• Published 15th Nov 2023
  • 3,879 Views, 15 Comments

The Other Side of the Moon - RunicTreetops

Nightmare Moon rules over Equestria with an iron hoof, but even she needs comfort from time to time.

  • ...

The Other Side of the Moon

Author's Note:

This story is completely unrelated to any of my other works. It exists entirely within its own universe.

As always, I appreciate any and all feedback!

Your footsteps echo throughout the large, dark halls of the Castle of the Two Sisters. You wear pristine, formal clothing indicative of someone in direct service to Equestria's reigning princess. Your left arm rests at your side with your hand in your pocket, while the other is occupied holding several folders against your chest. A quick glance through one of the castle's many grand windows reveals a beautiful moonlit night.

Well, of course it does. The night will last forever, after all.

You let out a deep breath as you reach a grand set of double doors. The hallway beyond these doors houses the royal living space, complete with two grand bedrooms, a bathroom, a dining area, and a study. You're no royal, but you're also only one of two creatures in Equestria allowed in that hallway.

Two stallions wearing dark blue armor and wielding intimidating spears guard the doors, and they step aside as you approach. However, one of them clears their throat in an obvious attempt to get your attention.

"The lady will be retiring this evening," he mumbles.

He says no more than that, nor does he look at you directly. However, he doesn't need to. He's said all that he needs, and the news brings a gentle smile to your face.

"Thank you," you say quietly while passing through the doors.

You briskly head towards the second of the two bedrooms. A faint outline on the wooden door acts as a reminder of the sun-shaped insignia that used to be emblazoned on the door, indicative of who it used to belong to. You put those thoughts out of your mind as you enter the bedroom regardless, knowing that it now belongs to you.

It doesn't take long for you to store your documents and change into less formal attire. A yawn escapes you as you double-check your appearance and head back into the hall, confirming that the doors leading to said hall are properly closed in the process. With a smile on your face, you head to the nearby bathroom and prepare for the arrival of Equestria's princess.

The dark bedroom is filled with light as its door, surrounded by a blue, magical glow, slowly creaks open. You look up from your seat and grin ear to ear at the sight of the mare entering the room.

Her form is massive compared to a normal pony. Her coat is jet black, and she wears blue armor that compliments her features while also increasing her intimidation factor. Her mane and tail seem to flow in a nonexistent wind, taking on the appearance of a starry night sky. Her cutie mark is a large purple splotch covering her flank with a crescent moon in the center. Her eyes are a striking blue, with slit-shaped pupils that seem to pierce right through you. She wears a scowl on her face, her fang-like teeth visible even in the dark room.

This is Nightmare Moon, the ruler of Equestria.

Her eyes shift to the side to acknowledge your presence. It seems that she wasn't expecting you to be here.

"Good evening," you cheerfully say.

"...Mmm." A grunt is her only response.

Her horn glows with blue magic as she closes the door behind her. The lights in the room are turned on, but its dark aesthetic keeps it from ever being too bright. She prefers it that way, and frankly, so do you. Her style of doing things has rubbed off on you in the years you've been living with her.

With a heavy gait, she makes her way to the foot of her bed. You notice dark bags collecting under her uncharacteristically unfocused eyes. She didn't look like this just a moment ago. It would be unacceptable for her subjects to see her like this. She is meant to be an unbreakable, unshakable ruler. No one would ever dare dream of seeing her show weakness.

Well, none except you, of course.

She sits on the bed while letting out a long, drawn-out sigh. The smile still on your face, you make your way to her side. Neither of you say a word as you gently sit down, reach over, and begin to help her remove her armor and regalia. Her leg coverings are the first to go, followed closely by her chest piece. Finally, you look her in the eyes as you gently remove her iconic helmet, fully revealing the beautiful mare underneath.

"You needn't attend to me so," she says quietly. It's clear from her tone just how exhausted she is.

"Moonie, you've been awake for almost three days straight."

"A trivial matter for one such as I."

"Your posture tells a different story, love."

She sighs.

"Quiet. You're lucky I care for you as much as I do. I've imprisoned ponies for far less."

"You say that like I'm not just calling it as I see it."

A small smile makes its way to her face.

"Either way, I suppose you'll be joining me this evening?"

"Like I'd miss a chance to sleep next to you?"

"Well, get comfortable. I'm not sure how much more I have in me," she says with a grin.

This is routine for the two of you by now. You're not married or anything like that, but she has publicly declared you her lover. That's why you get such preferential treatment around the castle, and why you're basically her second-in-command. She has a habit of working for several days straight, only to shut down completely once she's reached her limit. Thankfully, you're always there for her when she gets to that point. She might act tough to begin with, but her walls always come down with just a little bit of prodding.

Out there, she's Nightmare Moon, the princess that overthrew her sister, bathed Equestria in eternal night, and established her rule.

In here, she's Moonie, your lovely marefriend that just wants someone to take care of her.

She stretches out her legs and neck, and several loud popping sounds can be heard as she lets out a satisfied grunt. She starts to lie down on the bed, but you grab her before she can do so.

"Are you stopping me from getting my overdue rest?" Her voice is playfully accusatory, and she smiles at you while baring those sharp teeth of hers.

"I mean this in the most respectful way possible, Moonie: You need to bathe."

Her eyes widen slightly.

"H-how dare you?!"

"You've had that armor on for almost three days. Look at your coat, for goodness' sake." You motion towards the fluff on her chest, which is normally covered by her armor. Despite the fact that only you and her ever get to see that fluff, she's quite proud of it. However, at the moment, it's matted and frankly kind of gross. "Besides, I think a warm bath will do you some good."

"Ugh," she groans. "I know you're right, but that doesn't make me any happier about it."

"If it makes you feel better, I already drew some water for you."


"It's ready and waiting for you."

She hesitates for a moment before chuckling. She leans over and gives you a peck on the cheek before standing up, stretching once again in the process.

"Very well. I suppose I shouldn't question your preparedness."

You know that's her way of saying "thank you," but you don't press her any further about it. Instead, you watch as she trudges out of the room in the direction of the bathroom, but you notice an unusual sway to her movements. She's trying to get you to look at her flank.

And it's working.

It takes quite a while for her to return. Ponies take a notoriously long time to dry after bathing due in no small part to their coats, and Moonie is no exception. In fact, she has it worse than most thanks to her excessive chest fluff, but you aren't about to complain about that.

Just as your thoughts begin to drift, the bedroom door opens yet again. She enters the room just as slowly as before, her drowsiness clearly getting the better of her. However, she seems more relaxed now, and the smirk on her face clues you in to the fact that she's probably fine.

It should have also clued you in to the fact that she has plans for you, as her horn begins to glow with magic yet again. You find yourself being lifted off the ground completely, her magic enveloping you before gently carrying you to the bed. She walks along the other side and throws herself onto the large mattress fit for a royal before magically pulling you into her embrace. She locks eyes with you for just a moment before closing them, and you take that as your cue to wrap your arms around her and pull her in closer.

She's a big mare, but you're a human. When standing, you're taller than her, but when lying down like this, it's a much more even playing field. You bring your left arm around her torso and hold her against your chest. You bring your other arm behind her head and begin to gently stroke her silky smooth mane, your fingers lightly brushing across the back of her neck every so often. She coos at your touch, and it's a sight you rarely see from her.

"You needed this, didn't you?"

"Mmm." She doesn't answer outright, opting instead to nuzzle your neck and make a quiet noise of vague agreement.

You place a kiss on her forehead, right below her long horn.

"Just let me know if there's anything you need, love," you whisper as you reach over to turn off the final light in the room.

The room is bathed in darkness, and you close your eyes in anticipation of sleep. However, a dim light fills the space once more as her horn starts to glow with magic. You find yourself being gently pulled downwards, though you don't pull your arms back. You are brought to a stop with your face pressed firmly against her chest, and you smile as you adjust your arms and legs. You're still embracing her, but now she's resting her head atop your own.

Meanwhile, you're getting a face full of floof. Once you turn your head slightly to regain the ability to breathe, you eagerly nuzzle in. She's unbelievably soft, and it's like your face is pressed up against a big, warm cloud. While you can't place it exactly, she smells faintly of what you would best describe as a rainy day. It's subtle, but undoubtedly pleasant.

Suddenly, you feel her tighten her grip on you ever-so-slightly. Her breath catches in her throat for a moment as if she is afraid to say something, but she speaks regardless.

"Hey, uh..."


"I-I..." She hesitates as she tries to find the right words. "I appreciate having you here."

You blink, though it hardly matters in the darkness.

"I appreciate you too, but why are you saying this now? You're not really the sentimental type."

"Don't get used to it." She falls silent for a few more moments before sighing. "A group of ponies from Manehattan attacked me this afternoon."

"W-wait, what?"

"I suppose they thought they could start a rebellion or some nonsense. My guards and I easily put a stop to that." You consider interrupting to ask questions, but think better of it. "They never stood a chance, but... one of them did strike me."

"Are you alright?"

"Of course. Who do you think I am?" Despite the haughtiness of her words, there is still a careful uncertainty in her voice. "...But that did get me thinking. I have many enemies, and that isn't going to change any time soon. I have little doubt that I will be fine, but what if something were to happen to you?"

"Don't underestimate me, Moonie. I can protect myself."

"Perhaps, but that doesn't make you any less of a squishy little human." You decide not to comment on the fact that you're larger than her. "Just... stay safe, alright?" She reinforces her grip on you, and although it's dark, you can see her bright blue eyes looking at you in the darkness. Despite their intimidating appearance, there is an unmistakable warmth to them. "You are, quite possibly, the only thing in this world I am afraid of losing."

You say nothing. Instead, you shuffle back up towards those bright blue eyes. You feel her hot breath against your face as you close the gap between the two of you and find your target in the darkness. Your lips press against her own. At first, it's a delicate, gentle kiss. However, it slowly becomes fiercer as she presses back against you, the unspoken passion behind the action saying more than words ever could. You aren't sure how long the two of you stay like that, but eventually, you have to part once more in order to breathe.

You pull your right hand back towards you before using it to gently stroke her cheek. You can't see much in the darkness, but you can tell that she's smiling. Plus, her face feels a bit hot.

"There's nowhere I'd rather be than right here, Moonie. I'm not gonna let anyone get in the way of that." You press your nose up against hers as you close your eyes, your consciousness slowly drifting away from you. "I love you."

For a moment, she doesn't respond. She never has been one to express herself quite that openly, even with you. It doesn't really matter, as you know her well enough to understand that she feels the same regardless of her words. And yet, just before sleep overtakes you, you hear her mutter one more phrase beneath her breath. Even in your barely awake state, you know that you will never forget those last few words.

"I love you too, my little human."

Comments ( 15 )

Gah! So much wholesomeness! All jokes aside this was another awesome one shot.

Love it. Nightmare moon is so fluffy!


Da fluffiest fluff tha' ever fluffed!!
Also, adorable.

I love fluffy (both the genre and actually floof) snuggle stories.

Funny that this was made not long after, “It’s for the Best.” Besides that, love this and seeing that cuddle like side of NM. Also, FLUFF!

I wouldn't be surprised if that's deliberate.

Wonderful as always :twilightsmile:

I do sense That somewhere inside of Her shes still got Luna lovable side to her

You spoil me :heart:

Yep, let's just adore the psychotic tyrant whose entire motivation for overthrowing Celestia was petty jealousy.

The fact that so many in this fandom can IDENTIFY WITH THAT speaks VOLUMES....

As Bubba's mom inquired, "Are ya crazy, or just stupid?"

A man who grope women and is racist became president later a man who sniffs childs hair and took showers with his daughter also became president n somehow this bugs you ok neat.

Bueno hay literalmente otro fic del mismo autor que habla de esos temas si estás interesado

Amazing story keep up the great work, also would love to see more nightmare moon love storys

That was a nice fanfic

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