• Published 27th Nov 2023
  • 147 Views, 1 Comments

Marginalia - App Stories and Odds and Ends from Ponyville Ciderfest - Nyronus

A collection of shortform writing produced for the Ponyville Ciderfest 2023 Storytelling Adventure by, well, me!

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Evil Twin Trouble

The swamp is absolutely miserable. The air clings to you like a wet blanket, and the ground gives way under every step, feeling more like dough or soup than actual, walkable, earth. The sucking sounds it sometimes makes as you lift up your feet are also something you could do without.

You push another branch out of your way and pause, skin crawling as you feel something skitter across your neck. A quick panic dance and pat down later, and thankfully nothing got on you but a leaf. But… did you just hear something?

Yes! Voices! Up ahead! You quickly (or as quickly as you can) stumble over another few bushes, fallen logs, and rather irritated snakes to see… two Twilight Sparkles?

“You’ll never get away with this!” One shouts.

“‘You’ll never get away with this!’” The other waggles their head back and forth and speaks with a mocking tone. “I’ve gotten away with it multiple times, Princess!”

“Why you!”

Before you can react, one Twilight dives on the other, sending them both rolling through the muck and grime. Not sure what to do, you leap into the clearing and shout for them to stop. Two Twilights snap their heads up at you, and before you can open your mouth again, they both leap up and start shouting at once.

“It’s Queen Chrysalis! She’s an imposter!”

“It’s Queen Chrysalis! She’s an imposter!”

“You have to get me to my friends!”

“Don’t listen to her! It’s a trap!”

“You have to trust me!”

“No, no! Trust me!”

Your head spins. Between the rolling around and the shouting, you already lost track of which was which. Your eyes frantically scan each of them as they advance toward you, pleading with identical faces and voices for your aid, looking for some kind of tell. You almost get overwhelmed when it suddenly hits you. The solution!

Your posture straightens as you give a confident smile. Both Twilight’s stop short, sensing you’ve come to a decision.

You tell them to tell you something only the real Twilight would know!

“I’m madly in love with Princess Celestia!”

“I’m terrified of ladybugs!”

The two turn and stare at each other, equally shocked and appalled.

“...Ladybugs?!” One utters, seemingly ready to burst with confused anger.

“C-Celestia?!” The other stammers, red faced, shocked beyond all belief.

You have your answer. Now all that is left is to choose.


> The one in love with Celestia is clearly the real one. (Villain)

> The one afraid of ladybugs is clearly the real one. (Hero)

[ENDING A: The one in love with Celestia is clearly the real one (Villain)]

It’s obvious. The nervousness. The need for approval. The way she can’t even think about making her unhappy. You know puppy love when you see it, and Twilight clearly has it bad.

Confident in your decision, you scoop up Twilestia Twilight and plop her over your shoulder, giving her a comforting pat. You make sure to let her know she’s gonna be okay, and that no stupid changeling is gonna fool you. You make sure to give the stammering, red faced doppleganger a pointed look to emphasize this.

With that, you turn and make your way back the way you came. It was high time both of you made it out of this miserable swamp.

As you trudge away, the other Twilight blurts out, embarrassed anger clear in her voice; “I’m not in love with Celestia! I’m not!” You don’t care though, what’s done is done.

Unfortunately though, with her flung over your shoulder, you can’t see the smug, green-eyed sneer the fake Twilight you picked up gives to the very real one you left abandoned in the swamp.

Chrysalis makes sure to tell you what a good job you did, and how clever you were, the entire time you take her back to her ‘friends.’

(+1 page for Villains)

[ENDING B: The one afraid of ladybugs is clearly the real one (Hero)]

Maybe you’ve seen the short. Maybe you’ve heard it mentioned by other Bronies. Maybe you just realize there’s no way someone would make up a lie that insane on the spot. Either way, you know which Twilight is your Twilight, and scoop up the one afraid of ladybugs into your arms.

Without another word, you wheel around, and make your way back through the swamp. Twilight thanks you profusely. You tell her not to worry, you were glad to help. You are real curious though about the ladybug thing, much to her chagrin.

Somewhere, far behind you, Chrysalis sputters into the empty swamp, still confused and enraged beyond reason.


(+1 page for Heroes)