• Published 7th Jan 2024
  • 422 Views, 3 Comments

A Little Change - David Silver

A small but brave explorer wanders where he should not. The monster he faces doesn't threaten to devour him, but it feels just as bad. Are his people really so... This just can't be.

  • ...

1 - Breezing By

Seabreeze flitted gently. He wasn't powering through the air, that wasn't how breezies worked. He let the current carry them where he wanted to go, and did his best to aim. "Ah, a fine place this is being." He bumped into Twilight's door and felt over it with tiny hooves. "Friend of Fluttershy, reveal your secrets! They are telling me you are great master of magics, yes?"

The door was huge, at least for Seabreeze. "Hmm..."

Seabreeze hovered back slightly, his luminescent antennae pulsing softly as he gazed up at the immense door. "Such largeness this building has. We Breezies are not made for the heavy walkings and reachings like you ponies."

He flitted around the door frame, brushing his hoof against the grain of the crystal. "But lively this place feels, full of the magic tingle-ings. Seabreeze wonders what wondrous things are kept within."

The little Breezie bounced gently in the air currents, an eager smile on his face. "If luck will have it, the pony Twilight would invited me in for visities and snack eating! Oh, so many new sights I might be seeing today." His wings shimmered with building excitement at the possibility of exploring a pony home so different from his own small-made world.

He applied a hoof to his forehead. "I am being silly thoughts. Enter as I always do." He let the wind carry him around the outside of the tower, gently bumping as he searched. Each window proved closed, a dozen, then two of them. But he keept searching. "You will not hide the wonderings from me!" he called out, not that he was very loud.

"Should I have asked the shy of flutters?" He frowned with that thought, and didn't even notice as he fell in through an open bathroom window, suddenly inside Twilight's castle.

Seabreeze tumbled through the open window, his wings fluttering to regain control. He caught an updraft and straightened himself, antennae glowing brightly with excitement.

"Oh my! Inside I am now, the pony home!" He gazed around eagerly at the expansive bathroom, taking in the strange sights - the towering sink, the bizarre porcelain tub, the oddly-textured tiles lining the walls.

"Such interesting contraptionings! What funny devices you giant ponies are needing for simple cleanlinesses," he murmured aloud. He floated over and landed delicately on the rim of the tub. Peering over the curved edge, the tub seemed a vast crater or canyon to his tiny Breezie eyes.

Seabreeze chuckled. "Invite me in the Fluttershy did not have to! I am now the visitor guest all the same." He rubbed his hooves together gleefully then fluttered his wings to lift off in search of more wondrous rooms and their secrets to uncover. Where might the magic pony Twilight be, he wondered?

Deciding the bathing tub, though wonderous and vast, would not lead him to answers, he took up and headed inside. The breeze was quieter the farther he went from the window. He had to put in more and more work of his own instead of relying on the soft gusts to carry him along. "How unkind! Why do the ponies not have winds inside?"

But he felt a mild breeze, barely anything.

Fortunately, barely anything was quite a bit when one asked a breezie! He headed downstairs, down and down several floors until he vanished into the basement. That room was built quite differently. It had a strange mirror taking up the majority of its space. The wind was coming from it, beckoning Seabreeze towards it. "Finally..."

Seabreeze drifted towards the expansive mirror, captivated by the soft breeze emanating from its glassy surface. As he drew closer, he saw the mirror did not reflect the basement room, but instead opened onto a strange, unfamiliar landscape.

"Ooh, a magic portal this is!" He glided through eagerly. But upon emerging on the other side, his eager smile turned to a shocked gape. For instead of revealing new secrets, this world looked much the same - gigantic buildings, massive trees, huge human creatures lumbering about.

Seabreeze's antennae flickered in dismay. "What nonsense! No difference I see here. The same ignored tiny speck I am to these tall folk." He waved his hooves frantically at passing people. "Hello giants! Seabreeze I am, magic Breezie of pony world! Why will you not magnificent me notice?!"

But the humans strode on oblivious, threatening to trample him underfoot. Seabreeze zipped aside, frowning. "No respect for small folk either world gives. Hrmph!" He fluttered higher, hoping perhaps a bird's eye view might reveal finer delights unseen from below. But paddle as he might, the giant human world refused to yield up its hidden charms.

He couldn't accept that. He looked around instead, finding a picure of Twilight, but in a very curious state. It was Twilight as a human. It was Spike, but as a dog? "How fascinating... Everything is changing, yes..." He clapped his hooves with increasing wonder. "What will I become?! Something vast and wonderful, yes."

Seabreeze zoomed over to inspect the images closer, antennae flickering in fascination. "Look at this! No pony she now, but a fleshy tall thing like giants here. And her dragon now furry four-legs instead of wings and scales."

He peered curiously at his own tiny Breezie body. "Hmm, if different forms you take in this realm, what then might I become?" His wings hummed faster in building excitement.

"A bird perhaps! To soar most high and far. Or maybe a fairy human for the true magics. Yes, powers most wondrous would I have then! None here could overlooking me anymore." He swept out his front hooves as if casting imaginary spells upon the heedless people below.

"Well, one way for to know. I go through and see what Breezie to creature this portal can make. Then giant among giants I shall be! None will ignore mighty Seabreeze ever again!" Buoyed by the thought, he zipped through the portal, reality iself bending and warping around him as he gained a new form to fit that new world.

He hit the ground on two palms and folded legs. "What is this being?" He raised a hand, gawking at it. "I am huge!" But also... "I am small..." He was larger than he had been, by quite a few degrees. But he was the smallest human there. He was some curious human child. "This... This cannot be! I am the smallest of them! No! I refuse to be accepting this!"

Seabreeze sprang up on his two wobbly human legs, waving his strange new arms in irritation. This body towered over his original Breezie form, yet still left him dwarfed by the high schoolers milling about.

"Look at me! I am walking on two sticks and have bendy snatchy things on hands now. So oddfeeling..." He grimaced down at his pink skin and weird flat face. "And what is this flat weirdness instead of my handsome Breezie snout?!"

In dismay, he grabbed at his back. "My wings...where did they go?! How do I fly and flutter now?" He hopped up and down as if trying to take off, but only succeeded in toppling over with a loud "Oof!"

A hand came down on his head. "Stop right there." Sunset drew the confused breezie closer. "Twilight needs to lock that better."

"You are understanding me. Good. All the others are ignoring me!" He waved irritatedly at the other highschoolers, rushing to other business. "So impolite."

"Yeah, that happens." Sunset chuckled at that, imagining the times she'd run into such frication. "Look, are you upset because whole new world or something else? Be honest." She ruffled his small head. "You are kinda cute."

Seabreeze scowled at her. "Even in another world, we are small and nothing! What am I? Just something forgotten? I get enough..." He took a shaking breath. "I am getting enough... of that in Equestria... It's not fair..."

Seabreeze blinked back angry tears, his frustration melting into sadness at this familiar feeling of being overlooked. He scuffed one shoe against the sidewalk. His antannae would drop, if he had any. The lack didn't help.

"Wanting to be special I was, magnificent like the ponies think they are. But still the same little nothing Breezie I stay, even when world itself changes." His shoulders slumped in disappointment.

But then Sunset's kind words registered, her show of noticing and caring for him in this indifferent place. Seabreeze peered up, a tiny spark returning to his eyes.

"You see me though, and called me...cute? Not many are seeing Breezies as such, when seeing us at all." He managed a small smile. "So maybe good can come, even for little me. New world or old, if kind folk like you are here."

He took Sunset's hand, marveling at the oddness of five separate digits. "Help me more this place to understand? Then bigger on inside at least I can grow, with new knowings..."

"Kid, you are not something to ignore." Sunset rose to her feet, walking with one hand in Seabreeze's, even if she had to lean herself to keep that working. "You are a Hawaain child."

"What it this?" Seabreeze hurried to her side, following along with more curiosity. "Is this a good thing?"

"Not good, not bad." Sunset gave a hearty 'eh'. "One of the rarest kinds of humans around, but also in a terrible position It's... not good for them, overall."

Seabreeze jogged along beside the towering Sunset, stumbling a bit on his still-unfamiliar human legs but keeping up through sheer curiosity. "Hawaiian? Is like breezie...rare folk but with hard lives?"

He looked down at his now-brown skin and black hair, so different from his radiant blue coat and fluttering wings. "We live on one small island too, my folk. Little place for little ponies, heh. But proud we are, and try to be kind, even when big ponies take little notice."

Looking back up at Sunset, his eyes shone with new admiration for this unexpected guardian. "You notice though. Help sad Hawaiian human, make his insides bigger even if outside stays little. Teach me more?"

As they walked on towards Sunset's house. "I'm happy to teach you all about that, but first." She raised a finger. "I need to tell Twilight what happened. You have to get back. But before that..." She plucked him up. Seabreeze was light enough as a small child to just carry along. "You are getting the idea. You both have a very hard time, but they were nice people. They still are! They don't get the respect they deserve."

Seabreeze folded his arms. "How easily they forget to think of the little people... Um, so, this?" He waved over himself. "A good thing?"

"Sure." Sunset ruffled the top of Seabreeze. "In the end, they're humans, like the other humans. And you're a creature, like the other creatures. You deserve a break."

Seabreeze settled comfortably into Sunset's gentle grasp, smiling as the height granted him a breezie's eye view of the whole bustling human world for the first time.

"Ooh, from up here I can be seeing so much better!" He eagerly drank in the expanded sights.

When Sunset affirmed he deserved a break just like any other creature, Seabreeze smiled, looking less tense for at least a moment. "Breaks are good...we Breezies know, with all our fluttering about so much! We are at the mercy of the wind!" He pantomimed his tiny wings.

"And you right - Hawaiians and Breezies both should have more respect! Just because we are small, does not mean we cannot have big hearts, share great joy and sadness like other creatures."

He beamed up at his new mentor. "So I will back go, with head high and proud. To help my fellow small folk beings seen more fully. And when return someday here, more learning and exploring I will do!" He stretched out his arms exuberantly at the myriad sights still awaiting discovery in this world. The future for once looked bright through little Seabreeze's eyes.

Sunset chuckled at that. "Just to be sure, you will go back to a breezie."

"Aw." He snapped his fingers, an action that required a few tries to get right. "It is being fine. I will get better words for breezies."

Author's Note:

I heard about a contest and figured I'd try. This is what came to my mind.

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Comments ( 3 )

Fortunately, barely anything was quite a bit when one asked a breezie! He headed downstairs, down and down several floors until he vanished into the basement. That room was built quite differently. It had a strange mirror taking up the majority of its space. The window was coming from it, beckoning Seabreeze towards it. "Finally..."

Should be
The wind was

Awesome story.

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