• Published 1st Dec 2023
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Gabby tries being a Pony - Foal Star

Gabby tries to get her cutie mark by turning herself into a pegasus filly

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Chapter One: Growing Pains

It was a bright, early morning in Griffionstone. Gabby was flying about delivering mail from one house to another, delivering various letters, mostly demanding bits for something. She was flying between her neighbors, all looking rather grouchy as they shooed her until but the young griffin's cheerful demeanor as she came to Gilda, the suave-looking griffin with her face and undercoat with a beautiful set of white feathers and a brown coat covering her bottom half and legs and tail. She turned her head, looking somewhat annoyed at The young griffin. Gabby was used to Gilda's angry attitude. Still, she knew deep down that the older griffin was kind and like a big sister to her. Since Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash came by, she's become almost an entirely different griffin. Gabby flew over towards her as fast as she could and chirped, "Hey ya," she squeaked as she slammed into her and then looked up, surprised to see her smirking and ruffled her head as she said. "Hey, squirt!"

"Hey, Gilda!" Gabby squealed as she hugged her friend and asked, "Has anything been new from the Cutie Mark Crusaders!?"

"Settle down!" Gilda laughed as she placed the younger griffin down and continued, "Actually, yes! They helped a little filly, Petunia Paleo, whose parents thought she was a pirate, but she was a paleontologist."

Gabby's eyes went wide, completely confused as to what Gilda said, then cried, "A paleowhat!?"

"A paleontologist, they uh study dinosaur bones. Her parents were worried that their daughter's cutie mark looked unnerving and wanted the CMC to see what her new mark meant.

"Oh, that's so cool. I would love Bones to be my cutie mark!? Maybe I could be a doctor! Or a pirate!"

Gilda shook her head, "Gabby, listen, I know you want a cutie mark, but that just ain't happening. Have you ever seen a griffin with a picture on their flank?"

The young griffin was tired of everyone telling her that, so she puffed out her chest and shouted, "Of course not, but it doesn't mean I won't be the first!"

"Uh huh…" She then let out an annoyed sigh, tapped a hoof to her, and said, "Gabby, maybe you should visit the cutie mark crusaders and see for yourself."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, I need a letter delivered to Rainbow Dash; we need another player for Boffyball. Greta is out with the flu, and we need someone to replace her for now."

Gabby squealed in delight, snatching the letter, and cheered, "Oh, of course! I love Boffyball! You guys may have lost fifty-three to one last season to the yaks, but you really put in the effort!"

The older griffin winced, then sheepishly brushed the back of her head and said, "Yeah, uh, don't go saying that out loud."

"Yeah, no problem! I'm sure you'll do better this season!" Gabby chirped as she soared off, squealing as she concocted a plan in her mind that once she gave this letter to Rainbow Dash, she would find the cutie mark crusaders and get a cutie mark!

The little griffin took off, zooming through the air. Then, as she was diving towards Ponyville, she ended up in the Everfree forest; deep within the foliage, she squeaked, getting slammed by dozens of tree branches and getting a mouthful of leaves. Then, the last thing the young griffin knew, she was slamming into a massive tree.

Gabby groaned as she woke up; rubbing her head, she looked around the small hut, enamored by the curious items with which the zebra decorated her place. Then her attention turned to see a zebra humming a tune as she smashed something on a table, creating some sort of powder.

She then turned her head and said, "Uh, hello?"

The zebra then turned towards her and, with a smile, replied, "Hello, my friend, it seems you are on the mend."

"Yeah, sorry, I was super excited and flying as fast as I could to Ponyville; I wasn't paying attention, and then I think I hit a tree?"

The zebra then trotted over, looked her over, and said, "I see, but for now, take this as your body has been put through the test. Your wing will heal with some proper bed rest."

She then spoonfed the griffin some bitter medicine, making Gabby grimace at the taste. She swallowed it down, and then the herbalist covered the young griffin and silently finished making her powder. Still feeling achy, Gabby did as the zebra said, lying back and relaxing. Exhaustion slowly came over as she went back to sleep.

A day went by, and the following morning, Gabby groaned as she slowly woke up the following day, rubbing her eyes with her claws. She flexed her wings, which were already feeling much better than yesterday. The little griffin looked over to see the zebra continuing to make powder and pouring it into a glass bottle, and then she turned and said, "Good morning; how are you feeling?"

Gabby then flexed her wings and did her best. She tried to flex her wing and winced, "It hurts, but at least I can move my wings."

The zebra once again came over and looked her over, then, with a nod, replied, "Yes, I see no bones broken, thankfully, but you must take care not to take into the air."

"I know," she sighed, laying back down; this wasn't the first time she had broken her wing. But then she turned towards the old wize-looking zebra and eyed her, wondering who she was and why she would be helping her. The young griffin then asked, "You're Zecora, right? I think Gilda mentioned you before in her letters."

"Yes, that is my name, and if I may ask the same?"

"Name's Gabby came to deliver a letter to Rainbow Dash, but I…also want a cutie mark."

Zecora was somewhat surprised by Gabby's response, saying, "A cutie mark; griffins are not ponies you see. How do you believe you can earn one properly?"

"I…I don't know; I only want one, and if anypony can help me, it's the Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

Zecora paused and then, with a smile, replied, "I see that you were probably overly excited and hit a tree. But why do you wish to get a cutie mark so badly?"

"I…I just heard so much about how ponies here live, and I want to spread that same joy in Griffinstone. Gilda's trying, but it's much harder than you think."

"I see, and you think earning a cutie mark will show the others they can live like a pony?"

Gabby flashed the zebra a wink and chirped, "Exactly! Also, I want to find my purpose; hopefully, a cutie mark can help with that, too!"

Zecora chuckled to herself, then said, "I have to confess that you remind me of my friend Apple Bloom, who was in the same distress."

"Oh, I know her; she's a crusader!" Gabby then took a minute to rack her brain over the letters Gilda brought her over the past year and remembered that Zecora's name popped up often along with what she does. She asked, "Say, I heard you make cures and potions. Could you whip up something to make it appear?"

Zecora sighed annoyedly, "I'm afraid that a brew will not do."

The zebra paused momentarily, then her face lit up as she said, "But there is an elixir I have brewed that could help give you a way to see your life in a different view."

Gabby was somewhat confused about what the zebra offered, so she asked, "What do you mean?"

Zecora took out a flask filled with a bubbling green liquid and said, "You see, I have this potion that can turn you into another species temporarily…I don't mean to ask. But if you wish to be a pony, all you must do is drink from this flask."

"Seriously!? That sounds awesome!"

The zebra nodded, then added, "Yes, I may need a day or two to ensure it's properly brewed. But once complete, it will transform you into a pony temporarily."

The little griffin's eyes went wide. If what Zecora was saying was true, then even if, as a griffin, she couldn't see her cutie mark. She would know her life's purpose with the help of this potion and the Cutie Mark Crusaders! The little griffin flew into the air and squealed, "That sounds so awesome! Is there anything I can do to help!?"

"Yes, if you could help me brew, I'll gather the components, and then we can let it stew."

"Of course, I'm happy to help!" Gabby chirped, and Zecora poured in the green liquid and some more ingredients as the griffin took a massive stick and started to stir it all together with an excited look on her face. She couldn't wait to see the potion be completed and how she'd look as a pony. Better yet, she'll finally get a cutie mark and see what her purpose is in her life.

A week passed, and the potion brewing was long and tedious, but it also gave Gabby time for her wings to heal. But Gabby was now quite exhausted from stirring so much, her forelimbs being quite sore and aching. But she peered down into the cauldron to see the fruits of her labor with the nasty bubbling green liquid from before that looked like a pristine blue color that smelt lovely of fresh spring rain. Zecora then put a massive ladle in, using her teeth to scoop up some of the liquid gently and pour it into a flask. The zebra then shook it with a smile as she said, "This potion, I may say, will turn you into a pegasus pony for a day."

Gabby looked slightly disappointed as she wanted to be a pony for longer than that. She then let out an annoyed sigh." Right… I'll be a griffin by tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'm afraid this potion is not meant to be permanent as you see; this is just to help fulfill your destiny. But if you wish to stay as a different you, all you have to do is drink more of this brew."

Gabby nodded along and felt relieved that all she had to do was drink some more potion to keep her pegasus form. "Ok, that's a relief; I doubt I'll find a cutie mark in a single day," she paused, wondering when she had turned into a pegasus. She told ponies she was a griffin. Gabby looked up at Zecora and then asked, "Ok…so um…when I go and make friends with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, should I tell them the truth or make up a lie?"

Zecora paused, tapped a hoof to her chin as she pondered the question, then said, "Hmm, I personally always value truth, but that I think should be up to you."

Gabby wasn't sure if she would make up a lie or tell the truth, so for now, she'd wait to make a decision. Zecora then hoofed the potion, and Gabby took it, drank it down, and wiped her mouth. The griffin squeaked as she felt her body shift and morph. It felt tingly as her body shrank, her feathered torso turned into a soft grey coat, and her claws and back paws became small stubby limbs with tiny hooves on each leg. The young griffin then felt some hair growing from her head and her flank. Looking back, she saw a long black mane and tail flowing over her frame with white stripes running through it. She then turned to a mirror nearby, trotted over, looked at her reflection, and gasped in surprise. Gabby looked down and saw a small grey-coated pegasus filly with teal-colored eyes and a cute smile staring back at her. The griffin turned to see her flank was still blank, but otherwise, she was transformed into a young pegasus filly! Gabby couldn't contain her excitement as she squealed, flying in the air and hugging Zecora. "Thank you! So much!"

The zebra was taken aback and hugged her. "It is no problem, Gabby, but remember you are still a griffin despite being a pony."

Gabby looked annoyed having to be reminded of that and grumbled, "Yeah, I know."

The zebra eyed her as she asked, "And now, will you lie and keep ponies far? Or will you let ponies know who you really are."

"I…um, will tell the cutie mark crusaders the truth. I don't want to lie to them…but anyone else, I think I'll have to make up a story. I'm sure most ponies would accept I'm a griffin. But I don't know how they'll take it knowing I turned into a pegasus; they might think I'm a changeling..." The little pegasus paused, seeing if that's the case; she would also have to come up with a story of where she came from, then added, "can I say that I'm from Cloudesdale and that my parents are letting me stay with you?"

Zecora seemed to be a bit hesitant but eventually said, "I believe in telling the truth, but I'll play my part, and my word will be proof."

"Thank you!"

"Do what you think is right, but be back by tonight!"

"I will, and thanks again!" the filly chirped as she flew off towards Ponyville, excited to finally meet the Cutie Mark Crusaders and get a cutie mark!

Gabby headed straight to the Cutie Mark Crusader's Treehouse and slammed right into it. She bounced back onto the ground, landing on her flank, groaning in pain. Gabby wasn't usually this clumsy, but her new body was just so much lighter than her griffin form, making her go way faster than she was used to. She kept a mental note as she sat for a minute, rubbing her head, and looked up to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders all peering down with surprised faces.

Scootaloo came down and asked, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine; I just got a bump, is all," The little filly chirped as she got up and shook her tail and mane, then saw the three fillies around her; it excited her as she started to prance up and down, squealing, "Oh my gosh of my gosh, oh my gosh! I can't believe I'm meeting the cutie mark crusaders!"

The three beamed with pride as Apple Bloom chirped, "Yup, that's us!"

"We're about to head off to school, but I assume you're here because you need help looking for a cutie mark!?" Sweetie Belle chimed in as well

"Oh yes! Yeah! I'm a blank flank, see!" she then showed off her butt, and the three fillies giggled and then Sweetie Belle replied, "Okay, so… as Scootaloo said, we still have to go to school, but after that, we can help find you a cutie mark."

The three then began to trot off as Gabby, without thinking, shouted, "Wait!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders looked behind them as Gabby, with her cheeks flushing pink, asked, "Would it be ok if I go to school too?"

The fillies all looked at each other with surprised looks on their faces. Apple Bloom then said, "Uh, what's your name?"

“Oh right, im Ga…Gabby!”

Looking suspicious, Sweetie Belle asked, "Okay, so Gabby, where do you come from?"

"A…where? Oh yeah! Cloudesdale! Yeah, I, uh, am a transfer student from Cloudesdale!"

"Oh, okay, that makes sense. Gabby, you can come to school! But, um, do you have parents or an older sibling?"

"Um… I'm living with Zecora…"

Apple Bloom looked surprised by this news and said, "Oh, do you know her?"

Gabby gulped, not really knowing what to say next, and just started to say whatever came to mind. "Well, let's just say we met, but yes, she's been a mentor to me and a friend. She agreed to watch over me while I stay in Ponyville for a while…uh...um...oh yeah! My parents arranged everything, so yeah! Let's uh get going to school!"

The other three fillies just shrugged, and then Apple Bloom turned and said, "Well, any friend of Zecroa is a friend of ours. Come on! We're gonna be late if we stay here any longer!"

"Ok!" Gabby chirped as she flew off after the three as they all rushed to school.

At the schoolhouse, Gabby was looking around the classroom full of foals and getting quite nervous as they saw her. They all started to stare and whisper amongst themselves. Cheerilee was surprised by her presence and said, "Oh, hello, is this a new classmate?"

Scootaloo raised her hooves and exclaimed, "Yeah, her name is Gabby; she's from Cloudesdale!"

"Oh, that's a wonderful name! And you're from Cloudesdale? I wasn't informed of having any transfer students."

Gabby could feel beads of sweat running down her face as she lied, "Um, well, uh, I'm from Cloudesdale, and my parents sent me here to learn about friendship. Zecora can vouch for me; she's been my caretaker for a few days."

"Zeocra, she's the zebra who lives in the Everfree Forest, correct?" Cheerilee asked, looking somewhat suspicious. Gabby gave a few nods, and then the teacher added, "Well, if that is the case, I'll talk to her after class, but for now, go ahead and take a seat; we were just about to go over some math problems."

This got a loud groan from the other students as Gabby quickly flew across the room and sat in an empty chair beside the Cutie Mark Crusaders. She then got caught up in the lesson as Cheerilee turned back and asked for participation from the class. Gabby raised her hoof every time and answered correctly repeatedly, surprising many of the students in the class. Cheerilee then went to another question, turned towards the new student, and asked, "So Gabby, would you like to answer this one?"

"Sure!" The little grey-coated pegasus chirped excitedly. She then flew to the front of the class. She took the chalk, started to go over the question, rambling on about how minusing this, adding that, and then ended with X=10 and said, "See, easy peasy! That's how you do algebra!"

"Wow!?" everypony started to clap as she bowed, feeling rather proud. Cheerilee was taken aback and then said, "Wow!? Th…that was impressive!? How are you so good at math?"

"Well, griffinstone had a ton of books on math, and I was so bored and just went through a bunch and taught myself; I even know calculus."

Cheerilee's eyes lit up, then asked, "Griffinstone? I thought you said you were from Cloudsdale?"

Gabby's heart started to race, and she realized what she had just said, then replied, "I uh…did um some traveling with my folks, and we uh stayed at Griffinstone for a while."

"Oh, that explains it; well, thank you, Gabby; now it's time for recess!"

"Yay!" The foals all squealed in delight as they charged out the playground's back door. Gabby was abit surprised but flew through the backdoors and headed out with the other foals. Scootaloo bounced towards her as she did and cheered, "You're so cool, Gabby!"

Gabby was feeling abit embarrassed, showing off how good she was at math, and whispered, "You think so!?"

"Yeah, I mean, did you see Cheerilee's face? I don't think she's even that good at math."

The remaining foals gathered around her, all nodding in agreement. Snails then asked, "Hey, Gabby, how good are you at baseball?"

"How good am I at baseball!? I'm amazing at it!"

She then flew over to the baseball diamond set up for the foals and took up a bat. Soon, dozens of foals gathered around the baseball field and excitedly looked on. Snips took the pitcher's spot and tossed the ball right at her. With the bat in her mouth, Gabby smacked it against the baseball and, with a crack, sent it flying. "Homerun, yeah!"

She then flew around the field, squealing in delight, and spent the rest of the afternoon playing baseball until the bell rang, and she followed the rest of the foals back into the schoolhouse.

After school was over and the sun was setting, Gabby followed the Cutie Mark Crusaders to their treehouse as they talked about her. Scootaloo was flapping her wings and squealing, "Did you see her play baseball!? She didn't get a single strike!"

Sweetie Belle chimed in. "I'm more impressed with her math skills; the look on Cheerilee's face when she solved that last problem was priceless!"

"I'm more impressed that she went to Griffinstone!?" Apple Bloom exclaimed. She approached Gabby and asked, "You must tell us about your time there!"

"Uh yeah, sure…" Gabby laughed nervously. She looked down, seeing she was lying, but she didn't want to tell them the truth, mostly because she feared they wouldn't help her, knowing she was a griffin. So, for now, she'll keep up the lie she was a pegasus from Cloudesdale until she got her cutie mark. The filly then saw they were at the treehouse, and her eyes went wide upon seeing it again. She paused as the rest of the foals went inside, and then Apple Bloom turned and asked. "Are you coming?"

"Uh…um…are you sure?"

"Yeah! Come on!" Scootaloo shouted.

Gabby couldn't contain herself flying inside. Upon entering the treehouse, she was in complete awe, looking over the place full of drawings of various "plans" for the Cutie Mark Crusaders trying to earn their cutie marks. Now, they even had a list of foals and ponies they helped either get their cutie marks or figure out what they meant to do. Despite the quaint rustic feel of the place, it was home, and she loved it. Tears came to her eyes, overwhelmed as she dreamed of seeing this for so long. With a blush on her cheeks, she brushed a hoof over her mane and said," Thanks, guys, it's great and all, but what should we do first to get my cutie mark?"

Apple Bloom pulled down a fresh chart and dew some math symbols and a baseball bat, then crossed two big red "Xs" over them then said, "Well, first of all, we can cross out math and baseball if those were your cutie marks they didn't show."

Gabby sighed, "Guess so, but there are a few other things I can do?"

"Of course! We aren't giving up, not by a long shot! So what other activities do you like to do?"

Gabby then started to list a few things, from gardening, playing the clarinet and helping others. Sweetie Belle wrote them down one by one as Apple Bloom drew pictures. "Okay, that's a start; why don't we go through these and see if it appears."

"Alright, let's get started!"

"But first! We need to make you an honorary Cutie Mark Crusader!" Sweetie Belle cheered.

Scootaloo then hoofed her a red cloak with the patchwork emblem on it; she then tied it around her neck, bounced up and down, and then threw all three fillies into a hug and cried, "Oh my gosh, thank you, this is awesome!"

"Yeah, no problem, but can you let us go?" Scootlaoo wheezed. Gabby squeaked, then apologized, "Yeah uh, sorry…now uh, guess we can start trying to find my cutie mark?"

"Of course, let's get to it!" Apple Bloom chirped.

Later that evening, after a long, tired day of trying to find her cutie mark, Gabby's flank was still blank, and it was getting dark.

So Gabby returned to the Everfree Forest; she looked somewhat disappointed as Zecora opened the door. She then flashed her a smile and asked, "Hello, Gabby I hope its not rude to say, how was your day?"

"It was okay, I guess…. I didn't find my cutie mark." She then came over and helped stir the cauldron filled with a delicious soup filled with tofu and veggies. Gabby then filled the bowls for each, and they sat together and ate silently for a while. Midway through the meal the zebra replied, "Well, I didn't think it would happen in one day; give it time. I'm sure it will appear if you stay."

Gabby looked down and with a disappointed look, knowing she had to tell her the truth, and admitted, "Yeah...but…I…I lied to the Cutie Mark Crusaders; they think I'm a filly from Cloudesdale."

The zebra slowly nodded and took a sip of her tea before she responded, "I see; it's understandable, seeing you're still in your youth. Do you think the Cutie Mark Crusaders would judge you if they knew the truth?"

"No, I think they would be fine with me being a griffin, but I don't think they would help me find a cutie mark knowing I was a griffin…this means a lot to me. I want to know my purpose and this is the only way I know how."

"Gabby, a cutie mark is merely telling a pony what they were always meant to be; in all honesty, you will find your destiny even if you weren't a pony."

"I don't believe that; most griffins at Griffinstone think being mean and greedy is all there is to life."

"But Gilda's influence is making things better, right? I don't believe that you need to be a pony for them to see the light."

"They are….but things still suck there. On the first day here, I solved math problems, played baseball, helped a mom with her baby, played clarinet, did gardening, and even hugged a pony to help him feel better. Back at Griffinstone, I would've been laughed at and bullied for doing any of those things!" Gabby plopped back down onto her seat, stared at her equestrian face, and smiled at herself as she added, "Here, I can just be myself."

"Well, I think a few years ago, most ponies would have treated you quite differently; as for me, they thought I was a witch and shunned me from their society."

"That's horrible! Why would they do that!?"

Zecora sipped her tea and explained, "Since living among ponykind, I've learned they don't pay much mind and can seem welcoming, but they have one flaw that they must beware, fearing others that act and look differently."

"Right, guess even Ponyville had growing pains…but still…Griffinstone is a different beast altogether."

"Yet again, the griffins are kinder; I heard they even started playing Boffyball and are have grown quite happier."

"Yeah, I…alright, I get what you're saying, I really do. But I want to stay a pegasus filly for a few more days. I need to see if I can get a cutie mark, then I'll turn back into a griffin."

The zebra nodded once again and added, "I will be fine with you being a pegasus until you find what you seek, but I will not allow it to go longer than a week. But before we finish our meal, you must make a deal."

"What's that?"

She looked into Gabby's eyes and said, "To your friends, you will be true, or I will not give you more of the brew."

"Okay, it's a deal," Gabby mumbled begrudgingly. She took the bowl and drank up the rest of the food, and then Zecora took her by the hoof, led her into bed, and tucked her in. Gabby then looked around the hut, realizing she was taking the only bed there, and asked, "Wait, where do you sleep?"

"Don't worry about me, just get some sleep and be at ease," Zecora said, then placed the blankets around her and trotted off to continue her work as Gabby drifted asleep.