• Published 16th Oct 2023
  • 1,872 Views, 29 Comments

I Met You in the Dreamscape - dart157

A sleep-deprived and overworked teen meets the most unlikely of creatures in his dreams.

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How the Tables Have Turned

I awoke in the Dreamscape. It was the first time I had been here in many months, but I was not the Dreamwalker. “This is my dream…” I thought. It had been a long time since I had a real dream that I could modify to my will. Activating my magic, I built a castle from nothing. It was large, regal, and had all the luxuries I could need.

Suddenly behind me, I heard footsteps. Looking around, I noticed my love, Bryan, walking towards me. I smiled, realizing my shared dream spell had worked.

“Hey Nightmare! Nice castle, did you just spawn it in or something?” he said to me, putting an arm on my shoulder.

"Yes. In my dreams, I am able to modify parts of them to what I see fit," I replied.

Bryan crossed his arms. "Impressive," he told me, a grin forming on his face. "Think I could do that?"

"Possibly, though I would imagine it would be much more difficult," I told him seriously.

I opened the door, holding it open with my magic for Bryan. Looking down the hallway, I saw my throne. It was black, made from obsidian and platinum, but what stuck out to me more was the lack of a second throne for Bryan. Using my magic, I moved my throne and created a second, smaller one for him, and walked towards it. Motioning for him to sit down, I sat down on my own throne.

“So…Bryan, welcome to my dream,” I said sweetly. “It has been so long since I had a regular dream here, and I'm happy that you are here to experience it with me.”

“As am I,” Bryan said. He suddenly put his hand under his chin, and smirked. “Wanna play a game? It’s called Twenty-One.”

I looked over. “Enlighten me.”

“Well, it’s basically where you start at zero and count to twenty one, and can count up by one or two,” he said with a smug grin.

I looked at him quizzically. “I suppose we can entertain the idea for a moment-” I was cut off as the front door opened with a loud BANG.

My eyes widened, and I realized my grave mistake when I saw who had entered my castle, a pony I never hoped to see again. “I must’ve reopened a connection to Equestria when I fell asleep, and the main Dreamscape…” I thought, as Luna herself walked closer to my throne, a mad expression on her face and a scythe held in her magic. I jumped up from my throne and met her gaze with a glare of my own.

Bryan noticed my reaction, and immediately a barreled weapon of some sort spawned in his hands. He seemed to be proficient in brandishing the weapon, as he pushed various levers that made strange “clacking” noises, before setting it nearby.

“What do you want?” I said in Luna’s direction.

Luna laughed. “What do I want? I simply want to talk.”

“What’s with the scythe? Got some other objective in mind?” Bryan asked pointedly.

“I hope you know that even though Celestia says you’re welcome in Equestria, the Dreamscape is MY domain, and I will enforce MY agenda,” Luna said sternly in my direction, ignoring Bryan’s question.

I looked concerned, but kept my guard up. “And what is this agenda you speak of?” I asked politely.

“To quote you one thousand years ago, ‘I have but one Royal duty now, to DESTROY YOU,’” she snarled.

My eyes widened at the statement, recalling old and distant memories of when I fought Celestia all those years ago. I staggered back, flaring my large wings, my facial expression filled with fear.

Luna smirked. “Oh wow, you really have changed, Nightmare Moon, you’re a wuss! You are even more pathetic than when we first met all those years ago!” She said, her voice echoing in the large throne room.

“How could I have been so foolish, opening a dream to the Dreamscape! Faust, will I die tonight, in the presence of-“ My thoughts were cut off as Bryan stepped in front of me.

“I won’t allow you to slander her, bitch.” He said angrily, aiming the weapon at Luna and messing with the levers on the weapon, each making another audible “clack”. “Move one step more, and I’ll shoot you right in the head.”

Luna smirked, laughing. “Did you forget who you’re talking to?” She activated her horn, throwing the weapon aside, her laughter echoing my own cackling. “Your silly weapon will stand no chance against ME!”

“Luna please, do not do this! Resist your anger!” I called out, tears in my eyes.

Luna cackled, her hatred for me overtaking her. “Look who’s talking!” She lit her horn and sent out a blast of magic in my direction.

Countering, I send out a beam of my own, recalling my battle with Celestia a thousand years ago, except I was on the receiving end. We stood facing each other, as powerful beams of magic met, creating a large cloud of magical energy at the meeting point. It was a surreal experience, but not one I wanted to experience much longer.

I saw out of the corner of my eye that Bryan was moving quickly and quietly towards Luna, his weapon in his hands. I watched as he walked over and raised his weapon, before hitting her head with it. Luna sank to the ground unconscious, and immediately the magic duel ceased. “I cannot believe she would stoop to my old ways to try and eradicate me,” I thought, hanging my head.

Bryan noticed my pained reaction. “Hey, sorry you had to deal with her. I’ll always be with you and supporting you, no matter what,” he said apologetically, wrapping me within his embrace.

I cried softly, and returned the hug. “T-thank you, Bryan, my dear.”

After a bit of cleanup and fixing the furniture that had been messed with by the battle, I turned my attention to Luna, still lying there on the floor. She would be awake soon, so I had to act fast. Motioning for Bryan to grab her scythe and get rid of it, I picked Luna up in my magic and carried her to a room in my castle, while Bryan took the scythe off down another hallway.

I set Luna’s limp body down on a bed. Moments later, I saw Bryan wheeling in a large mirror. What he needed a mirror for was beyond me, but I focused on Luna for now. She seemed no different on the exterior, but I could tell that something was off on the interior. It seemed like some of my dark magic had stayed within her during the usage of the Elements, which was a massive problem.

“I must notify Celestia of this immediately,” I thought. “The fate of Equestria is at stake!”

“Bryan, my love, would you keep watch on Luna for a moment? I need to get in touch with somepony,” I said to him.

“No problem. Go do whatever you need,” he said back.

I walked out of the room and into the hallway. Activating my magic, I searched through the Dreamscape until I found Celestia’s dream. It was my only way I could get ahold of her from Bryan’s dimension.

Tapping into her consciousness, I sent a message to her about the predicament.

“Dear Celestia, your sister Luna is in grave danger. I believe that not all of the dark magic wore off her when the elements were used on us, as she appeared in my dream and exhibited characteristics not unlike that of how I was back when we fought a millennia ago. She even quoted me, how dare she! Anyways, please heed my warning, and talk with her or something. Do you not have a spell that will rid a pony of dark magic? Your’s truly, Nightmare Moon.”

Re-entering the room, I found Luna awake, being pinned down by Bryan. Upon me entering, she entered a fit of blind rage, before I used my magic to calm her down.

“Now Luna, what made you think you could just barge into my dream and disrupt a moment shared between myself and my love?” I asked her seriously.

“I WILL NEVER ANSWER YOU!” She yelled, her voice echoing throughout the room, her eyes white, burning with infinite hatred and rage towards me. “YOU SHALL DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH, BY MY HOOVES!”

Retaining my calm composure, I happened to glance at the mirror Bryan had rolled in. It was a reflection of the room, but most interestingly, there appeared to be a thin purple fog floating around Luna’s head, invisible unless seen with a mirror. It was the same fog I knew too well, my dark magic, remnants of the old Nightmare Moon. My suspicions were true, and my message to Celestia had been correct.

My eyes widened as I realized exactly what had happened. “My old self’s magic has corrupted Luna…oh Faust,” I thought. “I must find a way to get her out of the dream quickly…”

I lit my horn, and a sheen of magic surrounded Luna. A rift opened nearby. She stopped ranting as she noticed what was happening.

NO! YOU WOULD NOT DARE KICK ME OUT OF MY DOMAIN! CEASE!” Luna yelled in her Royal Canterlot voice, causing Bryan to cover his ears.

Smirking, I waved goodbye as I threw her through, sealing her off from my dream. I could hear thumping on the fabric of the Dreamscape, but I didn’t care. She was gone, and that’s all that mattered. I hope Celestia got my message, and believed it.

Celestia stormed down the hallway towards Luna’s room, tears in her eyes. She had spent the last couple days since Nightmare Moon’s mind transmission to her, studying spells and preparing to rid Luna of the remaining dark magic. It would be hard, but if it meant saving her sister, she was all for it.

Knocking on Luna’s door, she waited for her to let her into the room. Instead, Luna came to the door and prevented her from entering.

“What do you want, sister?” She asked with a twinge of annoyance.

“Can I come inside the room? I need to talk with you,” Celestia said hesitantly.

Luna scoffed. “Fine, but make it quick.”

Celestia stepped in and shut the door. “Luna, it has come to my attention that you may be corrupted by dark magic. Fortunately-” she said, before being cut off.

“I am not corrupted, sister! I would never let that demon enter my consciousness,” Luna said to Celestia.

“I think otherwise. Somepony who has first hoof experience told me so,” Celestia said sternly.

“You spoke with her?” Luna said, appearing insulted. “How could you, speaking with that pony?”

“Luna, you don’t understand. You’re BECOMING that pony, and if you continue your actions I won’t be surprised if you have to go back to the moon for another thousand years,” Celestia said, getting frustrated.

Luna, noticing the threat of another millennia of banishment, quickly stopped talking, her eyes widening.

“Now,” Celestia said calmly. “Care to tell me about what happened in Nightmare Moon’s dream a few days ago?”

Luna sighed. “Well, she had built a castle in her dream, and inside she was on a throne, with a strange bipedal creature sitting next to her. I confronted her, and the creature got up and brandished a weapon. I pushed the weapon away, and stated my intentions to destroy Nightmare Moon. We had a short battle before something hit me on the head, and I fell unconscious,” Luna paused, remembering what happened next. “I awoke in a strange room, and the creature had pinned me down. Upon seeing Nightmare Moon, I let my emotions take over, before she used her magic to calm me down. Seconds later she kicked me out of the dream,” Luna said tiredly.

“Thank you, Luna. Now, this will only hurt for a second,” Celestia said, activating her horn.

A beam of golden light came out of her horn and enveloped Luna. A purple fog swirled around Luna’s body, pooling up nearby before dissolving into the ether seconds later. Once all the dark magic was gone, Celestia deactivated the spell, and placed Luna on her bed.

“Feeling better now?” Celestia asked, a concerned look on her face. Luna's eyes were wide open and her jaw went slack, as she realized the implications of her actions.

“What have I done…” was all that came from Luna’s mouth, before she fell unconscious.

Author's Note:

So yes, I am continuing this story. This is the first part in what I hopefully can turn into larger sequel or story extension. It picks up immediately where I ended the previous chapter.

I thought it best to keep the sequel within the original story, as to not inflate my story count.

Hope you enjoyed!

Comments ( 6 )

plz keep going on this story👍

I’m really surprised this story is still kicking after five(?) months, and that people still like it! I’ve put it on hiatus for now due to other projects I have to tend to, but I would love to return to this eventually.

Thanks for reading y’all!

That was great hope you come back to it there is not enough human romance ones anymore i wish more were being made

I buss 2

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