• Published 4th Nov 2023
  • 205 Views, 4 Comments

Twilight, You Have Visitors: A (not very) Helpful Guide - Brinstar77

So, Twily, seems you've just been visited. And abducted. Fortunately, there's a guide for everything, including how to survive and thrive in the hellhole you've found yourself in. This is that upbeat, lemony, weirdly specific guide!

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Page 5

Taste that, Twily? That’s vengeance. It’s got a sweet taste, doesn’t it? Like Pinkie Pie’s Cupcakes?

…it doesn’t? The taste of it makes you want to puke? Again? Do you even have anything left in your stomach to puke up?

…nevermind that, seems you do have stuff left to puke up. To each their own, I guess.

Anyway, once your stomach has stopped doing flip flops, take a quick look around. There’s something you’re gonna need.

Getting warmer… a little to your left… look down a bit… there! See that gun? Y’know, the biomechanical half-alive laser rifle the Hunter you just murdered was carrying? Steel your stomach, Twily, and snatch that gun up. You’re gonna need it. No need to be shy; the thing doesn’t bite. I promise.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Alien technology can be a little weird, and wasn’t exactly designed with the comfort of pony users in mind. But you’re gonna need it if you want to survive.

Before you bolt, there’s a little something you need to see. See that nub on the handle, about where the Hunter’s thumb was? Take a look down the thing’s scope, and give that button a squeeze.

Relax, Twily! I told you it wasn’t going to bite, right? Just let that little tendril give your eyeball a good lick… and there! That, Twily, is the gun’s zoom gland. It’ll let you kill things the way these Hunters do: from afar.

And that’s not the only fun little toy this place has to offer! Look past all the visceral biomechanisms and industrialized evil, and you’ll find plenty of nifty little gadgets. There’s a fleshy bulb that shoots exploding spiders, a tube that spits acidic slime… oh, and a glowing wormhole in the space-time continuum. Go ahead, hop on through!

Remember what I said about nifty gadgets? One of those nifty gadgets lets the guys who built this place treat all the regular rules of creation like opt-in policies they can toss right out the window the instant it’s even remotely convenient to do so. Like the rules of gravity. That’s why that Hunter on the other side of the portal’s walking upside-down on the ceiling. Or maybe you’re the one that’s upside down. Kinda hard to tell when walls can become floors at the pull of a trigger or the drop of a grenade.

What was that? You wanna know what laws these creatures do pay attention too? Here’s one: The law of the jungle. Y’know, kill and be killed, survival of the fittest and all that.

Stay on the right side of that law, my little pony, and you’ll be juuust fine!


Author's Note:

And now this fic comes to a close. Hope you enjoyed this bouncy, heartwarming, tongue-in-cheek tale of non-consensual body modification, cosmic horrors to shatter your sanity, and a traumatized pony forced to become a nascent half-alive alien killer with a grudge to settle and an ever-growing collection of alien-built guns.

Comments ( 2 )

Do they appear in this story?

Nope, sorry. They’re a bit beyond the scope of this fic. But they are running around this version of the Sphere, or at least something similar to them is.

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