• Published 1st Nov 2023
  • 1,330 Views, 21 Comments

Lunar Shattering - Broken-Quill

After a millennium of imprisonment, Princess Luna has returned, yet not in her entirety. A significant shard of her essence remains lost, shrouded in darkness. Darkness that gains power to corrupt, to twist the very fabric of reality.

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Chapter 3

Under the clear sky of an early afternoon, sunlight streamed through the flaps of the royal tent stationed on the contentious border between Equestria and the Holy Griffin Empire. Inside, the atmosphere was charged with the formality of high-stakes diplomacy. Princess Celestia sat poised at a long table. Her majestic figure is crowned by a flowing mane that shifts in ethereal hues of pink, blue, and green, mirroring the sky at dawn. Her coat, a luminous white, gleams with a soft light, enhancing her divine presence. On the long table maps and various state documents spread before her , as well as an old griffin whose once-golden feathers are now streaked with gray, marking his many years, and his proud beak shows signs of battle scars from his younger days.

As Celestia and her counterpart, Ambassador Gaius Talon, exchanged preliminary courtesies, a soft, shimmering glow suddenly materialized in the air beside Celestia. With a gentle flicker of golden magic, a scroll sealed with a sapphire heart emblem appeared, floating down gracefully to rest in front of the Princess among the numerous documents.

The sudden appearance of the scroll caught Ambassador Talon’s attention, his sharp eyes narrowing slightly in curiosity. "An urgent message, Princess?" he inquired, his tone carefully neutral yet tinged with the wariness of a seasoned diplomat.

"Just a simple update from Equestria " Celestia responded smoothly, her magic gently breaking the seal as she maintained her composure. She scanned the contents quickly, her expression betraying nothing of the concern that flickered in her eyes as she read. Levitating the scroll beside her it was picked up by light purple magic "Important, yet it will not hinder our discussions today, Ambassador Talon."

Standing beside her was newly appointed Captain of the royal guard , Shining Armor and Commander Brightwing, the esteemed leader of the Solar Guard. Clad in armor that gleamed like white gold and infused with a palpable concentration of magic, his formidable presence was underscored by his large statue, being taller even then Shining Armor. Brightwing's keen eyes surveyed every movement around him, while Shining Armor was focused on watching the conversation before him.

Ambassador Talon nodded, accepting Celestia's reassurance, though his gaze lingered on the scroll for a beat longer. "Very well, Princess. As we were discussing, the Griffin Empire firmly believes the recent findings support our claim to the mineral-rich lands in question."

Princess Celestia only looked lovingly with a mother like smile at the old griffin. "Ambassador Talon, while I appreciate the efforts of your cartographers, we must consider the historical context provided by the Treaty of 694. This treaty clearly demarcates the borders in question, and it has been upheld by both our nations for centuries without dispute."

The mention of the Treaty of 694 caused the ambassador's feathers to bristle slightly, a sign of his growing unease. He adjusted his position, his talons gripping the edge of the table as he prepared to contest her point.

Celestia, noticing his reaction, continued, "This treaty not only defined borders but also established a framework for peaceful resolution and mutual respect. It is crucial, Ambassador, that we adhere to these long-standing agreements to maintain the harmony that has benefited both our kinds for generations."

Ambassador Talon opened his beak to respond, his eyes narrowing as he formulated his counterargument. The tension in the tent rose palpably as he geared up to challenge Celestia’s invocation of the ancient treaty.

Just as the ambassador was about to speak, Celestia raised a hoof gently, signaling for a brief pause. "Before you respond, Ambassador, I urge you to consider the broader implications of undermining such a foundational agreement. The stability and future prosperity of our nations depend on our fidelity to these principles. During the last earthquake it was equestrian that helped to restore your cities and give you a loan , that if I remember correctly was forgiven 7 years ago"

Ambassador Gaius Talon paused, his beak parting slightly before closing again as he processed Celestia's words. The reminder of Equestria's past aid was a pointed one, and it visibly softened the edges of his initial retort. He adjusted his stance, the feathers on his neck smoothing down as he regained his composure.

"Princess Celestia," he began, his voice tinged with a newfound respect that bridged his earlier defensiveness, "your reminder of past generosities is well taken. Equestria has indeed been a friend to the Griffin Empire in times of need even after our dark past. However, it is precisely the future of our young ones for whom I must advocate today."

The ambassador spread a weathered wing toward the maps on the table, his talon tracing the disputed lines. "Our need for the magic crystals found in this region is not born of greed, but of necessity. They are essential for…"

He was interrupted by a sudden gust of wind as the tent flap lifted momentarily, admitting a brief view of the tense border outside and over a hundred of equestrian solar guards. He waited for the flap to settle before continuing, "—for powering the future of our cities, which grow ever more dependent on magic, much like your own."

Princess Celestia listened intently, her gaze never wavering from the ambassador. She nodded slowly, acknowledging his concerns. "Then let us find a path that allows us both to walk in light, not in the shadow of conflict. Perhaps a shared management could be established not only for the mining operations but also for the distribution of resources. Heavy discounts in return for your iron would be a topic im ready to discuss. In addition Equestria is willing to assist in developing your infrastructure for magic utilization, under joint oversight."

Shining Armor, observing silently, noted the strategic offering his ruler presented. It was a masterstroke of diplomacy: offering to help build rather than simply share. It would bind their economies, their technologies, even their magics closer together, creating interdependencies that would make future conflicts less likely. Commander Brightwing meanwhile didn’t seem to share those views or at least his facial feature , that got more sharper after Griffin demands.

Ambassador Talon considered this, his aged eyes narrowing in thought. After a moment, he nodded slightly. "A compelling proposal, Princess. One that I believe merits serious consideration by my emperor and the imperial court. I will convey this discussion faithfully and advocate for its wisdom."

Princess Celestia's expression brightened subtly, a soft sigh of relief hidden in her regal bearing. "Thank you, Ambassador Talon. I believe our nations stand on the cusp of a new era of cooperation. Let us proceed with hope and mutual respect."

As the meeting concluded, both parties rose. They exchanged a formal, yet now slightly warmer, nod of farewell. Shining Armor felt a quiet pride in his heart for the peaceful resolution that seemed to be within reach, reflecting on the diplomatic prowess of his sovereign.

As the griffin's silhouette disappeared beyond the tent flap, Celestia turned to Shining Armor and Commander Brightwing with a smile. "Remember my little ponies, The feather is mightier than the sword "

Shining Armor turned to Princess Celestia, a question brewing in his mind. The significant presence of the Solar Guard at the border, more than usual for such meetings, had not gone unnoticed by him. "Princess, if I may ask, why did we deploy the entire Solar Guard for this negotiation? It seems more than what's typically required."

Commander Brightwing, who had been silently observing the exchange, couldn’t resist a slight smirk comment. "Captain," he interjected with a hint of annoyance "questioning your Monarchs decision that close to a foreign diplomat is considered a show of doubt , even if he is a distance away.

Princess Celestia chuckled softly at Brightwing's comment, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Commander Brightwing, let's not forget that questions can lead to enlightenment. It is indeed a good question, Shining Armor and considering the age of dear Gaius Talon it is safe to speak that far" Her gaze then swept over both her guards, signaling the seriousness of her ensuing explanation. "In diplomacy, the show of force plays a crucial role. It is not just our words that convey our intentions but our preparedness for all eventualities."

She walked a few steps towards the tent entrance, her silhouette framed against the sunlight streaming in. "Our strong presence here is a message, not just to the Griffin Empire but to all who watch and wonder about Equestria's resolve. It demonstrates our commitment to protect our interests and uphold our values. Yet, it also shows that we are not eager for conflict but prepared for it, which often encourages the other party to consider the peaceful path more seriously."

Princess Celestia turned back to her guards, her expression softening. "In cases like this we must balance the feather and the sword. Too much of the former, and we seem weak; too much of the latter, and we appear aggressive. Today, we needed to ensure that the Griffins saw both."

Shining Armor nodded, absorbing her words. The importance of their visual statement at the negotiation now clear to him, he felt a renewed respect for the delicate dance of diplomacy and military display.

Commander Brightwing gave a brief, approving nod, his earlier sarcasm replaced by a look of respect for Celestia's strategic acumen. "Well explained, Your Majesty."

Princess Celestia smiled, pleased with their understanding. "Thank you friends. Let's continue to stand vigilant as we move forward. Peace is our most cherished aim, and today, I believe we have taken a step closer to ensuring it."