• Published 22nd Nov 2023
  • 114 Views, 4 Comments

Scattered Tales - App Stories from Ponyville Ciderfest! - MidnightConcerto

A collection of app stories created by myself, for the interactive weekend at Ponyville Ciderfest 2023!

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#WubHorse - Drop the Bass

Drop the Bass

CodeWord: #WubHorse

Recently, you had seen posters put up around town for Vinyl's next performance in Ponyville. With everything going on, you had originally planned to skip the show. After all, with those Pages running amok, having time to attend a party seemed like a distant luxury to you. After walking by numerous posters you decide to stop and take a closer look at one, and this time you can’t help but notice something peculiar: what looks like the corner of a Page sticking out from under the turntable!

You can’t be certain from the poster alone that’s what it is, so you decide to stop by the impromptu stage built near the town’s center. Worst case, you’re wrong and you’ve only spent a couple minutes of time.

The entire town center is full of tables and benches, donated by the Apple Family for the town’s party. Streamers and ribbons, no doubt courtesy of PInkie Pie herself, seem attached to every conceivable surface in every color of the rainbow. Sliding between the volunteers setting everything up, you spot the main stage up ahead already loaded with DJ equipment.

Hopping up onto the stage, you see a pair of white legs sticking out from under the largest speaker. Whoever they belong to is mumbling quietly to themselves, so you decide to wait a moment and see if she happens to notice you. After several minutes, you realize she’s completely engrossed in her work and has no idea you’re standing there. You clear your throat politely to make yourself known, before speaking.

“DJ-Pon3?” You inquire.

A soft thud and several mumbled choice words echo out from under the speaker. A moment later you see several small tools float out from the housing, held in the magenta magic of a unicorn. It doesn’t take long for a figure to join them, sliding out from underneath the speaker. A pair of trademark purple shades answers your question before she does. “Yup! Can I help ya with somethin’?”

Unsure how to phrase the question, your eyes dart over to the deck she has sitting center stage. Seeing the corner of a paper fluttering in the breeze, you raise an eyebrow. The unicorn traces your gaze, letting out a sigh as she realizes what has your attention.

“Look, I know Princess Twilight said wants 'em all back, and that they can be dangerous. But like... Do y' know how much wubtastic power I could add to my set with it! That baby has more magic than any 'f the mana-powered speakers I've seen anywhere in Equestria.” Tapping her forehoof nervously on the floor, she glances back at you. “You uh, y'think maybe I could have it for just one night? I swear I’d only use it to throw the best Dubtrot set anypony has ever witnessed! I would make sure it gets returned right after, I promise!”


How do you respond?

> One little show couldn't hurt, right? (Chaos)

> Return the page, and run the show normally. (Hero)


She has a point; after all, as long as she holds onto the Page, you can return it in the morning right? It probably could make her show even more amazing than her usual, and the ponies of the town could absolutely use a distraction from their current problems. “Alright, ONE night, and then we take it back in the morning, okay?”

Her face lights up and she nods enthusiastically. “Awesome! You won't be disappointed!”

As the evening progresses, you can't deny it is one of the best shows you've ever witnessed, and the crowd is loving it. Unfortunately, with the power of the Page, Vinyl keeps pushing the bass louder and louder every track, until eventually the sheer power of it causes the building you're in, and several nearby, to crack and crumble. When the dust clears, the Page is nowhere to be found, and Ponyville is going to have some serious repairs to take care of.

(+1 page for Chaos)


You look between her and the page for a moment, pondering for a moment. “Does the famous DJ Pon-3 really need to use some magical Page to help throw one of the best music sets this town has seen?”

She thinks for a moment, her expression unreadable. After a moment, she smiles apologetically and nods. “Yeah, yeah I guess you're right. Never needed it t’ blow ponies’ minds before, sure don’t need to start cheating now.” Levitating the Page over to you, she sighs wistfully as you take it.

“I gotta say, 's a shame to miss the chance to crank my speaker Wubsy up to an eleven, but I've never needed that sorta stuff to give ponies the time of their life. Get the page to the Princess, [USERNAME], and tell ‘er thanks for the invite to be the DJ tonight .” And with that, she crawls back under the speaker to tinker away, seeming to already forget that you’re standing there. Shoving the Page into your backpack, you set off to return it to Princess Twilight.

(+1 page for Heroes)