• Published 28th Dec 2023
  • 485 Views, 24 Comments

My Love Soared For You Through The Rainbows - Xiojin

Rainbow Dash's heart grew for Soarin unexpectedly without her knowing, his grows too.

  • ...

Chapter 1

I have been in the Wonderbolts for a while now! I still can't believe it! I'm IN the Wonderbolts! Oh, I just have to share with you EVERYTHING here!

I used to be in the 'D' team. It's a team where newbies like ME are! But I'm Rainbow Dash! I got out of there in a jiffy! Like why wouldn't I be? I am the best youngest flyer ever! I can even beat Wind Rider's record! (Not exactly my fondest memory of him when I last saw him.)

I simply have to SHARE my experience while I am here! However, I have to explain the system. As an experienced wonderbolt, Team A is where all the best of the best are! Like Spitfire, Soarin, Surprise, just to name a few.

Then TEAM B is the second best! They oftentimes perform with Team A! But their moves are wayy more agile than A. Team A always has the all-rounders in. Next, we have Team C! It's a team where we all are trained by Teams A and B to improve our skills. Team C has a large amount of pegasus in it as by the end of the year we will get posted to team A or B. But there's a catch. We have to pass a test! If you fail you continue to stay in C. If you pass the test, you will be posted into A or B based on your results. I obviously got posted into Team A! I am the best!

No one's POV

It was a bright morning, Celestia just raised the sun and the light cracked through each Wonderbolt's window. Everyone woke up all groggy and headed their way to the locker room. They were all getting ready making sure their day started right.

Rainbow Dash rushed down to the mess hall (Cafeteria) after complimenting herself in the mirror. She and a few ponies were already lined up for the food. She picked up a hayburger and an apple to keep herself on a healthy diet. She makes sure she never misses a Wonderbolt training day.

"Hey newbie," Spitfire greeted her as she sat down at the same table with her.

Soon Rainbow and Spitfire's mates join them at the table too.

"Good morning Spitfire! What will we be practicing later?" Rainbow Dash asked with anticipation as she munched down on her hayburger.

"I admire your willingness to learn newbie, relax it's just the morning! I will tell you later," Spitfire said casually eating her muffin.

"I heard the change of mentors is coming up!" Surprise said with excitement.

"OH NO! I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO CHART THAT UP!" Spitfire yelled as soon Surprise talked about the change of mentors.

Spitfire put her hooves on her head. Everyone at the table laughed as soon as Blaze said, "Did you forget because of the new novel you have been reading the past few days?"

"Sorry everyone, this seems to be a mistake on my part. The exchange of mentors will happen next week. Sorry Rainbow Dash, I won't be training you for the time being. I will get Soarin to do it for me instead," Spitfire apologized and immediately munched her food down and immediately left the mess hall.

"You will have a blast when Soarin trains you!" Surprise remarked and nudged Rainbow Dash with her elbow.

"Why? Isn't he like the rest of y'all?" Rainbow Dash asked not understanding her remark.

"Well being his best friend, let me tell you: he's a bit of a clutz," Surprised replied.

"To add on, he didn't even take on a student from Team C! He somehow talked Spitfire out of it," Fleetfoot added on and giggled.

As soon as the bell rang, signaling the start of training for the Wonderbolts. Soarin walked over to find his new student. On the way to the training venue, the walk was silent. He looked at Rainbow Dash and she looked at him.

"Sooooo, I heard you talked your way out of Spitfire to mentor students," Rainbow Dash broke the ice between them and gave an awkward smile.

"Yes, I did but that doesn't mean I slacked off when the rest of them trains!" Soarin said proudly with a smile on his face.

"So why didn't you take any student?" Rainbow Dash asked curiously, she never understood why one of the best never took in a student.

"Well it sounds weird but every time I took a mare under me somehow they all just liked me. In the end, nothing ever gets done. My team always makes fun of me for having a curse of making mares fall in love with me. It's really bad," Soarin said with nervousness in his voice.

Rainbow Dash immediately burst into laughter. She could not believe what she was hearing. Her?! Fall in love!? Never in a million years that would happen!

"HAHAAHA! Let's make a bet, if I ACTUALLY fall in love with you, I owe you 10 free apple pies," Rainbow Dash jokingly bet with Soarin.

"Well, this is the first time I'm not looking forward to getting Apple Pie from someone!" Soarin joked back.

Both of them continued to giggle and talk while on the way to their designated training ground. Soarin brought Rainbow Dash to his obstacle course that he was planning to do before being stuck with mentoring duties.

"This is the obstacle course I was planning to do today. It's a little difficult for newbies but I'm sure you can do it!" Soarin said with assurance. "But I have yet to finish the last few parts and test them out. So go stretch first before we start," Soarin said and flew off to finish up his course.

Rainbow Dash did some push-ups and stretched her wings. She did a few laps around the training ground and by the time she was back Soarin was ready to show her the course.

"So I will run through the course. You just watch at the side first," Soarin said and Rainbow stood at the side, eyeing his every move.

He flew through the hoops at a constant acceleration. Then came those swinging hoops. Those were swinging really really fast left and right, but Soarin immediately flew through it without a hitch. Then came the agile part, he flew side to side through the linear position of poles. The spacing of the poles in between each other was just the size of a stretched-out average pony. Then for the final stretch, go through the big hoop quadruple times and fly past the wingpower machine, and attain at least 15 wingpower.

"That's so cool!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed seeing Soarin do it.

She instantly knew she would ace this course. Soarin flew down and sat on the grass Rainbow Dash got past the first few hoops but those swinging hoops were starting to look daunting for her. But she shook those thoughts off and cleared those hoops. The poles were the challenging part because just right at the third out of the tenth pole she fell out already. She has never had an obstacle course that was able to beat her. If anything else this is a challenge to be won.

Soarin rushed over to see the fallen Rainbow Dash. But before he can even ask she was already back at the beginning of the course. This was the first time Soarin had a student with such a strong will to learn. Most of the time they immediately required his assistance. After the third try, Rainbow Dash was already losing hope. She can't believe it! An obstacle so hard that only Soarin can make it.

Soarin ended up becoming someone Rainbow Dash has looked up to. After a few attempts, Soarin just couldn't sit idly by and watch. He flew to Rainbow Dash and said, "I'm sure you can get into the A team. If we work on your agility more. So today we will be working on that."

He took 5 poles and placed them on the ground. The increments between them were further apart now. It's just the size of a stretched-out pony but added an extra inch. This was something more doable for Rainbow Dash. After making sure she got through it five times, Soarin added the last five poles and made her go through it. She was doing well with each increment decreased until...she crashed and couldn't do it anymore.

"Ow, my hoof..." Rainbow Dash winced in pain.

"I will be right back," said Soarin and went to get bandages.

This is one of the hardest training Rainbow Dash has ever done. For the first time in a while, she felt sort of hopeless a little. Just in time, a voice cheered her up, "I know you might be feeling down but remember this is your first time doing my course. I will always be here to teach you and encourage you in your Wonderbolt journey. Give me your hoof."

Soarin reached out his hoof, waiting for Rainbow Dash's. She reached out her hoof and Soarin warned about the slight pain as he wiped it down with an alcohol wipe before putting ointment on it. He carefully bandaged it and tied a little knot at the end.

Rainbow Dash was at a loss for words. This was the first time someone said this to her. She quickly snapped out of the mood she was in and thought to herself 'Woah there, I nearly got all sappy there hah...'

"It's almost the end of the day, do you want to go for a few rounds around the academy?" Soarin asked.

Rainbow Dash nodded and spread her wings preparing for take off. She flew up in the air waiting for Soarin to join her. The two talked and shared their stories.

"I'm still sorry about that time that I nearly kicked you out of the Wonderbolts that other time. I just really care about my team because I worked hard to get to where I am today. I just don't want to see anyone not be able to participate in a show they worked hard for," Soarin apologized

"Hey it's cool, I'm wayyyy over that situation. Friends?" Rainbow Dash asked and extended her hoof.

"Friends!" Soarin grabbed her hoof and shook it "Hey, I'm wondering what are you getting for dinner later?"

Finally, after training it was dinner time for everyone. Everyone took a shower before sitting in the mess hall. To be honest Rainbow Dash was tired for the first time. Not like her usual tired but actually tired that she will instantly fall asleep the moment she touches her bed.

"SO, how was Soarin as your teacher?" Surprise asked.

"His training is harder than Spitfire's... But I'm always up for the challenge!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"I told Spitfire I will train even harder if I don't mentor students," Soarin said as he sat down.

"Well that explains Dash being half asleep already," Fleetfoot remarked.

"And one of her hooves being injured," Surprise mentioned.

"Huh!? What?" Rainbow said as she suddenly jolted from her sleep.

Rainbow munchs down her dinner before bidding her teammates a good night.

"Sooooooo," Surprise looked at Soarin with a beam in her eye.

"What?" Soarin asked suspiciously looking at her.

"You know we're wondering how long it takes before Dash falls in love with you!" Blaze asked him.

"Oh come on guys she wouldn't. Besides she made a bet that if she did, she would give me ten free apple pies. The only time I don't wish for apple pies is probably from her!" Soaring exclaimed as he chomped down on his hayburger.

"But what about you?" Surprise said and bonked his nose.

"Give it up, I've already given up dating..." Soarin rolled his eyes.

"Come on don't let THAT one incident affect you," Surprise said.

"Ah...I'm beat from today...good night everyone," Blaze said as she walked off to the dormitory.

Soarin and Surprise walked off together to the dormitory slowly. With them bickering back and forth about the possibility that Rainbow Dash would fall in love with him. The next day awaits an exciting day for Rainbow Dash.