• Member Since 20th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 22 minutes ago


A man who seeks to conquor his writing demons while also enjoying a show about neon colored ponies.


Long ago, in ages gone by, I was once the daughter of Equestria’s most potent magic wielder, the mighty Star Swirl.

But an ancient evil known as Stygian returned to the world, tearing my family and land from me.

For years, I trained my mind, body, and faith in Celestia’s holy magic, and when I was of age, I became the wielder of my father’s sword.

I alone stood against the darkness, fighting to free the world from his cold, shadowy grasp. Alas, before I could lay the death blow, he cast me through a mystic portal to the future, where his rule is absolute.

To save our world’s future, I must find a way into the past to finish what I started long ago and undo this nightmare.

((A Samurai Jack/MLP fusion with hopefully some unique flavors))

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 13 )

So this Stygian is totally different, and no redemption for him?

Yes. That’s correct.


And so Twilight is going to be alone here?

No Mane Five or Spike helping her out?

Yes and no. All will be revealed soon

You had me interested by the mention of a Samurai Jack crossover. Now that I've read it, I've found that your writing is satisfying and the premise is enough to make me want more. I shall eagerly await the next chapters!

Chapter 2 is in the works.

Chapter 2 is here

Good news is I’m still writing the story. However I can’t make any promises on when the next chapter will be out as I’m diligently working to ensure it’s great as with the other chapters, but you’ll know when it drops.

And I’d like to thank those that enjoy the story it’s really helped get my confidence as a writer up

Alright so update on the story. I am still working on it and I apologize if the chapter has yet to be released I’m only just getting out of a year’s long writing funk and believe me this is no easy task of keeping the motivation up once you have it but it is coming along.

Update: still working on it but have been fighting some kind of stomach bug or food poisoning or something for the last few days and being sick really saps my energy to write, even more so than the anxiety riddled self doubt that’s kept me from writing.

So apologies to all but I am trying very very hard to get these next couple of chapters out as soon as I can

UPDATE: I know you guys are probably sick of these but another project least in part has my attention and I’m not a master of multitasking.

That being said I will try and get this third chapter out before the year ends.

Update again: For now it’s on hiatus. That old nasty bout of depression and self doubt is once more trying to claw into my head so til I can better manage it the story is on temporary pause

UPDATE: So here’s some good news: I’m still working on the project and I’m rewriting the first two chapters so it’s one chapter instead. Let’s be honest if I split these into micro chapters the events of the story are going to take waaay too long to come to a conclusion.

But progress is slow. Self doubt in addition to other things in life having my attention at the moment, gym especially.

However I am very diligently making head way. And as a special thank you for putting up with this, once I finish writing the first three chapters, I’ll release them all at once, then every other chapter by the week, should I get far enough ahead that I can drop these in a timely manner.

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