• Published 30th Nov 2023
  • 105 Views, 8 Comments

#Loveislove - Janicethelight

A story based off of the Ciderfest BOAS #87 ;)

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Barley opens the door of his cider bar as Princess Cadance trots in.
“Thank ya kindly for coming on such short notice, Princess Cadance.” Barley nods, “I figured if anypony would know what to do about this situation, it would be you.”

He points over to the bar seats where, among several other ponies, Zephyr Breeze sits, his area is littered with cider mugs, his face in his hooves, and tears streaking his eyes.

“Oh dear.” Cadence gasps, nodding to Barley, “you did the right thing. I only hope I can help him through this.” Cadence walks calmly over to Zephyr, sitting next to him, “hello again, Zephyr Breeze. What has you so upset, if I may ask?”

“Princess!” Zephyr falls off the stool in shock. He takes a moment to settle himself before climbing back on, face red from embarrassment. He coughs, “what?” He starts again before finally realizing what he was asked. “I mean, who said anything was wrong?!” Cadence lifts an eyebrow, and allows silence to linger. Zephyr bites his lip, sweat beading his face. Finally, after a few short minutes he caves, “Rainbow Dash will never love me!” He bawls.

“Oh?” Cadence blinks, taken aback, “how did you arrive at this conclusion?”

Zephyr breaths a long breath in before he answers, “It all started when I talked to her the other day-”

“Rainbow! Nice outfit!” Zephyr walked over to Rainbow Dash, putting a wing around her as he took in the outfit that matched her mane, “though if you wanted to impress me, the dress you wore when I was a guard works so much better on you!”

Rainbow Dash immediately pushed Zephyr off of her. “Are you serious right now, Zephyr?!” She groaned.

Zephyr bounced back up, dusting himself off, “what? Are you that shocked to see me?”

“Yes! No! Just-just look where you are!” Rainbow Dash pointed.

Zephyr looked. Rainbow flags were being held by everypony. A parade came by, throwing out free flags of multiple colors. Signs were held with the lines “love is love”. Zephyr turned back with a shrug, “I do indeed, and I think it's sweet that you are an ally for your friend. Who is it? Apple Dumpling or whatever?”

Applejack, who was standing right next to Rainbow Dash, raised an eyebrow.

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Look, I have tried to be subtle in hopes that you would get the hint, but obviously I have to be direct.” She glared straight into his eyes as she spoke, “I. Will. NEVER. Love you!”

“Oh come on, Rainbows. Stop playing hard to get and-” Rainbow Dash cut him off.

“I AM NOT PLAYING HARD TO GET!” Rainbow Dash grabbed Apple Jack, kissing her deeply before she continued, “I'm a lesbian, Zephyr. I like MARES!!!”


“Oh.” Cadance breaths, “what did you do after that?”

“I just sat there, dumbfounded. By the time I was able to think, they were both gone!” Zepyr admits.

Cadence nods, an understanding smile on her face, “I am very proud of you, Zephyr.” She beams.

“Proud?!” Zephyr blinks.

“It is completely understandable to be shocked when you find the one your heart loves pines for another, but, to be honest, you are taking it quite well. What's most important is that you are respecting Rainbow Dash's feelings.” Cadance gives Zephyr a moment to respond, and when he doesn't, she continues, “I know it hurts to let go of this love, Zephyr, but it is the right thing to do.”

Zephyr sighs, looking over to Cadance, “couldn't you use your love magic to help?”

Cadance sighs, “my magic doesn't work that way. I don't make ponies fall in love. I only remind them of their best moments together.”

Zephyr sighs before Cadance drapes a wing around his shoulder, “I don't blame you for asking.” She sighs, looking off into the distance, “Trust me, you aren't the first and you certainly won't be the last. Still, think about this, is that what you really want?” She took Zephyr's sigh as one of resignation, “I genuinely hope you meet somepony who feels the same about you as you do about them, but for now, just focus on Zephyr, okay.”

“Princess Cadance!” Another voice called out.

“Give me just a moment, Zephyr. Seems another pony needs my help.”
Cadence trots over, talking with a couple of ponies. Zephyr groans mournfully before turning his attention to the bar. He notices something stuck in the napkin holder. Curious, he reaches out, plucking the crumpled paper from among the napkins.

He realizes two things simultaneously. One: he is looking at one of the magic pages everypony had been fighting over. Two: A strange unicorn is now pointedly staring at him, or, more accurately, the page in his hooves.

The unicorn coughs, realizing he has been noticed, and sighs, “that is a powerful magic force you have found.” The unicorn begins, “and I couldn't help but overhear your plight. I, for one, sympathize with you.”

“You do?” Zephyr gasps.

“Yes. With all of these…confused ponies who are being lead astray…back when I was a colt, every mare was happy with a colt and vice versa. It always intrigued me that there was a sudden surrender of this…pride once the so called ‘princess of love’ came to be noticed.”

“Wait. You think-you think Cadance made Rainbow Dash like mares?” Zephyr gasped.

“I am not directly saying anything. Though, I know what I would do with that page.” The unicorn huffed.

“Oh?” Zephyr asked, holding the page a bit closer to himself.

“Oh, I am no barbarian, dear boy. I am Neighsay. I have moons of experience when it comes to rules and regulations. I was merely saying, if you gave me that page, I would change things so that there would be a board, just like there is one for schools, but this board would determine who is truly…compatible with one another. It would be certain that you would get to be with your dear Rainbow Dash.”

“But…if I can change anything, couldn't I just change things so Rainbow Dash loves me? Zephyr wonders.

“That may be true, but then you would be doing a great disservice to your fellow pony. Imagine how many other poor ponies sat where you sit now worried about love. With this, no pony will ever have to feel like this again. Think about it!”

What should Zephyr do?

> (Hero) Don't use the page and give it to Cadance.
> (Chaos) Use the page to make Rainbow Dash fall in love with him.
>(Villain) Give Neighsay the page