• Published 27th Dec 2023
  • 1,369 Views, 82 Comments

Infectious personalities - Aether Spark

A magic potion causes a week of personality swaps for each of the six, can they make it to the end?

  • ...

The start

Pinkie Pie, Ponyville's premire party pony was pronking pass ponies.

“Nice one!” Pinkie complimented as she hopped passed a group of ponies and she waved as they waved at her.

She made her way down to the castle with the ponies she cared about most in the whole wide world with a plan to get the tensions to stop.

“I can tell you are all a bit confused about where the author and I are going with this, so let this flashback show you all,” Pinkie said before grabbing the top of the screen and pulling down another scene.

Pinkie trotted through town up to Sugarcube Corner to see her friends, they had a planned gathering today after all.

Pinkie entered and shouted “HELLLOOOOO PONIES!” Pinkie cheered.

Before a pie hit her in the face knocking her down, after licking the pie cream off of her face Pinkie looked to see a troubling situation.

“Not the mane!” Rarity said firmly as Rainbow was throwing pies around.

“Then apologize for calling me… what was it again?” Rainbow paused.

“Uncouth and unladylike” Rarity clarified.

“Yeah, that!” Rainbow said throwing more pies.

“I swear if you get one piece of pie in my mane you’ll suffer for it!” Rarity cried diving behind cover as a hail of creamy dessert fell.

Meanwhile Applejack and Twilight were arguing.

“I wasn’t saying you don’t know how to take care of your animals, I’m just saying proper calculations can save you a fortune on feed distributions, I’ve seen you dump whole sacks of food into their troughs,” Twilight said.

“An ah said ah don’t need yer fancy calculations to know how ta take care of mah animals,” AJ said.

And as for Fluttershy, she and Angel were hiding behind a table.

“Girls, please stop fighting!” Fluttershy said and Pinkie popped up next to her.

“What’s going on?” Pinkie asked ducking a thrown pie.

“All I did was suggest some conversation topics and then they began disagreeing and then… this!” Fluttershy said.

And meanwhile, Mr and Mrs Cake were hiding behind the counter.

“Oh sweet cinnamon sticks Pinkie, your here, you gotta do something,” Mrs Cake said.

“I’m on it,” Pinkie said and she pulled out a pair of air horns and blared them making everypony cover their ears.

“Huh?” They all looked at Pinkie.

“Enough girls, what’s going on here?” Pinkie asked.

“Well Rares here needs to apologize for saying I wouldn’t know high society mare behavior if it bit me in the flank,” Rainbow said.

“I have never seen you act like a proper mare, it is always sports this and action comics that, and your extreme reaction is proof there isn’t a fancy bone in your body,” Rarity said.

“You take that back, I don’t need to be fancy-schmancy like you, I got my style,” RD said.

“Well ah’m tellin Twi here ah don’t need her calculations to improve anythin, the Apple Family has traditions we have ways of providing fer our livestock,” AJ said.

“And I was just suggesting that maybe you could do it with better results to your production,” Twilight said.

“That ain’t your concern,” AJ said.

“Stop it, girls!” Pinkie said “We’re friends, and sure we’re having one of those rough patches but we don’t need to be at eachothers throats over such minor things,” Pinkie said.

“Well, till Rares realizes she’s wrong, I’m going to go read some comics,” Rainbow said walking off.

“Fine, I have more important things to do,” Rarity said doing the same.

“And ah’m going to go do mah own distribution, mah way,” Applejack said trotting out.

“Have it your way,” Twilight humphed and walked away.

“Girls! Don’t leave being mad at eachother, girls?” Pinkie said with a deflated mane.

“I-I better go too, have a good day Pinkie,” Fluttershy said leaving with her rabbit companion.

“Oh… what do I do?” Pinkie asked.

“We’ll have to close for the day, so why not see how you can get your friends to stop arguing,” Mr Cake said.

“Ok,” Pinkie said.

Pinkie was sitting on a bench wondering what to do.

“Rainbow is mad Rarity thinks she couldn’t be refined if she tried and Rarity thinks Rainbow is unlady-like, and Applejack and Twilight can’t agree on how the other thinks that they should do their work if only there was a way to help them-” Pinkie said before her Pinkie Sense tingled and she turned to see Zecora nearby.

“Of course,” Pinkie bounced up to Zecora.

“Hmm?” Zecora said turning to see Pinkie approaching.

“Zecora! I need your help!” Pinkie said.

“Ah Pinkie Pie, what a joy to see you, that is no lie,” Zecora said in her usual rhymes.

“Nice to see you Zecora, I need help,” Pinkie said.

“Come,” Zecora said leading Pinkie to where she was going.

Pinkie followed her to her hut and they sat down around a cauldron.

“I was simply making a brew, what can I do for you?” Zecora said.

“My friends are fighting over their differences, I’m worried that this will hurt our friendship in the long run, do you have anything that can help?” Pinkie asked.

“Hmm… yes, I do have something, courtesy of a Changling,” Zecora said before making her way over to a shelf and gathering some ingredients “What is the method you desire, to rekindle friends fire?” Zecora asked.

“I want us all to see things from each other’s perspective,” Pinkie said.

“Then I have just the thing, made from a shed exoskeleton of a ling,” Zecora said before putting the ingredients in the brew and stirring it.

After some more ingredients and stirring Zecora produced a glowing green vial.

“Open this vial when the time is nigh, and may your hopes of friendship fly,” Zecora said.

“Thanks Zecora!” Pinkie said before taking the vial and bouncing out of the hut.

“Hehehe, this will be interesting,” Zecora chuckled.

“And resume,” Pinkie said before entering the castle “Hope you all enjoyed that little rerun,” Pinkie said before approaching the room that her friends were in.

Unsurprisingly they were distracting themselves through various means rather than talk to each other.

“Hey, friends!” Pinkie said approaching them as they gave noncommital answers “You can’t all still be arguing?”

“Pinkie, we’re still fresh off an argument, and suddenly you called us all here on an emergency, so what is it?” Twilight asked.

“We’re the emergency,” Pinkie said.

“What?” Rainbow asked.

“We’re all arguing because none of us can understand what the other is going through, well that can be fixed with this!” Pinkie produced the vial of green liquid.

“...What is that?” Rarity asked.

“Zecora said it would help us see things from each other's perspective,” Pinkie said.

“Do you even know what it does?” Twilight nervously said.

“Nope!” Pinkie said.

“We should find out before-”

“Nope! We’re going to understand each other better after this, doctors guarantee,” Pinkie said before trotting forward.

“Pinkie it’s safer to find out what it does before anything!” Twilight tried to stop her but Pinkie opened the vial and a green mist came out of it.

“What the ha-” Applejack tried to exclaim before an explosion ripped through the room.

After waking up the group saw that thankfully nothing was too damaged.

“Ugh… Pinkie!” Rarity said getting up.

“What the hay Pinks?” RD said getting up.

“I didn’t think it would explode,” Pinkie said.

“That’s why you find out more about a potion before using it!” Twilight complained.

Fluttershy approached from the other side of the couch.

“Is everypony alright?” Fluttershy asked.

“Ah ah’m,” Applejack said approaching.

“...Well? Is everypony feeling more intuned?” Pinkie asked.

“....Ah don’t feel any different,” AJ said.

“Are you sure?” Pinkie asked.

“Yeah,” AJ said plainly.

“I don’t get it, it was supposed to work,” Pinkie complained.

“Pinkie maybe we should be glad nothing happened, who knows what could have happened to us because you weren’t being careful,” Twilight said.

“I guess your right…” Pinkie said sadly.

“...Look, let’s just go home and we can have a talk tomorrow, it’s getting late anyways,” Twilight offered.

“Ok…” Pinkie said and the group made to leave.

“And if any of you feel any adverse effects please visit the hospital first, just in case,” Twilight called after them.

Each of the mares went home that night oddly tired, and when they went to sleep… they all had dreams of… Balloons? Cake? And partying?

Little did they know what tomorrow would bring…

Author's Note:

Bit of a weak start but trust me, things will pick up in the next chapter.