• Published 20th Dec 2023
  • 138 Views, 0 Comments

The house robots visit the tearoom - RiffRaff7942_YT

A G5 crossover anthology featuring the famous House Robots from the British TV Show, Robot Wars!

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Mr Psycho And Cassius Chrome

For Mr Psycho‘s voice, see here: https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjmhbrQ_56DAxXO_rsIHRfTAGQQtwJ6BAgeEAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dkuy_AGB2OqU&usg=AOvVaw2DHaZkcSrfMUM69GT7nZI0&opi=89978449
To see Mr Psycho’s appearance, see here: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=robot+wars+mr+psycho&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari#
For Cassius Chrome’s voice, see here (Imagine him with both a British and American accent and see which one sounds better.): https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjb-7fq_56DAxWShP0HHd1CDGQQtwJ6BAgWEAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DeOMND0ffDPk&usg=AOvVaw2hwI1TpYTHB5GtdyGhuJlL&opi=89978449
To see Cassius Chrome’s appearance, see here: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=robot+wars+cassius+chrome&client=safari&sca_esv=592634044&hl=en-gb&ei=t2GDZaK-AvmI9u8PxoiCiAc&ved=0ahUKEwji9YzO_56DAxV5hP0HHUaEAHEQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=robot+wars+cassius+chrome&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiGXJvYm90IHdhcnMgY2Fzc2l1cyBjaHJvbWUyBRAAGIAEMgsQABiABBiKBRiGAzILEAAYgAQYigUYhgMyCxAAGIAEGIoFGIYDMgsQABiABBiKBRiGA0iNQVD0BlixP3AMeAGQAQCYAakBoAGtEKoBBDE4LjW4AQPIAQD4AQHCAgoQABhHGNYEGLADwgIKEAAYgAQYigUYQ8ICBRAuGIAEwgILEAAYgAQYigUYkQLCAgsQLhiRAhiABBiKBcICBhAAGBYYHsICBRAhGKABwgIHEAAYgAQYDeIDBBgAIEGIBgGQBgg&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#

Jasper walked towards the door. He was a little out of sorts, because usually ponies visiting just entered without knocking. But what jasper opened the doors to reveal was no pony but a pair large machines. Robots to be more precise.

One of them, the bigger one, had a face of metal, and two arms, one with a ferocious looking three fingered claw, and the other a giant mallet presumably to strike things with. The other smaller one had two small eyes, one of which was half closed as if it were black, and two hardened spikes on either side of a shovel under his giant grill mouth. And he had two microphones on either side of his head, presumably his equivalent of a pair of ears.

“Hello there, you must be Jasper,” the bigger robot stated, “Is Alphabittle in?”
“Uhh…” Was the only reply he got. First those big scary ‘Knottshurr’ monsters the week before, and now two giant destructive looking robots were at the door of the tearoom.
“We’re not gonna hurt you,” the smaller robot reassured, “We’re off duty.”
“Yes, off duty,” the other remarked, “For about 20 years at this point.”
“Yeah,” the other replied, looking at the ground, “Anyway, can we come in?”
“Uhh…” Jasper repeated, and then quickly stepped to the side, dragging the doors fully open.

“Alphabittle, hello,” The big robot called out.
“Well well well,” Alphabittle remarked, “If it isn’t Mr Psycho, back for more I presume?”
“Yes indeed,” replied Psycho (the big robot.) “And I brought Cassius Chrome along for moral support.”
“He means he brought me along to keep him from destroying things like last time.” Cassius Chrome chipped in.
“Last time!?” Jasper blurted out.
“When I was out Jasper,” Alphabittle said to him. “We had a contest between the two of us. You know how it is, sore loser coming back to take what’s rightfully his.”
“Yes speaking of which,” Psycho chimed in, “I’d like to win back my collection of nuts from last time.”
A few unicorns, and Cassius, snickered in the background.
“Oh you’re so immature!” Psycho snapped.
“So are you buddy!” Cassius laughed back.
“Ugh…” Psycho groaned. “Let’s just get started, before everything falls apart as it inevitably will.”


Alphabittle finished setting up the chess table. He had managed to glue the black queen’s head back on, after Psycho had decapitated it with his claw last time. He had also patched up the hole Psycho’s hammer had left after he’d thumped it out of anger.
“Jeez buddy, ya did a real number on this table,” Cassius remarked.
“Well that’s just what happens when I lose my cool,” Psycho replied. “You of all robots would know.”
“Yeah,” Cassius replied, pushing a couple of cushions around Psycho just in case his hammer flailed loosely at any point.

“Alright, you begin,” Psycho said to Alphabittle. Alphabittle surveyed the board carefully. This game could go either way. He knew he and Pscho were both really good chess players. Psycho and had the advantage of being out of service for around 20 years at this point. So he’d had a lot of time to practice. Alphabittle moved his first pawn forward.


The game started out in Alphabittle’s favour. He took three of Psycho’s white pawns out of the gate, leaving Mr Psycho to a bad start.
“Dont count yourself out yet,” Cassius tried supporting his metal mate.
“Yes, I’m not going to,” Psycho assured himself.
Whilst Psycho was a big machine, and his hydraulics weren’t exactly the definition of slow, he took a while thinking out every move precisely. So much so Alphabittle had time to whip up drinks in between moves. For every 5 moves Psycho made, Alphabittle passed out another drink.

“You’ve an odd way of making drinks, sir,” Psycho stated.
“I’m gonna take that as a compliment,” Alphabittle said smirking, though he was turned away from Psycho so his smirk was hidden.
“Have you played many chess games in your time?” Psycho asked.
“Oh yes,” Alphabittle remarked, “I’m kind of a little puzzle master here. Rook puts you in check.”
“You ever play video games, or just standard games?” Cassius asked.
“I’ll play any game if there’s a prize on the line.” Alphabittle replied, “Its my thing around here, ponies challenge me to games, and when they lose, I store it with the others.”
Alphabittle pointed to his collection of knickknacks other ponies had better against him, one of which was Psycho’s bag of nuts.

Psycho stared longingly at the nuts.
“I see,” Psycho stated, “Queen puts you in check. OOP!”
Psycho released all too late he’d made a mistake. Alphabittle triumphantly used his bishop to take Psycho’s queen.
“AGH! IDIOT!” Psycho yelled, and thrust his hammer to the floor. Just in time, Cassius Chrome pushed a cushion under Psycho’s hammer.
“Thank you Cassius,” Psycho said flatly.
“Anytime,” Cassius replied, happy he hadn’t been the bearer of the beat down from his massive metal friends hammer. “Do you have a menu at all Alphie?”
“Huh?” Alphabittle questioned.
“We’re robots you idiot,” Psycho told Cassius, “We don’t drink.”
“I know, I know,” Cassius reassured, “I just wanna see what you have.”
“Yeah I’ll give you a menu,” Alphabittle replied, “Long as you don’t call me that again.”
“Call you what? Alphie?” Cassius replied, with a hint of joking in his voice.
“Yes, that,” Alphabittle replied, shooting a quick glare at Cassius.


Minutes passed, the game’s end grew closer with every piece taken. And Cassius spent most of the time contently marvelling at the weird and wonderful delicacies served at the tearoom.
“Look at this; fried Pegasnail ala mode, perfluis pony pasta with chocolate spaghetti, Moondancer surprise with glitter! Who comes up with this sh-!?” Cassius cut himself off, just in case there were any young ponies around.
“I’m guessing your universe doesn’t exactly operate like ours?” Alphabittle quizzed.
“Put it this way, we don’t really solve every problem with a catchy song and a hug.” Psycho joked, taking the last of Alphabittle’s pawns. “Last pawn taken.”
“That’s actually hurtful,” Alphabittle stated dryly. Psycho just stared back squinting his eyes and flexing his jaw.
“Are we nearly done?” Cassius asked, pacing slightly, “I wanna see more of this village.”
“Almost, down to the last few pieces now.” Alphabittle stated.


Alphabittle made what he thought would be the last move..
“And checkmate, again,” Alphabittle stated proudly.
“Hmm…” Psycho examined the board carefully, before exclaiming, “AHA!”
Psycho proceeded to move his rook right next to Alphabittle’s king, taking out his bishop in the process. The king was now completely surrounded.
“Now that,” Psycho remarked proudly, “Is checkmate.” He flexed his claw and hammer, and out them around his head, and drove into the table, tipping himself over a little and displaying a big smug grin on his face, to make it look like he was leaning back in a chair. Alphabittle displayed a bit of resentment for Psycho potentially damaging his desk again.

“Alright, here’s your bag,” Alphabittle said.
Psycho grasped the nuts in his claw firmly. He drove around the tearoom, showboating and full of mirth, until he took a sudden sharp turn too quickly. The weight of the nut bag couldn’t keep Psycho balanced, and he realised all too late he was tipping over. Psycho let out a cry of anguish before toppling over.
“Can I have a hand over here please?” He asked.
“Gentlemen,” Alphabittle stated, urging towards the unicorns. On cue, the unicorns used their magic to lift the heavy Mr Psycho off the ground, and back onto his tracks. “Thank you.” Psycho said dryly. And without saying another word, Psycho made for the doors. Jasper I’m anticipation, opened them fully to let Psycho out.

“We’re not gonna a near the end of that till next week,” Cassius remarked, “‘Nice meeting you.”
“And to you,” Alphabittle remarked, and waved goodbye as Cassius quickly drove out of the tearoom after his large metal colleague.