sweetiebot. "Ask first! Um… Aside that… You aren't bad at hugging, I guess." He rubbed behind his head with a hoof awkwardly. "No hugs around mom, ever. Ever. Got it?"

"Parameter accepted. Are hugs of mom acceptable?"

Button blinked. "Um, ask her first. If she's okay with it… I guess that's okay?"

“Button dear, is Sweetiebot in your room with you?” The voice of said mom rang out through the house, carrying a gentle but firm undertone. “You better have that door open if I come up there.”

“Yes, ma’am!” Button’s voice broke a little, and he quickly whispered to Sweetiebot. “Quick get off the bed, before she comes up here!”

Sweetiebot blinked at Button then called downstairs cheerily. "Affirmative Ms.Heart! I was just wishing Button good morning before relocating downstairs for optimal social spacing!"

True to her word she lightly hopped off the bed, straightening the slightly rumpled bedspread before skipping to the doorway where she stood beaming innocently.

A few moments later Cream Heart poked her head up to check on the pair, eyes narrowing. But nothing seemed amiss beyond her eccentric son yawning and stretching as the ever polite bot filly waited patiently by.

"Well! Sounds like everypony had a good recharge." Cream smiled bemusedly. Coming fully onto the landing she addressed Sweetiebot. "I've got breakfast going if you'd like to come help set the table dear."

Sweetiebot nodded eagerly. "I would be happy to assist!" As she moved to follow Cream back down though, the mare held up a hoof.

"Ah ah! House rules still apply missy." She winked playfully. "Might want to freshen up a bit before joining civil company."

Sweetiebot blinked then glanced down - her mane was rumpled and hoof brushed from snuggling so aggressively. "Oh! Of course." Giggling sheepishly she quickly smoothed herself pristine again with a few swift swipes. "I shall apply grooming subroutines before leaving private spaces going forward. Thank you for the reminder!"

With another approving glance Cream smiled fully. "Such a good girl! I can see why Button just adores your company." She chuckled indulgently. "Now come along and give me a hoof."

As bot happily trotted after mother down the stairs, Cream added slyly "And while we work perhaps you can regale me with tales of my poor boy's romantic escapades around town..." Button yelped indignantly from his room but Sweetie had already begun happily recounting his gallant video gaming valor! Soon dreamy legends of alien blasting and code cracking mixed with kitchen clatter aroma wafting upstairs.

"Is this what you wanted to hear?" Button hopped up to the table, joining the others. "What games I'm playing?"

Cream rolled her eyes. "No, but she seems so happy telling me about it." She patted Sweetiebot gently. "Who am I to argue about it? Good to hear you're playing good games, at least."

Sweetiebot's eyes flashed with text. "Am I providing incorrect data?"

Cream shook her head at Sweetiebot. "You're just fine. Now, Button, you need to get to school." She drew Sweetiebot closer. "And you're not taking her along. She doesn't need class. She'll help me."

“I am happy to be of assistance!” Sweetiebot chirped happily.

As Button walked down the cheerful streets of Ponyville, a gentle breeze spun his beanie-propeller. Suddenly, he was accosted by a gray, winged missile, his head firmly locked into optimal noogie positioning. “Wassup, Mashup?” Rumble cheerfully proclaimed as he generously applied noogies to his friend's head. “Where’s Botsy?”

“Rumble! Cut it out!” Button protested while flailing for freedom. "Mom didn't let me take her to school."

"Ugh, moms." He released Button with a shove, knocking him away. "They're like that. Oh well, guess school isn't allowed to be fun, as usual."

"Tell me about it." Forgetting the discomfort instantly, Button trotted along with Rumble towards education. "Wonder what she'll get up to while I'm gone…"

Sweetiebot moved the heavy shelving unit three inches precisely to the left. "Is this the desired location?"

Cream clapped at the little automaton's strength. "Exactly. You are such a helpful little thing."

Sweetiebot’s tail swished happily at the validation. "Thank you! My strength regulation circuitry allows for highly controlled telekinesis use." With a faint *whir* the stout metal plating along her back opened partially, articulated arms folding out to lift the next piece of furniture.

"Multi-axis limb actuators plus stabilizing gyroscopes afford extensive load tolerance in a compact chassis!" Moving slowly around the room, Sweetiebot neatly reorganized cabinets, chairs and decor according to Cream Heart's layout plans. Within a few minutes the living room and kitchen sported a fresh, tidy arrangement with plenty of space for guests or games.

Sweetiebot carefully retracted her manipulator arms, covering panels sliding smoothly back into place once her work was complete. She beamed proudly at Cream. "Task accomplished! Please advise if any further adjustments are required."

The lone mother couldn't help an impressed head shake at the helpful creation. "My word! No need dear, you arranged everything perfectly." She chuckled. "First time I'll actually enjoy having company over if it stays this orderly." Affectionately patting the robot, she nodded toward the hall closet. "Now, for an extra challenge - think you can hang some new art pieces on the walls? I know you'll handle them gently..."

Eager at the responsibility, Sweetiebot tromped over to retrieve carefully levitated framed photos and paintings. "New home decoration deployment commencing!" Selecting a lovely floral piece first, she analyzed the wall dimensions and available stud points. "Optimal mounting location determined! Adjustable screw grippers installed..." Sticking out an adroit tongue in focus, Sweetiebot extruded a pair of delicate manipulators from each front hoof, affixing and aligning the hanging hardware with care. Soon the first picture was perfectly placed and secured.

"Steven Magnet would be most satisfied with this composition!" Sweetie declared admiringly. She blinked at a befuddled Cream Heart. "Query: do you require definition clarification of the textual reference?"

The mare shook her head bemusedly. "I'm alright dear, you just keep at it!" She watched the cheerful bot select the next piece and trot over scanning more wall real estate. My word! Beneath that cute exterior hid frightening levels of versatile engineering! Button's bizarre passion had yielded astounding fruit. Shaking her head with a wry smirk, Cream left her to the tagging and rejoined her own cleaning regimen. What an odd, but charming, family hers was becoming.

“Hey Button, hey Rumble!” A familiar trio of fillies were waiting to meet them at the school yard.

Button Mash moved into somewhat rushed trot, stopping just in front of Sweetie Belle, before suddenly blushing fiercely. “Uh… hi Sweetie, we sure had a wild weekend, huh?”

“Hiya, girls.” Rumble swaggered up with a broad grin. “Back to old Monday grind, am I right?”

“Whatever.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes at the pegasus colt. “So I take it your mom said no taking Botsy to school?”

“Yeah.” Button rubbed the back of his head shyly. “Mom’s got all kinda weird rules about Sweetiebot.”

“Granny Smith’s the same way whenever Tender Taps comes over. All of sudden I gotta leave all the doors open… ugh…” Applebloom nodded sagely.

“”Yeah, Rarity has the same rule for Scootaloo.” Sweetie glanced sidelong at her orange friend.

“Geez!” Scootaloo rolled her eyes with a scowl. “It was just one magazine, that one time! I thought it was about cutie marks!”

Button inclined his head. "While I'm kinda curious… We should get inside." He pointed to class.

Sweetie grabbed him, one arm over his withers. "There's no hurry! The education will be there for us even if we just talk a little."

Button's cheeks darkened at the close contact with the filly. "Sure!"

Rumble snorted and looked away, leaving Button to deal with his own issues. "See you inside."

Button realized he was rapidly being left alone with Sweetie. "Is this when you punch me or throw me in the trash?"

Sweetie suddenly shoved him. "Why would I do that? Am I that kinda pony?!"


"Then I won't be doing that." She rolled her eyes as a smile returned. "I've been thinking… A colt builds something that fancy, looking like a specific other pony… That's a message. And there's really only a few ways I can take it."

Each word made Button tense a little harder, imagining what terrible response was coming next. "Yeah?"

"One:" She raised a hoof. "I can pretend nothing happened. No. Two:" She raised the other hoof. "I can fall wildly in love." She said it in a lovey-dovey sort of way. "Also not happening. Three." She had no more hooves, so she put them down. "I could get angry, but I don't feel angry…"

Button let out a loud exhale at that news. "Glad to hear that… So what are you feeling?"

Sweetie Belle blushed, glancing sidelong at Button through her mane shyly. "...I'm flattered," she finally admitted, scraping the dirt. "I mean, a super genius gadget inventor puts all THAT effort into making me? Er, mostly-me super bot? Just to be his friend?" She managed a wavering but warm smile over at him.

"That's one of the nicest gifts ever! Even if her hugs can probably crush a house." Sweetie giggled at his flustered expression of relief. "I still don't really get exactly WHY you picked me honestly...but I know in your weird inventor way this was trying hard at something nice!" She leaned over, sincerely meeting his gaze. "So thank you for that, Button Mash."

She scooted a tiny bit closer, brushing shoulders and flashing extra eyesparkles his way. "And thank you for wanting my company enough to hunt down enough parts to build a whole pony for it! Even if maybe ask next time before making a fake me eh?" Sweetie playfully elbowed him...though she did not actually move away again, seeming content to linger at gentle foal-friend closeness.

"B-but yes! I like spending time with you too! Bot or otherwise...you're pretty great Button." She smiled radiantly over at him, face gently coloring. "Now what do ya say we get inside before class starts without us, and you can tell me about whatever awesome upgrades you'll give Sweetiebot next!" Laughing brightly she stood, offering him a congenial hoof up. "C'mon super genius!" She charged into the schoolhouse, not giving him time to ask further questions.

“Not so fast!” A grey, spectacled filly called out defiantly.

“Oh, hi Silver, hi Diamond!” Sweetie cheerfully waved at her former bullies.

“Don’t you ‘hi Silver’ me!” Silver Spoon snapped angrily.

Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes with a long suffering sigh. “Can we please not do this…”

Sweetie blinked at the two fillies, confusion growing. "Did you need something?"

"I need a lot of things." Silver prodded Sweetie in the chest. "But first! How dare you get a boyfriend before I do! Not fair! Not even a little fair. I even went through the trouble of making a robot of my own, and here you are, making moves before I can!"

Sweetie Belle blinked slowly at Silver Spoon in bewilderment. "Uhhh...." Her expression morphed to vaguely disturbed suspicion as the grey filly's fury amplified over...everypony having relationship milestones before her?

"I....think you're a little confused, first off. Buttons and I aren't 'a thing!'" She blushed but pushed on firmly. "And making your own robot of anypony to force a date would be...real weird?" Button coughed awkwardly, uncomfortably wedged against the locked schoolhouse door as Silver ranted directly into Sweetie's face mere inches away.

Diamond strode over, firmly tucking her fuming friend against her side flank in a secure hug. "C'mon Silver....let's all take a nice deeeep breath hmm?" She shot the nervous Button and Sweetie an apologetic look.

"Sorry everypony...Silver gets a liiittle worked up over certain stuff." The silvery filly growled something unintelligible, prompting Diamond to squeeze her closer, crooning gently. "I knooow sweetie...we'll find you a very nice colt who appreciates your, ahem, enthusiasm?" Shooting the pair a sly wink she steered Silver firmly away toward the classroom.

"Why don't I introduce you to Pipe Down? I hear he collects stickers..." Silver looked utterly aghast at the suggestion but let herself get tugged inside, hissing violent sticker-related threats under her breath. Diamond just rolled her eyes affectionately. "That's the spirit!" With a breezy laugh she disappeared within, Silver in reluctant tow.

Letting out an explosive breath, Sweetie slowly turned back to an equally bewildered Button, managing an awkward grin. "...Well THAT was a thing! Sorry bout getting all up in your space over it." She scuffed the dirt, not making eye contact. The morning bell chose that instant to blare out, causing both young ponies to yelp in surprise.

Sweetie squeaked, seizing his hoof in her own. "C'mon, let's get to class already!" With that she yanked him stumbling alongside into school, putting the odd interlude firmly out of mind. She had FAR better uses of brainspace for their lessons! Like contemplating a certain somepony's brilliant inventiveness...the warmth of his hoof in hers made focusing a smidge difficult however. Oh well! She'd manage...humming happily Sweetie swung their joined limbs playfully. Maybe old Silver sorta had a point about moving things along though...

Author's Note:

The shenanigans only grow! Boundaries shift around her lively actors.

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