• Published 12th Dec 2023
  • 456 Views, 1 Comments

Stiff Little Fillies - Cryogenii

On a night out in Canterlot, a trio of ponies make an unexpected discovery

  • ...

OMG, that's...

Author's Note:

This all started when I fell down a YouTube rabbit hole.  People are using AI voices to make parodies of popular songs and some of them are really, really good. And hearing Fluttershy's beautiful voice singing these songs gave me an idea.

So this story has a playlist to help make everything more immersive.  But some of the music labels should get the stick out of their ass, because they've been shutting them down. Looking at you Warner, as if these fan art covers would rob Green day of sales.

Where possible I'm going to provide links to sources that are still up.  Otherwise I'm going to give a download link to my own stash.  Never done this before, so hit me in the comments if it doesn't work.  I'd like to shout out the creators, so if anyone who made them contacts me I'll be happy to post an update.

In the meantime it's CYA time…

Copyright Disclaimer: - Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for FAIR USE for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. 

Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of FAIR USE.  Parodies are considered to not infringe copyright, nor can parodies themselves be copyrighted.


The crisp evening air enveloped Canterlot as Octavia Melody, Vinyl Scratch, and Lyra Heartstrings disembarked from the train, their hooves clicking on the cobblestone streets. The trio had been eagerly anticipating this night out, a venture to explore a renowned independent music venue that had been the talk of the town.

Octavia, the refined and composed cellist with her sleek, charcoal-coloured coat and elegant mane, led the way. Beside her, Vinyl Scratch, the energetic and vibrant DJ, trotted with an air of enthusiasm, her distinctive two-toned mane swaying with each step. Lyra Heartstrings, their cheerful and lyre-playing friend, skipped along, her mint-green coat shimmering under the soft glow of street lamps. She couldn't contain her excitement, her turquoise eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Octavia couldn't help but smile at the buzzing metropolis surrounding them. "I've been asking around and heard remarkable things about this new venue," she remarked to her companions, adjusting her bowtie, “It's supposed to be the perfect spot for discovering new music.”

Lyra nodded eagerly, her mint-green tail swishing behind her. "Lucky that pony was hoofing out flyers at Vinyl's last full moon party, otherwise it'd be easy to miss. I can't wait!"

Vinyl Scratch, ever the silent presence, grinned and nodded in agreement, her shades reflecting the city lights

Octavia giggled and nudged Vinyl. “At least this should be better than that folk festival Lyra picked.”

Vinyl nodded and pulled a face.

“Hay,” Lyra protested, “it wasn't all bad!”

“I suppose,” mused Octavia, “they did have nice falafels!”

Vinyl nodded, but bumped Lyra with her flank to show she was only kidding around.

Lyra smiled warmly, “yeah… they were good falafels.”

Giggling together, the three friends walked happily through the darkening streets of the Equestrian capital reminiscing of their previous adventures.

The trio weaved through the narrow streets of lower Canterlot, the upper city's lights casting a warm glow on the older facades. They approached the venue, a music club in a slightly rundown corner of Canterlot. The sign over the door spelled out the name The Crystal Cavern Club in lights.

There was quite a queue forming outside, a diverse mix of ponies eagerly awaiting their turn to step into the musical haven. Octavia, with her usual poise, approached the end of the line, followed by Vinyl and Lyra.

The trio engaged in quiet conversation while patiently waiting their turn. Lyra animatedly shared tales of her adventures in musical exploration, Vinyl nodded in agreement, occasionally interjecting with expressive hoof gestures, and Octavia smiled at their camaraderie. As the queue inched forward, the atmosphere of the music venue became more palpable, heightening their anticipation.

It was then that the observant door pony, a unicorn with a keen eye for recognizable faces, caught sight of Vinyl Scratch. Recognition flickered in their eyes, and a wide smile spread across their face. With a gesture of acknowledgment, the door pony signalled for Vinyl, Octavia, and Lyra to step forward, waving them to the front of the queue.

Vinyl, oblivious to the attention at first, followed Octavia's lead. As they approached the entrance, the door pony greeted them with a friendly nod. "Welcome! Enjoy the show," they said, recognizing Vinyl as the famous DJ Pon3.

Vinyl beamed with her signature grin, appreciating the kind gesture. Octavia gave a polite nod of thanks, and Lyra couldn't help but bounce on her hooves with excitement. The trio, now with expedited entry, stepped into the venue with a renewed sense of excitement, eager to immerse themselves in the musical magic awaiting inside. Vinyl dropped a stack of bits at the ticket office, to cover the entrance fee for the group.

The crowd's envious glances followed them briefly, but the trio soon disappeared down the steps of the venue, ready to experience the night's performances up close.

The trio entered the dimly lit venue, the warm ambience washing over them as they took in the intimate setting. The cosy interior revealed a variety of tables and booths arranged around a small dance floor. The stage, a modest raised platform with an alcove leading to the backstage area, held a drum kit and several guitars neatly arranged alongside the usual DJ booth and stacks of speakers. A lone microphone stood proudly in the middle of the stage, promising a diverse musical experience for the night.

Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, and Lyra Heartstrings found a table in a booth, strategically positioned to capture both the energy of the room and a good view of the stage whilst hiding the famous DJ from casual view. The trio settled in, absorbing the anticipation in the air.

The bar, located at the back of the hall, beckoned with its inviting glow. A tantalising mix of aromas wafted from the kitchen behind, stirring the senses and adding to the intimate atmosphere. The friendly chatter of ponies mingled with the distant sound of tuning guitars, creating an ambiance that hinted at a night of musical exploration.

As the lights dimmed further, signalling the show was getting closer, the trio exchanged excited glances. An indy rock band was a departure from their usual musical preferences, promising an evening filled with surprises. It was a welcomed divergence from the dance tunes of Vinyl, the classical elegance of Octavia, and the folk melodies of Lyra.

Octavia leaned in to address her friends over the rising music. "How about I grab us some drinks before the show starts?" she suggested with a warm smile.

Vinyl nodded enthusiastically, her shades catching the glow of the stage lights. She motioned toward the bar and then pointed to her stomach, an unmistakable sign that she was more than ready for some food.

Lyra's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "Great idea! I'll come with you, Octavia, and we can order some food too. It's always good to have some snacks for the show.” She and Octavia were used to having to order for their mute friend.

Lyra picked up a menu that was on the table and ran through the options for Vinyl, Vinyl's eyes lit up with approval as she nodded in agreement to a selection of grilled vegetables and dips, ensuring they had a delightful assortment to enjoy during the performance. She appreciated the effort her friends made to include her in any decision-making.

The duo made their way through the dimly lit venue, weaving through the crowd toward the bar at the back. Octavia and Lyra engaged in animated conversation as they reached the bar, the aroma of enticing dishes becoming more pronounced as they approached.

At the bar, Octavia and Lyra took a moment to peruse the drinks board, exchanging ideas on what might complement the evening. Octavia, with her refined taste, selected a fine Canterlot vintage, while Lyra, always one for trying something new, picked a specialty cocktail of spirits from Griffinstone.

Lyra turned to Octavia and grinned. "And for Vinyl, how about a mocktail?"

Octavia laughed, “only when she's working. I'll get her a hard cider.”

With drinks and snacks, the two friends returned to their table, ready to immerse themselves in the performance when it started. The anticipation in the air heightened as the venue filled with ponies, each one eager for the performance to start.

A hush came over the crowd as the promoter trotted out on stage and spoke into the microphone, “good evening Canterlot, tonight we have a very special performance from an up and coming band. Show your appreciation for… Stiff Little Fillies!”

The crowd stomped their hoofs’ as the band came out on stage. An energetic looking pale blue unicorn sat down behind and levitated a pair of drumsticks whilst two pale and thin looking earth ponies trotted out with guitars hanging around their necks. One of the guitar players set down their instrument and stood behind a keyboard. Finally a yellow pegasus in a floaty black lace dress with heavy black eyeshadow stepped up to the microphone.

As the band fired into their first song, the trio at their table was immediately swept up in the infectious energy. The first chords resonated through the venue, filling the space with a raw, energetic sound that echoed the spirit of independent rock. The crowd responded with enthusiasm, and the trio found themselves captivated by the unexpected sweeping rock sound. Vinyl, in particular, felt the vibrations in her chest, her body instinctively swaying to the rhythm. Octavia, captivated by the sympathy between the musicians and the powerful vocals, leaned towards Lyra to share her thoughts.

"Lyra!" Octavia shouted over the music, her voice barely audible above the melodic chaos. "These musicians are incredibly tight, and the singer's voice is so powerful!"

Lyra, leaning in to hear Octavia's shout, nodded in agreement. "Absolutely! That singer has real range and intensity. It's haunting!”

The band’s opening song was a ballad about unspoken fears and emotional awakening, the singer's soft but resonant voice rising and falling with the emotional tempo of the song, “...Now that I know what I'm without, you can't just leave me…

However, as Lyra continued to share her insights as a professional musician, Octavia became aware of Vinyl nudging her ribs. At first, she motioned for Vinyl to wait a moment, wanting to fully appreciate Lyra's input. But the nudging grew more insistent, prompting Octavia to turn and find Vinyl with a shocked expression, urgently gesturing towards the stage.

Confused, Octavia followed Vinyl's gaze and gesturing hoof, not understanding quite what her silent friend was trying to tell her. She looked closer at the dramatically dressed pegasus and her eyes widened as she realised the source of Vinyl's surprise. Suddenly she saw the singer on stage wasn't just any performer. The recognition hit Octavia like a thunderbolt; a mix of shock and disbelief washing over her.

“Buck me sideways,” exclaimed the refined classical cellist, “that's Fluttershy!”

Vinyl, with her keen non-verbal communication skills, had recognized Fluttershy before anypony else did. She widened her eyes and made exaggerated gestures, silently conveying the astonishing discovery. Octavia, momentarily stunned, turned back to Lyra, her expression a mix of emotions, and finally managed to stammer out, "Lyra, that's Fluttershy on stage!"

Lyra's eyes widened in surprise, mirroring Octavia and Vinyl’s astonishment. “What, no!” said the confused unicorn, “hasn't she only just got the courage to start singing with Rarity’s group? How's she doing this?”

The trio exchanged glances, their shared shock at this unforeseen turn of events as the music continued to weave its spell around them.

“That's beautiful though,” stated Lyra,”do you think she's got anyone in mind?”

”Isn’t she close with that, you know…” replied Octavia, waving a hoof in the air as she struggled with a description, “Discord.”

Lyra and Vinyl exchanged glances at this. ”Wow,” said Lyra, ”that makes sense, I guess.”

At the final chords of that first song the crowd wildly stamped their hoofs' in appreciation. The band didn't acknowledge the crowd's appreciation, exchanging glances as the pony who had been playing keyboard slid out from behind it and picked up his guitar. At an unspoken signal they started the next song, which was a sudden shift in tone and tempo from the previous melody. One of the ponies on stage began strumming a haunting chord with a slow, deliberate beat, setting the stage for a change in the musical journey.

After a few refrains, Fluttershy joined in, her voice breathy and purring, delicately weaving through the melancholic melody. The three friends at the table were immediately captivated by the angst ladened vulnerability in Fluttershy's voice, a stark contrast to her usual gentle demeanour.

I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known. Don't know where it goes, but it's home to me, and I walk alone…

As the drummer and the second guitarist seamlessly blended their instruments with the emotive melody, the lyrics unfolded with a poignant tale of loneliness and alienation. The trio sat in stunned silence, absorbing the raw emotions conveyed by the haunting combination of lyrics and melody.

When the band reached the chorus, a transformative energy surged through the venue. The drums became more crashing, and the guitars swelled, adding an angrier and more defiant sound to the music. Fluttershy's voice, still breathy and ethereal, now carried a hint of frustration and rebellion.

Octavia, Vinyl, and Lyra exchanged wide-eyed glances, their initial sense of awe replaced by admiration of the emotional depth of the performance. The atmosphere in the venue became charged with a mix of nostalgia and hope, creating an emotional rollercoaster that resonated with each crashing note as the song concluded.

The band seamlessly transitioned into a faster-paced number, the jangly chords adding a lively energy to the venue. The trio in the booth exchanged curious glances, intrigued by the change in musical direction but as the lyrics kicked in, shock and disbelief swept over Octavia, Vinyl, and Lyra.

Fluttershy addressed the microphone with the opening, “Don’t wanna be an Equestrian idiot, don't want a nation under one leader…

Fluttershy, the usually shy and reserved pegasus, was now singing with fervour, expressing dissent and slamming the government of their home country. The upbeat and jangly music clashed with the provocative and treasonous words, creating a surreal and dissonant experience.

The trio sat frozen in their seats, their expressions mirroring a mix of surprise, confusion, and concern. Fluttershy's voice, once breathy and purring, now carried a rebellious tone that seemed at odds with her nature. The lyrics painted a picture of frustration, discontent, and a desire for change, all set to the lively backdrop of the band's energetic performance. For the second time Octavia's jaw dropped open in surprise, and this time Vinyl's eyebrows could actually be seen above her shades.

Lyra leaned across and exclaimed, “I hope Celestia never hears that! Feels a little, erm, uncomplimentary.”

“I hope Celestia never finds out we've heard it,” gasped Octavia.

Vinyl nodded, a stunned look on her face.

The atmosphere in the venue grew charged as ponies in the crowd reacted to the provocative lyrics. Some were nodding in agreement, while others exchanged uneasy glances.

The dichotomy between the upbeat music and the dissenting lyrics created a tension that hung in the air. The trio, still processing the unexpected twist in the performance, realised they were witnessing a bold and daring expression of dissent, wrapped in the guise of a lively, rebellious anthem.

As the song reached its climax, Fluttershy's voice soared, carrying the weight of the controversial lyrics. The band played on with unbridled enthusiasm, their rebellious spirit echoing through the venue. The trio, though shocked by the unexpected political commentary, couldn't help but marvel at the courage and audacity of the ponies on stage. The night had taken an unforeseen turn, leaving them with a mix of emotions and a newfound appreciation for the power of music to challenge the status quo.

The friends sat in a tense anticipation, unsure of what would unfold next as the keyboard-playing stallion returned to his second instrument, the haunting electronic organ. The sombre chords he produced were met with a sharp snare drum and the resonating twang of reverberating guitar riffs, setting a mysterious and slightly eerie atmosphere.

I'm tired of being what you want me to be. Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface…

As Fluttershy's voice filled the air, the lyrics took a highly personal turn, seemingly addressing a specific individual. The friends listened intently, their expressions shifting from shock to concern as the song unfolded. Fluttershy's gentle voice carried a weight of emotion, conveying a message that seemed to be directed at someone close to her heart.

The friends exchanged glances, their concern deepening as the performance continued. The keyboardist's haunting organ melodies, combined with the sharp snare and reverberating guitars, intensified the emotional impact of the song. Fluttershy's voice, usually associated with kindness and tranquillity, now carried a sense of disgust and raw emotion.

As the song progressed, the trio couldn't shake the feeling that they were witnessing a deeply personal expression from Fluttershy, set to the evocative soundscape created by the band. The atmosphere in the venue became charged with an emotional intensity that held the audience captive.

Lyra, with a look of disbelief, leaned in and whispered to the others, "Do you think it would be bad if Princess Twilight Sparkle ever hears this song? The lyrics sound intensely like they're directed at someone in particular."

The friends sat in a contemplative silence, absorbing the weight of the performance and wondering about the potential repercussions of such a personal and revealing song. The lyrics had taken the audience on a rollercoaster of emotions, leaving Octavia, Vinyl, and Lyra in a state of uncertainty about the strength of Fluttershy's relationship with her closest friends.

The frustration-charged lyrics of the song came to an end, and a moment of hushed stillness enveloped the venue. There wasn't much time to dwell on the implications of the song, as with a quick rearrangement the players were into their next ballad. The stage lights dimmed, leaving only a single spotlight that descended upon Fluttershy. She cradled the microphone, her long fringe falling like a curtain across her face, creating an intimate and vulnerable tableau.

The song began with just Fluttershy's lone voice, a haunting melody heavy with regret and loss. The trio at the table sat in rapt attention, drawn into the emotional depths of Fluttershy's performance. Her voice, now soft and tender, resonated with the weight of the lyrics, each verse revealing a tale of heartache and introspection.

Summer has come and passed, the innocent can never last. Wake me up when Somntember ends…

After several verses and a poignant chorus, the rest of the band joined in, adding a percussive refrain that seemed to underline the finality of the lyrics. The drumbeat and guitar accents punctuated the emotions embedded in the song, creating a sense of closure and resolution.

Fluttershy's haunting voice soared above the instrumental accompaniment, each note echoing with a melancholic beauty. The spotlight cast a gentle glow on her, emphasising the raw vulnerability in her performance. The trio, captivated by the emotional journey unfolding before them, sat in respectful silence, immersed in the sombre atmosphere created by the band.

As the song reached its culmination, the final notes hung in the air like a lingering echo.The watching trio exchanged glances, touched by the depth of emotion conveyed in Fluttershy's performance. Her voice had taken them on a nostalgic journey, leaving Octavia, Vinyl, and Lyra with a lingering sense of loss.

The spotlight slowly faded, allowing the rest of the stage lights to illuminate the band once again. Fluttershy flicked her fringe away from her face and scowled out at the audience, her demeanour shifting from vulnerability to a quiet strength. There was a sense that something was about to explode from her.

Fluttershy's transformation continued as she exploded into a searing protest song, her dissent bursting forth with scalding contemptuous lyrics that cut through the air. The audience, taken aback by the sudden shift in tone, felt the raw intensity of the pegasus on stage as her voice carried the weight of frustration and anger.

Killing in the name of…. Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn horses…

Vinyl Scratch's lips formed a silent "o" of surprise as she witnessed the unexpected eruption of raw rage from the usually gentle Fluttershy. The percussive sounds from the band assaulted her ears, the beat mirroring the pulsating anger emanating from the stage.

Octavia and Lyra exchanged glances that spoke volumes – a silent conversation that they now barely recognized the famous bearer of the Element of Kindness up on stage. Fluttershy, known for her compassion and empathy, was channelling a powerful force of dissent that seemed to challenge the very fabric of Equestrian society.

The protest song continued to unfold with unrelenting force, Fluttershy's voice cutting through the venue like a sharp blade as she repeated the simple lines like a chant at a march. The trio at the table, along with the rest of the audience, were caught in a whirlwind of emotions, their perceptions of the gentle Pegasus further shattered by the searing intensity of her performance.

As the song reached its zenith, Fluttershy's voice echoed with defiance, the stage lights casting a stark illumination on her resolute figure. The audience sat in a stunned silence, grappling with the unexpected rebellion that was erupting on stage.

The song ended with a solid stream of repeated expletives from a screaming Fluttershy, “...buck you I won't do what you tell me, buck you I won't do what you tell me, MOTHERBUCKERS AAAH!

The band finished the song with a heavy burst of drum beats and power chords, followed by abrupt silence. There was a stunned silence from the crowd, before they exploded into a frenzy of hoof stamps and cheers for the band.

After the intense and unexpected performance, the trio sat in the aftermath of the sonic and emotional storm. Lyra, still buzzing with the energy of the evening, exclaimed, "I can't wait to tell Sweetie Drops about what we saw tonight! This was unlike anything I expected!"

However, Octavia interrupted her with a thoughtful expression. "Lyra, we need to be careful about what we share. I don't think you should tell you marefriend-”

“Housemate!” protested Lyra, “we're just friends.”

Vinyl rolled her eyes and grinned at Octavia.

“Sure, ‘housemate’,” said Octavia, “There must be a reason Fluttershy chose to express herself here instead of Ponyville. We shouldn't expose her if she's not ready to be open about her music."

Vinyl, typically silent but perceptive, nodded in agreement. Octavia continued, "Fluttershy is very delicate, and if she decided to convey her thoughts in this manner, it's essential to respect her choices. Exposing her too soon might not be fair."

The trio exchanged glances, the weight of the evening settling upon them. Octavia suggested, "Let's keep what we saw tonight a secret, at least for now. If Fluttershy wishes to share her thoughts, she'll do so in her own time. It's crucial to be mindful and considerate of her feelings."

Lyra, though initially eager to share the experience, understood the wisdom in Octavia's words. With a nod, she agreed, "You're right, Octavia. Fluttershy deserves the space and time to express herself when she's ready. We can still appreciate the music and the emotions it stirred without exposing her."

The trio left the venue with a newfound respect for the complexities of their friend's thoughts and emotions. As they walked through the dimly lit Canterlot streets, Fluttershy’s voice echoed in their minds. Their thoughts were thick with the weight of the personal and provocative lyrics they had just experienced.

Lyra, breaking the thoughtful silence, mused, "Do you think Fluttershy still feels that way about all the things she sang about? Or maybe those were feelings she's moved on from?"

Octavia, contemplating the question, responded, "It's hard to say, Lyra. The lyrics did seem raw and emotionally charged, as if these were sentiments she's been carrying. It must be incredibly frustrating for her not to express herself verbally."

Octavia's words hung in the air, and she suddenly realised her unintentional insensitivity. Turning to Vinyl, she offered a sincere apology, "Vinyl, I didn't mean to imply..."

Vinyl, with her usual laid-back demeanour, simply shrugged and waved the comments away, a look on her face that said, "That's okay." Her attitude conveyed an understanding of Octavia's intentions, and she seemed unfazed by the accidental misstep.

Lyra, picking up on the mood, added, "Fluttershy's always been quiet, but I never thought she harboured such strong feelings. It's a lot to take in."

The trio continued their walk, discussing the profound impact of the songs and speculating on Fluttershy's emotions. The night had unfolded into a journey of unexpected revelations, leaving them wanting to know more of what was going on in Fluttershy’s mind.

As they approached the train station, the friends couldn't shake the sense that they had witnessed something very private, albeit played out on a stage with an audience. It was likely that none of the other ponies there would have known just who it was pouring their pain out on the stage. The music had opened a door to Fluttershy's inner world, a place filled with unspoken thoughts and emotions that just led to more questions.

They waited for the last train to Ponyville, huddled together in the chill night air, the lively Canterlot streets now quiet and deserted. Lyra, ever the contemplative soul, couldn't help but muse about the songs that seemed to criticise the Princess.

"Did you guys catch those songs, targeting Princess Celestia's rule?" Lyra pondered aloud, her breath visible in the cool night air.

Octavia, wrapped in her own thoughts, responded, "Yes, I did. It's interesting to think about alternative ways of governing. I've heard of systems where leadership is distributed differently. But it's a challenge when you have a living goddess who raises the sun. How do you separate the role from the head of state when it controls our lives?"

Lyra nodded in agreement. "Exactly. It's hard to imagine anything else but an alicorn in charge."

Vinyl, seemingly unimpressed by the philosophical debate, let out a casual yawn. She gazed up at the night sky, perhaps lost in her own musings or simply indifferent to the political intricacies discussed.

The trio sat in a contemplative silence, each absorbed in their own thoughts. The distant sound of the approaching train's whistle broke the stillness, signalling the very end of their night in Canterlot.

As they boarded the train, the echoes of the band's rebellious melodies still lingered in their minds. The journey back to Ponyville was quiet, the rhythmic clatter of the train wheels providing a gentle backdrop to the friends' reflections on the transformative night they had experienced.

In the soft glow of the train compartment, Octavia, Lyra, and Vinyl sat, each lost in contemplation, contemplating the power of music to spark introspection and challenge the status quo. The night had been a magical one of friendship, but something was going to stay on the small stage in Canterlot.

Comments ( 1 )

on my read list for stiff little fingers reference.

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