• Published 21st Nov 2023
  • 221 Views, 6 Comments


A lonely boy who think he is alone in the world but turn out to be wrong

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Sciences Trip

The class walked into the museum as the tour was set to begin. Kane and Twilight chatted as they waited to get to the first exhibit. As the tour was underway Kane and Twilight noticed a pair of students near the back of the group mocking and harassing another boy. Kane noticed and grew angry as the rest didn't even try to help the boy out. After all, if Kane could see the bullying surely others can as well. He hated that he couldn't get involved, but he had enough trouble to deal with.

"We can tell the teacher later, I get that you don't want any attention," said Twilight. Kane nodded, calmer now that they had a plan, but it still bothered him that he couldn't do anything right now. Twilight saw Kane was still upset and tried her best to distract him. "Hey Kane, can you take a picture of me with an exhibit?" asked Twilight hoping it would calm him down. Kane nodded as Twilight gave her camera to him. After taking a few pictures of Twilight in front of a display about the life of a star Kane returned the camera. "How was it?" asked Twilight.

"They turned out great Twilight," Kane said softly. Twilight hummed in disappointment that her friend was still feeling down but decided it was better to give him space. The teacher told the group to stick together as they moved to the next part of the tour.

The class walked through lots of exhibits, and with each new exhibit Kane's interest went down until he slowly ended at the back of the group. Meanwhile, Twilight had gotten absorbed into learning more about all the different exhibits. By then Kane was paying more attention to the building than the exhibits. Looking around he saw an empty hallway. Looking back to the group, he saw that the current exhibit displayed info about an ancient civilization found within the Yucatan peninsula. Never a fan of ancient history, he headed towards the empty hallway. He slowly walked down the hallway while Twilight and the rest of the class kept walking to another exhibit.

Going down the hall Kane had found, he saw something in a room that was left open. Too curious to let it go, he moved further into the room. When he entered the room, he realized the room was very simple and thought about what the room could be for. He investigates the room further when he sees two robot arms. One holding a needle and the second holding nothing. Next to the robot arms was a computer that displayed instructions to put an arm in the designated area, so Kane, too curious to think that something could go wrong, put his arm in it. Now closer He saw the needle was labeled, "Symbiosis," Kane read out loud, suddenly the empty robot arm grabbed his arm.

Kane was startled, "what the hell!?" The robot arm holding the needle moved towards him as the thick needle was pushed into his arm. Kane pulled away as he screamed in pain, he felt a strange and sudden change. He felt like he was about to vomit, but also felt his body grow stronger. Kane wanted to pass out, but doing so here in a lab alone was not an option, and as the machine powered down he scrambled away and ran through the door and into the hallway. Frantic to find his class, he promised himself to stick to Twilight's side to avoid another stupid decision.

Kane desperately tries to find his class as he wanders through the exhibits, having no idea what direction they went. He finally finds the class and sees Twilight, he is desperately trying to walk as calmly as he can towards her. Kane says softly, "Hey, Twilight." Twilight was looking around for Kane when she heard him speak. She turns towards him and sees that he can barely stand.

"Kane, where have you been?", Twilight asked worriedly.

Kane meekly said, "I got lost." Twilight didn't believe him but didn't want to make him feel worse.

"What happened to you, Kane? You look like you're sick," asked Twilight.

Kane responded, "No, I'm okay, I'm just winded from running through the hallway that's all."

"Okay, Kane." Twilight said she decided to leave the topic for another day.

After they conversed about what exhibits Kane missed, the teacher said it was time to get back to the bus. Now a calmer Kane, Twilight, and the rest of the class head back to school. Kane and Twilight once again found themselves in the same seats that started the trip. However, this time they didn't talk much as Kane was still tired from what happened in the lab. Twilight was busy being worried that something must have happened to Kane. She wished they were better friends so she could ask him more about it. But she was afraid that if she asked he might not want to stay friends. They got back to school at 3:30 p.m. Kane, not used to having to wait for someone after school, got off the bus and tried to head home. Twilight quickly grabbed him, stopping him. "I had fun, did you have fun?", Twilight asked quietly.

Kane gave Twilight a happy smile, "Yeah, it was great to see you geek out."

Twilight gave a joyful laugh, "See you tomorrow Kane." She left determined to find out what hurt her new friend.

When he got home his parents greeted him, happy that he was back. His mom asked in Spanish, "How was your day?" Kane responded, "Good, the science trip was fun." Still stressed by what he found, Kane continued, "I am kinda tired though I think I am gonna get cleaned up and go to bed." She told him alright and if he is hungry there will be leftovers in the fridge. He walked up to the bathroom, quickly cleaning his face, before calling it a night. He looked at the mirror to check if he looked like how he felt. He spotted a black blob covering half his face when it suddenly spoke, "Kane." Kane jumped back, falling into the bathtub. He got up and looked at the mirror, only he was staring back at himself.

Kane asked, "Who said that, who are you?" No response, he thought he might be hearing things.

Kane heads toward his room, in his room there is a bed with blue sheets with a long blue flower theme pillow on top of the bed. There's a gamer chair next to a desk with a computer, and a TV connected to the wall. There are posters and drawers located next to a closet on the opposite wall. when suddenly his phone rings, he rushes to answer his phone. Kane asked, "Who is this?"

"Hello my name is Principal Celestia, is this the home of Kane Heart? Am I speaking to Kane?" Asked Celestia on the other end of the phone.

Kane drew a shaky breath, "Yes this is Kane. What is the matter?"

Principal Celestia carefully started, "Well Kane, I shouldn't be saying this but because of the urgency I have no choice but to discuss important information. From what I know your class went on a science trip. Is that correct?"

"Yeah," responded Kane.

Celestia continued, "Well, a friend of mine who works as a director of the museum has shared some rather interesting information." She paused to give Kane a chance to talk but he remained quiet. "My friend has told me of a group of scientists that are currently working with the museum. Apparently, these scientists had gone into Mexico in search of ancient Mexican weapons and valuable artifacts."

Kane responded, "Did they find anything?"

"They found a couple of interesting things but one thing they did find was what they have labeled as ancient blood." Responded Principal Celestia.

Kane nervously said, "Really." Kane felt dread filling his stomach having an idea of where she was going with this conversation.

"Yes, and have further labeled the blood as a Black Sangre. This discovery has shown to move on its own, which from what my friend hears, the scientists have theorized that it may have a mind of its own." Celestia said grimly. Kane was in shock, he was having a hard time breathing. But before Kane could say anything Principal Celestia continued, "Here's the unfortunate problem, during your trip, the Black Sangre had gone missing. It seems that the lab where the discovery was being kept had its camera deactivated. It was only when one of the scientists went to check the room did they discovered that it was gone. Almost like it was stolen or had escaped."

Kane held his breath, as he started to feel full-blown panic. Celestia continued, "Kane during that same time, I was informed by your teacher that you had gone missing for a bit, did you go to that room?"

Kane responded, "No I would never touch something I shouldn't touch."

"But you did Kane" said a third unknown voice. Kane saw a black shadow cover the phone.

Kane, filled with adrenaline, whispered harshly, "Can you please stop that." Kane forced himself to continue, "So the Black Sangre, if a person gets infected by it will strange things happen, like how a superhero gets super strength?"

The shadow voice responded, "Yes, strange things that make you better, that is what I can give you."

Oblivious to the shadow-consuming Kane, Principal Celestia with a smile responded, "Well Kane I can't say for sure what happens when a person gets infected by the Black Sangre, but I wouldn't say that it gives them super strength either." Kane plops down onto his bed unable to bear what he is hearing. "From what I have been told the Black Sangre would likely cause hallucinations creating the illusion that the infected beliefs are real."

Kane thought that was not good. Principal Celestia continued, "The Black Sangre not only creates illusions but the scientists fear that it may ultimately change the person's behavior and character, especially an increase in aggressiveness. This is why it is important to tell me if you know anything."

"I know I know," Kane said, freaking out.

Principal Celestia asked, "Kane are you okay? You sound like you don't feel so good."

Kane skittishly answers, "Nah...I'm just feeling a little sick that's all."

Principal Celestia, "Oh dear, I recommend that you let your parents know."

Kane, "Okay."

The shadow voice, "Never gonna happen."

Kane softly covered the phone, "Would you stop that." The shadow voice chuckled softly.

"Kane, are you still there?" asked Principal Celestia.

Kane, "Yes! sorry I was just talking to my neighbor." Kane wanted to be done with the call, "Um, is there anything else that we have to talk about?"

Principal Celestia, "No, thank you for answering my call."

Kane, "Okay, have a good day." After the phone call, Kane lay in bed wondering what was happening in his life.

It was past 11:35 p.m. before Kane was able to fall asleep. Restlessly he lay when he felt a strange feeling overcome him as if something inside his mind was coming out. Kane was dreaming of the day he had and the person he met when the dream began to fill with black and red. The face of his new friend began to disappear into the inky darkness, distressed by this he tossed and turned. Feeling, but unaware, his body began to be covered as a shadow seeped out of his skin. The shadow had swallowed him whole, and by midnight Kane had disappeared from the world.