• Published 10th Oct 2023
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Your Name Across The Multiverse - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

Rainbow Dash(s) and Twilight(s) are sent into the multiverse by touching a shard from the Rainbow comet

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Chapter 4: A Knight, A Doctor and Rushing Against The End

"Wait, you're telling me the multiverse theory is real?" Aaira said as Terra was done telling their story, "And you are all different versions of the same person but you." She pointed at Terra and then pointed to Wanda and Dr. Wonder hovering as they returned to ground level. "Are we? Me? Another version of me..." she was thinking out loud.

"Yeah, we are," Terra said.

"But why are we all here?" asked Aaira, rubbing the sides of her head

"That's what we're trying to figure out, but so far, we only have one option to see that," explained Wanda as she faced Dr. Wonder.

"With my Harmony stone, I can look into the past and see what happened here, and maybe we can recreate it or undo it, but there's a problem," Wonder said as she faced Flare.

"Whatever happened here destroyed not only this universe but time and space from the past. Going by what Dr. Wonder said, her spell, even with her stone, can't recover the lost past unless she can get a familiar power source and boost the spell further." finished Flare

Aaira was trying to understand all this: talking pony with a jetpack, superhero, superhuman, pony-looking humans, magic—it was unreal to believe, but they were standing before her. She was a bit speechless, but she quickly understood what they meant. "So, you need more power. Guessing how you're telling me this, I'm guessing you don't have that, right?"

"Correct," said Dr. Wonder as she crossed her arms.

"Well, where can we find some if you need a power source? Because I don't think we can find some here," explained Aaira as she looked around the falling reality.

"Not in this universe, no, but we do have some from other universes right here," pointed Wonder to Blue Berry's pet turtle.

"My tank?" Blueberry whispered

"Yes, you said Tank was the avatar of a certain element, correct? I believe my Harmony Stone and Tank are different versions of each other."

"Oh no, you can't use him! He's my friend," cried Berry as she tightly held Tank in her arms.

"We don't have a choice; we can't save this universe or our lives without him; we need Tank's power," said Dr. Wonder as Flare stepped between them.

"Look, I know you're worried and scared; I am too, but we have no choice." Flare said, trying to comfort Berry as she put her hands on her shoulders, "I know he's a friend, but he's our only option. I'm sorry."

"You...promise he won't get hurt, right?"


"Okay," said Berry as she gave Tank to Flare.

"Now, let's do this," said Dr. Wonder as Flare set Tank in front of her. She began the spell as she placed her stone over the turtle. She closed her eyes, and the stone soon started to glow as the stone's energy went through Tank. Both reacted as they slowly changed colors. "It's working," said Dr. Wonder as her stone began glowing brighter.

"Hold on, your stone is reacting to his powers and absorbing them," said Wanda as she noticed Tank drop to his knees.

"That means it's working."

"No, that means you're killing him! The stone is too much for him to handle," explained Wanda as she hurried over to Tank. "You need to stop!"

"Not until we get results," said Wonder as the crater started to re-show the events as time was being recovered.

"If you don't, it will kill him! The stone is taking his powers away; the whole point is to save this world, but you're killing him!" shouted Flare in anger as her eyes glowed bright red.

"This is my only way to find the truth," Wonder shouted.

"No, it's not!" With that said Flare zipped toward Dr. Wonder and grabbed her by the throat, choking her. Wanda was shocked by the turn of events; Aaira and others were ready for a fight; Rain held back Berry as Berry tried to run to Tank; and Dr. Wonder attempted to get air as she struggled in Flare's grip. "You think this is the only way, but it's not," growled Flare as she lifted Dr. Wonder more. "Let. him. go."

Dr. Wonder did as Flare demanded, and the Harmony Stone's light disappeared as it lost the connection. Flare dropped her as she was still trying to get air back in her lungs, coughing as her face was red. "What are you doing? I was so close," she choked.

"Yes, you were. So close to killing her friend."

"Tank..." whispered Berry as Wanda brought the hurt turtle over to her. Berry started to cry as Tank touched her face.

"Please, don't do that again," begged Flare. This isn't like the world you lived in. Here and right now, things aren't solved with force, anger, or pride. There are many ways to save the world, and this isn't one of them." Sadly, Flare said as her eyes returned to normal.

"She's right; using force and anger will just lead to death," said Terra as she stood beside Flare.

"I did what had to be done! We're all going to die along with this universe! One life shouldn't matter!" shouted Wonder as she punched the ground.

"You call yourself a superhero?" said Flare in a revolting tone.

"Enough!" shouted Aaira, causing everyone to look at her. "Look, I know this is hard and crazy for all of us, seeing talking ponies, superheroes, and even magic. It's hard to believe and scary, but we're the last ones here; we can't be fighting now. We have one chance; let's work together and stop this. Okay?"

Everyone was speechless. Flare and Dr. Wonder looked at each other in hate; they all agreed and reviewed the plan.

"I agree with Aaira; we need to work together, put our minds together, and figure out a way to boost the spell without hurting Berry's friend," Wanda said.

Aaira nodded and lowered herself to the ground. She took a stick and drew Dr. Wonder in the dirt. "Okay. If the witch here needs a boost to her spell and the cute turtle isn't enough, we need to add more power, taking the weight off the turtle."

"But where will we find a source that big? It would need a huge energy source," said Wanda as she rubbed her head.

"And what could do that?" asked Flare.

"Guys, didn't you say that stone and the turtle are the same things but different versions of each other?" asked Aaira

"Yes," said Wonder and Wanda

"Does that mean their powers are the same, right?"

"Of course, if two things are the same but different, then their powers are the same but different as well," answered Dr. Wonder, catching up.

"Okay, and you're saying your stone can store much power?"

"Yes, so does the turtle; he's the avatar of an element of... fruit; anyway, it can hold power and more."

"Then, I think I know where to find another element," smiled Aaira.

"Where?" everyone said.

Aaira took her hand and pointed to her head. They all looked confused as she tried to explain. "Think about it; there's a common theme here. Element of...fruits, Harmony Stone, and in my world, the Changers are made from a stone pillar called "Element." After escaping the planet after it blew up, the pillar infected me somehow, and what I saw in that psychiatric ward on the Mars space station was that my mind had the blueprints to create a pillar. If we can get that information from my mind, we can build the pillar."

"Wait, that's the most stupid idea I have ever heard. First, we can't extract information from your mind; it's a part of you, and second, we don't have the means to build something; even with magic, I need to know how the object works. Plus, didn't you say the Changers were an outbreak of something?" questioned Wonder as she pointed to her.

"Yeah, Changers are dead, rotted bodies that form into black-looking flesh monsters."

"Changers?" interrupted Terra.


Terra started to think as she walked to Aaira, lowered herself next to her, and drew a pillar next to the tank drawing.
"In my world, there are aliens called Changelings; they take biomass and create their race. I think they're the same. I can use my psychic ghost powers and enter your mind if they are. In my world, ghosts and Changelings share the same wavelength, and we can connect with each other's minds. I think I can enter your mind and get that information."

Wonder sighed as she floated back and forth. As she played with the harmony stone, she had to admit it was a good idea. "Okay, I admit, it's not bad, and I guess we can try this, but the only problem left is making it. Again, my magic can't recreate something unless I know how it's made. Right down to the fine details, alien tech is too much for me to understand. And again, we don't have a means of building it."

"I can make it," said Berry as she stepped forward.


"I can build it," repeated Blue Berry.

"Really?" said Wanda.

"Yes, my magic isn't like Ms. Wonder here. I can create anything by looking at it and telling me what it does, even if it's simple words."

"Yes, then this can work!" cheered Wanda as she joined Aaira and Terra on the ground, drawing out outstanding details of Berry, Terra, and Aaira and then drawing lines from them to the poorly drawn Wonder drawing. "With Terra taking that information and feeding it to Berry, she can create the pillar, which feeds its power to Wonder and her spell. It can work, but Terra, you must be very careful what you show Berry; if this pillar can create monsters, we can't afford an outbreak as the spell is going off," explained Wanda, to which Terra nodded.

"Then, I guess we got a plan. Okay, Terra, can you enter my mind and get the information?" asked Aaira.

"Yes, I can; just lay down and relax," said Terra as she sat next to Aaira and held her hand, but before they could try it, everyone suddenly felt pain as their bodies started to turn solid colors.

Terra and Rain's bodies turned red, Flash and Wanda turned orange, Wonder and Berry turned yellow, and finally, Flare and Aaira turned green.

"What the fuck!" shouted Rain as she dropped to her knees, clutching the dirt hard.

"What's going on?" painfully asked Flare.

Terra turned to everyone, as they were all turning colors, and the world around them was breaking down more.
"Everyone, stay calm and focused. The universe is trying to reject us, but it's using more force now! I can sense it! The universe is crying out in pain."

Wanda fought the pain to stand up and walk over to Terra, with the pain growing with every step. "This is a sign of the universe heading to its end!" Wanda cried as the pain started to grow, almost unbearable.

"If this keeps up, the world will end!" said Flare as she held onto the ground, not moving.

"Terra, the info!" said Aaira as the pain was almost at its max.

Terra didn't hesitate as she put her hand on Aaira's head, and the two girls became a glow of purple, but suddenly, a black mist blasted out of the crater. Everyone watched as a purple-hooded figure manifested out of the fog. They could see it was a young, teen-looking unicorn girl wearing a uniform dress with a purple hoodie robe. Her skin was covered in purple fur, and behind her were glowing black runes and crystals that made up her wings. She was holding a long black crystal sword that seemed to be connected to her right hand. The girl just looked around with anger on her face.

"It seems Another "me" joined the chat," laughed Aaira as her body screamed in pain.

The girl started to walk towards them while the black runes were blasting the area with black bolts of energy. As she got closer, something else came out of the crater, flew into the air with great speed, and quickly flew back down and struck the young girl as she blocked it. Everyone could see a large blue horse with magical see-through blue wings and a rainbow mane, and on top of her was a blue-haired woman in knight armor, carrying a shield with rainbow-colored orbs on it and a long, glowing rainbow sword with a blue orb in the hilt. Both girls were staring each other down as their swords cracked with great energy.

"Another "me" is here as well." said Flare as she struggled with the pain.

The blue Pegasus knight was the first to strike as she pulled back on her horse. She pulled back her sword and slashed down on the young girl, but she blocked it and kicked the Pegasus, knocking her and its rider into the air. The girl followed as the two clashed blades in midair. Everyone could only watch as the girls fought with extreme force.

"Who are those two?" asked Berry as she watched the fight.

"That's 'us,'" said Wonder, pointing her hoof at the girls.

The knight blocked an incoming attack from the girl and knocked her back, but the girl was ready and quickly used the knight's shield as a jump pad, flew above her, and struck down as the knight'Pegasusus dodged it and promptly turned. The knight then blasted the girl with a rainbow beam from her sword, knocking her to the ground and creating a dust cloud.

"I won't allow the demon dragon spawn to hurt any more lives!"

The dust cleared, and the girls stared at each other as the knight landed. They ran at each other once more and began their battle as the knight charged her sword and slammed it into the ground, causing a wave of rainbow-colored orbs to hit the young girl. However, the girl teleported and reappeared in the sky, pointing her hand at the knight.

"I know a caring and cool dragon, and her teaching in swordplay is meant to save lives! Don't look down on dragon kind!" shouted the girl.

The girl blasted a beam of black energy, and the knight took out her shield and blocked the attack. The beam was powerful, forcing the knight back, but the Pegasus flew higher, helping her owner gain some footing, and then flew high and fast, causing the shield to glow, absorbing the dark attack. The knight tossed her shield, which shone as it spun through the air, hitting the girl in the chest and knocking her back. The girl quickly recovered as she teleported out of the way and was ready to attack when a bright light appeared behind the knight. The light soon formed a dragon-like shape, and the dragon roared as it flew at the girl.

"What?" said the knight as the dragon closed in, but something was wrong.

The dragon stopped in front of the girl, and its eyes stared into the young girl's soul and smiled before disappearing into a mist.

"What? The Divine Harmony Dragon doesn't see you as an evil spawn?" asked the knight in shock.

The girl didn't answer, and she teleported in front of the knight, spooking the Pegasus and forcing the knight to call out her horse's name, Aero, as the Pegasus started to calm down.

"Evil? The only evil one here is you! I was going to treat those people down below before you attacked me!"

"Ha! Liar! I saw you unleashing your dark magic at them!"

"You're an idiot! I wasn't going to hurt them!" yelled the girl, as she puffed her cheeks in anger

The knight was getting annoyed and charged her sword with rainbow energy, ready to fight once more. Suddenly, a golden light blasted out from the crater as another person had just arrived and flew between the two. It was another version of Rainbow Dash, glowing yellow with a slight rainbow energy coming off of her, wearing a blue jacket.

"Take a chill pill, you two," grinned Dash as her wing feather made a wagging finger motion.

"Aero, is that you but smaller?" asked the knight as she looked at the Pegasus, who was also in shock.

"A horse girl? But you don't look like the horse race in my world." said the girl as she touched Dash's face.

"I'm not; I'm a Pegasus."

"So, you like my horse here?" said the knight.

Dash ignored her and turned to the young girl, still staring at her. "My name is Bolt. Bolt the Pegasus!" said Bolt as she pointed her hoof at herself. "And we're in a different universe."

"What?" said the knight and the young girl.

"Yup, we're not in our world," answered Bolt

"But how?" asked the knight.

Suddenly, a burning glow came out of the crater and soared towards the group, hovering there. It was another version of Twilight, but her fur was white, her mane was spiky with an orange streak, and she wore a purple jacket. Bolt smiled as she hovered over to her.

"Long time no see; how have you been, Heat?"

"I see you were teleported here as well, Bolt? I've been fine, and I wish we could catch up, but it seems another multiverse event is happening again, and it's not the Harmony Diamonds and the Element Emeralds, it seems," replied Heat.

"Harmony diamonds? What are those?" asked the knight.

Heat and Bolt didn't answer her as they floated to the ground.

"How's everyone?" asked Heat.

"They look pretty bad. This universe is reaching its end," replied Bolt as they landed. The two walked to the group, which was all watching them. Meanwhile, the knight and young girl landed behind them, and the girl quickly ran to the fallen group and checked their bodies.

"I never saw this before. It's not the Chaos infection at all," the girl said as she turned to the two ponies.

"It's not sickness; something is attacking the fabric of space and time, and it's spreading through this universe, and we have little time left before this universe is destroyed," replied Heat as her body glowed. Seven colored diamonds released and disappeared into her again, but her body returned to normal.

Wanda painfully spoke up as she faced her twin.

"How do you know this much?"

"This isn't our first time dealing with collapsing universes."

"Yeah, this is the second one we deal with," added Bolt.

"You both know about a collapsing universe? Tell me, do you know what happened here?" asked Wanda

Bolt released her seven Element emeralds, returning to standard blue. The emeralds flew back into her and helped Wanda up as the colors finally vanished from their bodies.

"Take it easy; you guys just took a hit from the dying universe. All of you sit down, and we can explain almost everything."

"What do you mean by "almost"?" questioned Flare as she sat down.

"We don't know everything and can only guess from what happened when my and Heat's universes collapsed into each other when the Harmony diamonds appeared in my world. The only reason we can even help you is because of the diamond and the emeralds are telling us someone is behind this and staying with us rather than flying off," explained Bolt

"You think someone or something is pulling the strings here," said Flash as she pounded her fists together in anger.

"That is most likely the case, and man, a version of me acting like that knucklehead, AJ..." grumbled Bolt.

"What do we call you four?" asked Terra.

"My name is Heat, Heat the Alicorn, and that's Bolt the Pegasus," replied Heat as she bowed to them

"My name is Eirika Dash. I am the princess of Equestria and the chosen hero fighting the demon dragon. This is my best pal, Aero Rainbow," said Eirika as she petted the Pegasus.

The young girl checked everyone's condition as she introduced herself: "My name is Layla, leader of Canterlot Island Pharmaceuticals Inc., which treats infected people with chaos sickness."

Bolt flew up and saw what was happening to this universe. She remembered seeing a forest, but now that the forest was almost gone, all that was left was the small open field with few remaining trees they were in. "The end game is almost here," whispered Bolt as her body started to flash a bit of indigo. Above her, the Rainbow Comet started to glitch heavily, and static began to appear between the cracks of the prism sky.

end of ch. 4