• ...

Im a FREE mare, and i can choose who i want

"Oh twilight, dear, you know how to make a mare want" Rarity lavishly says into twilights ear.

Twilight, who was just minding her own business, walking down the road of Ponyville, jumps up into the air with a screech.

"RARITY!" she says exasperated, "you don't sneak up on a mare like that!"

After she catches her breath, twilight realizes what rarity just said.

"And what do you mean want?"

Rarity reply's with a sultry voice "darling, you know exactly what I mean" she puts a hoof up to her head feigning exhaustion, "you light up my world like nobody else! And when you flip your hair," she falls down onto an armoire that inexplicably appeared "OH, i get over whelmed," she looks up from the magic couch to Twilight to ask in a desperate "I can't take it anymore twilight, please, please" she rolls off the couch onto her knees. "Will you, be my special sompony?"

A pregnant pause, that last a solid 5 seconds occurs,

Twilight bursts out laughing at the absurdity of what rarity proposes.

Until Twi realizes that she is completely serious.

Then twilight's mind races with the meaning of this confession and the feelings that come with it.

"wha- but, wai- what? Uuhh, im sorry but uhhhh" twi says as rarity looks at her with big sad puppy eyes. "No, uhh, im not ready for that? I think we make great friends though!"

"no, no, no, that's not how that's supposed to go!" -2

The world goes still as the voice booms around. Twilight, being utterly confused, looks around for the voice and says "how's what, supposed to go? Is this a prank? Rainbow is this you?"

Another voice booms out "you wanted twilight to be confronted by rarity in confession, not my fault it didn't work out"-1

"I wanted a romance, not a romantic tragedy! Try again!"-2

Twilight, being a little peeved she isn't in the know, opens her mouth to say something, but is interrupted by the world around her rewinding, with her along for the ride.

"Ok then, let's try pinky then. "-1

The world returns to normal, and Twi is still processing the breaking of the laws of nature when she gets surprised by a certain pink pony.

"Twilight!! I need to ask you something!"


"I was thinking at the sugar cube corner of all the sweet things I love when I had, a revelation."

"What!?" Twi exclaims a little too out of breath.

"my favorite most sweetest thing i love in the whole wide world, is a wonderful best , greatest pony named you!" she finishes her sentence with a boop on twi's nose, which is accompanied with confused blushing cheeks.

"wait, wait, you can't give her pinkie!"-2

"why not?"-1

"I ship pinky and weird Al more. "-2

"eh, fair enough, from the top! "-1

and the world rewinds with twilight in tow.

"Hey twilight!" a dashing rainbow hair colored pony said. "Oof, you don't look too good, are you ok?" rainbow Dash said, skeptically.

"NOO, there's two disembodied voices, having a confrontation about my romantic lifestyle, and somehow changing TIME IT'S SELF, to pair me with all of my friends." Twi retorted.

Rainbow dash, who is dumb and didn't understand a word of that, continues. "Uhhhhh, twilight? I didn't get a word of that, because I am dumb. Must be an egghead thing... But I guess that why I love you twi."

"OHH, NOT you toooo!"

"wait, that's not what I wanted her to say. again"-1

"Must be an egghead thing... But I guess that why I love you twi."


"No, again."-1

"Must be an egghead thing... But I guess that why I love you twi."


"no, maybe dash need to be more seductive, again. "

"Must be an egghead thing..., and you, can be my egg head, if you want it"

"ohh, I don't wanna think about that."

"yeaah, me neither, hmmm."-1

"why isn't this working, your suppose to be the creator? "-2

"I don't know, twilight seems to be fighting this,-1

"of course im fighting it, you're forcing my friends to 'love' me"

"well, duh, that's what we want!"

"But should you have any say of what I want, or my friends, or are we just to exists for someone's mind to do what ever they want, To us?

"So what your saying is, that the fictional character should do what they want, inside of their universe, and not what other nonfictional people want them to do? And our obsession with pairing up the mane six and freinds is wrong?"-1

Twilight, excited that what she said was being thought about, proclaims: "Yes, in a sense"

The two disembodied voices looks at each other quizzically (even though they are disembodied). Then at the same time they reach a conclusion

"Naaa, couldn't be." -1

"Naaa, no way!" -2

"Hey, do you wanna make derpy kiss a mirror pool copy of herself?" -1

"dude... heck yes" -2

And so the cycle continued, and twilight became lost, forever.