• Published 12th Nov 2023
  • 636 Views, 18 Comments

Thunder, Soar, and Love Evermore - Serina

In the skies above Cloudsdale, Soarin plans a heartfelt proposal for Thunderlane. However, before popping the question, he needs the blessing of a little foal.

  • ...

A Brother's Blessing

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the skies of Cloudsdale. Soarin, the skilled and athletic Pegasus, stretched his wings with a satisfying crackle after an intense Wonderbolt practice. The air was filled with the scent of clouds, and a gentle breeze played with his navy mane as he stood on the training grounds.

The day had been filled with exhilarating maneuvers and precision drills. Soarin's muscles were pleasantly fatigued, a testament to the challenging routine the Wonderbolts had just completed. As he extended his wings to their full span, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The thrill of flying at high speeds and executing intricate aerial acrobatics was always a reminder of why he loved being a part of the prestigious Wonderbolts.

Around him, the other Wonderbolts were winding down, chatting animatedly about the day's practice and sharing laughs. Soarin could hear Spitfire, the fearless leader of the team, giving feedback to some of the younger fliers. It was a close-knit group, and the camaraderie among the Wonderbolts was as strong as ever.

Soarin took a moment to soak in the breathtaking view of Cloudsdale. The city, suspended high above Equestria, was a marvel of architecture and beauty. The vibrant colors of the sky painted a mesmerizing scene, and Soarin couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to call this place home.

As the day transitioned into twilight, Soarin decided to take a leisurely flight around Cloudsdale to unwind. Gliding through the soft, cotton-like clouds, he marveled at the serene beauty that surrounded him. The distant sounds of laughter and the occasional whoosh of wings added to the enchanting atmosphere.

Soarin's thoughts drifted to the upcoming events and performances the Wonderbolts had lined up. The anticipation of entertaining crowds with their breathtaking displays of skill and precision fueled his excitement. However, there was one event that was not on anyone’s calendar, except Soarin’s.

Soarin had been dating a fellow Wonderbolt, Thunderlane for quite some time. They were busy pegasi, their time split between their jobs as Wonderbolts and continuing to build their lives together. Soarin had recently taken up the task of promoting the Wonderbolts to different areas of Equestria, recruiting creatures outside of pegasi thanks to the new Friendship Initiative and Thunderlane was tirelessly tutoring Rumble, his little brother, who was having trouble in school since they had moved to Ponyville.

The blue pegasi fluttered his wings gently for a landing in the shopping district of the city. He sighed thinking of their busy lives, wondering if what he wanted to do would only make things more complicated between them. The two pegasi shared a deep connection that transcended the clouds and soared through the skies of friendship and love. As their relationship deepened, Soarin found himself contemplating the next big step.

He wanted the sun, to be casting it’s benevolent glow, to lend a magical ambiance to the scene. Soarin envisioned a proposal that not only encapsulated the depth of their love but also celebrated the unity of their chosen family. He thought about the laughter they shared, the challenges they faced as a team, and the countless moments of unwavering support. However, Soarin knew that this moment was not only about their love but also about the family they had formed together.

Thunderlane's little brother, Rumble, had become an important part of their lives. Soarin admired the bond Thunderlane shared with Rumble and knew that gaining the young colt's approval would mean the world to Thunderlane. He would need to sit down with Rumble sometime late today…

The shopping district of Cloudsdale bustled with activity as ponies moved from store to store, exploring the various offerings of the vibrant marketplace. Soarin trotted through the lively crowd, his wings neatly folded against his sides. The soft glow of boutique lights and the cheerful chatter of shoppers filled the air.

As Soarin approached the jewelry store, he noticed the intricate displays of dazzling gems and finely crafted accessories showcased in the windows. The bell above the entrance jingled melodiously as he stepped inside. The air was scented with the subtle fragrance of polished metal and delicate gemstones.

The shopkeeper, a friendly unicorn with a keen eye for design, looked up from the counter and greeted Soarin with a warm smile. "Welcome! How can I assist you today?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with genuine interest.

Soarin returned the smile, "Hey there! I'm looking for a special wing band for my stallion, Thunderlane. I’m planning to…” Soarin felt his face flush. “Well, propose, I suppose, and I wanted to get him something unique and meaningful."

The shopkeeper nodded knowingly, “Congratulations! Let me show you our stock! We have plenty to choose from for all sorts of Pegasi!” She guided Soarin to a display of finely crafted wing bands. Each piece was a work of art, adorned with intricate patterns and featuring an array of gemstones that sparkled in the soft lighting. Soarin carefully examined each one, considering Thunderlane's taste and style.

After a brief discussion with the shopkeeper about Thunderlane's preferences, Soarin's eyes lit up as he spotted the perfect wing band. It was a blend of elegance and strength, with a sleek black titanium band and a striking sapphire centerpiece that seemed to capture the essence of Thunderlane's bold personality.

"Soarin, this one has a timeless design, and the sapphire adds a touch of uniqueness. I'm sure Thunderlane will love it," the shopkeeper suggested, her expertise shining through.

Soarin nodded, excitedly, in agreement, "You're right. It's perfect. I'll take it!"

The shopkeeper carefully placed the chosen wing band in a beautiful blue velvet box, and Soarin paid for the thoughtful gift. Grateful for the assistance, he left the jewelry store with a sense of satisfaction, excited to surprise Thunderlane soon.

As he made his way back through the shopping district, Soarin couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. However, his day was not finished as Soarin’s next stop was to seek out Rumble for a special conversation.

In the sunlit yard, Rumble's petite wings hummed with exuberance as he gleefully pursued a delicate butterfly. The vibrant colors of Equestria painted the scene, casting a warm glow over the playful colt. Seizing the opportunity, Soarin approached with a welcoming smile, attempting to conceal the undertone of nervous anticipation in his gaze.

"Hey there, Rumble!" Soarin greeted, prompting a surprised glance from the young colt. "Mind if I join in on the fun?"

Rumble's eyes widened with excitement, and he grinned. "Sure, Soarin! Catching butterflies is awesome!"

As they frolicked together in the sun-dappled yard, Soarin skillfully guided the conversation toward more significant matters. "You know, Rumble, I genuinely care about your brother Thunderlane. He means the world to me."

Pausing his pursuit of the fluttering insect, Rumble looked up at Soarin with curiosity. "Yeah? He's pretty cool, huh?"

Soarin chuckled warmly. "More than cool, Rumble. Thunderlane is amazing. And, well, I was wondering if I could ask you something important."

Rumble tilted his head, intrigued. "What is it?"

With a composed breath, Soarin crouched down to meet Rumble at eye level. "I was thinking about asking Thunderlane to marry me. I love him a lot, and I want us to be a family officially. But, Rumble, your opinion matters to me. What do you think?"

Rumble's eyes widened, and he scrutinized Soarin for a moment. Then, a small, genuine smile adorned his face. "You want to be my brother? Like, for reals?"

Soarin nodded earnestly. "Yeah, that's the idea. But, Rumble, I want to make sure you're okay with it." He placed a gentle hoof on the young foal’s head. "Your brother's happiness is important to me, and so is yours."

Rumble pondered for a moment before nodding and fluttering into the sky above Soarin in excitement. "I think it's awesome! You and Thunderlane as my brothers? That sounds super cool!"

Relief washed over Soarin as he returned Rumble's infectious enthusiasm with a sincere smile. "Really? You're okay with it?"

Rumble nodded vigorously. "Totally! I'll help you with anything you need!"

Grateful for Rumble's unwavering support, Soarin chuckled. "Thanks, Rumble. That means a lot to me. Now, how about we plan something special for Thunderlane together?"

With Rumble's boundless enthusiasm and creative ideas, Soarin and the young colt embarked on crafting a proposal that would resonate with the magic of their shared bonds. Together, they envisioned a meticulously planned moment that would etch itself into the tapestry of Thunderlane's heart.

The chosen day arrived with a clear sky and a gentle breeze, setting the perfect backdrop for the special celebration. Soarin and Rumble soared through the sky, carrying out their assigned roles with enthusiasm. Rumble, the younger and energetic pony, darted through the clouds, collecting an array of rainbow-hued flowers, exclusive to Cloudsdales high altitude, that would add a burst of color to the cloudscape.

Soarin, with his strong wings, carried a small basket filled with Thunderlane's favorite picnic meal. The aroma of freshly baked treats and delicious snacks wafted through the air as they approached the familiar spot where the trio had shared countless memories.

As they reached the designated area, a sentimental smile graced Soarin's lips. The panoramic view of Cloudsdale stretched out before them, and the spot held a special significance for Thunderlane, Soarin, and Rumble alike.

"This is where it all began," Soarin murmured, his eyes reflecting the fond memories etched into the clouds beneath them.

Rumble, ever the mischievous spirit, grinned and said, "Okay, Soarin, it's time to set the stage. I'll scatter the flowers, and you lay out the picnic."

With a playful salute, Rumble zoomed off, leaving a trail of vibrant flowers in his wake. The clouds now adorned with a burst of colors, he expertly arranged the blooms, creating a whimsical and enchanting atmosphere.

Soarin set the basket down on the cloud surface, revealing a carefully curated spread of Thunderlane's favorite treats. From savory sandwiches to sweet pastries, the picnic promised a delightful culinary experience. The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the cloudscape and enhancing the magic of the moment.

Working in harmony, Soarin and Rumble transformed the clouds into a scene of beauty and nostalgia. The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers, and the soft rustle of the breeze played a gentle melody in the background.

As they stepped back to admire their handiwork, Soarin couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The stage was set for this special moment that would not only mark their anniversary of becoming a couple but also mark the beginning of their new life.

Thunderlane stared at the mysterious note in his hoof, his curiosity piqued. The parchment was elegantly written with ink that sparkled in the soft light. It read, "Meet me where everything began. - Soarin." As he read those words, a flood of memories rushed through his mind – memories of shared laughter, thrilling adventures, and the unmistakable bond he shared with Soarin.

Intrigued and filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation, Thunderlane made his way to the place where it all began – the Cloudsdale Cumulus Caps. The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on the fluffy clouds.

As Thunderlane reached the familiar location, he couldn't help but reflect on the countless times he and Soarin had come here to relax and escape from their normally busy lives. The memories of their friendly conversations and shared dreams seemed to dance in the air around him.

As he arrived he noticed amidst the orange and pink-hued clouds, Thunderlane found himself enveloped in a breathtaking scene that took his breath away. "What's all this?" he exclaimed, his eyes widening with surprise and delight. Flowers of all colors were illuminating the scene. Soarin was sitting on their favorite picnic blanket with a variety of foods in front of him.

Stepping forward, Soarin, with a mix of nervousness and determination, said, "Thunderlane, we've shared countless incredible moments together. But this… this is where it all started for us. And now, I want to take the next step.” Soarin pulled out the velvet box from under his wing, kneeling down, “Thunderlane, will you marry me?"

Thunderlane's eyes shimmered with emotion, his heart pounding with joy. "Yes, Soarin, a thousand times yes!"

Rumble, Soarin's energetic little brother, couldn't contain his excitement and flew up into the sky from inside the cloud he had been hiding in. "Now I have TWO brothers! BEST! DAY! EVER!

The two stallions laughed at the outburst. Soaring embraced Thunderlane warmly. Then, Soarin delicately clipped a beautiful ring onto Thunderlane's wing, sealing their love in a promise that echoed through the skies. Embracing amidst the clouds, surrounded by the vivid hues of Equestria, the trio felt the warmth of their newfound happiness.

As the night sky began to blanket the sky, Thunderlane and Soarin found a quiet moment to reflect on the day's events.

"Soarin, I never imagined that our journey would lead us to this," Thunderlane said, his voice filled with gratitude. "But I wouldn't have it any other way. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

Soarin pulled Thunderlane into a loving embrace, whispering words of love and promises for their future. As the night sky began to be painted with stars, Thunderlane and Soarin knew that this magical day marked the beginning of a new chapter in their lives – a chapter filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures together.

Author's Note:

Delving into the realm of FIM contests for the first time, drafting this story reignited my passion for this dynamic high-flying duo and allowed me to weave a tale of love, flight, and the enchantment of proposing. Excited to share this piece with the community, I eagerly anticipate more creative entries in the M/M Shipping Contest III (2023)!

Comments ( 18 )

kind of gay not going to lie

pretty nice fic

he finds himself on a heartwarming quest to seek the blessing of a little foal.

:facehoof:. Um. No. He literally doesn't need Rumble's approval for anything. He's not Thunderlane's dad or anything.

Serina #3 · Nov 12th, 2023 · · 6 ·

He may not need his approval, but I believe it is a sign of respect towards Rumble. It makes him feel a part of a major decision and step forward in their life together. Thunderlane is obviously very involved in Rumble's daily life much like a father-brother type. Some people act like older siblings are secondary parents (I know I was subject to that, having a large age gap between me and my younger sibling) so I was picturing that scenario of asking for approval from a young child of a single-parent story, but in this case they happened to be brothers.
Also, I am aware that in some relationships asking for "approval" is an outdated practice. It's really whatever you are comfortable with or whatever is important to your partner that matters, not pushing for one practice over the other.

Perfect. :heart:

You can respect someone enough to consider their approval worth the effort to gain, even if that someone is a kid.

Just seems odd. I'm not even hating on the story either with that comment.

Maybe, but you are missing the point.

ok, maybe not traditionally. But I think it is important to take into consideration that Rumble cares very much for his older brother and vice versa. They clearly spend a lot of time together and their opinions matter greatly to each other. If Rumble wasn't approving of Soarin that would weigh heavily on their relationship, far more than in a traditional family dynamic.

Just watch the episode with Rumble and Thunderlane.

Every comment downvote on anything related to the contest will add $2 to the prize pool, donate an additional $2 to OutRight International, and ensure the continuation of this contest series. - m/m shipping contest

I just downvoted the story. Is that, uh, the right thing to do? That’s what you wanted, right?

The comments. Not the story itself.

Sometimes I check the comments to see what others think of the story prior to me reading it.

I don't read enough of this kind of fic, but I can somewhat say that most male/male fics I've come across tends to draw the downvotes. Worst still arr ones that get featured. Congrats on getting onto the feature box, Wordsmith!

Why is there a disparaity? Female/female stories here do just fine; just look at Bon Bon and Lyra. I don't really want to say that fimfiction has some male homophobia, but the downvotes don't lie.

Anyway, I'll push this story up in my backlog.

I also want to point out that seeking approval doesn't mean the relationship with your partner stops if they denied it. Personally, it's how difficult or strong your relationship with your parents/siblings/approver would become. This is one of the largest trial anyone could face in this era.

Really sad to see most of these comments. I think Soarin was right to want to get Rumble's approval before proposing to Thunderlane. Marriage would mean Rumble would become part of Soarin's world too.

Everyones mad cause its not porn.

And then I note certain proclivity leaning horse word afficianadoes, and must add the addendum "yet.":trollestia:


so true bestie spit your shit indeed

One can aspire to pitch for both teams:ajsmug:

After a brief discussion with the shopkeeper about Thunderlane's preferences, Soarin's eyes lit up as he spotted the perfect wing band. It was a blend of elegance and strength, with a sleek black titanium band and a striking sapphire centerpiece that seemed to capture the essence of Thunderlane's bold personality.

that would indeed capture the essence of Thunderlane’s bold personality! and of course wing bands would be the equivalent of wedding rings for pegasi, that is a nice touch

Rumble's eyes widened, and he scrutinized Soarin for a moment. Then, a small, genuine smile adorned his face. "You want to be my brother? Like, for reals?"

aww, adorable! though the alternative, Rumble calling Soarin’ his new brother-in-law, does sound strange

As he arrived he noticed amidst the orange and pink-hued clouds, Thunderlane found himself enveloped in a breathtaking scene that took his breath away. "What's all this?" he exclaimed, his eyes widening with surprise and delight. Flowers of all colors were illuminating the scene. Soarin was sitting on their favorite picnic blanket with a variety of foods in front of him.

dang, Soarin’ is good at this proposal thing

Rumble, Soarin's energetic little brother, couldn't contain his excitement and flew up into the sky from inside the cloud he had been hiding in. "Now I have TWO brothers! BEST! DAY! EVER!

for some reason this feels very Scootaloo-esque

Soarin pulled Thunderlane into a loving embrace, whispering words of love and promises for their future. As the night sky began to be painted with stars, Thunderlane and Soarin knew that this magical day marked the beginning of a new chapter in their lives – a chapter filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures together.

and what a magical end to this magical tale, just a heartwarming story all-around. thank you for writing!

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