• Published 22nd Nov 2023
  • 426 Views, 28 Comments

A new faction - Rub3r0n

10.000 years ago the evil Opaline Arcana was defeated, now the entirety of Equus is unified and giverned by THE COUNCIL OF CREATURES. How will it be when this magic creatures want to explore space?

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The Dark Age: The 1st War for S.T.-s pt. 4

YYYEEEEEESSSSS!!! FINALLY! The fourth, and last part part of the 1st War for S.T.-s. I would make a more developed introduction and all the thing, but you know what? I don't care! Let's begin RIGHT NOW!!!

Aaaaaaaaaand... just after the victory, Sunny Starscout herself came with a new fleet, new weapons, new everything. To make sure, that this war ends. (She also came searching for Flurry, since she found NOTHING in Palomino, like, truly. No rests, no evidence for anything, not even confirming her death, sooooo.... Where else could she be?)

Besides ALL that, she didn't come alone. The biggest part of representatives remained in Equus, since they were mostly diplomatics or politicians, not generals. And someone had to maintain things there controlled. But even so, she managed to convince another representative to help! Yaaay!!!!πŸ₯³

However, this enthutiasm soon decreased. The representative wasn't someone expected there.


The only representative of Umbrum, the species of King Sombra.


Okay, okay, wait a moment... yes, just a bit more...

WHAAAAT! Aren't Umbrum like, bad?

Well,... they "were". It's a difficult theme, okay?

It was long, and complicated. Actually, Umbrum are the most isolated species, they have almost no contact with the rest of Equus and stay in a village on the Frozen North. However, they have a representative in the Council, only one because they're the smallest species, in popullation terms. And as there is not a lot of trust, people feel... uncomfortable near Umbrum. I will explain it better in other chapter.

But he was there, he was going to help, so... no one complained.

As for orks, they were in a really good situation right now. Why? Well, have you seen all the power the equusians have now? Their ships, drones and all that? That means, a good fight!

Equusians didn't think the same.

After a year and four months of war against the greenskins, they were exhausted. And traumatized!

Really, they weren't good. For them, Green Skull was a HELL, what would Green HELL be like? I mean, even if they won in the satellite, the losses were felt. Strongly. They couldn't resist another year like that, and well... Green Hell was supposed to be more difficult. More land. More sees. More everything that had to be fought.

They couldn't engage in combat like this...

Do you know what that means?


TAU techniques!!!!!

*angry kitty noises*

Well, not exactly. They prefered to super-spam orbital bombardments and throwing asteroids to the planet.

During 4 months, this was their plan, just bombarding the planet from high orbit and send some little teams to search for survivors to kill. But of course, the orks wouldn't let this happen! They wanted a fight! And they'll have it!

The greenskins somehow managed to take off some of their ships and, although some didn't achieve to exit the planet (they exploded), others actually putted a great fight that complicated things for their enemies.

The order to do this was sended by the ork Warboss, Big Punch'er. He knew that the equusians wouldn't go to fight, they had to bring them to the fight!

This same thing happened several times.

Time passed, and the equusians discovered, for their misfortune, that some ork cities weren't falling, they're defenses were just TOO good. Yes, they could try to throw a really big asteroid and cause a massive extinction, but even if they couldn't care less about what happens with ork buildings, they didn't want to turn the planet into a dead, desert-volcanic paramo.

So, yes. It was time to go down there and fight.

After the 4 months of orbital bombardments, the troops were, more or less, recovered. And a lot of cities were already destroyed, so the number of battlefields wasn't that big. However, this wouldn't mean that things were going to be easy, in this coming battles, the orks would show how terrifing they could be.

Now, I'll summarize for you some of the battles that happened in Green Hell, victories and defeats.

-The battle of Or-78: The attack to this settlement was led by the pony sub-representantive Sunny Starscout (she refused to be the new first representative, so ponies at this moment had only one creature at the Council).

This caused an interesting situation, since, everycreature knew that Sunny was always nice and positive, likely to help others and being peaceful. Since she arrived, she had been uprising the moral in ALL the fleet. But it makes some creatures to tend to forget how POWERFUL she is.

This believe became very shocking when everycreature saw the beast Sunny was in battlefield! Left behind were the days when she only knew how to summon some shields, she was showing her skills at her maximum level, turning bullets into glitter, destroying tanks with the flora magic of earth ponies, causing great wind bursts, throwing magical beams and destroying everything on her way with her iconic double-edged war axe. It was amazing!

The battle in Or-78 was brutal, giant and very violent! Orks found themselves trapped on crystal or stone prisons, and the equusians were being burned, exploded, stabbed, but none of both sides dared to turn or hold back.

However, orks were taking advantage, their movements were erratic and the power of belief was helping them (giving also some fun situations). But in a great movement, Sunny ordered the withdrawal and her troops left the city.

Why was this a master movement? Well, because of what would came after that.

Sunny commanded the artillery to maintain all the orks inside the city to erradicate them all with only one attack. Meanwhile the combat-drones distracted the anti-aircraft defenses, a lot of flying creatures reunited enough high over the city to avoid being shot and put together all the clouds they could.

After that, the plan was ready. With a lot of freezing arrows (the ones used in the Equestria games) the immense cloud formed over Or-78 was rapidly turned into a giant ice Block, which fell directly to the city.

Pum! Victory!

-The battles of Or-65, Or-98 and Or-76: This three battles are known by being the most humiliating defeats of the entire war.

First, Or-65 was special, this settlement was an underground city, built inside big and dark caves. Here the orks had an overwhelming advantage, since they knew the city perfectly, and caused several collapses, which forced the invaders to go directly towards a great ork defense.

They thought they could pass through them with their tanks and the help of a cubed giant (silly them).

Of course, that didn't work. The few survivors described what happened after that as an unforgetable CARNAGE.

Then another official came to help, and surprised by the crushing defeat, decided to detonate a good quantity of powerful explosives, which buried the city under kilometers of rocks. This simple resolution is what made this humiliant.

What happened in Or-98 could be described as:

"HOW ARE THOSE DINO-SQUIGS GOING SO GODDAMNED FAAAAST?!?!?!?!" And "Everyone thinks they're a big deal until the city starts to walk."

Yes, what happened with Or-98 wasn't being defeated by orks trying to take their settlement, it was being defeated by orks mobile settlement.

SOMEHOW, those bastards managed to give LEGS to one of their cities. The Meks had have a good day.

So this MONSTER travelled through the planet and destroyed several equusian bases. Yes, it was a lot smaller compared to other ork cities, but it had GODDAMNED LEGS!!!

Oh, and did I mention the city was led by a weird joint work between Snakebites and some speed lobers? They hade tremely fast squiggoths ready for WAAAAGHH!!

This thing was never destroyed. But it was restricted. However, that's for later to explain. Just have clear, that beast was unstoppable.

Lastly, Or-76. No one really knows how did it get to this, but everything there was a total CHAOS. Explosions everywhere, fires, an ork was using a cubed giant after stealing it, equusians painted with green, squigs drinking tea with gretchins, orks with different colors (SHINY) and some reports about giant green feet.

Finally, an immense explosion devoured the city, leaving no more than a burning radioactive crater. How this happened is unknown, but it was declared that each 27th of May, there would be a minute of silence to remember this destruction.

What weren't defeats were the battles led by Terror. His name had a lot of sense, anywhere he fought was soon hit by a wave of destruction.

People learned to like him. Yeah, he was terrifying and intimidating and maybe not the best person, but he knew how to satisfy enormously his warriors.

Something he liked to do was getting some orks as prisoners and using them as, punching bags, training dummies, etc. Basically, he let his warriors, usually in groups, to punch the prisoners as much as they wanted, what was incredibly good for moral.

It is said, that when an ork with capacity of realizing spells (Weirdboyz), appeared, then he would do ANYTHING to capture them. And what he did with them once trapped wasn't nice at ALL.

During months they've been preparing for this, and the moment had come.

1.6.10012 a.C. the Siege to Or-Max, the ork capital, biggest, and coolest city, began.

Or-Max was located on a mountain range in the planet's northern hemisphere and protected by a giant wall, which prevented any form of getting in. For not mention the immense field of 2 km that also surrounded the city, full of mines, traps, holes and more. The city possesed a safe water source coming from springs in the mountains.

Everycreature expected a great resistance from the most fortified city on the planet, not only that, the Warboss was there, so they also had to face a great militar mind. And that's exactly what they found.

The battle began and both sides were giving EVERYTHING. Bursts of bullets and magical shots flew through the air, the noise of the explosions was basically background music, the war vehicles rammed into each other and the sky burned in flames while the drones charged and the ships launched everything they had from very low orbit (they were even visible from land).

2 WEEKS of pure tenacity, courage, blood, sweat and tears were required to finally set a bomb at the wall, which when exploding, created a hole to enter.

The next step would be the operation KABOOMBA!

This operation consisted in ubicating various ultra-POWERFUL bombs of massive destruction in different parts of Or-Max, leaving the city in ruins and making the conquest a lot easier.

And what were orks doing?

Well, going to the battlefield and shooting everything that moved, of course, what else would they do? They were just there, causing troubles with the Mega Dreads and cleaning zones of equusians.

A lot of different groups were deployed to set the bombs, which were protected by a coating to avoid being damaged by orks. Sadly, some of this groups couldn't complete their mission and had to be replaced.

One very important for the story was the squad led by Queen Flamellus.

Flamellus squad was hiding in a semi-ruined building, preparing a powerful bomb just as Operation KABOOMBA specified. This was the third one they set, after ending with the first, Flamellus decided to go help other squads and set the bombs together.

The waves of orks had proven to be very troublesome, but with skillful aim, the queen was picking them off one by one. Some were hit by normal bullets, while others were hit by magical lasers coming from the representative's curved horn, either way, they were all being eliminated.

Suddenly, another ork appeared apparently from nowhere and shot against Flamellus. The tiny explosion from the projectile was stopped by the magical shield of her combat armour, although it may wouldn't handle 2 other shot like that one. The impact made Flamellus made a little backwards.

Her armour wasn't very different to an average soldier's combat armour, resistent plates to protect important parts, a more flexible frabic at the joints to allow free movement and its characteristic white color, some had other colors to take some advantage of the orkish power of belief though, but that seems to work less with less orks. The only difference was its size, as she was bigger than the average soldier, so was her armour, but it still covered all parts of her body, although with a special function to allow her spread the wings and fly.

Soon this ork was destroyed by the shoots of the Queen's comrades. Unfortunately, another wave of orks were approaching to their position.

"Hey! How much ready do you have that thing?!" She asked, almost furious due to the delay of those who assembled the bomb.

"ALMOST!!! We only have to install the last protective layer!"

Flamellus growled, because they would have to face all those orks that came. For this, their actual guns wouldn't be enough, so the biggest of changelings decided to use another kind of weapon. A machine gun with petrifier spells, this hasn't been utilized before because it had a low shooting capacity and needed to recharge after using it, probably that wouldn't happen until after finally setting the bomb.

Flamellus took the weapon with her scarlet magic, pointed at the orks and began to shoot, the rays hit and turned a lot of them to stone. She and the rest of the soldiers stopped the ork advance long enough to finish setting the bomb.


"Good, now come and help us restrain this things! I already called a ship to come and pick us up!" Flamellus commanded.

The equusians stood in their position long enough to see the ship coming. At this moment, the machine gun was already without ammunition and stopping the orks were increasingly harder.

However, a powerful ork projectil crashed against the rescue ship, going through all its defenses and making it fall.

"Shi...!!" Flamellus tried to curse before getting an explosion in front of her face and falling back. Quickly she got up and thought in what to do next, they couldn't stop the orks, although she could try to make a quick teleportation spell and get everyone out of there. However, she couldn't save each soldier nor know where exactly would they end after the spell.

Suddenly, some orks began to shout strong and clearly: "HERE COMEZ DA FLIEY SPIKY HORZE!" And a yellow explosion hit the greenskins, vaporizing almost everyone at the moment. The soldiers saw impressed how their salvation swooped down towards the surviving orks and eliminated them with fierce blows to the head.

Flamellus couldn't believe what she was seeing, in front of them, there was what seemed to be an... alicorn! Yes, it was an alicorn killing all the orks! The misterious pony was covered with an improvised armour made with ork scrap, it had several spikes and irregular parts, its hooves were covered with knifes and other sharp objects, the same with the wings.

The alicorn turned to the soldiers and with extreme velocity went to them, charging a spell.

Everycreature was teleportated to what seemed a little house of scrap metal and other materials with no windows, doors, or any kind of exit.

The misterious warrior took her helmet off and revealed her identity.


B-But how?!?! What happened to her?! How did she end up there?! Why she reveales herself now?!

I will answer those questions right now.

As you will remember, Flurry Hearth disappeared when she went to reflect on the war and an orkish ambush surprised her. No one knew exactly what happened there.

The reality was that when the orks attacked her, the alicorn had to defend herself and charged against her attackers, killing some of them. At this point, she already knew that this situation required violence and in the future, she would not only think that this war was necessary, she wanted to fight and exterminate orks.

The battle didn't last long. A grenade surprised Flurry and the distraction was used by an ork to knock her out with a strong blow to the back of the head.

However, the greenskins didn't kill her. At those moments the orks were really bored fighting the equusians, due to the exagerated use of range weapons. Seeing someone who gave a good battle and killed some boys, a badmoon there convinced the others to give her to one of Green Hell's coliseums, in exchange for some teeth to buy more weapons.

Next time Flurry woke up, she did inside a stone chamber, where it smelled like death. There were weapons and bones, after some minutes, the giant gate made of iron bars rised, letting the alicorn see what waited there. She left, summoning a shield with her weak magic, due to the unexplicable fatigue.

Flurry stayed shocked in front of the view, orks shouting, some even shooting to others, reunited around an arena. "Of course..." She thought. "They have a coliseum." The only way to survive there was fighting, flying to escape wasn't an option, since no one could avoid all the shots of the orks while doing that.

Her enemy appeared at the other side of the arena, a giant ork with an axe and some scrap metal to cover himself. Just some moments afterwards, the alicorn found herself running, trying to dodge the attacks from the ork gladiator, who attacked as a berserker, while also the shots of some orks, who attacked due to her apparent cowardy.

Jumping between the rocks of the disordered arena, Flurry managed to avoid a devastating blow from his enemy, the force was such that the axe remained embedded in the ground. The ork was noisy (as always), trying to get the weapon out of him. Meanwhile, the equusian decided to use some earth pony magic, since it never needed too much energy, to grow a plant, which hit the ork's arm, causing him to lose his grip on the axe. This was taken advantage of by Flurry, who with a pull of her magic, grabbed the axe, and in one swift movement, slammed it against her enemy's head.

This was just one of the multiple fights which Flurry had to survive. During a long time, it was all fight after fight, from which she always came out the winner. Of course, she wanted to escape, but flying away was not an option, and if she tried to teleport, she didn't know where she would end up. She was saving her energy, learning to use various Ork weapons and protecting herself with some pieces of metal and other materials that she found.

Her fights became more flashy, attracting the attention of more and more chaotic crowds of orks. They called the alicorn "DA FLIEY HORZE" or "THE LAZERS CUZZIE", a gladiator worth of respect.

Finally, Flurry decided it was time to escape. With her powerful magic powers made a plan, she would be sigil and flee creating a tunnel. Locate herself and, after that, somehow find her people.

However, things didn't go as planned. It turns out that while she was escaping some orks discovered her and a fight broke out. One thing led to another and well... they returned to the arena, where an ultra-violent fight broke out against Flurry. Her only option was to try to fly as high as possible and escape.

Unfortunately for her, at that moment a very special ork was present there, who had come to see a good fight, but now he had the opportunity to have one.

The Warboss jumped from his seat, quickly catching up to the alicorn as she flew. With a powerful pistol strapped to her left arm, he fired, and managed to knock down the resplendent yellow shield that protected the equusian. Flurry was surprised by this, and quickly turned to locate her attacker, as did the rest of the orks, who upon seeing their boss in action, stopped shooting and chargimg towards the fugitive to remain expectant in front of the fight about to begin.

Before Flurry could react, the Warboss managed to land a blow on her with his right ork claw, a blow that sent her straight to the ground. After hitting the ground, Flurry made some plants grow, using the roots to hit the Warboss, who had already fallen to the ground. These were easily cut by the ork, who did not stop his advance. The alicorn fired a laser from his horn, but the magic only bounced off the ork's armor. At that moment, a bullet grazed his hair, making him feel a deep sense of danger. She quickly created a new shield, which couldn't stand much either.

Seeing his desperate situation, Flurry launched one last ray of magic towards the ork while preparing another spell, this one was much more powerful than the previous one, and managed to stop and damage the ork. When the Warboss looked back at where his enemy was, she had already disappeared by teleporting. However, a scream could be heard coming from the destroyed coliseum:

"I'll get you horze! This iz NOT over! Ai'll FIGHT YOU!!!"

During the next days, Flurry had to look for various shelters in Or-Max to rest and regain strength, after that, she would leave the city. But everything did not turn out to be so easy, because the orks were looking for her to finish her off, and they always managed to discover all her hiding places, which always ended in a fight.

She also tried to escape many times, sneaking into ships or other vehicles, but as you can imagine, she was discovered in each attempt. In addittion, Big Punch'er began a search to find her and fight her, so they always ended up discovering her hiding places, and more than once he had to defend himself from the Warboss again (mostly fleeing). It was like playing the cat and the mouse. Practically 2 years after arriving in Or-Max, Flurry was able to meet someone she knew once more, after saving Flamellus and her group.

Everyone was safe in Flurry's underground hideout, with a lot of quesions too though. Finally, Flurry told her story and, although Flamellus had some more questions, she could clearly see that all that time in Green Hell didn't affect the alicorn positively. Paranoia could be felt in her voice and her eyes and that condition may made her don't think always very good.

"Okay, Flurry," Flamellus turned towards the alicorn, with a serious and determined look. "We need to escape now. We've set a lot of bombs to destroy the city and I wouldn't like that any of us dies today. We have to be quick."

"I completely agree with you, but... it won't be easy. I already told you how I failed spectacularly doing that."

"I know. But there's a difference now." She said, pointing to her soldiers who were prepared with all their weapons. "We have guns," Flamellus added.

"Yeah. Me too," Flurry answered with indifference, levitating next to her two ork guns.

"...Aaaand a map!" The queen showed an holografic representation of the city and its surroundings. "These points you see here are some of our camps around Or-Max. I've already used a lot of magic fighting the orks. Do you please to..."

Flamellus' mischievous smile was interrupted when he felt another sudden teleportation. Around him now were several Equusians around a table with a map of the city and the bomb positions marked. Everyone present was surprised to see the entire squad there, but they were even more shocked to see that Flurry was with them. Everyone, except the other alicorn in the room, who with a smile said:

"I told you."

As you already know, during the 1st War for S.T.-s it was long believed that Flurry Hearth, the pony representative on the Council, had been killed by the orks in an ambush.

Nothing could be further from the truth, she had managed to survive, and after a long time having to survive the orks in his CAPITAL city, she managed to return to his people.

When she reappeared, the reactions were varied, but mostly positive. Many, upon hearing what she had had to do at Or-Max (it is even said that she had to eat squigs), decided to pledge their loyalty to her and show her the deepest respect, such as Thunderwill and other officers. While the more suspicious came to believe that this could be an otk ploy to deceive them and that the real Flurry was still dead, although this never escalated into anything further.

However, there was no time for any kind of celebration, since project KABOOMBA was almost ready to give results. The plan the equusians planned for weeks (even before of starting the siege to Or-Max).

The plan was finally ready, and at that moment, the button was pressed to detonate all the bombs. Each soldier had placed themselves in a safe place with the necessary protections, and not long after, a white glow dominated the earth, which echoed with the great wave of destruction released a few seconds ago. They had won.

If things were just so simple.

Suddenly, from the ruins of Or-Max, something was heard despite the fire and devastation, a powerful cry of fury:


Of course, some survived. But they weren't just any orks, no. Flurry recognized that scream, it is the same one he had heard when facing him so many times before. It was the Warboss. Big Punch'er.

Quickly, all the possible forces were sent to eliminate those surviving orks.

The last assault on Or-Max surrounded the few buildings that, due to their great resistance, had resisted the explosion, where the strongest Orks were waiting for their enemies for a GREAT last battle. The buildings were strong enough to resist more bombardments, so the only way to end them was going there to fight.

When the equusians arrived, the Rinno tanks didn't wait to throw their projectiles to the orks position, unleashing, with the help of the troops attacks, a rain of devastating fire.

The orks soon came out of their hiding led by Big Punch'er and counter attacked.

In the battlefield, the strength, madness and desire to fight of the orks allowed them to give some truly destructive hits, but the unity and coordination of the equusians was being the key to win against the unorganized greenskins.

Now I'll pass to narrate some fights.

The scene: A hallway filled with darkness and full of corpses. The dead Equusians had their armor pierced, not to mention other things.

The responsible: A savage ork wielding an exaggerated sword. He had killed all those cuzziez doing almost impossibly agile acrobatics, bouncing and jumping off the walls of the corridor.

After finishing, the ork decided to exit the building and go join the others in another fight. But when he was heading to the exterior, all light suddenly disappeared. A decrease in the temperature could be felt and the almost imperceptible shadows seemed to be moving. The atmosphere was as uncomfortable as it was creepy, something was going to go wrong.

The ork tried to continue, but realized he could no longer feel his right leg. Looking down, he noticed the fog that covered the ground and the stone embedded next to his skin in the shape of a boot. When he tried to run, he fell on the ground.

He quickly grabbed his gun and fired into the darkness without stopping, receiving nothing but silence in return. He didn't give up and threw a grenade at whatever was there. When it exploded, the ork heard a cry of pain and surprise accompanied instantly by a bright blue beam that crossed the hallway, reaching its target and turning his entire trunk, leg, and arms into stone, leaving only his head free.

"Aghhh. That grenade actually surprised me. I actually don't like light that much, you know?" The creature said. It was like a horse, but made of a dark gas, its eyes were shining blue and its voice hoarse, tired, like that of someone old, but still with a looot of life.

"I don't have resons to talk to you. I'm supposed to kill you fast, but I like to monlogue when I'm alone."

"Your kind is truuuly interesting. That desire for war. That madness of lifestyle. That lack of feeear. Even when death is in front of you. Even when everyone close to you is condemned to die. Even when your species may be one step away from extinction. Fear is impossible to be found in your souls. Of course I know that you orks won't extinct," You could feel the contempt when mentioning the green aliens. "I've discovered that not long before starting the attack to your messy city. But I will deal with that later, telling it RIGHT NOW doesn't make a lot of sense, don't you think? You're all gonna die anyway, meeting the PEACE of death," The Umbrum looked at the eyes of hus prey, searching for something... that wasn't found.

"Agh! Well, you see..." Terror stepped his hoof on the petrified chest of the fallen ork and began to press. "I find that resistance to fear... FASCINATING. And it gives me a clear objective right now."

"I'll make you feel terror."

The force exerted on the stone, it broke it, leaving some pieces of rock attached to a dead head.

In the exterior, Flamellus saw the current situation, there were fights everywhere. There, two cubed giants cornered a Mega Dread, and there, a few soldiers holding their position against the orks to protect a damaged tank.

When the orks came out of hiding, she thought about ordering a retreat to bomb them safely, but either the orks returned to their base or followed them. And the changeling didn't believe it would take long to reach them. However, she decided to look for the entrances to the building that resisted operation KABOOMBA and cover them, so the fungi men would no longer have access to their safe place.

She had already covered two and was looking for a third when had to deal with an ork armed with a minigun and a grenade launcher. Flamellus changed her front legs into strong tentacles, creating a gap in the ork's defense as he separated his arms. The changeling quickly spit out a green slime from her mouth to the eyes of the ork, blinding him. Then charged towards him, baring his fangs. When she was little, a batpony thaught her to fight and protect herself in the streets, using as principal weapon the fangs. As she advanced on his enemy, he bit her neck so hard that separated the head from the neck, finishing off the ork.

A thunder resounded, carrying with it a powerful bolt of lightning that crossed the sky until it reached Lightning Strike. The sword was charged with energy coming from the electricitied clouds above it and with one fluid movement from its wielder, it sliced ​​and charred the bodies of three now-dead orks.

Then, Thunderwill, riding Thunder Jotnar, used his missile launcher to devastate a tank and its left machete to hit strongly a war walker next to him, which was finished soon.

The cubed giant continued its way, taking down some ork kopters, when Thunderwill saw a big explosion near.

He quickened his pace to get there and when he got there, he had to stop when he saw how the head of a Squiggoth fell in front of him. Looking at where he came from, he saw the rest of the greenskin, torn apart and turned into minced meat by one of his superiors, who had insisted on going into battle alone so as not to put other soldiers in danger.

Sunny Starscout stood next to the corpse, looking somewhat tired, which was not surprising considering the mini jungle full of ork corpses behind her. The orange pony's crestfallen gaze turned happy seeing the warrior arrive at her position and quickly began a dialogue.

"Hey! Hi Thunder!" She said, smiling. "What are you doing here?"

"Greetings Sunny Starscout, I headed here after seeing a loud explosion, I thought it must be important," He mentioned with a neutral, almost robotic tone. "However, it is good your presence was enough to control the situation."

"Oh yes. That was a missile launcher that I had to dodge. But yeah, things here have been solved, and guess what? It was a lot easier with a song!" She chored happily. "Plus, we have great things to protect. It's not like if we could FAIL! I heard you said it before I came here."

"I feel immensively honoured for that, thanks."

"It's nothing, really. Besides, those greenskins weren't THAT hard. I mean, this little thing has never did something since I arrived, and everycreature knows it only does things when it is required," Sunny explained, pointing at the hearth-form collar she carried.

"The Rainbow of Light is surely a very misterious artifact indeed," Thunderwill suddenly heard some noises approaching, signal of trouble. "I think we should move, this zone must be cleared."

"That's right! But, ehhh... could you help me with a tiny thing?"

"Of course."

"Perfect! Look over there. There's a Gorkanaut I managed to restrain with some vines. But I can't approach enough to finish him! It's always shooting. Do you mind?"

"Consider it done."

Immediately Thunderwill prepared the magical cannon of Thunder Jotnat to shoot. This attack needed time to recharge after using it, so it was utilized only when it was required.

The purple beam came out of the canyon and continued through the Gorkanaut, making a hole on its chest and leaving it useless.

Then both left, searching together for more orks to slaughter.

During the final attack to the last ork resistance, it was thought to eliminate them with an air attack carried out by small ships at low altitudes. But this option was ruled out by the greenskins' anti-aircraft guns.

This of course did not mean that the crew of ships like Murderships Nightmare or Void Master will sit idly by. Several squads also went to help in the last assault, some led by their captains, who had decided to go down to fight. As was the case with Volkano.

Everyone knew of his special hatred of orks and his desire for revenge, although this had never consumed him and he had always maintained control. So it wasn't strange that he offered to go fight.

During the fight, the big dragon had to get involved in a fight against a great ork, and although he managed to win, he had distanced himself from his squad, which was being brutally attacked by a group of fungi men.

Volkano watched helplessly from a distance as his comrades ran out of ammunition, which would mean a quick death at ork hands.

"NO!!!!!" He shouted. "NOT AGAIN!"

With incredible speed, Volkano launched himself towards his companions. The orks had already taken his best friend from him, he wouldn't let them take even one more life in front of him. Not if he could do something.

When Spacestar died, Volkano wasn't fast enough to protect him from the orks or to carry him to the nursery on time. That would not be repeated.

With impenetrable determination, Volkano managed to arrive on time. He stepped between his men and the orks, taking all of their fire with his back and spreading both wings to protect the others. This continued until the orks stopped their fire for a small and miserable moment, enough time for the equusian members of the squad to firmly hold their weapons, and with the little ammunition they had left, finished off the orks present there.

Then they turned to Volkano, he was still there, in the same place and in the same position with which he had defended his squad, receiving all the shots from the orks. Seeing him so still and with his face dull, everyone feared the worst. Fortunately, a doctor who was with them declared that the dragon was not dead, but unconscious. Even so, he remained standing. But of course, they had to urgently get him treated properly, which they did immediately.

At the top of one of the orks buildings, there was a terrace, extensive and strangely clean. It was going to be the scene of an incredible duel. A duel that would mark the end.

On one siiiiide!!! The great, green, big bad Warboss of orks! Biiiiiiiiig Punch'eeeeeer!!!!!!! And on the otheeeeer! The alicorn of war! The crystal princess and first representative of ponies! Flurryyyyy Heaaaaaaarth!

"Oi, ya came again to beat me Fliey Horze?! Well, Ai'nt gonna be eazy to taek down!" Big Punch'er exclaimed, looking at his opponent. "Y'know? Your cuzziez rilly are cowards!" He shouted, intoning contempt in the last word. "They jas shot down from thei-"

Flurry Hearth, who had stayed quiet while Big Punch'er spoke, suddenly interrupted him with a magic blast coming from a huge gun held with telekinesis.

"You won't talk anymore!"

The ork defended himself blocking the shot with his right arm, his powerful claw was petrified a few seconds later, becoming completely useless. He removed it and threw it away, taking a big choppa and preparing for the fight!

Flurry continued shooting with other weapons she carried, since the petrifying gun needed some time to rest and recharge. The bullets found their target, but Big Punch'er didn't look really affected by them and pointed his left gun at the alicorn, ready to fire.

"Not again," Flurry whispered, and disappeared in a yellow bright.

She reappeared at the orks right, summoning too a melee weapon. A spear. The spear had been the most characteristic weapon in Equestria and the Crystal Empire for generations, it was a weapon whom she had grown fond of. Hers specifically had a sharp tip like no other made from the purest crystals that could be found in the frozen north, every inch of the spear was tough as a diamond. Of course, over time it had undergone modifications and improvements.

She pointed with her weapon towards the ork and a powerful yellow energy covered the spear, her magic was being canalized to shoot a powerful beam.

Big Punch'er was able to dodge the new attack and run to crush the alicorn. Then, something resembling a sword duel ensued. The ork was trying to attack with his choppa and Flurry defended herself by using his spear to block it and vice versa. Trying to land one more blow, Big Punch'er's choppa was met with a semi-translucent magical shield, which blocked his attack and left Flurry's spear free. She stabbed the gun into her enemy's arm, attempting to disable it as she fired a magical laser at point-blank range at her opponent.

Big Punch'er stepped back and observed how the alicorn jumped over him, propelling herself with a flap of her wings. The horn on Flurry's forehead began to shine, and a flashy magic aura also enveloped the ork.

Flurry landed behind Big Punch'er's back and quickly lifted him into the air, launching him off the platform and causing him to fall to his death.

The ork tried to shoot at her, but because of the stabbing in his weapon, the gun exploded violently, making him lose his choppa and continue falling.

Flurry observed as the giant ork disappeared, relaxing a bit. She still was tense, was this the end? Maybe.

Of course not.

From the abyss beyond the edge of the terrace, the sounds of something climbing could be clearly heard, and instantly, Big Punch'er reappeared on the battlefield, landed heavily after jumping, and shouted:

"It needs MORE to kill me, cuzzie!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!!" He headed for his enemy with an extreme velocity. Flurry tried to avoid him or counter attack, but before she could even realize, the Warboss hit her forcefully on her chin with his bare green hands, making her lift off the ground for a few seconds before being grabbed by the neck and slammed into the ground with overwhelming force.

"Aaagh!" Flurry complained as the ork's large boot crushed her abdomen, leaving her motionless on the ground and pushing the crystal spear away from its owner.

Big Punch'er continued punching her with great strength, fulling the alicorn's face with blood and leaving it with bruises and open wounds before preparing a final blow with his boot crushing the pony's head.

However, Flurry wasn't beaten. She used the earth pony magic to grow inadvertently several plants to defend herself. The vines attacked the ork and freed Flurry Hearth, who quick, but with a great effort, stand up once more.

"THAT isn't enough to take me down either!" She shouted furiously.

Overcoming the IMMENSE pain she felt throughout her body, Flurry began to use her magic to perform various healing spells on herself and propelling herself with her wings, she pounced on Big Punch'er.

As she approached, she managed to land a few punches before Big Punch'er threw a punch at her, this collided with another punch from Flurry and the encounter caused a shock wave that sent both in opposite directions.

The alicorn braked with force with her hooves and made more vines grow to attack her ork enemy. When one of these hit the green giant, instead of being injured, he grabbed the large plant with both arms and with enormous strength, tore it from the ground. He immediately spun around, still holding the plant, which he used as a kind of whip to attack his rival.

Flurry flew away until she collided with some rubble, barely opening one of her eyes, she managed to see how Big Punch'er was preparing to charge against her, and between them was her spear.

Her magical grip caused the spear to float and head towards the ork at great speed until it finally hit and passed through his left shoulder, but apart from some moans of pain and exhaustion, Big Punch'er still seemed to have great energy.

The alicorn cast an incendiary spell on him, and the ork had no other idea than to block it with his right arm, which quickly began to burn. Flurry then charged his horn with powerful magical energy and released a powerful laser that pulverized Big Punch'er's left arm and cracked the ground.

This time, Big Punch'er couldn't avoid scream of pain. "It iz done! You fights good, but Ai end you NOW!!!" Even with the spear stuck, the ork headed with overwhelming force and without slowing down towards Flurry, who defended himself by summoning various lightning bolts from his horn, which swept across the battlefield. Even so, the ork didn't stop and just shouted more "WAAAAAGH!"

Flurry stopped her spells and raised a shield to protect herself from the ork's attack, but he did something she didn't expect. Instead of using her fists, the Warboss ripped the spear from her shoulder with his burning arm and used it to smash the shield through Flurry's abdomen, pinning her to the rubble.

Flurry's scream echoed with pure pain, and only grew louder the deeper the grinning ork drove the spear into Flurry's flesh. Finally, Flurry gave her all and used the power of his vocal cords to maximum power, unleashing a tremendous sonic scream that stunned her attacker. (Like the one she made when she was a baby)

"Aaaaaaahh! My holez!" Big Punch'er backed away, covering one ear with his flaming hand and stopping his attack on Flurry. Then sparks erupted from his horn, and rays of magic surrounded her. She was charging her final attack.

Her eyes lit up and his horn was surrounded by a glowing aura of pure energy as a yellow, white, and violet sphere appeared above him.

Flurry looked at the ork who chased her for more than a year and terrorized her people with a frown and clenched teeth. The ork noticed what the alicorn was doing, he couldn't dodge it. With a furious smile, he said:

"It wus... a good FIGHT!"

His head disappeared, exploded by a powerful beam that left behind only ork blood and a clear crystalline formation.

Author's Note:

I'm finally finish with this. I'm not going to lie, I know it took me a long time, but it's because I've tried to make these last two chapters as good as possible. I also don't know when more chapters will be published, because I'm actually quite busy. But hey, I hope you enjoyed reading! Until next time!