• Published 30th Dec 2023
  • 412 Views, 9 Comments

Sweetie Belle: Home Alone - Big Imagination E

When Sweetie gets left behind she has to defend her house from two bandits

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Alone, The Wet Bandits and Need to Go Back

Back at Rarity's house Sweetie Belle finally woke up. She also carried the present she was saving for Christmas to give Rarity. Then Sweetie Belle went down the stairs with Rarity's gift in her hands.

"Rarity!" she yelled, "I'm really sorry for yelling at you last night. I wanted to get you this present early. Just to show I care about you."

But when she looked around Rarity wasn't anywhere to be seen.


She placed the present under the tree and continued looking. But after hours she couldn't find her anywhere. Then it came to the moment she realized what her sister said last night.

"I made my sister disappear." Sweetie said.

Then after she realized that she celebrated by running around the house and was excited that Rarity was no longer around to be bossy and can be free. Then she calmed down and relaxed on the sofa and turned on a movie to watch.

With Rarity she was in a hotel with her parents Cookie Crumbles and Hondo Flanks but was still thinking that something was missing.

"Rarity? Are you okay? You look like your worried about something." Cookie asked.

"I am mother. Something doesn't feel right." Rarity responded.

"What's the problem Rarity?" Hondo wondered.

"I keep thinking that I left something or someone. Like maybe a sis I'm related to." Rarity answered then realized who she was talking about. "Sweetie!"

"I forgot Sweetie Belle!" Rarity panicked.

Her parents gasped hearing that. "Why would you forget to bring Sweetie Belle with you?!" Hondo shouted.

"Sorry father! We had an argument last night and I didn't mean to say those things. We need to go back home immediately!" Rarity declared.

"If you're heading there then we are coming too. Sweetie is family after all." Cookie said.

So they all decided to head back to Canterlot City so that way they'll be able to celebrate Christmas with Sweetie as a whole family.

Back in Canterlot City we see the van pulling up to Rarity's house and the Wet Bandits were ready to steal the treasure.

"Ok Marv. It's time to strike. Let's go check this place out." Harry said.

The two got out of the van and headed close to her house. Meanwhile Sweetie Belle was still watching the movie til she saw the shadows of the bandits on the windows. That startled her.

"Oh no. Intruders. They're close." Sweetie worried.

"So there's no one here right Harry?" Marv asked.

"Of course there's no one here dummy! Now let's see how we can get in." Harry replied.

"Wait. Harry and Marv? What are they doing here?" Sweetie wondered.

"Wow. I can't wait to rob this place!!" Marv shouted.

"Shh!!!! Shut up! Not so loud!" Harry said gritting his teeth.

"Robbers? No this is my house. I have to defend it!" Sweetie said determined.

So she began looking for something she can use to scare the bandits away. Then she found one of her sister's scary movies. She placed it in the TV and began playing it. During that the Wet Bandits outside were listening and went they heard the gun firing they immediately got scared and ran back to the van. Once it stopped Sweetie smirked.

"Keep the change you filthy animal." Sweetie mouthed the TV.

The Wet Bandits slowly came out of their hiding place and slowly went to the house and then Harry smirked at seeing Sweetie Belle behind all this.

"Well I think we got outsmarted by a kid." Harry said.

"So what? Her parents are obviously overprotective!" Marv shouted.

"Don't you see stupid? She's home alone." Harry replied.

"So?" Marv asked.

"Use your head for once! We got a house to rob!" Harry said angry.

"So what should we do Harry? I mean the kid looks smarter than you look." Marv added.

"No she isnt. Here's what we'll do. We'll grab a bite to eat and come back at 9pm tonight to give that kid a run for her money." Harry planned.

"But what if she gets in the way?" Marv asked.

"No one gets between me and treasure. No one! No matter what it takes." Harry said with vengeance.

So the two got back in the van and drove off. But they were unaware that Sweetie Belle was watching them the whole time and was worried about what the Wet Bandits will do.

"Rarity where are you? Oh maybe this living alone thing wasn't such a good idea. I gotta get my sister back. But in the meantime I gotta stay on my toes for those Wet Bandits." Sweetie said.

So she grabbed her coat and locked the door heading out to the church to pray that her sister will return home and celebrate Christmas.

Author's Note:

Get ready for a praying moment and Sweetie? Get ready for a battle against the Wet Bandits.