• Published 2nd Mar 2024
  • 347 Views, 1 Comments

Zipp is dead, and she was outside my window? - SixLeggedHorseOfOdin

  • ...

Zipp is still here.

Hitch was a yellow pony with green hair with light brown eyes.

A moment ago he had been struggling with the loss of someone who was now outside his window.

The green eyes were glowing, but other than that the same white fur, teal streaked pink hair, her beautiful Pegasus body.

She looked at him smiling with a sort of melancholy softness.

What in the hay was going on?

She tapped on the window with her hoof and said, "Let me in," in a calm voice.

He looked at the strange vision and thought about what had happened that faithful day.


It was a lovely picnic. It was bright and warm. Every pony was having fun.

Suddenly they heard heavy breathing.

They looked...

There was Opaline, she looked weak and even more angry than they had ever seen her before.

She looked at Misty a pony who had once served her. The blue Unicorn with red dyed hair started running. Her green eyes were full of terror as she ran as Opaline charged her.

Opaline pupils and irises were so small with the most messed up smile crossing her face as she ran.

Suddenly Zipp shot in front of Opaline being brained in the top of the head and she fell in front of Opaline.

Opaline tripped and fell over Zipp's lifeless body, ending up unconscious.

They walked over in horror first to Zipp's body. Comet walked over to the body of their friend. He bent down and whimpered, "She's dead..."

They removed both their friend's dead body and guards removed Opaline's comatose one later on.


It had been a year and someone was still using the internet accounts that had belonged to Zipp and now this.

Hitch muttered, "Whoever you are this isn't funny?"

Zipp told him, "It's me, Zipp."

Hitch listened to the voice, everything about the pony on the balcony felt like it was Zipp except the glowing eyes.

Hitch mumbled, "But you're dead?"

Zipp said, "I'm undead."

She carried on further as Hitch winced realizing that this supernatural being had formerly been his friend, "I think you should let me in to talk to Pipp, she doesn't need her pop star career ruined."

Hitch asks, "What are you?"

Zipp happened to be wearing a satchel, she took out a book and put it on the side of the door.

Zipp told him, "What do you think I am...?"

She flashed a toothy smile with razor-sharp canines. Something even in a shorter state was unnatural to a pony.

She turned around, looked back, and told him, "The book is the most accurate writing on us by a pegasus and I have put some notes correcting a few things. "

And she flew off.


Sparky woke up, it had been moons since the first defeat of Opaline and a moon since Opaline had returned only to end up in a coma and he was now much more grown. The purple-eyed green baby dragon looked around. He had heard Zipp talking to Hitch. He had been told Zipp had gone to heaven and that someday even he would join her. The problem was (unless his autism had made him misunderstand again) ponies and other creatures when they were in heaven weren't supposed to visit.

He walked down the hallway and saw his dad Hitch by the window and saw a pegasus flying away from the window.

His dad turned around and saw him.

He told him sternly, "Get back to bed, dad has business to take care of, son."

He replied "Dad, You sound like Homer Pegason. And Zipp was visiting from heaven."

His dad retorted, "No one visits from heaven, she's gone Sparky."

Then his dad said very calmly, "We both need to accept that."

Sparky asked, "When will Haven come back?"

Dad muttered, "You'll see her in Heaven hopefully... she had a more complex life?"

Sparky shrieked, "You saying she might be in Tartarus?"

His father told him, "That's not what I said?"

Sparky yawned, "Listen, I'm going back to bed since you won't let me talk to Zipp."

He walked back to his room and muttered, "I miss her too?"


At breakfast, Pipp was reviewing security footage from government-installed cameras of the imposter pony.

They looked completely like Zipp except weird glowing eyes and they were hanging with a pegasus with a Rainbow mane and Blue Fur and a White Unicorn with a dark blue mane with light blue highlights.

Pipp suddenly was interrupted by Sparky yelling, "I just want to eat the sandwich!"

Hitch calmly said, "First you need to eat your vegetables."

Pipp said to Hitch, "he's a dragon you do realize that."

Hitch muttered, "He. Still. Has. To. Eat. His. Veggies. "

Sunny a tangerine pony with purple hair with a rainbow streak said, "You know now that he's got all his teeth his diet should be mostly gemstones."

Hitch said loudly and authoritatively but calmly enough, "And the sandwich is a diamond peanut butter one. Like Spike shows how to make on his FaceHoof."

A Purple Unicorn with Blue hair named Izzy muttered, "Most of his page is just him making gun show poses, though?"

Misty also a Unicorn who now had a purple mane and was changing it every week with her unchanged blue fur, stated, "That's really kind of what all the dragons do with their phones. I mean I saw one who constantly was saying various birds saying they were stalking her."

Sparky muttered, "OK dikes!"

Hitch gasped.

Comet a shiny teal Unicorn known as an Aroraicorn with a shiny purple mane, "Oh trust me the kids weren't that innocent in my school days either, Hitch."

Sparky asked, "Why did you use to be a mare, you still act like one by the way?"

Comet had just put a big bite of chocolate cereal in his mouth, just sprayed it into Misty's mane.


Hitch yelled in a girlish voice, "OK just eat the sandwich!"


Hitch was standing with Sparky at the bus stop near the palace.

Hitch asked, "So why don't you want to be kissed goodbye?"

Sparky answered, "Because it is gay."

Hitch said, "I guess you have the right to not consent, but Sparky there's nothing gay about being kissed on the forehead by your dad?"

Sparky replied, "The foals at school think that it is! Besides your not my dad!"

Hitch starred at his Dragon Son hurt, and asked, "Why are you acting like this?"

Sparky yelled, "Because today I got to hear those two dikes talk trash about my species, it's not dragons' fault they went to sleep a thousand moons ago and woke up now!"

Hitch said, "I'll talk to them about being more sensitive around you.... but Sparky Sparkaroni you can't just call your aunts that word, It is hurtful... and who told you Comet is trans?"

Sparky said, "I looked at his butt and noticed some of the features and took a photo with your phone and did an image search."

Hitch told him sternly, "You don't take pictures of ponies' butts, especially with my phone, and why are you looking at ponies' butts anyway?"

Sparky told him, "It's the only way I can tell if they are colts or fillies. It's the stupid autism and me being a dragon!"

Hitch asks, "Can I be allowed to hug you so we can comfort each other?"

Sparky said, "I consent. "

They gave each other a big hug.

They waited a few minutes for the hover bus to arrive, and then Sparky went to school.


Pipp looked at the canternet on her phone while doing her Queenly duties.

Pippsqueeks from all over were giving her information on the imposter.

The imposter knew everything Zipp knew, liked everything Zipp liked, acted the way Zipp acted, talked like Zipp, and behaved like Zipp in every way. She had to crack the code.

Some of her guards may have been in on it, they were making up weird stories and stuff that had belonged to Zipp kept disappearing.

She thought...

Was it possible that Zipp had somehow been revived by dark magic? Or that her body had been reanimated by some dark force?

Horrifying scenarios played out in her head.

She muttered to herself, "You can not just let your fantasies run wild Pipp, you have to figure this out for Zipp. "

The more she thought the more terrified she became. Could a powerful Unicorn or Alicorn be using her sister's body as a puppet? Could she be...

Wait this made sense...

Her sister was...

No, she'd need to see more about the 'Not-Zipp', but she forwarded the Pippsqueeks what to look for.


He was in his room. Hitch surveyed the balcony and saw proof beyond Sparky that she had been there.

He went out and picked up the book and brought it in. He looked at the cover. It said The Vampiro by Starnick Von Dawn, subtitled The Vampire Ponies.

Oh colt, he thought.

He started going through the pages.

This was a real book on Vampire Ponies.

He read as much as he could before he had to pick up Sparky.



Young Duke Calhoof Flyer was walking up behind his favorite victim.

The young Dragon looked behind him.

The Duke pinned him up to the wall, "Scrany little bitch aren't yeah!" He told Sparky.

Sparky yelled, "STOP!"

The Duke yelled mockingly, "No one cares stupid little dragon, what's your faggot father going to do? KISS ME?"

He shoved Sparky into the dragon's locker.

Sparky screamed, "Help Me!" Over and over.

Ponies passed but didn't do anything.

He had been in there a while and suddenly he heard someone picking the lock.

The door opened and there stood Zipp.

Zipp looked at him and asked, "Is this a hobby of yours?"

Sparky jumped out and hugged her.

"Wow you're not that warm," said Sparky.

Zipp said, "Comes with the territory."

Sparky asked, "Are you visiting from heaven?"

Zipp said in a silly way, "I didn't go to heaven..."

Sparky looked horrified, and she answered his look with, "I didn't go to the other place either. "

Sparky asked, "Then where did you go?"

Zipp told him, "I woke in my coffin, all my wounds healed. I dug myself out and met some cool ponies who I have been hanging with since. See what I can do by the way?"

She walked up the wall and onto the ceiling and back down then down to the floor.

Sparky yelled, "That's so cool!"

Zipp said, "I'll visit Calhoof's house to scare him! Then I'll talk to Hitch."


Sparky seemed excited tonight.

Hitch decided that he must have had a good day at school. He'd have him apologize to Misty, Izzy, and Comet tomorrow.

He asked his son, "We're having a good night Sparkaroni! You'll apologize to your aunts and uncle tomorrow?"

Sparkaroni told him, "Like you and Zipp said."

He looked at Sparky, "Zipp?"

Sparkaroni told him, "She was at my school and she has all sorts of cool powers?"

He looked and asked, "Did Zipp do anything to you I should know about?"

Sparky cheered, "She got me out of a locker!"

He asked his son, "Why were you in a locker?"

Zipp's voice came from the window, "Because he's being bullied, but I took care of that!"

Hitch yelled, "What the buck!?" Doing a 180 he looked at her.

Hitch asked angrily, "Did you hurt a child?"

Zipp said, "Boy I hurt no one just gave him a scare!"

Sparky ran up to the window and looked at his dad, he asked, "Can we let her in?"

Hitch said, "No we can not, we have no idea what she'll do?"

Sparky replied, "She's nice still. "

Hitch yelled, "Sparky she's a vampony!"

Sparky asked, "She's been nice to me today?"

Hitch looked guilty and said, "Listen I would just like to know what she's capable of before I let her in."

Hitch calmly told Zipp, "I am sorry... but it's good you said Sparky was being bullied because now I know why he's acting up?"

Zipp said, "You don't have to let me in tonight."

Zipp continued a with little melancholy in her voice, "It's OK, but Hitch please let me just let me in when you're done with the book?"

Zipp turned around and flew off.


Comet was in his room, he didn't like the fact that such a painful part of his life had been brought to light.

The dragon was a nice kid. But he needed him to promise that he wouldn't use that one word,' tranny."

He had this problem with ponies asking if he was a stallion or a mare.

He had been attacked for being a trans-stallion.

He had had mares who he asked out, call him "tranny."

With Alura imprisoned in the stars and all the other villains they had defeated, he should feel fulfilled.

He just wanted somepony in his life.

He was lonely.
Hitch was reading the book Zipp had given him.

He read the details of the Vampiro living under the city, being led by the blue queen under which there was a note, 'It's the

Rainbow Queen or Rainbow Dash as she calls herself.'

The Vampiro were in every sense of the word a terrifying bunch.

He was wondering if he should not inform Pipp and have her take some sort of action.

But then her action might be to kill them all.

Were they a bunch of literal bloodsuckers though?

But then Zipp didn't seem like a monster?

He was in over his head.


She woke.

The large purple Alicorn looked around.

A Gray Pegasus walked in with two guards one of which was a unicorn and the other an earth pony.

The Gray Pegasus said, "You are awake, I see?"


The Gray Pegasus muttered, "Patient seems to be showing the violent tendencies associated with Narcissists with Psychopathic Traits."


The Gray Pegasus told the unicorn, "Orderly inject her with the calming fluid."

Opaline looked and saw a syringe floating towards her, she screamed stuttering, "No... No... NO!"

She felt the poke.

The Gray Pegasus told her, "Wait a few seconds, it's meant to calm you down, not knock you out.

Opaline asked a few minutes later, "Am I in a madhouse because I am pretty sure I'm an Alicorn Queen?"

The Gray Pegasus stated, "It's called a mental hospital and you are not here because of delusions, you're here because you don't exhibit a proper expression of empathy. Misty described to me and others that you didn't seem to treat objects and creatures very differently."

Opaline said, "That is because everything weak is to be controlled by something stronger."

The Gray Pegasus, "Do you believe that? You murdered a mare in cold blood?"

Opaline said, "You mean I committed homicide?"

The Gray Pegasus asked, "Explain this?"

Opaline replied, "I was trying to kill Misty."

The Gray Pegasus inquired in a near monotone, "That makes it better how?"

Opaline stated, "It was a bonus I killed that harlot!"

The Gray Pegasus looked a little offended for a moment and then recomposed, "Why would you call her a harlot?"

Opaline replied, "She wears her hair like a stallion!"

The Gray Pegasus stated, "Would you believe she even though she was into larger stronger older boys as a foal was able to set healthy sexual boundaries even when she was a teenager, it was her sister who had trouble with that."

Opaline muttered, "Well that at least shows the female dog wasn't a lesbian?"

The Gray Pegasus asked, "You think someone is a lesbian because of their hair?"

Opaline looked at the Gray Pegasus' badge and discovered it said, Name: Therpin Halsy, Pronouns: They/Them, Gender: Androgynous.

Opaline spluttered, "You should be kept here you sex-clown!"

Therpin said bluntly, "You accept my help, or you will live here for a very long time?"


Zipp was outside his window yet again.

Hitch thought, 'Zipp is dead, and she was outside my window and is once again."

Zipp looked her eyes glowing and also pleading, she was still her despite it all.

Hitch opened the window.

Zipp moved so fast he barely saw her until she had her front legs around his neck, she whispered, "I'm never leaving you again."

Then for a moment, he felt a wet pony tongue and then she pulled back and started grabbing something out of her satchel and pulled out a blood bank blood pack.

"Sorry, Instinct, didn't think about how hungry I was till I got here." She muttered.

Hitch said, "Remind me of that next time I let you in?"

Suddenly he heard a voice, "Soo, this is your mate!"

Zipp stated, "Rainbow it's not like that!"

There was a blue pegasus with Rainbow Hair and a White Unicorn with neon blue hair standing outside the open window.

Zipp waved her hoof and said, "Hey come on in!"

The two vamponies walked in.

Hitch stammered asking as un-panicked as he could, "Who are they?"

Zipp hugged both of them and pointed towards the cyan pegasus, "This is Rainbow Dash, also the legendary Rainbow Queen."

Rainbow Dash stated, "I have been many things in my life and afterlife?"

Zipp pointed to the Unicorn, "This is a musician of many identities, creating some of the best music of the many eras, Vinyl Scratch."

Vinyl stated, "DJ Pon-3 in the House?"

Hitch looked open-mouthed then asked, "And you're just gonna let 'em in here?"

Zipp looked, "Can't my new friends and my old friends get along?"

Rainbow Dash stated, "We won't bite anyone in here, honest."

Hitch watched the two walk out the door of his room, then looked at Zipp and asked, "You didn't tell me about your friends?"

Zipp looked and blushed, she muttered "Sorry, okay?"

Hitch said rubbing his mane with his hoof blushing too, "I have missed you, even if you might bite!"

Zipp yelled crying suddenly, "I SWEAR I'd INPALE MY OWN HEART BEFORE I HURT ANYONE!"

Hitch hugged Zipp massively and asked, "Shhhh, shhh, shhh, Vampires are emotional aren't they?"

Zipp wiped her tears, "No we aren't supposed to be?"


Meanwhile, Pipp was following the Not-Zipp and suddenly realized that she was at the Castle Window and then it got wilder.

Someone let the Not-Zipp in.

And then wilder, two more bat pony-type creatures came in the same window.

Then she realized it was Hitch's window.

Oh, Celestia's Mane, she'd known that he had a crush on Zipp when she was alive, oh my Gods Above, she thought, it is what I most feared, A VAMPONY!

Suddenly she heard doors opening and voices, "Let's see if the New Mane Six have any Hotties?" "I remain loyal to Pinkie but Vinyl you can have any of them!"

Oh, buck no!


Comet was sulking, he was alone, as he washed his face in the sink suddenly a pony came up behind him.

He looked behind him and there was a white unicorn with blue hair.

She was smiling, and said, "They have Trans Ponies again?"

Comet looked weirded out, but he was a little intrigued, he just made a prayer for love, and while a hot mare walking into his room and looking at his backside wasn't exactly what he prayed for, welp that did it on some level.

Comet looked at her and muttered, "I hope this isn't a fetish thing. And who are you if it's not, beautiful?"

She in a monotone announced, "Vinyl Scratch."

Comet looked, "So it's not a fetish thing?"

She told him, "I really like the between male and female, never knew why?"

Comet was a little weirded out but decided the pony was probably there on business.

He was gonna go with this.

Comet told her, "I would like to show you around the Castle, would you let a gentle stallion be your guide?"

She looked at him sweetly, "Could you show the Musical Parts of the Castle?"

Comet put on his glasses and stated calmly and authoritatively, "Sure!"


Sunny and her friends were fighting a giant mouse! It was cute despite being also terrifying.

Suddenly she was being shaken awake.

She looked at Pipp and asked, "Is this about the Not-Zipp?"


Sunny yelled, "WHAT THE HAY!"

She proceeded to run around in circles and jump out a window before turning into an Alicorn and flying back in!

Misty and Izzy got out of bed yawning after having a shared dream of them sleeping together, Misty first asked, "Why has everypony gone crazy?"

Izzy then asked, "Did Pipp pop one of those little paper patches with the crazy juice on them and is now having a bad trip!"

Pipp screamed, "There's a vampire in the castle! And I am not on drugs okay!"

Sunny looked and asked Pipp, "How do you know there's a vampire in here?"

Suddenly a Blue Pegasus with Rainbow Hair appeared out of nowhere!

They first smiled with their teeth including the long canines and then said, "Boo!"

The ponies started running around screaming.


Hitch and Zipp looked into each other's eyes, "I'm glad you're back..." He told her trembling.

Zipp looked at him with her glowing eyes and said, "I am glad too..."

Hitch asked staring into her now even more beautiful eyes, "You think we can be friends again?

Zipp said, "I think so, I'll just live longer than you."

Hitch looked and announced, "I love to know I'll die before you, that's perfect!"

Hitch had felt her when she hugged him, she was slightly below room temperature.

Zipp told him, "I have a question!"

Hitch returned, "Ask!"

Zipp asked, "Would you like to date me?"

Then she started laughing, she yelled, "I needed to die before I said that didn't I!"

Hitch looked and said, "Well, you took your time, but I am glad you asked, because, YES!"

They hugged.

Zipp asked, "Wanna snuggle and watch super gory horror movies?"

Hitch said, "Only if you'll cover my eyes during the gory parts!"

Zipp replied, "And I know you're serious!"


"Wow, this is the best DJ Booth I have seen in a while!" She told him.

Comet stated, "An excellent hybrid of Magic and Electronic Technology!:

She told him, "I am gonna have to get one of these to my part of the cave?"

Comet asked, "Cave?"

DJ Pon-3 told him, "Let me give you the scoop, I am a vampire, don't worry I won't bite you or hurt you in any way, I really, really like you!"

Comet clapped his hoof against the floor angrily, "I fell in love with a vampire, I knew the Gods had cursed me!"

DJ Pon-3 walked up to him and put her hoof on his, "Listen I ain't a bad catch even though well, I was in the game before your great, great grandpa was in diapers!"

Comet said, "Should I mention there's a rumor my great, great grandpa was a diaper fetishist!"

DJ Pon-3 started laughing like crazy.

Comet winced and stated, "Vinyle it's embarrassing!"

DJ Pon-3 asked, "Are you a Diaper Fetishist?'

Comet stated, "Fortunately not!"


The Girls were being chased around by the vampire queen!

Izzy yelled as she tried to levitate herself out a window, "I'm too young to become a creature of the night!"

Misty had cast a spell to give herself wings and she shouted, "This is the Universe's way of punishing me for stealing Pipp's snacks!"

Sunny looked around and realized the Vampire Queen had stopped chasing and was on the floor, "A ha a ha a ha," laughing her butt off.

Pipp suddenly emerged from the shadows with a strange-looking device.

It had a metal tube and a handle, as well as some type of container of horizontally arranged slots and a hoof trigger device.

Humans in our not-so-peaceful world would recognize this as a gun.

Pipp started firing the device in the Rainbow Hair Vampire's direction.

The Vampire Queen dodged it like it was a hot dog shooter.

Rainbow Dash yelled, "Hah an experimental weapon, but in my living form I was faster than sound, now I am so fast few things beyond light can outrun me!"

Pipp was screaming and yelling obscenities as she fired!


Zipp and Hitch were watching the scariest movie they could find, Planet of Blood.

Hitch kept screaming every time Zipp put her wing down and Zipp despite that it was not her diet anymore was finishing off another bowl of popcorn.

Hitch said, "This ridiculous, what if Sparky comes in?"

Zipp answered, "He'll probably enjoy it too, he's that kind of kid!"

Zipp then hearing a sound said, "Ah the next bowl of popcorn is really popin."

Hitch said, "That sounds a lot louder than popcorn?"

Zipp said, "Maybe it's bones cracking?"

Hitch started crying like a baby, Zipp hit the pause button and told him, "I am sure whatever it is it's fine, we can do a little kissy wissy while we..."

Sparky interrupted with a massive pile of Smores in front of him with one already in his claws, "I don't need anymare kissing my dad or my dad kissing anymare while I am eating, also could you turn the movie back on, I love the part where the two lesbians get interrupted while making out by having their heads cut off!"


DJ-Pon-3 looked into Comet's eyes and his into hers.

Comet swooned, "I love you even though you're a vampire!"

DJ-Pon-3 swooned back and told him, "I love you despite your being mortal!"

Their lips slowly approached each other.

And then it went to Hell!

There was a loud popping sound.

Both of them said at the same time, "WHAT IN BUCKING BUCK!"

Then they both looked at each other and blushed.


Pipp was going the distance.

Didn't matter that her friends were inside a magic bubble screaming for her to stop and the room's priceless artifacts were now shreds of nothing.


Click... Click... Click...

Pipp looked as the vampire walked up to her, the Blue-Furred Rainbow Haired Vampiro put out its hoof and pressed the tip of it to her snoot and Rainbow Dash said, "Boop!"

Rainbow Dash then continued, "Hello I am the Vampire Queen and I hope the joke was 20% Cooler than the one I played on your mom!"

Pipp raged in anger, "THAT WAS A JOKE YOU MONSTER!?"

Suddenly the White Unicorn and Comet ran in.

Comet smacked straight into a blown-up TV and then the White Unicorn pulled back up.

The White Unicorn looked impressed and asked, "Hey how'd yah dudes do this much damage this quickly, Rainbow cut down on the pranks!"

Pipp yelled, "Comet get away from that fluzzy she's a vampony!"

Comet hugged the white unicorn and yelled, "DJ-PON-3 is my Vampire! ...also, how did this room get trashed so quickly?"

Rainbow pointed her hoof at Pipp and said, "She's a crazy pony! JUST HOW I LIKE EM!"

Rainbow then turned to Pipp and yelled, "That was amazing! If you weren't related to me, Pinky would have competition!"

Sunny looked horrified at the implied incest!

Misty moaned, "Since I woke up, I am now twice as traumatized as the whole Opaline Experience and Return left me!"

Izzy muttered, "I have been in the wars now!"

Suddenly the Not-Zipp and Hitch walked in, and they both looked around, Hitch started vocalizing, "Wuuuut!" and the Not-Zipp yelled, "What in the name of all that is Good and Holy?"

Pipp looked at the Not-Zipp and stated, "Ahh the demon-possessed husk of my sister!"

Hitch yelled, "It's literally not demons, it's a cellular symbiote!"

Pipp looked and asked Hitch, "Did she tell you that?"

Hitch replied, "A book she gave me did!"

The Vampire Queen asked, "May we start negotiating the..."


A far-off woofing was heard to which Hitch replied, "I hear yah!"

The Vampire Queen stated, "Well the reason I'm here is too...


The Vampire Queen continued, "It is the Royal Families' Job not only to keep order among the Living but also the Undead and as such..."


"Not"-Zipp said, "Yeah know you can still let me be Queen?"


The Vampire Queen looked and compromised, "It looks like my prank has put you in a bad mood, how about another time, OH, and show me how to use that experimental weapon, that thing was rad!"

Hitch was hugging Zipp by the Window and Comet was hugging DJ-Pon-3 and Rainbow Dash was stating over and over again, "SOOOOO COOL, SO COOOOOOOL, SO SO COOL!"

Zipp whispered in Hitch's ear, "Get Sparky to bed and yourself, and hopefully, you two don't have nightmares."

Hitch stated, "I won't let him get nightmares and I'm glad you didn't come on a school night."

Zipp looked, "Yeah Sparky getting nightmares, and yeah I wish I had planned it that way."

The Three Vampiro flew off and then Pipp ran in and yelled, "You let them go, now they know where we live!"

Hitch looked at Comet and asked, "She does realize everypony knows where we live?"

Author's Note:

Welp, hopefully, I can get back to Return of the Dragons. But I want to test some of my ideas about Vampires for my non-fiction.
