• Published 26th Nov 2023
  • 482 Views, 5 Comments

Apple Bloom: Sleeping Beauty - Big Imagination E

A story of how Apple Bloom was adopted by Aurora from Sleeping Beauty

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A Happy Wedding to a Happy Ending.

After Aurora delightedly says yes, the entire kingdom begins preparing for the royal wedding, with Phillip making the horses Samson and Powermus take a bath, while King Hubert and King Stefan tasting the food for the banquet. Queen Leah congratulates her daughter and leaves her to choose her wedding dress. However Aurora has trouble choosing from so many dresses, and is even more confused when choosing the table settings. When Phillip brings her out for a walk, Aurora confesses to him that she is unsure and doubting her ability as a princess. Phillip encourages her and brings Queen Leah to Aurora; the Queen encourages and comforts her daughter, telling her that a princess is not what you do, but most importantly what you are. Overjoyed, Aurora thanks her mother and asks if she can wear her mother's wedding dress, to which she agrees. Then her children came down all ready in their best wedding clothes. Apple Bloom had her red dress, Sweetie had her pink dress, Scootaloo had her light purple dress, Applejack had her orange dress and Big Mac and Tender in their prince outfits.

During the wedding, Aurora appears in her mother's wedding dress, walked down by King Stefan. Phillip walked with her down the alle and once they stand there an elderly man came to the stand and everyone sat down. And Phillip took the veil off of Aurora's face.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of this young man and this young woman in holy grace. The couple have written their vows before we pronounced them. With that said Aurora you may go first." The elderly man started.

Aurora looked into his eyes and began her vow.

"My dearest Phillip. You were the most nicest, and most handsome man I have met in my life. I feared that I wouldn't have found anyone who would spend the rest of my life with. But you came in and answered my prayers. Now not only do I have the prince of my dreams to have but I also have a husband to love on. And I am grateful that it's you." Aurora said as everyone was crying happy tears.

Now it's Phillip's turn for his vow.

"Aurora. From the moment you stepped in my life you showed me what love is. When we met I thought that no one would be perfect for me. But you brought that dream to live and made me happy. I swear to you on this day I will make you and our children happy as much as you made me happy." Phillip said with passion.

Everyone broke in tears hearing those vows. Then Tender and Big Mac came with the rings and presented them. The couple each took a ring as the elderly man began to read the final lines.

"Do you Prince Phillip take Aurora to be your lawful wedded wife? To love and cherish her in good and bad til death do you part?" The elderly man asked.

"I do." Phillip answered.

"And do you Aurora take Prince Phillip to be your lawful wedded husband? To love and cherish him in good and bad til death do you part?" The elderly man asked.

"I do." Aurora answered.

"Then by the power invested in me I pronounce you husband and wife. Phillip you may kiss the bride." The elderly man finished.

The two sealed their love with a kiss and everyone clapped and cheered for the new wedded couple. Wedding bells were ringing and everyone enjoyed the party. Then Aurora has something for Apple Bloom. Since she is a princess now Aurora placed a silver tiara on her head. Applejack's eyes pooled with tears seeing her sister become a princess. And Adam placed a gold crown on Big Mac's head as well. Then Aurora placed a tiara with rubies on Applejack's head.

"I can't believe that my sister is a princess now. Im so happy for you." Applejack smiled.

"Me too sis. And I have my prince for this occasion." Apple Bloom said.

Then a slow song started playing and everyone was waltzing to the music. But Tender Taps had a better idea. He went to Apple Bloom and asked her something.

"Hey Apple Bloom? Would it be okay if I took you to the garden?" Tender asked.

"Sure babe. Let's go." Apple Bloom said as the two made their way to the garden.

They arrived at the garden and everywhere they looked there was beautiful flowers blooming. Then Apple Bloom saw Tender playing a special tune she remembered a very long time ago.


"Tender. How did you that tune was lovely to be hearing?" Apple Bloom wondered.

"Lucky guess. That and I wanted to share a waltz with you. So Apple Bloom? May I have this dance?" Tender asked.

Apple Bloom giggled "You may my prince." She said as she took Tender's hand.

Then like a fairytale ending both Princess Apple Bloom and Tender Taps were doing their waltz in the garden before she lays her head on Tender's neck, while watching behind was Prince Big Mac, Princess Applejack, Princess Sweetie Belle and Princess Scootaloo who couldn't stop seeing them so happy together.

"Were happy for you Apple Bloom. You have your prince charming." Scootaloo smiled.

Then they all headed back inside while Apple Bloom and Tender Taps continued waltzing. And thus my friends ends our story of how Apple Bloom, her sister and brother got a new family and couldn't wait to see what the future holds.

The End

Author's Note:

I hoped you liked it. More in the future.

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