• Published 13th Nov 2023
  • 606 Views, 15 Comments

What Does The Future Hold For Us? - AndyHunter

Andy Hunter and his closest friend, James Carter, found themselves on a fateful outing with their friends when an unexpected encounter with a mysterious black hole altered the course of their reality.

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Chapter 1 - Party With The Dudes

Twilight faced her current nemesis: the poorly structured and peculiar stairs of Canterlot, or at least that's what someone from the modern era, unfamiliar with pony life, might think.

With limited options, Twilight braced herself for the descent.

"I'll need to take it slow," she muttered, cautiously placing one hoof after another, keen on maintaining balance. The challenge was real, and the unfamiliarity of walking on four hooves added an extra layer of difficulty to the task.

"Twilight, what's going on? Why the slow pace? Is something amiss?" Spike inquired, perplexed by Twilight's unusually sluggish descent.

"Nothing, Spike. Just being cautious not to take a tumble and end up in a mishap," Twilight responded nervously, descending the stairs at a painstakingly slow pace, with each step feeling like an eternity.

"Your flair for exaggeration knows no bounds, Twilight," Spike remarked. "Although I don't blame you. I had my fair share of mishaps during our early days here."

"It's for that same reason why I'm going down carefully," Twilight said, maintaining her slowness.

"At this pace, we'll reach the party by tomorrow," Spike teased, grinning at Twilight's cautious descent.

Twilight smiled at Spike's sarcasm, feeling a warmth in her heart as she contemplated the bond they shared. It prompted a moment of reflection for Twilight, deciding that this time, she would regard Spike more like a brother than just an assistant.

Meanwhile, Spike, bored with Twilight's slow descent, resorted to counting the clouds in the sky to entertain himself for at least a while. Twelve minutes, which felt like ages, had passed before Twilight finally reached the bottom of the stairs.

"We finally made it... to the porch. It feels like the millennium has already ended," Spike said, maintaining his sarcastic tone.

"It's still early, Spike. Safety is—wait, did you say millennium? What year are we in?" Twilight asked curiously. Now that she was experiencing the events in person, she had the opportunity to ask exactly what year they were in.

"Have you forgotten? We're in the year two thousand," Spike clarified.

"WHAT?!" Twilight said, shocked at this revelation. She had always believed that MLP was set in the 1900s or 1800s, but 2000? That's unexpected.

"Calm down, Twilight. It doesn't mean it's the end of the world. I thought you already knew that," Spike said, trying to calm Twilight down before she started going crazy over 'trivial' topics like the original Twilight used to.

"I know, Spike. I had forgotten. I'm just surprised how quickly time goes by." Twilight, upon hearing this, became thoughtful and started talking to herself in her mind.

"I can't believe I'm in the 2000s. I never imagined I was in that era. I mean, I thought I would be in the era of bicycles with huge tires on the front... Well, Equestria is a strange combination of technology and tradition. Schizo-tech, basically. I mean, I never experienced the new millennium on my own, since I was born a few years later when I used to be human. Meh, I guess it won't make much difference in the pony world," Twilight thought to herself. She was deeply analyzing the situation, but she had also remembered something very important: the location of her best friend, James.

"My boy James. I have no idea where he is. Or what character he could be. If I'm Twilight, could he be another member of the Mane 6? Maybe Rarity? Pinkie Pie? Applejack? I don't know. The only way to know is when I go to Ponyville. After Celestia sent me there to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration, she hasn't sent me the letter for now. I guess she will do it later. Man, I have a lot of things pending – going to Moondancer's party, overseeing the Summer Sun Celebration, finding James, defeating Nightmare Moon... I better stop thinking about all this before my head explodes. I better focus and have fun at the party and then get hoof to work." Twilight said thoughtfully, keeping her head high as she walked towards Moondancer's party with a neutral look, while Spike, riding on Twilight's back, waved or had short conversations with other ponies.

Spike thought to himself as he watched Twilight go silent, apparently speaking inside her mind, "Hah! Twilight must surely be lost in her mind thinking about Nightmare Moon. She's been obsessed with that legend for 2 weeks now."

Twilight's stomach grumbled at the thought of food. "I'm also very hungry. I haven't eaten anything since I was in America. I was craving a Domino's pizza, which unfortunately doesn't exist here. I'll have to settle for cupcakes, juice, cake, or whatever food there is at the party," Twilight said. She hadn't eaten anything since leaving what used to be her home in America, as she had planned to share a meal with her human friends.

Twilight and Spike had arrived at Moondancer's party. The west castle courtyard was adorned with a vibrant array of balloons in various colors. Guests wore festive party hats, and confetti was scattered almost everywhere. A large table, adorned with balloons matching the color of Moondancer's coat, served as the centerpiece. On it sat a splendid three-tiered cake adorned with the number 19, signifying Moondancer's age up to that point. The atmosphere was lively, with laughter and conversation filling the air.

"Hey Minuette, didn't you say Twilight and Spike were coming? It's been a while and they still haven't arrived. I guess they changed their plans..." Moondancer said in a dejected voice looking down at the floor.

"Don't say that Moondancer, I'm sure they had a setback. Twilight seemed excited about the party" Minuette said trying to cheer Moondancer up.

In the distance you could see Twilight trotting dramatically towards her friends, smiling without showing her teeth while Spike waved with his claws.

Moondancer perked up at the sound of Twilight's voice. "Somepony say my name?" Twilight announced dramatically as she trotted confidently toward her friends, a subtle smile playing on her lips, while Spike waved with his claws.

"Don't worry, Moondancer. Here they are!" Minuette exclaimed, pointing towards Twilight and Spike.

"What's up, my dudes? It's good to see you all," Twilight greeted with an unusual enthusiasm, taking her friends by surprise. However, they returned the greeting with warm smiles and hugs, not giving much importance to Twilight's new way of speaking at that moment.

At the party, Twilight and Spike were the last to arrive, surprising Moondancer but also making her extremely happy. Twilight and Spike weren't regular attendees at such events, as Twilight was usually engrossed in her studies.

Spike presented Moondancer with a simple yet heartfelt gift—a teddy bear. It might have been modest, but the sentiment behind it brought joy to Moondancer's face.

Twilight, feeling a mix of nervousness and pride, offered Moondancer the exclusive art piece she had crafted for her. Eagerly anticipating Moondancer's reaction, Twilight hoped her friend would appreciate the effort and sentiment put into the drawing.

Moondancer, using her magic, carefully opened the page to reveal the drawing. As she laid eyes on the artwork, her reaction was one of pure astonishment.

Her friends quickly picked up on her unexpected response.

"What's got you so stunned, Moondancer? Has Twilight never given you a gift before? Hahahah," Minuette teased, laughing at Moondancer's comical expression.

"If whatever Twilight wrote or drew on that page managed to leave Moondancer speechless, it must be something truly incredible that she doesn't know how to react to," Lemon Hearts remarked, also joining in the laughter.

"Come on, Moondancer, let us see what Twilight made for you!" Spike chimed in, his curiosity piqued as he approached Moondancer to get a closer look at the drawing.

The rest of Twilight's friends gathered around, eager to share in Moondancer's surprise.

Moondancer, still processing the unexpected gift, finally found her words. "Bros forever...? Well, this is... surprising."

Twinkleshine, excited, voiced her approval. "I don't know what you all think, but I did like the drawing. It's very cool!"

Lyra, in her typical sarcastic manner, chimed in, "Where am I and the others in the drawing? We're supposed to be a team."

Spike, pleasantly surprised, expressed his enthusiasm. "Hahahaha! Twilight, I had no idea you could draw... It looks great."

Twilight, confident but slightly nervous, responded to Moondancer's question. "You all think the only thing I do is read; I'm sure I took you by surprise. By the way, Moondancer, did you like my drawing?"

"I really liked Twilight, I was just surprised, that's all, I'll keep it in a photo frame, seriously. This drawing is very special to me" Moondancer said as she put her hoof on her chest in gratitude.

Twilight couldn't help but smile and feel a sense of pride and relief within herself, which led her to come up with an idea to make the birthday party more special for Moondancer.

"Thank you Moondancer, I'm glad you liked it. To make this party more special, I'm going to do a stunt, I'm sure you'll like it" Twilight said as she stood on two hooves like a human.

"A stunt? You can't be serious" Moondancer said finding it hard to believe what Twilight just said.

"It's serious, Moondancer. I know it's unexpected, but I'm doing it because I want your day to be more special," Twilight assured her friend. She then extended her front hooves to prepare for the stunt and addressed Minuette, "Minuette, can you pass me the party horn that's right next to you?"

Minuette, using her unicorn magic, handed the party horn to Twilight. Despite not having fully mastered magic herself, Twilight held the party horn with her hooves. All of her friends eagerly watched, curious about what kind of stunt Twilight had in mind. They also couldn't help but notice the unusual way Twilight was standing; it was not a common sight in Equestria.

Twilight let out a sigh, tossing the party horn into the air. She crouched down to gather momentum, executed a double somersault backward, and just before reaching the ground, she gracefully stood on one hoof. In a swift motion, she caught the descending party horn with her other front hoof.

"Happy birthday, Moondancer!" Twilight exclaimed, blowing the party horn while balancing on a single hoof. She then gained momentum once more and performed a sideflip, returning to a standing position on two hooves. However, her attempt to regain balance seemed a bit shaky, as acrobatics with hooves were a new challenge compared to the familiar dexterity of fingers.

The spectacle left all of Twilight's friends utterly speechless. They couldn't believe their studious and reserved friend had just showcased such impressive acrobatic skills, defying their expectations in the most unexpected way.

"That was... that was AMAZING!" Minuette exclaimed, being the first to break the stunned silence that had fallen over the group.

"Incredible... Twilight is full of surprises," Twinkleshine added, still processing the unexpected acrobatic display.

Meanwhile, Lyra and Lemon Hearts responded with applause, appreciating the unexpected show of talent.

"Lyra, you mentioned Twilight being a studious and responsible bookworm, but from what I've seen so far, she's nothing like what you described," Amethyst Star whispered to Lyra, expressing her surprise at the discrepancy between Lyra's stories and the reality unfolding before them.

"Believe me, I'm just as surprised as you. Twilight used to be a bookworm, but it seems like she's undergone quite a transformation," Lyra replied to Amethyst, also trying to comprehend the new Twilight.

"I'm still trying to process what I just witnessed," Moondancer admitted, still in a state of disbelief.

Twilight, undeterred by Moondancer's reaction, continued with her showmanship. "You don't have to thank me just yet, Moondancer. I know you enjoyed the stunt, and I have another one to show you," she declared, a hint of pride in her voice. However, just as she was about to unveil her next trick, her stomach betrayed her hunger with a loud growl.

"Hahaha! Somepony is hungry," Spike chuckled, adding a friendly tease.

Twilight grinned, acknowledging the truth of Spike's observation. "That's why my next stunt is related to food." She turned to Lyra. "Lyra, could you pass me that cupcake from the table, please? Put it on the floor in front of me."

Lyra nodded, utilizing her levitation magic to deliver the cupcake to Twilight. The rest of Twilight's friends huddled together, eager to witness the next unexpected twist in this increasingly unpredictable party.

Twilight, maintaining her unusual two-hoof stance, embarked on a small breathing exercise. She brought her front hooves together, adopting an attention position, and gradually initiated the anti-gravity lean. This peculiar move allowed her to lean forward, defying gravity, until she reached the cupcake placed on the floor. With finesse, she took a delicate bite, all while maintaining her somewhat unorthodox posture. The sight left her friends astounded, as they witnessed Twilight combining acrobatics with culinary delight.

Upon finishing the cupcake, Twilight smoothly leaned backward, causing a momentary concern among her friends. It appeared as if she might topple over due to her proximity to the ground. However, to everyone's relief, Twilight seamlessly returned to her regular stance without any harm, showcasing a surprising combination of agility and finesse. Her friends couldn't help but express a mix of amazement and confusion at the unexpected talents Twilight was revealing.

When Twilight was back on 4 hooves, extending her rear hooves to ease the pain of leaning that way for a considerable amount of time.

All of Twilight's friends came up to her and hugged her and expressed how excited they were about her stunts.

Except Moondancer, she was surprised but this sudden change in personality worried her, she wants to understand, how Twilight has changed so much. Moondancer didn't want to ruin the moment, so she saved her opinions for when the right moment came.

The moment was near when Lemon Hearts asked Twilight to do another stunt, to which Twilight responded "Maybe another time Lemon, I'm hungry, besides I don't want all the attention on me, today is Moondancer's birthday and I want the party be about her, you understand?"

As the excitement from Twilight's stunts filled the air, Moondancer couldn't shake off her growing concern about the sudden and drastic changes in Twilight's behavior. While her friends reveled in amazement and laughter, Moondancer patiently awaited the right moment to approach Twilight and seek the answers she was looking for. She appreciated Twilight's gesture of redirecting the attention to her birthday celebration, but a lingering unease persisted within Moondancer. She decided that once the opportune time arrived, she would gently address her concerns and seek clarity from her friend.

Moondancer contemplated her thoughts, a mix of curiosity and concern swirling within her mind. The events of the day had left her perplexed, and she couldn't ignore the possibility that something significant might have transpired in Twilight's life since the last time they met. As she sipped on the party punch, her contemplations continued.

"Twilight has not only adopted new mannerisms but also a different way of speaking. 'Dude' and 'bros'—these aren't words she used before. It's evident that something has changed in her life. Did she encounter new influences, perhaps meet new friends who brought about these transformations? Or did she stumble upon an obscure book that taught her these peculiarities? There's a mystery here, and I intend to uncover it," Moondancer mused to herself, determined to understand the shifts in her friend's behavior.

Minutes later Twinkleshine had noticed that Moondancer was isolated from her other friends, which worried her immediately, it seemed like something was bothering her. Twinkleshine approached Moondancer and said "Moondancer? What's wrong? You've been separated from the others for a while and I would like to know the reason."

"What worries me is Twilight... Twilight has been acting very different, she doesn't look anything like the Twilight I knew, since when does Twilight know how to do stunts? Since when did she become an athlete? That's what's got me like this, I don't know how to feel about it"

Twinkleshine understandingly placed one of her hooves on Moondancer "I understand, we hadn't seen her since last year, but maybe, maybe during that time Twilight would have found new interests, hobbies, it's very natural for ponies to present changes that seem sudden, but in the end they are still nice ponies and worth hanging out with."

As Twinkleshine offered her comforting words, Moondancer couldn't help but mull over the situation. The changes in Twilight's behavior did feel abrupt, and while Twinkleshine's perspective provided a plausible explanation, Moondancer's curiosity lingered.

"Maybe you're right, Twinkleshine. Ponies do evolve and develop new interests. It's just... it feels so sudden, and Twilight has become a completely different pony. She's practically an athlete now. I'm not sure how to feel about these changes," Moondancer admitted, her concerns etched across her face.

Twinkleshine continued to reassure her friend, understanding the natural progression of individual growth. However, Moondancer's desire for clarity prompted her to turn towards Twilight, who was engrossed in the festivities.

"I guess you're right, but I'd like to hear what Twilight has to say about this," Moondancer expressed, a mix of curiosity and concern in her voice. Twinkleshine, recognizing the significance of this moment, refrained from intervening, allowing Moondancer to confront Twilight on her own terms.

Moondancer's worries extended beyond the changes in Twilight; she pondered the potential impact on the dynamics of their group. As the sole advocate for studies and books, she wondered how these newfound differences might influence their shared interests and interactions.

On Twilight and Spike's side, they were eating almost all of the party food, cupcakes, cookies, ice cream, and juices.

"Spike, you have to try these cupcakes, they are delicious, don't complain if I finish them all" Twilight said as she ate the cupcakes at a considerable speed.

"I prefer ice cream more, I already finished the chocolate one, now I'll eat the strawberry one" Spike said while eating the strawberry ice cream using a big spoon.

As Moondancer approached Twilight, she couldn't help but smile at seeing Twilight and Spike getting along so well, even though they were eating almost everything, that was the least of her worries, what she wanted were answers and she was about to get them.

Twilight continued to enjoy the party treats with Spike when Moondancer approached. Despite the festivities around them, Moondancer wore a serious expression, signaling that she had something important to discuss.

"Hey Twilight..." Moondancer began, her tone carrying a weight that intrigued Twilight.

"Sup Moondancer? Something bothering you?" Twilight responded, a slight furrow in her brow as she continued to munch on a cupcake.

Moondancer didn't mince words, cutting straight to the heart of the matter. "It's not that it bothers me, but I want you to help me understand. Why are you so different now? What motivated you to make such a sudden change in your personality?" Her gaze was direct, watching Twilight intently for any subtle cues.

Twilight, fully aware that this conversation was inevitable, pondered her response. She knew she had three options to approach the situation, and she had to choose wisely.

Twilight weighed her options carefully, fully aware of the delicate situation at hoof. "I knew this moment would come. It's only natural for her to have concerns. Now, I must choose my words wisely, considering the potential impact of each option."

"Option one: Lying. I could fabricate a story to ease my way out of this, perhaps claiming that I learned these skills from a book and decided to apply them. Or maybe frame it as a joke, something I planned to gauge their reactions by acting differently than expected."

"Option two: Share the truth with Moondancer, but not delve into all the details. Revealing the complete reality, such as being a human transformed into Twilight, might seem too fantastical and could lead to disbelief. It's crucial to strike a balance and convey the essence without overwhelming her."

"Option three: Full disclosure. This seems risky. Explaining the portal and my transformation may not be easily accepted, especially within the context of a world where magic exists. It might sound too far-fetched, and I need to ensure Moondancer takes this situation seriously."

"As challenging as it is, I believe option two, sharing the truth with some discretion, would be the most reasonable choice."

"Moondancer, you see, what's been happening is that I've developed an interest in new hobbies and experiences beyond academic pursuits. I can't pinpoint exactly when this shift occurred; it's just that my enthusiasm for books and studies has dwindled significantly. The once bright spark that fueled my passion for learning and consistently achieving top grades has dimmed. It's a natural part of growing up, and while it might seem like a departure from the Twilight you knew, it doesn't mean we can't still spend time together. We could, for instance, visit the library and enjoy reading together, exploring any books that catch your interest."

Moondancer, upon hearing Twilight's words, comprehended that it was part of Twilight's personal growth. Despite the differences, her friend still had a good heart. Twilight had taken the time to attend her party, putting everything else aside. Looking at it from this perspective, Moondancer felt a great sense of relief and appreciation. All her worries melted away, and she promised herself to accept the new Twilight. That's what a true friend would do.

"Thank you for your honesty, Twilight. I understand, and I genuinely appreciate that, even though you've moved on from studies, you're willing to spend time with me. I was worried I'd be the only one in the group interested in those hobbies, and we wouldn't spend much time together anymore," Moondancer said with a happy smile.

"Don't worry about that, Moondancer. I'm sure we'll have a great time reading together," Twilight responded, giving Moondancer a warm hug, which she immediately reciprocated.

Nightmare Moon - Long road to Glory
Nightmare Moon theme

On the lonely moon, Nightmare Moon was imprisoned. Not only was she destined to endure a thousand years of captivity, but she was also condemned to a singular position, forced to gaze at a fixed point with no ability to move her body. Four chains tightly bound her hooves, restraining her across the lunar surface. In that moment, feelings of anger and contempt welled up within Nightmare Moon, directed at Princess Celestia. However, she persisted in maintaining her stance, a ritual she had adhered to since the early days of her imprisonment.

Nightmare Moon diligently worked on a spell to break the chains that held her captive. It took her nine hundred years to unravel the intricacies of the spell, offering a glimmer of hope that she could return to Equestria and exact revenge on Celestia.

"Celestia, my dear sister, you believed these chains would imprison me indefinitely, confident that you would prevail and I'd remain passive. Your victory, achieved through the elements of harmony, was nothing but luck. Dependence on these elements will be your downfall—I assure you of that. Trapped here for eons, you even had the audacity to establish a day dedicated to my defeat, my humiliation. What is the true purpose of the Summer Sun Celebration? To mock me? Your victory is not enough; very soon, these chains will shatter. When they do, I shall return to Equestria, precisely on your day, and the first thing I'll do is banish you to the sun for all eternity. I shall grant you the same 'favor' you bestowed upon me so many years ago." Nightmare Moon soliloquized, having no one else to talk to and express her frustration.

Minutes later, one of her chains broke, and the prospect couldn't have brought more joy to Nightmare Moon. "Only three more chains. Wait, Celestia. At the least opportune moment, I'll be there. I won't even let you utter a word, for I have no desire to listen to what you have to say." For the first time in years, a smile graced Nightmare Moon's face.