• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2024
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Cynical Page

Our words flow from deeper parts of us. They'll speak louder than anything else, especially when no one will listen.


After a nightmarish magical error, a small group of university students sent to Equestria for a study are now unable to return home. Permanently. Companionship with one another had never become more important for them.

Well, minus one. His name was Joey Belfort. Nothing quite remarkable or unremarkable about him on the surface, which unfortunately often leads to being overlooked. Constantly forgotten, overshadowed by his peers. Sometimes the road to success is a treacherous and painful one.

Of course, he of all people already knows this. This is his story.

(Takes place in G4 after Twilight becomes a princess.)

Edit: Featured on day 2 of release! Holy cow! Thank you guys!

Double edit: featured again!! That's craaazy

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 265 )
Comment posted by Cynical Page deleted January 3rd

You've got me hooked and I'm already looking forward to seeing what happens next.

Poor Joey man, dude can’t catch a break.


I'm now invested, can't wait to see what you cook up.

Poor dude really can't get a break in life can he? I do hope things will turn around for him.

OK this looks amazing

He's gotta be cursed or something right

Thanks for the chapter

All i can say about Joey so far is, ouch, it's just one thing after the other with the poor man, but that's also what makes him a interesting character, i am really looking foward for comming chapters to see what will happen next.

This is hitting me deep as someone who has Invisibility disease.

Not really. Life be like that for some of us. It's like everybody forget you exist, even when you are speaking to them directly.

Worst part is that you don't know if people are doing it intentionally or your existence is just insignificant that they don't take you into account. Either way it hurts.

This fic hits really close to home. I am here to see how it ends.

Ending 1: Nothing really change and Joey needs to make his own place somewhere else where people will appreciate him for who he is and not forget about him.
Ending 2: Something horrible happens because of their negligence and now they feel bad and try to make amends until they forget him again. Queue ending 1.
( Unrealistic ) Ending 3: It was all a curse by Discord/Evil Entity/Magic Related Event/Other Events and not it's fixed by the magic of friendship and all is good.

I can see it happen in these ways but I am open to be surprised.

Give me a break. Joey's weak. Being noticed is not hard. There are plenty of ways to make sure everyone knows your name. For instance, that dinner party? Crash it. Walk right in. Even better is that in this scenario, they couldn't throw him out because he's literally an alien. They'd have to let him in because he's one of the five visitors from another world. I'd imagine ponies like Rainbow and Pinkie would be impressed by his boldness. Pinkie literally wanted him to come. But no. This story is just gonna be Joey being weak and passive again and again, not even trying. It's his fault for not raising his voice enough.

I mean, I guess Applejack would be annoyed that he cane without an invite, but so what? At least then ponies would be talking about him.

Ending 4: Joey becomes a villain in order to gain attention. Maybe he steals the Alicorn Amulet or some other magical artifact.


Being noticed is not hard. There are plenty of ways to make sure everyone knows your name. For instance, that dinner party? Crash it. Walk right in. Even better is that in this scenario, they couldn't throw him out because he's literally an alien.

That's a fast way to be a nuisance. Applejack is a no nonsense pony and will throw him out. Some people act like children and Karens to get attention, we all know how annoying they are. If you act that way in your life, I may ask you to reconsider your behavior.

There are ton of bad ways to get attention. But is being annoying the right way? I don't think so.

Ending 5: Joey uses his power to accumulate wealth (including through illicit means) and lives the good life until he dies.

I feel for Joey on a personal level

I feel for Joey right now on the one hand yes he would like to go but on the other he just got out too and needs to process everything especially in a new place plus not being invited too so yeah

"It wasn't anything personal, Joey." Bill butted in apologetically. "What Clara is trying to say is that this had all been planned out since four days ago, while you were still... you know."

I call bull on that since I have seen them plan for a party in less than a day with no prep time

She smiled at him, and this time it felt truly genuine - a real moment of exposure. Her eyes seemed to search within his own, though, and then dilated ever so slightly. "Please know you won't walk alone, no matter what happens. I promise."

Proof of some foreign influence of some kind?

"As well as I probably could have, anyway." Joey chuckled nervously. He had intentionally omitted that the day poor Blue had died was his birthday; the story was sad enough as it is.

Lady Luck must have hella beef with Joey. Considering his lot in life, he's incredibly optimistic.

She smiled at him, and this time it felt truly genuine - a real moment of exposure. Her eyes seemed to search within his own, though, and then dilated ever so slightly. "Please know you won't walk alone, no matter what happens. I promise."


Man, life is being cruel to joey. :(

“The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!”

Thanks for the chapter!

Thanks for the chapter!

Does Clara have a thing against Joey? It seems that any chance she can exclude him she takes it like a thirsty man in the desert.

Can't wait to see what happens next

Man, I need more updates... I am hooked.

I can't even begin to imagen how wretched and depressed Joey must feel about everything he has to go throu.

I needed my fix. Thx

Alright, I admit it. I was wrong. Joey isn't weak.

He's an idiot.

Would personally love for Clara to tone down the bitchy attitude.

Joey’s in a bit of a repeating cycle it seems, he’s gotta find a way to break it.

I had to pause reading it mid-chapter to write something - I'd strongly recommend not overlapping punctuation. For effect, maybe make use of bold or italic? Or even use the opportunity to paint the scene more, if necessary, but show-don't-tell is also important.
??? and !!! make for awkward reading, but that might be only my opinion. Good work otherwise!

I am also a Radish Root fan

Been wondering if it's Discord, or some spell/curse, or just some magical/mechanical transportation glitch involved in his "social invisibility" or whatever it is called.

nooooo how could you give me constructive criticism like that i.pinimg.com/736x/24/63/3a/24633a75bd4c6ad2ab0c1a6569bc7223.jpg

(but seriously thank you)

Rarity must have seen the look on hi face betraying him. "Everything is going to be fine, darling. Applejack told me about what happened back there with Clara and Bill. I must say that while I can see where she was coming from, you did absolutely nothing wrong. Besides swearing, of course. You seem sorry enough about that anyway," she said with a half smile at Joey, who did not return it.

You forgot 'nothing' beside wrong.

Not going to lie. I am petty, if I was him I would go say out loud so everybody can hear. "I am sure you must be happy" wait a little bit. "Knowing that they are dead." then look at her as if she was a monster.

Weaponizing death is a d*ck move but. I got nothing. It's just a d*ck and sociopathic move.

She is justified on how she feels about her bullies. But taking it out on Joey is not okay.

Thanks for the chapter!

I don't know whether to be happy there's updates or be sad for what Joey's going through :(

Everything is a tool, only losers complain about losing.

Plus was cursing wrong well eh should he have done it where children could hear no but did she deserve it oh absolutely she deserved to be called a bitch, Luna knows many nobles need to be called that in their snobby attitude.

Plus Joel most likely didn’t know since well yea he’s there brother but they probably pulled a two face on him and his parents sweet and kind at home and a bully to others at school.

But now I’m wondering if that car crash was an accident now or foul play

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