• Published 6th Oct 2023
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G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and the Samurai Sword - ponydog127

Sunny, Misty, Hitch, Pipp, Zipp and Izzy reunite with Mystery Inc and some new friends to stop the evil Black Samurai, along with Paradise, from seizing control of the world and putting everything they love at risk.

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Journey to the Green Dragon's Lair

Matsuhiro had taken the downtrodden ponies, Shaggy and Scooby out of Tokyo and was now taking them across a gigantic lake in the middle of the fog. However, the group was too upset with themselves to notice anything. “How could we let those rotten robots take the Sword of Doom?” Shaggy asked. “What are we gonna do now?”

“I don’t know…” Scooby whimpered. “We have to think of something, otherwise our worlds could be in real danger,” Zipp said, but sighed in exasperation. “But I’m just not thinking of anything!”

“I should have known Mom would be helping with a scheme like this,” Misty frowned. “I-I guess I was just trying to be more like you guys and more levelheaded… not so easily fooled, like a complete idiot.”

“Misty, you’re not an idiot,” Sunny said. “Paradise, no offense, is the idiot, because she should have never abandoned you to Opaline to begin with. You deserved to be raised by your father, and you deserved to be happy for all those moons.”

“I mean… yeah, I guess so,” Misty said. “But then again… if Opaline hadn’t raised me instead of my mother, I wouldn’t have met you guys. So… I guess one good thing did come out of it.”

The ponies smiled at this… but somehow, they could sense Misty was still in the dumps. They had to do something to solve this crisis, but they just didn’t know what. It was hard to think when their friends could be in serious trouble back home. “Look there,” Matsuhiro pointed ahead of them to a glorious mountain. “The great mountain, Fuji-san. Sacred training ground for generations of… samurai.”

“Samurai?!” the friends questioned, unsure of what Matsuhiro was thinking when he looked at them. “B-B-But we don’t know anything about being samurai warriors!” Hitch argued, and Scooby shook his head in agreement. “Do not be afraid,” Matsuhiro spoke wisely. “A samurai must overcome his fear. When fear is gone… the mind will be empty.”

“Ha ha ha. Like, an empty mind? Well, why didn’t you just say so?” Shaggy asked him with a laugh. “Now, that’s something I’ve got already!”

“Uh-huh. Me too!” Scooby nodded, a smile forming. But Zipp and Misty didn’t understand-- how could having an empty mind help in these dire circumstances?

Soon, they docked the boat and stepped out onto the shoreline, looking around at the foggy mountain surroundings, unsure of what they were looking for. Then… they saw a figure walking toward them out of the fog.

A figure with a unicorn horn and pegasus wings.

Misty gasped and leapt behind her friends. “Opaline’s ghost!!” she shrieked. That’s when the figure stepped out into full view.

It was definitely an alicorn, but it wasn't Opaline. In fact, it was a gorgeous alicorn mare with a long flowing mane with pink, dark bluish purple and blue highlights in it, a white coat, blue colored wing tips, dark purple eyes, a silver crown, collar and shoes and a cutie mark of a shining crystal. “Hello,” she greeted in a soft tone. “I hope I didn’t scare you all too much. It’s terribly foggy out.”

“U-Us? Scared?” Misty chuckled nervously. “Nah, we were, uh… totally terrified.”

“My name is Queen Etheria,” said the alicorn. “I take it you are all friends of Matsuhiro?”

“Yes, your majesty,” said Sunny. “We need help. Our friends are in trouble, and two villains have the Sword of Doom, and are intending to release the Black Samurai from the blade.”

“Hmmm… I see…” Queen Etheria said. “I trust that Matsuhiro will train you well for what is required on this journey.”

“Journey? What journey?” Hitch asked. “A literal one or a metaphorical one?!”

Queen Etheria smiled with a little laugh. “You will see in due time. For now, let’s start our walk to the temple. Once there, Matsuhiro will become your teacher, and I will oversee your training.”


Although the ponies had no idea what Queen Etheria and Matsuhiro were talking about on their way up the mountain, they followed them the entire way with Shaggy and Scooby in pursuit.

Once reaching the top of the mountain, Matsuhiro put Shaggy and Scooby into their uniforms from the academy and he and he instructed the group to slice bushes and brambles with swords to which they held in magic auras, in their hooves and in their bare hands. “The samurai never hesitates,” Matsuhiro spoke as they sliced and diced. “He acts, he fights, he wins! Without fear, without anger, without mind.

“And without lunch breaks,” Shaggy panted in exhaustion. “Like, I’m ready to trade in this samurai sword for a shish kebab.”

“Oh… shish kebab… yummy yum,” Scooby said hungrily. “I know we’re all tired from this training,” Sunny sighed. “I am too. But Matsuhiro is a samurai sword master, and Queen Etheria is very wise. And if they think that this can help us stop Mirimoto, Paradise and whatever evil they have planned, then we should trust them… otherwise we’ll never be able to stop the Black Samurai if he were to return.”

“Sunny? While Shaggy and Scooby proceed,” said the queen, “may I speak to you and your friends for a moment?”

“Of course. Be right back.”

The ponies immediately trotted over to Queen Etheria, looking rather confused. “Did we do something wrong, your highness?” asked Hitch worriedly. “Oh, not at all, Hitch,” the queen smiled. “I just wanted to give you all a simple gift to thank you for working so hard.”

“A gift? Oooh, thank you!” Izzy smiled. “What is it?”

Queen Etheria lit her horn and levitated six pendants with dragons on them, causing Sunny to gasp upon recognition. “These pendants look just like the Green Dragon!”

“I see you read about him before,” Queen Etheria smiled warmly. “He is a dear, dear friend of mine from long ago. He gave these pendants to me in hopes of giving them to several young ponies who deserved them. And I believe that you’re the ones he would want to have them.”

“Wow... thank you! They're beautiful!” Misty said as they put the pendant on. “We’ll take great care of them, promise.”

“Come on, guys,” Zipp urged. “We better get back to Shaggy and Scooby before the vines overtake the yard.”


After slashing of the vines finally got done, Matsuhiro had them lift a giant gate over the path to the temple with nothing but their own strength. “That’s it, Scoob,” Shaggy said as they finished the task. “We did it!”

Scooby sighed in exhaustion, wiping the sweat on his face with his paw while the ponies hoof-bumped one another with cheers of success. Matsuhiro chuckled warmly from the front of the temple. “Well done, tomodachi,” he congratulated. “You are ready to begin.”

“Begin?!” the others gulped worriedly-- what else could he have planned? “The last chapter has ended,” Matsuhiro continued. “The next is yet to be written.”

Queen Etheria lit her horn and magically sliced some vines from the front of the temple walls, revealing different images of gates. “These are the four gates: Earth… Air… Fire… and Water,” Queen Etheria explained. “Passing through each, you will be purified,” spoke Matsuhiro. “You have already found the Gate of Earth.”

“Huh?” the group blinked, glancing up at the gate they just lifted. “All you must do now,” Matsuhiro said to them as he and Queen Etheria bowed, “is pass through.”

The group glanced at each other-- that seemed easy enough. So, the eight friends stepped through the gate, feeling somewhat more confident in themselves. “Ha ha! That was easy,” Izzy shrugged. “The journey has begun,” Matsuhiro said. “There can be no going back now.”

“Okay. Like, where to next?” Shaggy asked. “The legend tells of two swords,” Queen Etheria explained, creating magic images of the instructions she began to give. “The Sword of Doom and the Sword of Fate.”

That's when Matsuhiro gave the next set of orders. “Pass beyond the four gates to the lair of the Green Dragon. Wake him from his ancient slumber… and seize the Sword of Fate!”

Hearing this set of instructions was not something that the group expected, but if Queen Etheria and Matsuhiro said they should do it, they had better listen up. But before they left, Shaggy let off a gulp. “Like, any chance you'd throw in a couple of Scooby Snacks for the road?”

Queen Etheria and Matsuhiro merely raised their eyebrows at this behavior. “Uh, thank you, Queen Etheria,” said Sunny quickly. “We’ll get right on it and we'll save the world in no time at all.”

“Remember, young ponies,” the queen called after them. “The necklaces I gave you will be more handy than you believe!”

The ponies spared her a glance and nodded before following Shaggy and Scooby out into the unknown.


The next gate they needed to find was the Gate of Air, and as they got further and further up the side of Mount Fuji, the colder the air seemed to get. “Like, S-S-Scoob, old b-b-buddy,” Shaggy shivered as they walked through the blinding snow. “Remind me again how we got t-t-t-talked into this!”

“I-I d-d-don’t r-r-remember,” Scooby quivered, just as cold as his best friend. “We were given orders by a wise old samurai and an alicorn queen that has been living on Mt. Fuji for more than 200 moons!” Zipp said, trying not to shiver and keep herself warm. “If they say we gotta do this, we gotta do this!”

“Especially,” said Hitch, “If Equestria and this world are at stake!”

Scooby shivered, but nodded. “C-Can we at least get some magic to warm us up a little bit?”

Izzy and Misty nodded and lit their horns, providing a small shield of warmth for the group, allowing the snow and ice coming on them to melt, but seemed to keep coming at them. As Shaggy and Scooby were unsure of how much longer they could take the cold, the clouds parted to reveal that same red gate as before. “T-T-There it is!” Shaggy exclaimed. “That just be the Gate of Air!”

“Ha ha! Last one there is a rotten samurai!” Zipp laughed before breaking out into a run. The others swiftly followed behind her, and all of them crossed the gate to the other side of the clouds. “Whoo-hoo!” Pipp cheered. “We made it!”

But no sooner than this was said, the clouds cleared, making them realize they were standing on nothing but air, making Scooby yelp and jump into Shaggy’s arms, and Sunny, Pipp and Zipp took to the air, grabbing Hitch, Misty and Izzy, all of their eyes squeezing shut. “Like, whatever you do, Scoob,” Shaggy begged his best friend, “don’t… look… down!”

Scooby did his best not to look down, but then again, curiosity got the better of him and he did so anyway, yelping in panic, which caused Shaggy and Scooby to fall and scream into the volcano below. But suddenly, a rock above the lava caught their fall. “Ha ha ha ha… phew,” Shaggy sighed in relief. “Like, that was a close one!”

“Are you guys okay?” asked Hitch as the ponies flew down to them, with Sunny, Hitch, Izzy and Misty landing on the rock with them. “That was quite a fall.”

“We're fine... I think,” Shaggy nodded. “At least this isn't getting any worse.”

Suddenly, the rock began to crack, and it fell into the lava with the group hanging on for the ride, surfing on the river of melted molten rock below them, with Pipp and Zipp flying above them to guide them. “Like, check us out, Scoob-- we’re hanging ten!” Shaggy said before gulping. “10,000 degrees Fahrenheit that is!”

Scooby whimpered worriedly at the thought of falling in, but tried to keep focus so that wouldn't happen. “There it is, everyone!” Shaggy pointed toward the red gate over the glowing river of melting molten rock. “The Gate of Fire!”

“Everyone, lean in unison!” Sunny turned her shoulders, and the others owed her example to jump through the gate. But soon after, the flow of lava turned curvy and bumpy, and the group started to lose control over it just as they got to a deep lake, to which the flow of lava ended and led them right to the Gate of Water on the bottom of a gigantic lake.

After passing through the final gate, the group swam back to the surface and found themselves in a beautiful lagoon. And on the shores of the lagoon sat a large cave, and once glance at their surroundings made the group's eyes widen in shock and awe. “We made it, guys,” Shaggy said as they walked out of the water, surprisingly warm and dry. “This must be the Green Dragon's groovy grotto.”

“Heh, not bad for a mystical dragon who probably doesn't even exist,” Pipp complimented, getting a look from Hitch and causing her to quickly correct herself. “E-Even though Sparky exists in our world, of course.”

But then suddenly, an echoing voice caught their attention. “Who dares enter my sacred grove?” it asked, and the group turned to see glowing green eyes peering at them from the darkness… the eyes of the Green Dragon himself. “Be ye samurai?

“You bet,” Shaggy said, surprisingly calm. “Like, I'm Shogun Shaggy, and these are my faithful companions-- the Unity Squad and Samurai Scooby-Doo.”

“Hello…” Scooby spoke nervously, waving. “Shaggy, what are you doing?” Hitch asked him in a whisper. “We can’t lie to the Green Dragon! What if he sees we’re not samurai and does something really bad to us?”

“He won’t, Hitch. Trust me.”

Hitch sighed, deciding they could play the charade for now before they all bowed before the dragon in the cave. “Oh, Great Green One,” Shaggy said respectfully, “we come bearing rotten news. The Sword of Doom is back and the Black Samurai is on the attack!”

The Green Dragon roared in response, and it was so powerful, it almost blew them away. “Impossible!” the dragon boomed angrily. This caused Izzy, Misty, Shaggy and Scooby to begin to quiver, and the others stood ready in case the dragon tried anything. Instead, the dragon lifted a single dragon paw out into the open, a crystal ball glowing in his grasp. “Ages ago, the Sword of Doom was hidden away… protected by guardians of stone, high atop a secret mountain on a savage island, surrounded by an impenetrable fog.”

The crystal ball showed everything the dragon spoke of, and when he pulled the crystal back inside the cave, the group looked at each other, not sure if they should tell the beast that it was them who located the Sword of Doom to begin with. Sunny chuckled nervously, being the first to break the silence. “Yeeeeeeah, funny story about that,” she said, which caused Scooby to chuckle nervously as well. “B-B-But, that's all ancient history,” Hitch spoke up, despite being absolutely terrified of the dragon's great power. “Tonight, the modern world and Equestria in danger… and we need your help.”

But, by what they could see on the dragon's face, his expression was solemn. “There's no place left in the world for dragons.”

With that, the dragon slithered back into the cave, but the others went inside after him, hoping to convince him some other way. “Oh, come on. What are you?” Zipp asked in a cocky manner. “A big green dragon, afraid of a little sword fight?”

“Zipp!” Sunny scolded. “You can’t speak to an ancient dragon that way! It’s the same as if you were talking to your mom like that!”

“Ooh… whoops…”

“Well... Zipp is actually right, sir… in a way,” Misty admitted, giving her friend a glare about speaking so cockily. “If you really believe that there's no place left for dragons, then… you just gotta get out there and prove them wrong! And to start, you can come out of this cave and help us kick some Black Samurai butt.”

Suddenly, the dragon's eyes illuminated down on them, allowing the dragon to get a closer look. “You don't look like… samurai,” he said, and this led Shaggy and Scooby to chuckle nervously. “Tell him, Shaggy,” Scooby said in a frightened tone, and this caused Shaggy to gulp. “Like, the truth is--”

Before Shaggy could finish, the dragon's crystal ball illuminated in green flames, to which the dragon blew their way, causing the ponies to scream and seal their eyes shut. But surprisingly, the flames… didn't burn, and they disappeared a few minutes later, hearing the dragon speak in a proud tone. “That's better.”

At that moment, the ponies, Shaggy and Scooby looked down at themselves to find that their attire had been altered magically into the attire of a samurai (Shaggy and Scooby) and a ninja (for all the other ponies) respectively. “Like, wow!” Shaggy said with a chuckle. “Check it out, Scoob. We're rolling old-school, samurai-style.”

“Yeah. Old school,” Scooby beamed. “This… is… amazing!” Sunny exclaimed, looking at her brand-new outfit. “His dragon fire acts the same way Sparky’s does back home!”

“And look!” Misty held up her dragon pendant. “The pendants the queen gave us are glowing!”

The group looked down at the pendants to discover Misty was right-- they were glowing, just as the crystal ball illuminated at its brightest, revealing the entire dragon. “For centuries, Queen Etheria has guarded the dragon power pendants, while I have guarded the Sword of Fate, awaiting the day when their services would again be needed. That day… has finally come.”

The dragon finally revealed his tail, and you can guess what was inside of it-- the sword! Shaggy and Scooby caught it in unison, smiling before the two of them and their Equestrian friends were swept onto the back of the dragon, flying higher and higher out of the mountain’s crater. “The legend must end where it all began!”

“Like, up up and away we go!” Shaggy exclaimed. “Wheeeee!!!!” Scooby cheered alongside the ponies. “Whoa-ho, we gotta try flying on Sparky’s back when he gets a little older!” Zipp exclaimed, feeling the wind on her face. “This feels great!”

“Heh heh, yeah, it does!” Misty agreed, standing on the dragon’s back and letting the flowing wind toss her mane around. “Young Misty?” the Green Dragon called out, surprising Misty as to how he knew her name. “Uh…” Misty stammered a response. “Y-Yes, sir?”

“I wanted to thank you for convincing me,” the dragon said. “If not for your bold spirits, I probably would not have come, still feeling sorry for myself. I realize now that you and young Zipp was right… I must make some changes if dragons are to return to the world.”

“Oh! Well… I’m glad we could help,” Misty said. “But… wait. There’s still some things I’m confused about. How did you know my name? And what did you mean by ‘dragon power pendants’? Are they magical in someway?”

“Whoever wears those pendants will have their power increased by tenfold, and since I am the one who helped create them with the queen’s help, I can look into the hearts and minds of who wears them, and deem them worthy upon inspection,” the Green Dragon explained. “And you all are the purest souls I have ever come across.”

The ponies sat up tall and proud as the dragon said this... hearing him say this was like the happiness they felt while they were defeating Opaline, times 100. But it took a lick to the face from Scooby to make Misty come back to her mind, remembering that they still had a mission to accomplish. “Mr. Green Dragon, think we can go faster? We gotta get back to Tokyo before the Black Samurai’s spirit is released by Mom and Miss Mirimoto!”

“Hold on,” the Green Dragon smirked before lurching even faster into the sky, making the group once again cheer as they held on tight for the ride of their lives. All they hoped now was that they got back to Tokyo before it was too late to save their friends and their world.