• Published 13th Oct 2023
  • 240 Views, 0 Comments

Into the Equestria-verse - Evil HERO Malicious Bane

They did it, they managed to get the goober into the Super Collider to stop King Pin and to be returned home. Peni was the first to go through, but it did not send her back.

  • ...

Chapter 1

The group of teens, with one unconscious girl, soon reached the brother's house with Rumble carrying the girl to the guest room with Cloudchaser following.

"Can you gently set her down, Rumble?" she requested.

"Sure," he leaned down and carefully maneuvered the girl off his back with Cloudchaser taking the backpack off the girl and setting it down to the side while removing her shoes. He laid her down on the bed with her head on the pillow before Flitter came over and held her chin while giving the girl a look over.

"Hey Rumble, me and Cloudchaser will take over."

"Works for me." He walked out and left the girls alone as Flitter held her fingers to the unconscious girl's neck.

"Hmm, her heart rate isn't erratic, and her temperature isn't too hot."

"And I don't see any cuts or blood, so that's a plus."

"Boy, having a doctor for a dad sure comes in handy sometimes."

"Well she doesn't look that bad so there's no sense sending her to the hospital."

"I can watch over her until she wakes up." Flitter volunteered.

"Sounds good to me." With that settled, Cloudchaser left her sister alone, but not before taking the girl's backpack with her. She rummaged through it as he headed back to the living room where Thunderlane and Rumble stood and looked at her with curiosity. "Flitter will watch her right now, but she doesn't look all that bad."

"Phew, had me there for a sec." Sighed Thunderlane with relief.

"And we can't take her to the hospital because….?" Rumble raised an eyebrow.

"Because what could we tell them? 'Hey, can you look over this random girl who came out of some weird portal and see if she's from the same planet?'" She gave a deadpan expression. She continued with her search through the unknown girl's backpack

"Ok, you got me there," Rumble as he turned his head. His eyes looked back at Cloudchaser. "By the way, should you really be lookin through her stuff?"

"Well we do need to figure out just who the heck she is and where she came from." Cloudchaser replied.

"Well I think it's pretty obvious when you think about it. She's probably from some alternate world, like from the movies. With how she dresses and looks? No way she's from the same world."

"That's just science fiction, bro." Rumble rolled his eyes with doubt. "Maybe she's just from the other side of the planet from a part we've never been to."

"Or a time traveler." Said Cloudchaser.

The brothers looked confused before Cloudchaser pulls out something from the girl's backpack

"I found this in her backpack. Check it out." she pulled her hand out, holding a plastic card in hand.

Rumble and Thunderlane leaned in and saw Peni's face with the girl smiling wide at the camera. She held up two fingers in a peace sign.

"Ok, so she has an ID, big whoop."

"Oh yeah? Then what about this, here?" Cloudchaser pointed to the side of it with a date that had the year labeled for 3145. "How many teens have an ID dated THAT far ahead?"

"Someone who knows how to make a fake ID obviously." Rumble dismissed while crossing his arms. "Anyone who knows what they're doing could do that. This just shows that she has no idea how to tell time."

Cloudchaser opened her mouth, before they saw the photo itself glow blue as a holographic projection of the girl rose out from the card. The young lady somehow held onto the ID card as all three wide-eyed in surprise with the projection showing a full 3D model of the mysterious girl that rotated in the air.

[Peni Parker. Gender: Female. Hair color: Black. Eye color: Brown. Height: 4 '11. Weight: 105 lbs. Niece to Ben and May Parker. Honor student of Class Z13D. Birthday July 14, 3131.] The hologram spoke a girl's voice from the card that seemed to match up with Peni's.

"...you were saying?" Thunderlane looked at Rumble whose mouth had dropped open in shock.

"See?!" Cloudchaser let out, giving a victory grin. "Future girl."

"Okay, so MAYBE she's from the future." Rumble relented, throwing his arms up. "Now what? Call the police and let them deal with her?"

"No way. I think we should keep this between us. We don't know what might happen to her if we go off telling others that she's from the future. Who knows what she's been through, the girl might be dealing with enough stress as is." Cloudchaser replied with concern. "Besides, if the government gets a hold of her, who knows what they'd put her through."

"Let me guess: because of the movies?" guessed Rumble with a deadpanned expression. It is situations like this that makes him glad that he no longer joins in their late night movie marathons.

Unfortunately for him, his brother brother agreed with her.

"Oh you know they'd be up to no good. Besides, telling people would make us seem pretty crazy and the last thing we need is getting locked up in the crazy house."

Right before they could keep going, they heard a high pitched scream from upstairs. They quickly recognized it as Flitter's and bolted up to the room. When they got there, they saw said girl jumping up and down, looking pale and horrified.

"What's going on?!" Rumble asked before the girl pointed at the floor.


A spider was skittering around the floor and close to the girl.

Shockingly enough, even with Flitter screaming, Peni herself did not rouse from her slumber or even make a sound.

Thunderlane shook his head with Cloudchaser facepalming.

Flitter started grabbing random items near her to chuck at the spider who amazingly was managing to avoid them, but just barely. "KillitkillitkillitkillitKILLIT!"

The spider frantically ran across the floor and moved towards the other three kids near the room and managed to get on Rumble's shoe before climbing up his leg. It managed to get a spot on Rumble's shoulder where Flitter spotted it right when she held a chair in her hands with a crazed look in her eyes.

Rumble took notice and paled before he bolted with Flitter chasing after him while swinging the chair wildly. "FLITTER! CUT IT OUT!"


"Oh crap." Cloudchaser winced when they heard a crash and ran after them with Thunderlane following.

"Cloudchaser! Put the chair down!"







"I'M TRYING RUMBLE!" Cloudchaser was trying to cut her sister off and save poor Rumble, but that's when her eyes focused on the spider that held onto the boy for dear life. The colors on it were oddly…familiar. Like she had seen that particular palette swap somewhere.

That's when Peni's face came to mind and it clicked. The colors were a match for the details on the girl's shoes!

"That's it!" she turned and ran to the guest room. She stood beside the bed and grabbed the glass of water on the nightstand before dumping the water right on the girl.

The reaction was instantaneous as Peni's eyes shot wide open before she let out a startled scream and nearly jumped right off the bed as she coughed and tried to shake the water off. She looked around in confusion before her eyes landed on Cloudchaser and took note of the pitcher. Right away she glared at the girl who set the glass down.

"HEY! What's the big idea of dumping water on me?!"

"No time! Your pet spider is about to get crushed by my sister if you don't do something!" she informed the confused girl quickly before the girl gasped and leaped off the bed and ran out of the room in the blink of an eye.

Peni followed the loud sounds and reached downstairs and saw Flitter with the chair in front of the couch with Rumble hiding behind it, with Spider on his head!"

"Flitter! Put the chair down!"

"Rumble? Get out from the couch, NOW." the girl ordered with an eye twitch. "The spider MUST die."

"I wanna keep my head!"

Peni gasped before narrowing her eyes, two black bars appearing above and below her face before suddenly vanishing away as she moved towards Flitter. Rumble took notice of her, but didn't say anything when she reached up and suddenly brought her hand down against Flitter's neck in a karate chop motion. The result was Flitter dropping the chair and passing out on the floor, unconscious.

Thunderlane was stunned while CC came downstairs and went wide eyed seeing her sister on the floor. Both of them ran over to check on her while Rumble moved away from the couch with a heavy breath of relief.

"OH my gosh! You're safe!" Peni let out, suddenly beaming with her eyes sparkling and holding her hands together in front of her.

Rumble blinked at the weird sparkles, but didn't pay it much attention and waved his hand. "Yeah, it was no big deal. I've had-"

"Not you!" she suddenly zipped up to him and reached up to snatch Spider off his head before looking at the airachnid in her palms with a wide smile. "I'm so happy you're ok! I was so worried!"

"...worse." Rumble finished, caught off guard as he saw Peni rub her cheek against the spider, which made him shudder at how weird that looked.

Peni looked back at the boy, recognizing him as the boy who grabbed her butt and frowned. She wanted to say something in regards to his grabby hands, but looked down at Spider and took a deep breath to keep it together. "Thanks…for saving Spider I mean."

"Oh, it was no big deal." he waved his hand dismissively. "I wasn't really trying anyway, just didn't want to get my skull caved in by Flitter. By the way, is she gonna be ok?"

"Oh yeah, she'll wake up in a few hours; I've done it plenty of times."

Rumble gave her a weirded out expression at how casually she said that, but didn't say a word.

Thunderlane came over and checked Flitter's pulse just to be on the safe side, and let out a sigh of relief before giving a thumbs up. "All clear. Thanks for stopping her, I didn't wanna explain to our folks why Rumble's head was flat as a pancake."

"And thanks for going easy on her." Cloudchaser spoke up before handing a broom to Thunderlane with a firm look. "Since she's unconscious, someone here can tidy things up."

"Aw what?" he groaned, looking around at the mess before letting out a resigned sigh.

"Since we're gonna tidy up, let's get introductions out of the way. I'm Cloudchaser and the girl you conked out was my sister Flitter. The big lug here is Thunderlane and this fella is his little brother Rumble, who you already know." Cloudchaser joked as she went to grab some furniture to put back into place.

Rumble blushed while getting a glare from Peni who crossed her arms. "I-I-I didn't mean to grab you! I swear!"

"Uh huh."

"Rumble? Why don't you make us some tea?"

Taking the chance to get away, he nodded and headed to the kitchen without a fuss.

Later on, Flitter began to come around and noted her position felt a bit weird. She shook her head and tried to move, but her body stayed there. She looked down and noted she was tied to a chair in the kitchen. Sitting on the other sides were the boys on one side, her sister on the other, and the new girl at the head of the table. Each of them were having a cup of tea before Cloudchaser saw she was awake.

"Well well, have any sweet dreams? Possibly the ones where you're less crazy?" she teased, getting a glare in return. "Sorry about that, but we had to tie you down to make sure you didn't go coo coo again."

"Or make a bigger mess, which we managed to clean up." Thunderlane pointed out before sipping the tea and sighed with a smile.

"That's crazy talk. I'm perfectly sane a-SPIDER!" she screamed when she saw Spider poke itself up from behind Peni's head. She started screaming in fear again and jumped up and down on the chair before her sister sighed and pulled out an airhorn before blaring it in her sister's face.

"Snap out of it sis!"

Flitter's hair blew back and stayed that way, blinking and momentarily dazed while Peni put her cup down and narrowed her eyes at the girl. Everyone felt a shudder down their backs as they swore they saw a fire surrounding the girl who folded her hands together in front of her front.

"I'm not going to repeat myself, so listen VERY closely. If you try anything and I mean ANYTHING to Spider, no matter how tiny or small it might be? And It'll be the least of your concerns. Nobody and I mean NOBODY hurts my friend; do you understand?"

Flitter broke into a cold sweat and gulped, nodding her head quickly with her throat not working due to fear.

Almost instantly, the fire vanished with Peni giving a cheerful smile with closed eyes. "Arigato!"

The rest watched as she resumed sipping her tea with Thunderlane seeing the others not saying a word, so he decided to take the lead.

"Uh, so….uh…Peni? Is it? Could you, you know ... mind filling us in on about you?"

"Well, it's really simple. I'm from another dimension where me and Spider are a superhero who fight bad guys," she replied with a calm and serious tone without snickering or looking like she was messing with them.

"...soooo…not the future."


"Dang it." Thunderlane snapped his fingers with Rumble raising up his hands.

"Wait, wait wait wait…so that portal you came out of, it lead back to your world, right?" he questioned, getting a sad look as she shook her head.

"No, that was a different dimension. It's a long story."

"Wow, a real life superhero." Cloudchaser got out with awe as Peni tilted her head.

"Wait, do you not have those here?"


"So that includes no super villains?"

"Uh uh."

"Um….what about someone with a spider motif?"

"Besides you? Unless you count cosplayers, then no."

"Wow, this is a first for me."

"So if you're a superhero, what's your power?" asked Rumble.

Peni perked up and stood on her chair. "Me and Spider share a psychic link that lets me pilot a mech suit that my father worked on." she replied while Spider raised his front legs up in a sign of pride.

Thunderlane and Cloudchaser went wide-eyed, amazed at the idea of a mech, but kept themselves composed, whereas Rumble did not look too impressed.

"So then where is this mech?"

Peni deflated and sat back down in the seat. "It got destroyed in the other dimension."

Thunderlane and Cloudchaser could see the news was personal to her and really made her down, so they chose to keep quiet. Flitter on the other hand had somehow managed to undo the ropes enough to where she could slip out. Without any of them noticing, she suddenly lunged across the table at Peni, making the girl let out a yelp of surprise and found the bigger girl wrapping her in a hug.

"THAT'S SO SAAAAAD!" Flitter cried out, holding Peni close to her chest. Her initial fear of Spider gone and replaced instead with sadness for the girl who seemed to have the charm of a little puppy that was whimpering.

Peni blinked; confused and surprised given the girl's sudden change in demeanor. She found the position actually warm and comforting, leading to her wrapping her arms around the girl in return. This jogged her mind into realizing she hadn't had a hug with someone who wasn't Spider via the mech from Spider.

The others wanted to say something and maybe pry the over emotional girl off Peni, but Flitter did that herself as she let out a sniffle and let go of the girl before getting off her.

"S-Sorry." she wiped a tear away and walked back to her own chair with Peni managing a nod of understanding, albeit wanting the hug to go on a little bit more.

"So…about the dimension you wound up in? How and why were you in it?" Cloudchaser asked.

"Well, let me try and give you the short version. There was a supervillain who created a supercollider that could open portals to parallel worlds and other dimensions. I was supposed to be sent back to my own world after me and my friends got it running the way we needed it, but since we were more focused on making sure it wasn't destroyed before we got home, we were relying more on hope that we'd find ourselves back home."

As soon as she finished, her eyes widened in horror as a sudden realization struck her.

"OH NO!" she cried out, loud enough to make the rest jump as Peni stood up suddenly. "IT'S GONNA HAPPEN AGAIN!"

"What?! What?! What's gonna happen again?!" Cloudchaser ask back in a raised voice of concern.

"How long was I out for?! Did you see me glitch?!" Peni asked frantically while shaking her body in an exaggerated way to mimic how she felt when her body glitched from being in the wrong dimension.

All four of them looked lost with Thunderlane rubbing his head.

"Glitch? You mean like in a video game?"


"Uh….I don't know how it works in your world, but nobody glitches." Rumble spoke up. "You've been just fine."

Peni stared at him in confusion and surprise, looking down at her hands and body. "You're sure? Not even a little bit?"

"No, nobody here saw you 'glitch'. You were just unconscious up until you woke up to Flitter going psycho."

'That makes no sense. It should have already happened. Maybe I just haven't stuck around long enough for it to happen yet. Maybe it takes a little longer in this world.'

"Do you have any idea how you can get back to your world?" asked Thunderlane.

Peni sat down and shook her head. "No, not unless you've got access to a super-collider or are secretly super smart where you can rig one up."

"No way, I'm barely passing science." Cloudchaser spoke.

"Not even close." Flitter chimed in.

"I suck at that." Thunderlane tossed in.

"Don't look at me."

"So then….I'm stranded." Peni looked down at her lap, the situation finally settling in. No Mech, no way to open a portal, and having no idea just how different this world is compared to hers. The feeling sunk in and made her bite her lip.

Cloudchaser looked left and right, realizing the mood just got heavy and cleared her throat. "So Peni, where…where will you be staying at while you're here?"

"Heh heh, not really." she rubbed the back of her head with a blush and sweatdrop. "I'm completely lost on what to expect in this dimension, so….any chance I can stay with you?"

"Believe me when I say that my sis and I would LOVE to have you stay with us, we really would, it's just….well our folks might not be too keen on a freeloader sticking around." Cloudchaser poked her fingers together with her sister nodding.

"It doesn't help we maaaaaay have thrown a wild party without them knowing." Flitter tossed in with her own sweatdrop.

"That, and we'd have to work up some kinda believable story for you without them asking too many questions." Cloudchaser finished. "And we really suck at coming up with convincing lies when put on the spot."

"Hence why we don't bother with surprise parties between us." Thunderlane commented offhandedly.

"Oh…." Peni looked like she deflated, like a balloon, which made Thunderlane raise his hand up.

"You could stay in the guest room. I mean, you already technically claimed it when you were asleep, so it's pretty much covered." he turned to Rumble. "How's that sound, bro?"

"Hey, as long as she isn't bothering me, I can put up with her." he replied with a shrug.

"Wait, you're serious?" Peni perked up, her spirits lifting up. "Won't your parents have a problem?"

"Well most of the time they're out of the house and leave me in charge. They're pretty laid back and chill, so they wouldn't really worry if we had a guest stay over. So you're in the clear," he gave a thumbs up and wink.

"Really?!" she perked up with sparkles around her eyes before she jumped up into the air with her fist raised. "YATA! This is great!"

Spider raised his legs up as a sign of joy along with his friend, which Flitter took note of and got a sudden wave of goosebumps and had to keep from grabbing a fork to throw.

"This calls for a celebration toast!" Cloudchaser stood up and held her cup up. "To a new friend."

"To a new friend!" Her sister and Thunderlane raised their cup.

It took Cloudchaser lightly kicking Rumble's leg under the table to coax him. The young man sighs.

"...To a new friend"

They all clink their glasses together before drinking the tea down together.

It was at that moment they heard a ring at the front door.

"Oh! Sounds like the pizza is here. We figured it'd be better to order out tonight." Thunderlane chimed in before Cloudchaser went to the door with Peni shaking her fists at her side with a bright smile.

"Oooh! Pizza!"

"Pass." Rumble raised a hand, making Peni look at him in surprise.

"What? You wanna pass? On pizza!?"

"I'll just have something more healthy. You four can have pizza; I'll just eat by myself in my room."

Peni went slack jawed and stared at him in horror and like he just stepped on Spider.

"Come on guys, let's dig in!" Cloudchaser called out with a small stack of pizza boxes as she went ahead and set them on the coffee table with Flitter, Thunderlane, and Peni eagerly heading into the living room; the space looked much better than it had before with plenty of room around. Meanwhile, Rumble went into the kitchen and proceeded to grab some ingredients

Peni plopped down on the floor before inhaling the fresh pizza scent. She immediately felt her mouth start to drool a little.

But that was when she perked up and felt a sense of…deja vu. Like this was a moment she had experienced in the past. Her eyes widened as a brief memory flew across her eyes.

The memory showed herself, but much much more young, smiling and laughing while leaning against an older man on a couch who smiled and made her feel at ease and safe. He had short brown hair with glasses and was tickling her sides and making her laugh louder and louder.

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