• Published 13th Oct 2023
  • 231 Views, 7 Comments

Launching the Last Star - The Real Darkness

With threats identified and time between, Arctus can enjoy life with less violence as he pursues his own goals in tandem. However, Storms often brew quietly before advancing to land.

  • ...


Over the next two weeks, Arctus had filled in quite a lot of Aeternian culture and information with the returned Princess of the Night, Celestia had filled her in on the history that had happened and the new up and coming ponies. Luna had also taken to dueling Strong Stitch herself and finding that Arctus is just as skilled teaching combat as he is practicing it.

But she always held a slight look of fear in her eyes, very much like Celestia when the two of them first met. Luna experienced his capabilities first hand and knew he existed for violence, that was how he was raised, it was a truth.

What Celestia began to see that Luna had not yet was how he used his talents to give himself a more directed purpose.

"You just continue to grow and grow, is it all the food I'm bringing you?" Arctus stood at his balcony, looking on top of his tower and seeing the giant bird that was half the size of its mother.

Asarele cocked her head at him.

"I still have this feeling that you'll be the one with me the most."

She trilled back at him and his thoughts turned to that of the coming ceremony. They had a while longer until the set date, placed even after the coming Gala and he had already prepared the things he needed for it while Celestia went about integrating Luna into Equestrian society again.

Much to say, breweries, vintners, distilleries, and many bars and pubs throughout Canterlot were very happy with him and all aboard the idea of an Aeternian reception.

Though today, he had a very odd occurence set up to listen to complaints toward his reception, he had hoped he didn't intimidate too many ponies.

He had borrowed the Sun's Ray for the day, which was more than happy to accomodate him and cater. Asarele interrupted the namesake of the restuarant, sleeping during the hot summer day and providing a cooler atmosphere through the building as she laid on the glass skylight.

Arctus entered through the front doors, see a considerable gathering of ponies, from elites to more common ponies of Canterlot. Even some faces from Ponyville were present.

Rarity was oddly enough present.

One inhale and then one exhale, he commanded some soldiers before, but never did any public speaking. The woodsmaster walked around the crowd, only partially equipped rather than in his full outfit, he wore his linens and leathers along with his spear, hunting knife, and hatchet.

Of course, he had his cape, the gift had grown considerably on him enough to where he wore it every day. Along his walk, he picked up a plate from the catering table, filled with small portions of common foods he often ordered from the restuarant, he took up position in front of the crowd, setting the plate down and taking a bite of legumes. One of the hosts that typically welcomed him brought the common drink he ordered that quickly became a favorite for elites to order there as well.

Being a trendsetter was another thing he never envisioned.

The crowd simmered their chatting to whispers before stopping altogether before Arctus had even commanded their attention to himself.

"Welcome, this will be my first appearance in public like this. I know all of you know who I am, but I want to state that this is for taking in your concerns and complaints and addressing them. To reach reasonable compromises. This will not be an event for you to voice your disdain of me or the disapproval of my relationship," he firmly spoke, taking a sip.

He noticed the door opened and some ponies had already chosen to leave.

"Let's begin, I'm sure the first matter of concern is how unorderly an Aeternian celebration can be. I want to assure all of you that there will be Scout Strong Stitch on duty during it along with some powerful shield spells that will be cast over Canterlot. Crime is non-existent within Equestria, but I expect none of it still on that night."

A unicorn came to the front of the crowd, well dressed, "and we're supposed to allow commoners to celebrate this occassion as well? This is the marriage of a Princess!"

"Yes, you're expected to play nice," he down the rest of the drink.

"Shitting Stars, this will be a long day."

"The entire point of my people's celebrations is to cast off any idea of separation based on class, wealth, combat prowess. The temple priests even walk about the entire city, drinking and making merry with everyone. It's an event of unity, not one of boundaries."

"That doesn't seem right at all! We don't deserv-."

Arctus immediately interrupted the second unicorn to speak, "you think this is a punishment? An Aeternian punishment was a fight in the arena one could not possibly win. Humiliation in front of crowds. Exile even," he challenged the unicorn, "no, this is not a punishment. It behooves such a snobby noble as yourself to self-flagellate by thinking the opportunity to experience a momentous celebration of a different culture as a punishment."

He rose his vocabulary up to meet the whining noble who immediately cowed back into the crowd at his words.

"Are their any other concerns on the unorderly way the reception is conducted?"

A pegasus mare stepped forward, "what of our families? Those with little colts and fillies? How will they be safe? What if we don't want them around such noise and alcohol?"

"This pony, take note of, had actually raised a real concern," Arctus let a held breath out, "the thought has crossed my mind. I had a couple of ideas...to implore the hotels of other cities for the night so those in Canterlot who did not want to participate may leave for the reception and be safe," the assumed mother seemed to chip up at the idea of a free vacation night, "or to create a noise isolated section within Canterlot at a hotel already present in the city."

"I would be fine with either of those options," the pegasus answered with a smile. If anything, this could do wonders for the ponies idea of him.

"Please, if your concerns have been addressed, exit promptly. I don't wish to impose the kindness of the Sun's Ray beyond what they allow."

More ponies had left, nobles in a great amount. Rarity was still present among the handful that remained. He addressed the concerns without any lasting issues besides another noble trying to be a noble.

"Hello, Master Arctus," Rarity remained.

"To make it clear, please discontinue flirting with me if you ahdn't got the earlier hints from Celestia."

"Oh no no, darling. I would never! I've actually come to ask if there were any outfits or clothing related to such a celebration. I design clothing, you see."

Arctus shook his head, "no, nothing of the sort. This is Equestria, but back in Aeternia it was more common for people to shed clothing rather than wear something special," he laughed, "but I don't think the night would get that debauched."

Rarity blushed almost immediately, "I-I see. Well, if you need anything made for the ceremony, let me know!"

"Apologies if it brings you down, but I did actually have something planned and it's being made for the occassion now. Plated Shell, my favorite smith, is making it...unless you have experience with metalworking," he chortled, "I'll see myself out, Rarity. I appreciate your offer, however."

And he exitted the door, noting all the arrangements he'd have to make.

And he had succeeded in those preparations rather easily. His influence was starting to spread farther and farther since the announcement of a royal wedding.

It was the day before of the normal Grand Galloping Gala, or at least the first one since Luna's return. Where many ponies in Canterlot were busy getting ready, Arctus was at the training yard, looking at humanoid training dummies he had made himself. He had already drilled many strikes with his spear in just the air alone, but he was now about to take the first slash at one with the wide spear head.


He dropped his combatative stance, turning behind him to see Princess Luna observing him.

"What are you doing out here? Aren't you above training against stationary targets?" She gestured a hoof about, "we also see you're the only one here. Shouldn't you be running about for the Gala?"

He shook his head, "I've only ever gone once or twice to the Grand Galloping Gala. The nobles with stuffed heads are not my preferred company."

"Perhaps we should invite Savus, maybe then you would attend."

"Why so adamant on it?" He questioned, widening his feet and putting his spear in front of him.

"We are just curious as to how to act at such an event."

He snorted, "I find a quiet place away from everything else," he slowly traced a couple strikes in the air before moving closer to the dummy.

"So, would you enlighten us as to why you are training like this?"

"I realized in combat with you, I had lost some of my touch and I had yet to reach my full potential. I can usually swing that fast with my spear, but it took a challenge from you and a challenge to the glory I earned myself to draw it back out of me."

He took a swift strike, not as fast as he wanted to, but the burlap and straw were cut easily enough, "that isn't acceptable. Not if I intend to kill Hazth."

He took another and followed with two more swipes, that was better, it was faster, but not even close to the blur he had struck Luna with.

"I see...how talented is this Hazth?"

"He was reknowned throughout Aeternia, even among our enemies. He is a Master Scout same as me."

Luna hummed, "does it not bother you? How violent you are?"

Arctus took a swing and the dummy cut easily with the wind whipping and shaking the others about, Luna cringed at the sound.

That was the sound when he had struck her as if her martial ability no longer mattered, as if he was a god of war slashing at a peasant defending her farm.

"No, faster."

And took another attack at the training dummy followed by a flurry of wind as he took seven more and thrusted the spear forward at an incredible speed. His blood was boiling again and his favored weapon broke through the dummy and pierced through the wood pole it was tied to completely.

"The capability of one's violence does not matter. It is how they act and what they do with that power. That is what matters."

He walked to the next dummy, "that's what I've learned in my time with Celly."

He was whirling his spear about in a single hand.

"I see. If you choose to appear at the Gala tonight, we can set some time aside to start selecting stars aside for you."

He smiled to the alicorn, "I'd like that, Luna. It's time I get to ask the Eight some questions."

He spun the spear faster before whipping the rounded but and exploding a dummy and wooden post together, splinters flying about the training yard.

"There...there. That's what I need to be at."

The act of incredible speed and violence sent shivers down Luna's spine. He had hit her head rather hard at the end of their fight, hard enough that her vision blacked out for a moment, but not that hard.

Did he truly have the ability to make her skull a splatter of organic matter on a stone wall?

"Arctus, is it truly necessary to be so fluent in combat?"

"My level of prowess frightens you, it is like that for many ponies, even Aeternians. It's one of the reason I'm going to launch as a star," he put away his spear, leaving the third dummy where it was as he began to clean up the mess splayed across the yard, "I've not met another Aeternian that has my potential, I want to know why."

Luna hummed, "you are the most unique creature we have every met. We hope you find the answers you seek in the stars."

"Thank you."

Luna had departed away.

That night, the Gala preparations were completed and the castle was soon to open up. Arctus did deign on appearing at it, despite how much he hated social hierarchy. Celestia, knowing this was the first time he was attending in such a long time extended him the opportunity to invite a guest, so against assumed guest Savus, he invited Lohey.

"Wow, they really decorated the whole place for this event. Is it really this special?" The teacher and brewer asked in her own simple dress, it was culturally appropriate as the only time one really dressed fancifully was for any joinings or pilgrimages to a volcano.

"It's where the elite come to mingle, Celestia held it for many many moons," Arctus answered. Because of his position, he was already inside the Gala before the castle gates opened.

"Hmm, I thought you would have invited Savus," a soft voice trotted over.

"He'd hate such a formal event. Couldn't imagine how much ponies would pester him."

"New faces get asked many questions," Celestia looked away from Arctus to Lohey, "so prepare yourself for a most curious crowd, Lohey."

She nodded, "thank you, Princess."

"And I expect a dance from you," the alicorn poked a hoof at Arctus' revealed scalemail vest, shiny metal was appropriate dress for such an event though his leather cover was kept hidden on his person in the event something happened, "is that understood, Art?" She chortled.

He smiled wide, "then I'll be sure to parade you around the entire dance floor, Celly."

"Good," she gave him a shortened kiss as she heard a bell ring out, "time to take up my post on the stairs," she trotted away with the smile on her lips.

"Such an odd couple. A pony, Princess at that, with an Aeternian, a Master Scout. You know it's unheard of for any Master Scout to ever have an official partner, right?" Lohey commented.

"It's also unheard of for Aeternians to end up in Equestria."

"Weird times we live in."

The doors to the ballroom opened slowly, "time for me to make my exit. I have an early appointment tonight. If you feel overwhelmed with questions, you are more than welcome to seek me out. Most ponies refuse to approach me," Arctus smiled before nodding, "enjoy the night, try not to get too intoxicated, it's frowned upon at these events."

The Master Scout had left for a table styled in foods he ate and drinks he enjoyed, sponsored and made by the Sun's Ray. He heard rumors of them doing such a thing for the Gala, but those rumors turned to hold truth.

The business had also heard he was attending and the center large metal cup reflected that. No handle was on it and the entire cup was more long than wide with a large base. Arctus saw his first intial on it with a card pinned to the side

Thank you for promoting and always choosing our establishment, Arctus.

~Sun's Ray~

He smiled at the card, pocketing it before picking the large cup up, it was clear they had been talking to Lohey about specifics. This was a lot of their valentine cocktail poured into the usual container Aeternia used for liquids.

Wood cups were discouraged as they were more prone to breaking or wearing down and lumber was a precious enough resource for them.

He took a long sip as he saw ponies get further into the ballroom and he made his way to the gardens, waving to Celestia who stood on the usual steps. Arctus delved deeper than most ponies would go, past the tables set outside.

"Ah, so you are attending," the deep voiced Luna called from a clearing in the gardens, "since we've taken our duty of dreamwalking again, this is one of the rare nights where we have more freedom. Would you like to get started?"

"Yes, I know you're expected to welcome and speak with ponies alongside Celly, so...let's begin," he smiled as he gulped another swallow of the spicy, chocolatey, and smooth alcohol down before he set the cup onto a nearby bench.

"That is your people's traditional brew?" Luna prompted, "it's a very unique flavor."

"It isn't exact, Lohey hasn't finished fermenting actual drink, but it's a close second," Arctus closed his eyes, "I'll attempt to call the Stars I know."

"C-call the stars? We did not know you could manipulate them as we can."

"Look above."

A green star began to fade into the night sky above them and Arctus opened his eyes, staring at it as it shined bright, a pillar of the color descended onto his spot.

"We've not seen anything quite like this, let alone a green star in our sky," Luna was still in shock.

"Gær's star, that is him in the sky that looks down upon both of us, legended for his tireless body. Every Aeternian who calls them and asks for their power is lent some by the choice of the Hero."

"We see," she breathed out, "this may make searching for these stars complicated," Luna admitted.

"I'll call the next star I'm attuned to," the green pillar left, but the star remained in the sky, watching.

A yellow star began to fade in, casting its own light in a orange beam that seemed to scan over the ground, "Yetrema, quickest of the Eight."

Luna was silenced from the display he was making and a deep pink star appeared as the orange beam rose back away. Instead of just a cylinder of the color, pink bathed the entire garden.

"Who...who is this star?"

"Kamna, the Hero who favors me the most."

Luna spitefully spoke, "you called upon her during our duel. We did not expect such a trick or exceptional power."

"She enjoys trickery as much as I do in combat, the panic and confusion I leave are the likely reason why she favors me so boldly."

Arctus paused the feelings he was shifting in his heart to sip more of his beloved drink, aware but uncaring of the gathering he had behind him.

"We must admit, we're feeling jealous of your manipulation of the stars," Luna looked to him and the ponies staring above.

"Savus had been helping me to learn the way of another Hero. Reba. I am unsure if I can draw her star out," he closed his eyes and began recalling the short visits he made to Ponyville, first to the barn of the Apple family where he slept for a while and then to his own small home.

Images of impossible odds, great numbers of enemies, weapons and seige engines of incredible destructive power, and more scenes of unwinnable situations came to his mind. The slashes, explosions, cuts, hacks, stabs, and bashes of all of these fake foes and imaginary weapons were next, battering his body in the vision he allowed in his head.

Arctus' heart pumped hard and he could feel as though his skin first hardened and then lost feeling.

A deep bloody red star appeared in the sky above, casting a barely visible light on the Scout as he kept his eyes closed, trying to focus on the feeling and emotion to draw Reba to him as Savus is adept at doing. He already knew he had survived wounds worthy of her attention.

The light grew as he recalled those critical injuries of his past and he opened his eyes, feeling a different fire than before inside of him. He knew he would be capable of asking for power if he spoke her psalm.

"Four stars you've brought into our canvas, we are tempted to ask for your help each night," Luna smiled, "if you can accomplish this, then why seek our assistance?"

Arctus had brought a list for the Princess of the Night, he fetched and handed it to her.

"These are the names of your heroes?" Luna asked and Arctus nodded, "along with their corresponding colors and strengths."

"Savus had taught me how to attune to Reba, the other four I never received any training for, so I'd need to see their star and attempt to link to it if they would allow."

"We would go searching for these four stars then," Luna noted.

"I would be in your debt."

"Consider it a favor, Arctus, for taking care of our sister for so many moons," she smiled warmly at him.

The Master Scout could not be happier to have a an unorthdox family.

He nodded, "I'll leave you to enjoy the Gala, Luna," the crowd behind him ceased their whispers as he walked towards them. A path opened clearly for him to leave the gardens and return inside, drink in hand.

Celestia had invited Twilight and her new friends over to the Gala, of course, Twilight was no new gala-goer, but the others certainly were. All of them were off doing their own activities.

"Howdy, Arctus!" Out of the crowd of ponies that stared from afar, Applejack trotted up to him. She was always brazen, but also a friend of his. The other ponies clearly wanted to speak with him, but were too afraid to even approach. All eyes fell to AJ.

"Hello, Applejack. Are you enjoying the Gala?" He could feel some effects of the wonder he was drinking by now.

"It's not my kind of event, so I'm trying to, just about to start promoting Sweet Apple Acres," she smiled wide, "didn't take ya for the kind of po-person who would attend these sorts of things."

"I was offered a trade I couldn't decline," he pointed to the gardens where a crowd of ponies were still talking and pointing to the sky, "and now I've taken many ponies off Celestia's and Luna's hooves it seems."

"That's awfully like you, show boatin' wherever you go. I ever tell you how much a help Savus was during harvest season? He worked twenty hours before sleeping on five! We ain't never finished that early on our own in quite a while!" Applejack was still grinning wide across her muzzle.

"He doesn't dissappoint. He's likely deterring a lot of ill wishes just by being there, as well. I heard Ponyville finds him like a kind of honor guard among the town."

Applejack nodded, "he brings at least one weapon of his to the farms ever since I told him the story that a timberwolf was once in the orchards."

"Enjoy the night, AJ," he nodded to her.

"I'll make sure I do," and she trotted away.

Unfortunately, her appearance had caused one, but only one pony, a unicorn with a very styled blue mane, to trot over.

"You are Master Scout Arctus, no?" He addressed, a tall white unicorn stared from a distance.

"I am, bold of you to approach me."

"I had never seen you at the Gala or any event, I think something finally answered my wishes and here you are!" He laughed quietly, "I'm Fancy Pants, glad to finally meet you, Master Arctus," he owed, holding a hoof out.

Did he think he was some kind of royalty?

"I appreicate your gesture of respect, but I do not accept it as Princesses and Princes do," he gestured to Blueblood who had ponies clearing the way and bowing deep almost groveling at him, "the way he does so is especially distasteful."

"That's Princess Celestia's nephew! Don't you know him?"

Arctus shook his head, "no and I don't intend to compromise who I am and my values to accomodate his kind of ego."

"What of your own pride? How are you used to receiving respect from others? I know you're culture is different from ours, but you are to join the royal family, are you not?" He was incredibly polite in the way he was asking questions for a noble.

This is one of the elite he could stand to talk to.

"Fancy Pants, you are a breath of fresh air among this event. My own pride lies in accomplishments, not titles, my ego is earned and not a birthright or frivolously awarded. I believe you've seen how I receive respect from the guard and my fellow Scouts."

"Very true, apologies for my unnecessary inquiry. I would duel you as a bit of fun and to honor you, but I'm certain you'd break my hoof on your first attack," he placed a hoof to his chest, tilting only his head down, "I do wish to thank you for all that you've done and will do for Equestria."

Arctus would have to seek him out in the joining reception, this was a pony worth talking to, words likely got him everywhere.

"I don't believe you've answered my last question, Master Arctus."

Persistent and the true reason why he approached.

Arctus sternly looked to him and the unicorn didn't cow his posture, "I do intend to join the royal family. In Equestrian tradition, I'm marrying Celestia and we'll be joined together."

Fancy smiled, "I can't wait to enjoy your cultural difference in that event. Seeking out new cultures is a lot like enjoying new company or foods, the flavors will always dazzle and intrigue. Have a grand evening, Master Arctus," and he made his exit with a small smile.

Arctus kept an eye on the dance floor as the crowd of ponies whispering about him left, he noticed some small commotions from some of the new Gala-goers, but that was expected.

Not everypony is accustomed to such an event and the peacocking that never rested could drive someponies to leave early or try interesting things to spice the night up. Seeing nobles constantly puffing the frills of their suits definitely made him want to leave, but he was watching and learning to perform the one event he wanted to stay for.

And he looked to the staircase, seeing very few ponies present that were greeting the Princesses, so he made he way, memorizing moves he had seen.

Had he danced in Aeternia? Absolutely not, he stayed away from the music and told jokes, stories, and chatted with all the rest of those who just wanted to drink and have the best sleep of their lives.

But he did know a couple dances, or so he thought, from watching others back in his world. And he believed he could execute some of the dances he had seen here. He definitely had the dexterity and stamina to do it.

As the line vanished, he made he way up the steps with a confident grin and whispers began to go about the ballroom, actual conversation dying down. It made the music seem that much louder.

Terrifyingly, all conversation stopped and Arctus swallowed.

He had never danced with a partner before an all eyes were on him as he approached, but he kept his full-of-himself attitude.

"Oh? My favorite attends the Gala tonight," Celestia smiled, "is there something you needed or wished to bring to my attention?" She was conducting herself well and Luna looked to Arctus with quite the knowing look. She knew he didn't mind rising to the underlying message of her words or making a scene.

"Well, Celly," a couple gaps at the informal nickname, "I've observed that you haven't been asked to dance tonight."

Even the music halted, Arctus could feel the tension in the air, but it was a most unfamiliar one. He quickly ensured all of his equipment was secured to his body and no mishaps would occur.

"Oh, you're quite right, Art," whispers about the room, "is that a problem?" She smirked to him.

"I'm the solution," he held his hand out.

Celestia quickly took it, betraying her coyness and Arctus brazenly drew her close as they went down the steps slowly before approaching the empty dance floor where they separated and stood across from each other.

Still no music, but the Master Scout took this as an opportunity to declare a challenge to the crowd, "nopony else wishes to be on the dance floor? We're just a couple doing as a couple does, are we that terrifying? Or are all of you so wordless at our display that your hooves can not move?" He smirked and glanced around with his eyes, "you may want to join before the next song begins," he prompted a bunch of whispers among the musicians present.

It was still quiet for a while before two sets of hooves were heard and Fancy Pants and his assumed date entered the floor. The unicorn wore his signature small smile.

"How brave of you, Fancy Pants. I respect your rise to my verbal challenge," the unicorn nodded to him at his words and took a starting position across from his date.

"Sweet Celestia, did he really just-?"

"The nerves of steel in that unicorn."

"How does somepony even rise to Arctus?"

"He's never even met him before?"

"Fancy earned the respect of Arctus."

"He'll be the most popular unicorn until he dies, maybe even past that!"

"You're enjoying this much more than I thought you would, Art," Celestia commented.

He just smiled back to her.

Silence continued for a little longer after whispers ceased before a single piano key was heard, followed by another and then on the two quick notes played from the same instrument, other string sounds chimed in. A cello started next with a viola adding higher pitches. On the third note of the piano, the dance had started and the challenge for Arctus was under way.

Celestia was kind enough or at least not as devious to make him perform moves that he did not know. He was reading her moves so quickly and following effortlessly it was impossible to tell who was leading the other, as if they were both working in unison and talking telepathically.

Arctus would return the same favor and not attempt anything from his homeland that she had never seen before, the music played was not even the correct kind of songs and tunes for it anyways. He didn't admit or show it, but he was being given a rigorous mental exercise to ensure he was executing move after move.

As the song drew to a close, the Ruler and the Scout found themselves also closing in to each other, hooves and arms warpped. Fancy Pants and his unintroduced date did the same.

Though Arctus did add something that Fancy Pants did not imitate and something Celestia did not anticipate.

Their lips met and whispers during the dance that continued ceased as eyes fell on them. He had no intention of ever treating her like a true princess, but always as an equal. Their kiss lasted several seconds before they parted and made their way off the dance floor, hoof in hand.

Fancy Pants and his lover were left in awe at their act of love dispalyed so brazenly in the center of the ballroom's dance floor.

"I'll in my chambers if you need me," the Master Scout spoke up, immediate whispers went about the Gala.

His words were definitely heard and he had left Celestia at the staircase with the widest smile and the deepest red while he strode through the silent Gala ballroom with incredible confidence, exiting through the open double doors.

"Asarele!" A screech tore through the silent night, "fly!" And his favorite avian picked him up by his hands, ensuring to not harm him with the icy talons it bore.

"I'm going to enjoy having him as our brother-in-law. He stuns our subjects and makes a grand spectacle like nopony we have ever witnessed," Luna broke the silence with a laugh, stamping her hooves, "they'll sing of this night, dear sister!"