• Published 24th Dec 2023
  • 149 Views, 4 Comments

Minty and Mango - Lulamoon-Crystal

Two friends, a kirin and an uncivilised batpony, meet in the night

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It was a peaceful sunset near the lake located not far from Ponyville. A young pink kirin was setting near the water, admiring the set. Her pink and mint green mane ruffled slightly in the wind. Her green eyes sparkled as she watched with pleasure, twitching her light pink bown-pink tipped ear as she heard something. Shrugging it off, she watched as the stars appeared in the sky, the moon rose. Looking gorgeous in the night sky.

“What a lovely night…” She said, slowly removing her dark pink shoulder bag, satchel from her. With white and pink simple, genric stars stitched on the flap adding some more colour to an otherwise basic pink bag. The strap was also outlined with a pinkish brown colour. As she sat there, she continued to admire the night. Awaiting the upcoming sky event.

Nature is interesting The wind sounded relaxing as she looked into the distance. The lake was quiet and still. No ducks in sight. Just the sound if crickets and fireflies peacefully floating around. There was a noise of a frog croaking loudly into the night.

"Huh?" She gasped as her ears picked up an unusual sound. Then she heard a swooping noise followed by an ‘Eek’ sound echoing. She jumped up. What was that!? Many things rushed through her mind.

As she looked around, she couldn't see anything. She grabbed her satchel, deciding it was a good time to start heading back to town. Who knows what creature could be following her! She could still watch the meteor, it just would not be as relaxing or nostalgic As she was about to start walking, she felt her hoof in the soft sand. But she also felt another being step on the sand not too far away.

She looked closely and didn't see anything around her. But as soon as she let her guard down and took another step, she found herself being tackled. The next thing she knew, she hit the water with a loud splash.

It felt like slow motion as she saw a shadowy thing pounce on her, then seeing the sky and her legs as she uncontrollably crashed. She shut her eyes on impact with the water. Feeling herself get soaked instantly. The coldness soaking through her light pink body.

She felt herself being held down, not tightly. She was submerged but could move each limb and the water wasn't that deep. She gasped as she rose her head. Mane completely soaked through. Then she saw the culprit. That being that shoved her into the cold wet depths.

A bat pony, around the age as her. No mistaking that turquoise and orange bandana or those eyes as orange as a mango. His purple wings were like the purple of the night sky. His body was a deep, dark blue-gray. His short, spiky mane had teal and turquoise streams through it. Minty gulped as she found herself being pinned down. Most her body under the water.

It was him…

“Mraaaa- gro-“ The bat pony tried to speak. Then he paused as looked down at his victim. “Mmmang-grow.”

She only stared as her heart raced, she tried to calm herself down. It wasn't a serious threat like a monster or a thief. It was just him. Despite being freezing cold, she calmed herself down enough to speak. “Y-you're getting there!” She complimented his speech. "Coulda done without the sneak tackle, however." She smiled. Voice shaking.

She chuckled nervously as he sniffed her face. “Nice to s-see you again. Mango” Minty greeted. He didn't have a name. Well, he didn't have one that could be understood. So Minty gave him a nickname, after one of his favourite fruit and one of the first words he tried to learn.

He gave a lick on Minty’s cheek. Not knowing her exclamation of disgust meant she didn't really enjoy it. He had a lot to learn. Boundaries were one of them. His breath was stinky, poor Minty had to deal with that, too. “That’w enough licking…” Minty said, pushing him away slightly. Knowing he meant well. But it was still gross.

“Fru-fru-“ Mango spoke with curious voice.

“Ah yes…” Minty said, slowly getting herself from his grip. “I do have fruit. I came prepared!” She smiled, getting out the freezing cold water. Looking down at her soaked satchel. Water coming out of it, dripping everywhere. The contents were soaked completely!

Sighing, she took out a bunch of fruit she had brought with her. Mangos, berries and some grapes! It was rather interesting by how fixated this pony was on fruit! She didn't put it on the ground before Mango started feasting. Not a single manner as he scoffed it all down like a wild animal. He was starving, wasn't he? It was a shame he had to sneak around at night and steal fruit. Good thing Minty was making that happen less by bringing fruit to this location and waiting for him. Whenever she could.

He glared at Minty hungrily as she backed up, taking her satchel with her. Slightly squeezing it with more water dripping from the material. “N-no more!” She was a bit nervous as she pulled her bag away. "I could not bring more today. Sorry."

Mango looked briefly disappointed but seemingly shrugged it off. His attention almost instantly went to the patch of flowers nearby. Dancing in the breeze.

She went back to looking at the stars. The small telescope in her bag was completely soaked but still usable. She knew what was happening tonight. It was nothing special, but still pretty to watch. She felt nostalgia here.

It was almost like back home... As a young kirin. Her family watching the sunset and the moonrise.

Only a few minutes passed.

Minty heard Mango jumping around, so she looked behind her and saw him getting on his hind legs. Rearing and wagging his tail like a dog. He had a shine in his eyes as he crouched like a cat that was ready to pounce on a toy. Expect she was the toy.

“Oh no. Noo…” Minty rose a hoof towards him. It was no hope. He tackled her to the ground like a rugby player. Mango was strong when he playfully wrestled her. It kind of hurt at times when he was so rough. Usually, it didn't last long till he had to go. But he seemed extra playfully\. Batting her in the face softly like a cat. She eventually joined in, with pushing him and softly smacking his hooves away.

Minty rolled over and forced herself out his grip using her magic. She was not really into rough play. But as long as it was harmless. She soon found both of them rolling, rag-dolling across the and as he tackled her again. He really liked his play fights, she pushed him away, completely losing this play fight. She spat sand out her mouth as she pushed him. But he was so strong!

Guess this is what happens when a batpony who spent his whole life feeling like he had to fight and hunt, wrestles with a kirin who never did. She groaned loudly as he licked her in the face like a dog. The wrestle soon turning into a tickle fight. Poor Minty stood no chance.

To any critter that watched. This looked like a wrestling match between a bat pony and kirin. With the kirin losing badly. Minty soon managed to use her magic to send Mango into the sand. Gasping a bit in laughter at his silly face, he made when he flopped onto the sand. Only to end up getting tackled again, belly flopping on the ground. Now she had enough at this point. She was not his chew-toy.


“Ouch!” She squealed out in pain as Mango bit her foreleg. Way too hard, the sting went through her like a truck. Sharp teeth digging in her coat. He recognised this sound as bad, so he jumped back, allowing Minty to get up. Investigating her wound that was leaking out blood. “Ow!” She whimpered. Looking at Mango. She had to calm herself down so she wouldn't turn into a nirik. She didn't want to traumatise him, just scold him for bad behaviour.

He was cowering, looking up at her, tail tucked between legs. His eyes were huge as he whimpered softly. Knowing he was too rough, he stepped back a bit. Looking very ashamed of himself. Like a dog who had been caught and scolded doing something very wrong.

Looking down at her bleeding wound. This wasn't the worse thing he had did with her. But he was still learning. Learning how to trust others and have friends. Even if it was taking a while... Well, yeah, It was hard to not get frustrated. But she was not gonna give up on him. He was going to make friends, trust ponies and learn to speak. He was going to finally feel safe and no longer scared. She just knew it! It was just going to be a very long road. “No biting!” She exclaimed. “Naughty.”

Mango looked really sad as he looked up at her. Sniffling a bit it seemed. His sad eyes. She sighed to herself as she reached into her bag. Taking out some spray to spray in the wound to avoid any risk of infection.

She then felt Mango nuzzle her in the side. Nudging her, making small noises. It laid up against her, looking a little glum. He softly licked her leg. Whimpering like a scared wild animal. Minty felt bad for shouting at him, it did hurt and he did have to learn. But she didn't mean to scare him.

“H-hey…” She said in a calming voice. “You're still learning!” Minty explained. Hoping he’d feel better. "You made a mistake. Thats all."

He squeaked a noise that sounded like he was apologising. His ears were droopy, and he didn't seem as energetic. He stayed there with Minty for a few minutes before his ears perked up and eyes came alert. Wings uncurling as he looked around in worry.

He seemed scared about something. She decided she needed to change the subject before he had some sort of freak out.

“Oh, look!” Exclaimed Minty as she pointed towards the sky. Bright dots racing across the dark violet sky She softly smiled at Mango as he watched, like it was a threat. It didn't take long for her to realise he was growling. She simply watched the sky with a smile, hoping to show him it wasn't a threat.

It took a while. He laid down, shaking as he laid up against Minty, likely for protection. She put as comforting hoof around him as he calmed down a bit. Looking at the dots in awe as they dashed across the sky. They were in reality just rocks in space shooting around. But on earth. They looked like stars dazzling as they shot across the sky.

It was gorgeous, Minty noticed Mango's muscles relax as he laid more comfortably up against her. Feeling safe with her, with the only non-bat pony he trusted and knew. He felt comfortable just looking into the sky with her.

He was confused on the meaning of friend. But this felt safe, this felt warm. He no longer had the feeling to fight or fly away. He felt he didn't have to run for his life. It felt peaceful.

Minty appreciated his warm body up against her fur. He was so cosy and surprisingly soft! He was an odd but adorable lil guy.

"Me-tea-oar..." Mango said in a broke, raspy voice as he tried to speak. His eyes were full of awe. Minty was proud of him for trusting her and not running away. She wouldn't have been upset if he did. But it was nice to see him loom so calm and relaxed about something he was terrified of. "Oooh..."

When they met at night, he never stayed long.Eventually flying away to other places. Which is what he eventually did. She hoped he’d return again someday. Or night in his case.

There were only a few hours of the meteor shower left. Minty knew she was going to bed after this. She gathered up her slightly damp pink bag. She yawned as she looked at the sky. Thinking of her when she was a foal in the woods.

When she was really young. Her parents would take her, and her adopted older a sister. A griffin. Out on a clear night, to watch the moon and stars. On a hill just out the kirin village.

According to many. That shape was not always there. But it had popped up roughly a thousand years before. The mare on the moon was a mystery amongst the tribe that no one really worried about. Instead, they made up fairy tales and bedtime stories relating to it.

Her favourite was that the moon was just a very big pony. Or another fairy tale or rumour where on a child’s birthday party. They wished for a balloon that was huge! They sent it up in space, where it was safe from anything that could pop it and it was blown back up every time it deflated. Explaining why it vanished one night once in a while.

Growing up. Many realised this was false. It was just a strange pattern on the moon anyway.

Or they thought!

It was quite the shock to her village when the markings vanished. Minty was about 14 or 15 at the time. Many had freaked out when they noticed it was gone. But they all calmed down eventually and did not really care for it anymore. Assuming it was the monarch of Equestria’s business since it was a pony shaped marking and they were kirin. Many others decided the moon turned around while no one was looking.

Minty knew now during her adventures in Equestria. It was explained to her. Nightmare Moon

She smiled as the last meteor races across the night sky. She knew that somewhere. A close one was watching the same meteor shower as her. Miles and miles from where she was now.

She wondered how her family was going.

Comments ( 4 )

This needs some work. There are several spelling errors and it’s inconsistent when the Mare in the Moon is mentioned.

This was cute. I quite enjoy the irony of a kirin being the one teaching another about speech and language. Guess she would know better than anyone, right?

Only thing I'd say is maybe give it another editing once-over. But still, cute fic!

Aww cute

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