• Published 30th Mar 2024
  • 164 Views, 5 Comments

Cutie Mark Crusaders Fight Club, Yay! - ArcadePonyFubuki

The CMCs go for their last-ditch effort to leave their mark on the school yearbook

  • ...

Rule 4: Expand, Expand, Expand


“C’mon, C’mon, C’mon, C’mon, C’mon..” Sweetie Belle rapidly tapped her foot as she stood outside CHS, eagerly awaiting something.

“Hiya girls! How have y’a-“

“OH MY GOD WHERE WERE YOU YESTERDAY I WAS SO WORRIED AND I MISSED YOU AND I’M SO HAPPY YOU’RE OKAY NOW!!” Sweetie practically threw herself onto Apple Bloom, immediately breaking down into a sobbing mess.

“Hey Apple Bloom.” Scootaloo greeted nonchalantly.

“Uh, hey there. Y’all know I was only out for a day, right?” Apple Bloom inwardly cringed at the amount of Sweetie Belle tears that now coated her attire.

“Yeah! And you didn’t answer any of our messages! You can’t do that to people!” Sweetie Belle emotionally chastised.

“Right.. I’m real sorry ‘bout that. I was a little, uh, caught up… with something.” Apple Bloom awkwardly tried to tiptoe around the topic.

“Skateboarding bird compilation? I’ve been there.” Scootaloo gave their condolences.

“What could’ve possibly been more important than letting your best friends know you’re ok?” Sweetie Belle criticized some more.

“I.. I was.. on a uhh……… a date.” Apple Bloom whispered as low as she could without going completely silent.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo could only stare with stunned shock on their faces as they stood completely still.

“Are you.. are you oka-“




Silver Spoon stood alone outside the entrance to CHS, periodically checking her phone to make her seem like less of a loner weirdo. After many instances of lowering her phone and scanning her surroundings, Silver was finally met with the sight of Diamond Tiara arriving to school.

“DT!” Silver called out excitedly.

“Good morning Silver Spoon.” Diamond Tiara passed by and entered the school with a suspiciously brisk walk.

“Hey, hey wait up! Where were you yesterday?” Silver inquired as she caught up with Diamond.

“I was just at home. Doing nothing important.” Diamond lied through her teeth.

“Oh no, nuh uh, you can’t pull that on me. I know you better than I know myself, which my therapist said I need to work on, so I know when you’re trying to lie to me!” Silver Spoon accused.

Diamond murmured some incomprehensible noises in an attempt to respond before huffing in defeat. She quickly checked to make sure nobody was near and pulled Silver Spoon into the nearest room.

“You can’t tell another soul about this, this is for me and you and her to know. Do you understand?” Diamond got insanely serious.

“Of course I understa- wait who’s ‘her’?” Silver questioned.

Diamond took a deep breath and whispered to Silver. “Yesterday, I.. was.. onadatewithapplebloom.” She blurted out.

Silver’s eyes slowly grew as the words registered in her brain. “You were WHA-

Diamond practically shoved her hand down Silver Spoon’s throat. “Shhhh shut the hell up! We.. actually kinda sorta hit it off.. so please don’t mess this up for me!”

“Yor wigh-“ Silver pulled Diamond’s hand out her mouth. “You’re right, I promise I won’t say anything to anybody, you have my word.”

“Alright, thank you. Now let’s get out of here befo-“

The room was suddenly filled with light as the door swung open. The two girls stood frozen in fear.

“Ugh, I told you the broom closet was gonna be taken.” Lyra Heartstrings groaned.

“Sorry about that, we’ll let you two finish.” Bon Bon politely shut the door.



“Howdy y’all! Unfortunately Babs couldn’t be here today so… uhh, what’re you doing here?” Apple Bloom stopped her introduction in confusion. Before her sat two new members she doesn’t remember inviting.

“Hey AB!! It’s sho cool you have your own fight club, my parentsh would never let me have one!” Twist greeted Apple Bloom excitedly.

The boy beside Twist was too engrossed in his game to notice Apple Bloom had even begun speaking. Twist gave him a little nudge to notify him the meeting had started.

“Huh? Oh shit are we starting?” He cleared his throat. “Yo, it’s me Button Mash, but you probably know me better as SaiyanKnight98 on YouTube, PSN, XBLive, Steam, Pictocha-“

“Yeah yeah whatever, what the hell are ya’ doing here?” Apple Bloom questioned.

“Oh gosh, are we not allowed to invite friends? I’m sorry Ms. Bloom, I was just having so much fun here and I wanted to share it with everyone I knew! I promise it won’t happen again.” Cozy Glow flashed her most innocent smile.

“We’re friends?” Button Mash said to himself.

“Oh. That’s.. wonderful.. Cozy, thank you so much for that.” Apple Bloom said through gritted teeth, using all her will power to not strangle the girl right then and there. “Scootaloo, why don’t ya’ introduce our, ‘new members’, to how things work ‘round here.”

Scootaloo saluted in understanding as they made their way to the front of the group. Apple Bloom took this opportunity to sit next to Diamond.

“So.. where you wanna go tomorrow?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I know just the place, there’s this adorable little cafe my dad used to take me to all the time. Their pie is to die for, you have to try it!” Diamond answered enthusiastically.

“Now that sounds good, I bet it’s not as good as my granny’s pie though.” Apple Bloom playfully gloated.

As the newly coupled chattered off together about their incoming date, Silver Spoon looked on longingly before sighing to herself and staring off into nothing. Sweetie Belle took notice of the bespectacled girl’s solemn demeanor and quietly scooched to her side.

“So, I never thought they’d hook up, huh?” Sweetie started.

Silver jumped a bit in her spot from the start of an unexpected conversation. “Oh, y-yeah, never could’ve guessed that one.” She softly laughed.

They sat silently for a moment, fingers fidgeting and eyes darting in an effort to keep the conversation alive.

“So… does this mean we’re like, cool now? Or something?” Sweetie asked.

“I guess. If I’m honest I never really had anything against any of you guys. I just.. I..” Silver Spoon sighed in embarrassment. “Not to sound cliche, but I was just following Diamond around. I guess I never said anything because I didn’t want to fight with her and, lose her, in some way.”

“I understand, kinda..” Sweetie cringed a little inside thinking back on everything Diamond and Silver did to her and the CMCs. “Ok, I don’t, but I don’t hold anything against you if that makes you feel better.”

“Y-yeah, sure..” Silver responded, unsure how to take that comment.

Sweetie mentally kicked herself in the back of the head as Silver visibly grew more distant from her. ‘Stupid, stupid, stupid! Stop saying the worst thing possible for once!’

Sweetie delicately placed a hand on Silver’s shoulder, who shuddered a bit in response. She took her hand back and decided to cut the bullshit and just go for it.

“Sorry, about all that. It’s just, well, there’s this cute pop up at the mall tomorrow and I was wondering if maybe you.. wanted to check it out?” Sweetie fought all the doubt and anxiety in her to get this out to Silver. She was clearly taken aback by the offer, her eyes drifting off to nothing in particular as she went deep in thought.

“Why are you asking me? I’m sure Apple Bloom and Scootaloo would like to go.” Silver got a little instinctively defensive.

“Sure, they’ll say they’d like to go, but I know it’ll be too cutesy and soft for them to really enjoy.” Sweetie politely explained. “N-not to say you’re soft, or anything, I-I just thought like-“ She hurriedly sputtered before being cut off.

“Ok. I’ll go.” Silver said with a small smile. She had her reservations, but Sweetie Belle had never shown intentionally malicious intentions before. Besides, it’s not like she had anything else going on tomorrow.

Sweetie Belle practically beamed at this answer. She quickly wrote her number down and gave it to Silver before pulling her into a hug. “I can’t wait, you’re gonna love it!”

Silver’s brain immediately told her to pull away, but she almost instantly melted into the embrace, simply smiling without saying a word.

As the newly befriended chattered off together about their incoming hang out, Scootaloo was still trying to get Button Mash to understand the simple rules and customs of your average fight club.

“Ok ok wait. So wavedashing isn’t allowed?” Button Mash raised an eyebrow.

WHAT THE FUCK EVEN IS THAT.” Scootaloo grit their teeth.

“I’m just saying, every other league allows it!” Button Mash defended himself.

“Woah, how many fight clubsh have you been in?” Twist tilted her head in amazement.

“Look! Just do the cool karate bow and start fighting already!” Scootaloo explained for the 50th time.

“I would but you guys don’t even have any set ups ready! Like where’s the controllers, the TV, I don’t even know what console we’re using.” Button pointed out.

“TV?? Controller- what’re yo- bitch this is a real fucking fight club! She’s gonna punch you in the face!” Scootaloo snapped.

“Well I’ll try to, no promisheshs.” Twist tried to not play herself up.

Button Mash burst into laughter. “That’s a good one! No but seriously what’re we doing here? ……….wait a minu-“

“GO!!” Scootaloo started the match.

Twist immediately pulled back and flung her fist forward, landing squarely in the middle of Button’s face, who was sent tumbling flat on his back.

“Now this is gonna be fun.” Cozy Glow laughed to herself as she watched from the sidelines. “C’mon Button! You can do this!” She cheered on in phony encouragement.

With renewed energy, Button staggered to his feet and reentered the fight. “Your cheers and support has given me a new sense of power! Thank you Cozy, my dear frie-“ Twist responded with a swift kick to the chest. Button was back on the floor, most definitely for good this time. Cozy was also now on the floor, in an uproarious fit of laughter.

“Wow! That wash sho totally aweshome! Good match Button!” Twist squealed.

“No proberm..” He groaned from the ground.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about! Am I a damn good teacher or what?” Scootaloo praised. “Oh! Maybe you can all start calling me sensei!”

“I don’t think I want to do that.” Twist said with blunt honesty.

“Yeah no I regretted it as soon as I said it HEY APPLE BLOOM I TAUGHT THEM HOW TO PUNCH EACH OTHER!” Scootaloo announced from across the room.

Apple Bloom visibly jumped in surprise from the sudden callout, which Diamond got a nice chuckle out of. She sighed and put her and Diamond’s talk on a brief pause. “Just give me a sec to deal with this, ‘kay?”

Apple Bloom made her way to the front of the room alongside Scootaloo. “Good goin’ Scoots, they sure did.. punch.. each other, y’know what this seems like a real great time to call this a day, that way we’re all on the same page next week. See y’all then!” She quickly rushed through her outro. As soon as she was done she ran back to Diamond to continue their flirty conversation. Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon were also caught up with continuously chattering off with each other. Scootaloo watched as both duos made their way to the door with the rest of the club members.

“See you guys later!” Scootaloo blurted out with an awkward smile plastered on their face. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle turned around and gave a quick ‘See ya Scoots!’ while Diamond and Silver merely waved over their shoulders. Scootaloo sighed to themself and somberly picked up their things. They turned to Twist and decided to shoot their shot.

“You got plans for the day?” Scootaloo asked.

“Shorry Shcootaloo, I gotta practicshe my moves for next meeting, it’sh gonna be sho aweshome!” Twist spat her answer.

“Oh, well, you have fun with that.” Scootaloo said, hopefully successfully masking the disappointment in their voice. With that, Twist ran out of the room with a pep in her step. Scootaloo stood in the empty room, almost as if exiting would confirm to them that they really did have no one to turn to for the rest of the day. They took a deep sigh as they rubbed the water from their eyes, and took a step out.