• Member Since 29th Sep, 2023
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

I Vicious I

Luna is best Pony


Ever wonder where Trixie was in season 4? To the surprise of absolutely nobody, she was busy committing tax fraud, and now the new princess must confront Trixie about money she owes the crown. However Twilight isn't able to wrap her head around the concept of tax fraud to the bewilderment and Frustration of Trixie.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

Criticism Welcome

Well, I suggest that next year she only slightly improves on her maths:trixieshiftright:

Short, sweet, and damn funny.

Huh, for a while, I was wondering if Twilight really couldn't comprehend a pony doing tax fraud, or if she was just trying to get Trixie to spill the beans on her whole scheme and incriminate herself further by playing dumb. Then a I thought maybe she was trying to help Trixie get out of some potentially serious trouble by saying it was an honest, if egregious mistake, and trying really hard to get Trixie to take the hint and play along. But I guess she just really couldn't wrap her head around a pony intentionally screwing up numbers after all.

Though to be fair to Twilight, Trixie was dumb enough to openly confess to tax fraud to a member of the government here. So her being that bad at math isn't too much of a stretch.

The great and powerful trixie wins by default the sweetest victory possible

now she just writes in loss ∞

Funny. Too uptight and OCS* to comprehend what's going on.

the temple in her forehead ballooning

probably the vein? The vein might be located on the forehead, or temple. But if the temple is ballooning, we need more Scanners references.

*Obsessive Compulsive Superpower

OCS = Obsessive Compulsive Superpower

Some of us do not appreciate any suggestion that our condition is a disorder, hence an amusing alternative name. Cheers!

Watch Trixie ascend to become the Princess of Mischief, golden staff and green gem in crown.
Twilight being to thick, and Trixie dumbfounded, is such an awesome meeting of immovable object verses unstoppable force.

Trixie just write yourself off as Starlight's dependent, problem solved.

Fun little read. Can't wait to see what Trixie does next year!

Nice story, needs a proofreader.


Sadly they're co-dependent.

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