• Published 9th Nov 2023
  • 414 Views, 54 Comments

Child Of Wonder - Artist

It’s almost been 20 years since Applejack and Stevie got married, and now they are blessed with a beautiful daughter named Melody.

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First day of school

Melody was six when she first started school.

School was something Applejack had been afraid of for her daughter for quite a while, the cowgirl was afraid that other children would make fun of her daughter’s eyes.

But Stevie constantly reassured her that everything would be fine whenever she brought it up.

The morning of Melody’s first day of school, Applejack had prepared a special breakfast for her, pancakes with maple syrup made with oat flour.

Melody was sitting at the dining room table when she asked a question that shocked Applejack.

“Mommy, why am I different?” Melody asked in her sweet, innocent voice.

Applejack was taken aback by this question.

“Ah’m not sure, you were born like this sugar cube, the doctor said there ain’t nothing they can do.” Applejack finally answered after an awkward silence.

“Oh.” Melody disappointedly said before continuing to eat her pancakes.

“Don’t you worry, I’m sure the other kids will like you, and if they don’t, I suggest you prove them wrong!” Stevie, who had come into the room, spoke as he sat down next to his daughter.

“Thanks, Daddy!” Melody said as she hugged her father.

“Ready for school?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, Ah ready!” Melody answered with a slight smile.

After Applejack had cleared the plates away, the small family made the way out of the house and down the road in Ponyville.

“I heard that Aunt Apple Bloom would be coming to stay with us for a few days,” Melody said excitedly as they walked.

Apple Bloom had moved out sometime after Melody was born, so she could make it big in Manhattan with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle was a star on Bridleway, Scootaloo had joined the Wonder Bolts and was touring Equestria with her scooter, showing off her tricks in big Arenas.

Apple Bloom was the fashion designer for Sweetie Belle.

Approaching the schoolhouse, Melody could hear the voices of the fillies and colts running around and playing on the playground.

“I don’t know about this, I don’t think I’m ready!” Melody fretted, sitting down in the middle of the path.

Applejack bent down to her and nuzzled her.

“You listen to me, sugar cube, Ah understand that you’re scared, but you don’t need to be.” The cowgirl reassured her.

“But who’s going to come pick me up this afternoon?” Melody asked.

“You’re Aunt Apple Bloom is comin' at three to pick you up,” Applejack answered.

The young filly‘s face brightened at the mention of her auntie’s name, her mother ruffled her hair and smiled.

“You have fun now, ya hear!” The cowgirl nestled her daughter.

Then the small family of three walked up to the school house and Applejack saw Ms. Cheerilee standing there to greet them.

“Hey, Cheerilee, we are to drop off our daughter for her first day of school,” Applejack said as she noticed Melody shyly hiding behind her leg.

“She is a little self-conscious about her eyes,” Stevie said when he felt Melody gently brush up against his leg.

“Don’t you worry, if anyone makes fun of her, I will reprimand them accordingly.” Cheerilee said as she bent down to Melody’s level.

They all went inside and Cheerilee showed Melody where she could sit, she took her seat in the front row.

“I’ll see you at home, Mom and Dad,” Melody said to her parents when she was settled.

Applejack felt the tears in her eyes seeing her little girl go off to school like that, but she didn’t let on that she was sad.

Once Applejack and Stevie had gone, Cheerilee started the lesson.

“Good morning, every pony, my name is Ms Cheerilee, and I’ll be your teacher for this year, now that you know who I am, it’s time to introduce yourselves, turn to your right, and introduce yourself to the pony who’s sitting next to you.“ Cheerilee spoke joyfully.

Melody turned to her right but didn’t know what to say.

“Who’s there?” She asked instead.

“Hello, my name is Cozy Glow, what’s yours?” The voice asked.

“My name is Melody Harmony, Stevie Wonder is my father.” Melody proudly answered.

“Golly, you must be proud that you’re daddy is famous,” Cozy said, looking directly into Melody’s eyes. “But what’s wrong with your eyes, they look weird!”

“Ah was born blind,” Melody answered in a southern drawl.

Then Melody heard two colts snickering, she turned around and asked. “What’s so funny?”

“It’s your eyes, they don’t look normal!” One of them said.

The one that spoke, had gray fur and a light red mane, his friend had the same color scheme but was reversed.

“Leave her alone.” Cozy glared at the two.

“Oh yeah, what she gonna do, run back to her mommy!” The gray colt taunted.

His friend laughed as they hoof bumped.

“Hey Chance, that’s enough!” Cozy growled at him.

Chance just rolled his eyes at her.

“Hi, my name is Crisp Canter, what’s yours?” A colt with blue eyes and a fiery red mane with a streak of white in it asked turning to Melody.

“My name is Melody Harmony, I’m new here and I’m blind.” She said the last part quite hesitantly.

“Say, isn’t Stevie Wonder your father?” Crisp asked as he was quite interested.

“Yeah, why do you wanna know?” Melody’s cheeks turn red.

“Well, you see I’m a big fan, and I was hoping you could ask him to sign an autograph for me.” Crisp asked grinning from ear to ear.

Melody’s surprised expression was replaced with one of anger, here was this colt she had just met, and now he expected her to get her father’s autograph for him, she slammed her hoof on the table.

“No, I ain’t gonna get you his autograph.” She shouted so loudly that the teacher heard her and came over.

“What’s wrong Melody?” Cheerilee asked.

By now Melody’s eyes were watering, she burst into passionate sobbing.

The teacher looked at her with sympathy in her eyes.

“Ok, who made fun of her?” Cheerilee demanded from the class as she looked around, her eyes fell upon Crisp who had shrunk down in his seat, she walked over to him and glared at him.

“Crisp Canter, mind telling the class why Melody is crying?” The teacher asked.

Crisp let out a sigh and got up from his seat and walked toward the front of the class.

“I only wanted her father’s autograph.” He told the class.

“That’s better, you may sit down.” Cheerilee addressed him.

When class was over, Cheerilee helped Melody to the front gate where Apple Bloom was waiting.

“Hey kiddo, how was the first day of school?” Apple Bloom asked when she saw her niece.

“I don’t like it here, they made fun of my eyes and one colt asked if he could have dad’s autograph, but Ah told him no.” Melody explained her troubles.

“Ah know how hard it can be to be treated differently when you’re famous, your auntie Sweetie Belle is going through the same thing in Manhattan, but you shouldn’t let it get to you.” Apple Bloom said once they had arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, after a while of walking through town.

Melody let out a heavy sigh when she walked into the house with her auntie following behind her.

Applejack saw her daughter’s troubled expression and asked her what was wrong, Melody recounted the days events.

“You shouldn’t let that get you down, Sugarcube.” Applejack finally said after listening to her daughter’s troubles.

“See, even your mother understands.” Apple Bloom said hugging her niece, and then going over and hugging her big sister.

Granny came into the dining room with a plate of hot apple fritters, then Applejack with the help of Melody explained what was going on at school today for her daughter, the elderly green earth pony only shook her head in disappointment.

Author's Note:

In this story Cozy Glow never turned evil.

Remember, this is AU anything can happen, and if you don’t like it, I suggest you just stay away from it.