• Published 24th Nov 2023
  • 368 Views, 135 Comments

Tales from a Con - Admiral Biscuit

Fizzy Glitch has opened the Book of All Stories, and that means anything can happen in any story! A collection of my submissions to the PVCF app, with a few bonus chapters that failed moderation!

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“So tomorrow’s the Fourth of July,” you say. “Which is a traditional American holiday, it’s when we celebrate our independence from England.”

A gaggle of pegasi is watching you with interest. They have a book titled So You Want To Go To Earth, which they frequently reference; you’d discovered on St. Patrick’s day that their book didn’t include most human holidays.

If you were an anthropologist you might wonder why they were omitted. Did ponies not have holidays? Or weren’t they considered important enough to include in the book? There was a lot of culture clash between humans and ponies.

“We celebrate by having cookouts and parades and fireworks and not working,” you continue. “Unless there’s an emergency, of course.”

Locket raises a hoof and you nod. “Is there going to be excessive drinking?”


“So we’re gonna be doing a mission.”

“We might be, that’s in the hands of fate.”

“Or the bottom of a can of beer,” Splish Splash mutters.

Several cans of beer,” Dainty Dove adds. “People do dumb stuff when they’re drunk.”

“There’ll be a picnic and a barbeque, we’ll have veggies for you ponies. No training or anything tomorrow.”

“If it’s a quiet day, I’ll go on a night flight,” Splish Splash says. “Haven’t done that in a while.”

“Why not?” you ask.

“Because you make us get up at six am for training.”

Well, that was an honest answer.

As you start walking down the hall, you remember that you were supposed to warn them about fireworks.


>turn around and tell them (hero)
>there’ll be time to remind them tomorrow (chaos)

Author's Note:

Something y'all may have noticed is that nearly all of these fics feature ponies I've used before in stories. That's no accident; I knew there'd be at least one fan of mine at the con, and I also knew that when it came time to post these y'all would love reading another story about Sweetsong or Darknight Moonwing or Peachy Sweet.

These ponies have been used before, but not in a published fic. Long before Silver Glow or Sky Sweeper I was exploring the idea of pegasi working Search and Rescue with the Coast Guard, and wrote a good chunk of it (as well as did tons of research, which all went into other fics.

Comments ( 15 )

11766381 Thanks, I really just wanted to find out which faction won. Also great to get all these sequels to so many of your stories!

Ah man, Meatloaf was one of the only artists I always wanted to see before they died.


FiMFiction has a bug causing notifications to fail if replies are not in the original chapter.

It is sad that you cannot see Meatloaf, but you can learn from his mistake:

Please get your shots and when an airborne disease is around such as Pneumonic Plague (a disease with a 95% FatalityRate caused by our old friend Yersinia pestis which also cause Bubonic Plague), be sure to wear a mask. Pneumonic Plague lead to the invention of the medical mask:

From 1908 to 1910, Manchuria had an outbreak of Pneumonic Plague. Doctor Wu figured that since the disease is airborne, maybe, it can be filtered out of the air. He invented the 1st medical mask. Several other Physicians believed that these masks where a stupid idea and refused to wear them. Those Doctors were the 1st antimaskers to die.

I got my shot against the 'Rona this year and 3 shots against Influenza:

The clinic where I get my healthcare gave me a vaccination against Influenza. My work had an InfluenzaClinic where I got another shot against Influenza. I went to the clinic for my vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, but the clinic had a snafu and referred me to CVSPharmacy, where I got the vaccination against CoViD-19 and Influenza. This year, ¡I am InfluenzaProof!

I choose hero.


I believe that I might be a little biased against these drunk-driving monster, driving around murdering people.
Maybe, the deathpenalty is a bad idea.

There are times when my passions certainly feel there should be a death penalty; certain crimes where the emotional reaction is 'shoot him like a rabid dog.' But of course that relies on the crime being proven, and sometimes it isn't. Even if there's a bunch of circumstantial evidence, maybe some eyewitnesses who are convincing at the time, or some forensic evidence which seems unassailable. I seem to recall a terrorist case where they found the suspect's DNA at the crime scene which you'd think was proof . . . except that he was on the other side of the ocean when the crime happened and it turns out that how DNA evidence was gathered at the time could garner false positives.

I don't know where the line should be for justice, but I do know once you execute someone, that's it. Even if it turns out it was a mistake. If you don't, there's a chance to make it right later, when more facts are in evidence.


> I seem to recall a terrorist case where they found the suspect's DNA at the crime scene which you'd think was proof …. except that he was on the other side of the ocean when the crime happened and it turns out that how DNA evidence was gathered at the time could garner false positives."

That sounds like a problem of croos-contanination:

The same people collect CrimeSceneDNA and SuspectDNA. They are stored together. They are processed in the same labs. They get into each other. That was a big problem in the early days of DNATesting. We had to learn our lessons the hard way. Nowadays, different people collect the DNA at the CrimeScene and from the suspects. The DNA samples are stored at separate locations and processed in different labs:

In Europe, the police believed that they had an international serial killer. It turned out that, in the factor making DNACollectionKits, the technician was blase about contamination. She probably got WroteUp for that. If her name would have been Carla and Texas would use 1 of those kits, Texas would have executed her because that is how Texas rolls.


An 100 years ago today, was the first execution with poisoned gas.


That sounds like a problem of croos-contanination:

I don't think it was. But now that I'm thinking about it, maybe it was fingerprints instead of DNA, and the points of comparison they used on the evidence just happened to be an exact match for him.

I don't remember the case for sure, and it'd take an internet deep dive to find it again, if I even can.

I was looking for a picture involving fireworks and panicked pegasi and found this one.
It doesn't have too much to do with the story, but it may explain why the bird pones are a bit wary from fireworks.

Thanks for posting these cute little stories!
I greatly enjoyed reading them.


It doesn't have too much to do with the story, but it may explain why the bird pones are a bit wary from fireworks.

I'll be honest, that's not wrong. It's not exactly where I planned to go, but it's certainly a reason why airborne fireworks in Equestria might be banned, or if not, heavily regulated.

I did write a story years ago where the pony-equivalent of the NTSB (a transportation accident investigation board in the US) analyzed a collision between a pony-powered helicopter and a pegasus-towed wagon. There would be a whole gamut of regulations involving airspace and how it could be used that us humans have never even considered.

Also, this makes me wonder if an airplane has ever been hit by a firework--something I'd never thought of before. The answer is yes, it has happened.

Thanks for posting these cute little stories!
I greatly enjoyed reading them.

You're welcome! :heart:

There is a little wonkiness regarding "Da Rulez", because almost every food place with a corporate name is a franchisee. I certainly wouldn't attempt to bar anypony, simply because of the intense interest it would cause. After the first time with a pony in the picture, all that I would have to do is take one with a hoof alongside their next order to generate the clicks online...and maybe get those people/ponies in the business or drive-thru.

And the pressure by agencies to get ponies signed for ads, product endorsements, and guest appearances...?

Ouch. Mane and Tail shampoo, now in the "Wonderbolts" collection bottle...


There is a little wonkiness regarding "Da Rulez", because almost every food place with a corporate name is a franchisee.

That is true; there's certainly some flexibility in the rules depending on management. Or sometimes specific managers. I kind of forget about some of that corporate stuff since I currently work at an independent shop where we've got a lot more flexibility.

I certainly wouldn't attempt to bar anypony, simply because of the intense interest it would cause. After the first time with a pony in the picture, all that I would have to do is take one with a hoof alongside their next order to generate the clicks online...and maybe get those people/ponies in the business or drive-thru.

I feel like the wisest choice would be to defer to local/state/federal laws in this particular situation; at least that way you've got something you can point to if there's a kerfuffle. But of course that assumes that various government agencies are on the ball, which may or may not be on the ball.

In Silver Glow's Journal, all the ponies who were working at Disney were required to wear clothes which covered the naughty bits, but pony guests were not required to.

And the pressure by agencies to get ponies signed for ads, product endorsements, and guest appearances...?

Oh yeah, there would certainly be companies who tried to figure out how to market with ponies or to ponies as fast as possible. And I'll be honest, I think that some of the fast food companies would be on the ball pretty quick, Figuring out how to market a car to a pony--or if you can legally sell a car to a pony--is complicated. Figuring out that a pony might like a Taco Bell Power Bowl and encouraging them to buy them, that's pretty easy. Ponies gotta eat.

Ouch. Mane and Tail shampoo, now in the "Wonderbolts" collection bottle...

That's one of those brands where the pony marketing pretty much does itself. [Mane and Tail was Silver Glow's preferred brand, since it claimed to work on manes and tails, and she had both.]

To attempt to bar a pony from doing business with any food franchise would set off a firestorm these days. The lawyers would line up for miles to get this into a court...

And then followed by the Department of State...


To attempt to bar a pony from doing business with any food franchise would set off a firestorm these days. The lawyers would line up for miles to get this into a court...

I don't want to give you spoilers for Silver Glow's Journals, but that kind of situation does come up and it doesn't go well for the restaurant in question.

And then followed by the Department of State...

Or TV news, which might be worse. What's the public reaction going to be to a pony sadly explaining to a news crew (or ten) how she just wanted to buy a taco and the restaurant kicked her out?

I did read all of "Silver Glow's Journal"...

Not exactly my cup of tea...but interesting...


Not exactly my cup of tea...but interesting...

That's fair :heart:

Hopefully you at least enjoyed some of the flight parts, and maybe Denny's getting reckt by the FBI. As well as the origin of the Tornado Ponies.

I did just publish another pegasus-flying-in-a-storm fic, in part 'cause you jogged my memory as to having written it. It contains a huge technical error, which is why it's in the collection it is, rather than being a finished story, but it also has a pegasus carrying more modern gear, including ADS-B.

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