• Published 11th Apr 2024
  • 337 Views, 2 Comments

Puss in Boots The New World - RedStone Stories

Puss in Boots and Sheriff Johnny worked together to save both worlds Thriller ensues

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Chapter 1 The Awakening

Meanwhile in Equestria

It was a Very Special Day In the Land of Equestria, thousands of Ponies from all over Equestria are either flying or running towards a strange yet familiar mountain sight near Ponyville, to gather on the Castle on top of the Mountain all of them too excited to get to.

This Castle was none other than Canterlot the Capital city of Equestria where the famous two Royal Sisters rule with peace and Harmony. The city was booming with Ponies from all over had gathered there for the First ever Friendship Festival created by Twilight Sparkle herself. The Ponies there were all preparing for the big festival and as they were busy a familiar small dragon named Spike and he was coming by all the other ponies with a bundle of scrolls.“A..A…Ahhh!!! I’m so sorry sir! I didn’t see where I was going and I-“ but Spike was cut off as he tripped over and dropped his scrolls.

”Ahhh Oh Sweet Celestia gotta pick these scrolls up and fast, Twilight’s waiting for me” Spike thought as he quickly got up and gathered all his scrolls and ran towards the castle as he dodging all the ponies.

A minute went by and Spike finally made inside the castle and he felt his heart beating at the rate of Rainbow Dash as he dropped all his scrolls and layed down a bit to catch a break for a sec.

”So tiering I need a hobby no actually I need a vacation from all this because this is just too much even for me” Spike thought as he is resting for a bit then finally spoke up.

“Whooo, Oh man I’m out of breath I think I’m getting a belly well at least I’m here now better go inside before Twilight goes on a panic attack” Spike said as he still catching his breath from all that running. Spike then picked all the Scrolls again and head on inside as he is still excited about the Friendship Festival.

Twilight was in the hallway right outside the door to the Princess’s Throne Room waiting for Spike. Twilight was preparing to show her creative plans to the Princess’s that she has for the festival. Twilight was pondering whether or not using the Princess’s magic was a good idea or what if they get offended. Twilight kept thinking and thinking of the outcome of this thought.

”What if they get appalled, What if they Cancel this whole Festival and What if every
pony hates me because of it, No keep it together Twilight this is Princess Celestia she is always well almost understanding of your mistakes You Can Do This?!” Twilight thought then she chuckled to herself as she has been in these kinds of situations before like the Late letter situation.

”Where is Spike he should be here by now.” Twilight thought then a second later she heard the doors open and comes in Spike her Number #1 Assistant with the Scrolls she needs.

”huh speak of the devil.” Twilight thought but it didn’t matter, she was relieved and happy that he was here. Spike came up to her to talk to her as he was happy to see her to.

“Okay, Twilight Got all your charts and graphs.” Spike said as he is coming inside and walking towards her.

“Oh thank goodness you’re here, Spike,” Twilight said, “I’m just so nervous about this meeting!”

“Whatchu talkin’ ‘bout?” Spike said confused on what she meant.

Twilight sighed and turned around, then she spoke.

“I’m about to ask the three most Royal Princesses of Equestria for a HUGE favor,” Twilight said conflicted about this, “What if they reject me?”

“It’ll be fine. Just remember the most important thing.” Spike said assuring Twilight.

Twilight turned her head towards Spike 360 style with a goofy yet nervous like smile on her face.

“Smile?!” Twilight said as she still had that smile on her face and her eye twitching a bit.

Spike getting a bit freaked out by her but remained calm.

“Ehh.. no,” Spike said, “You’re a Princess, too.

“Right.” Twilight said sighing then she opened the door to go inside the throne room with Spike going in with her.

The Throne room is an elegant and beautiful as Rarity always praised it. The Crystal mirror dictating the Sun and Moon, the pretty little river that goes through the throne room at the sideline’s of the Princesses throne’s and the elegant red/magenta carpet that can reassemble A Hollywood movie premiere.

Twilight kept walking towards the Shining Jewel of Equestria that EveryPony looks up too. The Princesses of Equestria Princess Celestia of the Sun, Princess Luna of the Moon and Princess Cadence of Love and they were all standing next to each other waiting for Twilight and Spike.

Twilight takes a deep breath and relaxes before she starts talking about her lecture. “Good Morning, Princesses. Thank you all for seeing me. I have an idea that I think will make our Friendship Festival the most wonderful celebration Equestria has ever seen!” Twilight said as she was getting a bit excited.

“Yes, Twilight! We are very Excited!” Princess Celestia says with a warm smile.

“Ponies have been arriving from all over morning.” Princess Cadence says amazed by how many ponies came for this big event.

“I’d like to think it’s to see us, but Songbird Serenade might be the bigger attraction.” Princess Luna says while planning to cheer her on since she was a fan herself.

“Yes, she is the… “MANE” event!” Twilight giggles, “And to make it extra special, I could use your help. Spike?

Spikes pulled the board while humming.

“Songbird Serenade’s performance is not scheduled to start until after you begin the sunset,” Twilight said explaining, “And based on my precise calculation.

Twilight continued to explain her plans to the Princesses.

“To get the very best lighting for the stage,Princess Celestia, I was hoping you could make sure the sun stays about 28.1 degrees to the south, Twilight continued, “And Princess Luna, if you could raise the moon 62 degrees to the north at the same time, it would reflect the sunlight on the other side and really frame the entire stage perfectly!” Twilight said concluding her Plan’s for the festival.

The Princesses all stood there shocked that Twilight would ask something this crazy.

“I-“ Luna was cut off by Twilight.

“But wait! There’s more!, Twilight continued on, “Cadence! If you could use your crystal magic, to create an aurora above the stage. The sun and the moon will shine through it and create a truly amazing light show!” Twilight said finally concluding.

“Presenting Songbird Serenade!, Spike interjected, “Yeah yeah yeah, whoa! Ta da!” Spike said after he fell.

The Princesses stood there still shocked and now conflicted by all this. Princess Luna then spoke up.

“So you’re saying you want us to move the sun… and the moon… for the party?” Princess Luna said putting two and two together as she still conflicted about all this.

“Well, I’d do it myself except I don’t have your magic.” Twilight said snorting.

“Twilight, Each of us uses our powers to serve Equestria in our own way,” Princess Celestia says in her motherly voice “You are the Princess of Friendship, you already have all the magic you need.”

Twilight ponders this but quickly came to a conclusion.

“So… that’d be a no?” Twilight said as she already figured out her answer as her ears went flattened.

Back with Puss and Johnny

Puss and Johnny were still on the floor still knocked out by Claw’s recklessness of that staff and they have no idea what happened, that is until they felt a tug on them they didn’t want to get up since they were so tired but reluctantly and slowly woke up.

Puss was the first to wake up and as he opened his eyes he saw another cat but he was taller like Johnny but with a strange coat and looking at him curiously. The first thing that Puss did was scream in terror waking up startling both Johnny and Capper.

“Ahhhhhhhh!!!” Puss screamed as he felt like he was in a nightmare.

Johnny got the hell up quick pulling out his Glock out pointing at Capper.

“PUSS WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, WHAT’S GOING ON!!!!” Johnny said demanding to know as he got scared by his screaming.

“Look behind you idiota?!?!” Puss said not wanting to scream more despite the their situation, as he is readying he sword towards Capper.

Johnny turned around saw that cat looking at them with a sheepishly smile.

Johnny got freaked out as well as he expected this to happen so quickly.Johnny pulled out both his guns and pointed at Capper.

“WHO ARE YOU GET THE HECK AWAY FROM US OR ELSE!!!!” Johnny said threatening to put him down if he doesn’t leave.

Capper put his paws up, he was freaked out by this too, but he knew they weren’t from around here at all and provoking them and escalating the situation wouldn’t do him any good. Capper deeply sighed as he was gonna calm this situation and hopefully they can give him answers.

“Whoa whoa let’s take it easy I’m not here to hurt you both,I just got curious is all. I mean it’s not everyday I get to see a cat smaller than me and a new creature entirely. I just wanted who and what are you except you Mr ughh.” Capper said curiously and wanting to know the smaller cat’s name.

Puss arrogantly smirked at this, seeing an opportunity to boast himself.Puss puts away his sword and begins his introduction.

“Senior I’am the one and only Puss in Boots, Puss said boasting his title then pull out his sword did his signature move, “Fear Me If You Dare.”

Capper nearly laughed at this cat’s arrogance as he finds it amusing that this little guy feels that he take on the real world. Capper turns his attention to the Sheriff as he took notice of that badge he is wearing, he was gonna speak but Johnny spoke up.

“Yes I’m a Sheriff and don’t even think about robbing us I know a criminal when I see one.” Johnny said still on edge as he still held his two guns at Capper.

“What me never, I wouldn’t dream of conning a handsome gentleman like you, even if I don’t know what you are.” Capper said lying and trying to play dumb as he bowed his head hoping to gain his trust.

Puss kinda bought it but still had a bit of suspicion, Johnny however saw this coming a mile away and was not giving in.

Puss got annoyed and had to Johnny about their situation.

“Look Sheriff we need to get help and we aren’t gonna get anywhere if we’re so hostile to everyone we meet so let’s trust him, besides we have a situation that we need to take care of.” Puss said wanting to waste no time as he needs to look good in the paper and was worried about what Claw was up to.

Johnny looked at Puss then at Capper and knew Puss was right the longer they waste time the longer and harder it’s gonna be to catch Claw since he is loose out here. Johnny reluctantly put down his guns and holstered them in the gun pouch.

“Fine Puss we’ll do things your way for now, but that does Not mean I trust you.”Johnny said doing the eye gesture.

Capper breathed a sigh of relief as he can finally start talking to them to about Claw and other things he to talk about.

“Hey it’s all good man happens like this lot around these parts, so I don’t hold against you.” Capper said understanding their reaction.

“Alright let’s start over, what’s your name partner.” Johnny asked curiously.

“I’m glad you asked, Capper’s the name Charm is my Game.” Capper answered then he bowed his head showing respect.

“Nice to meet you Capper I’m sure you figured it out already that I’m a Sheriff, but you I didn’t give you my name. My name is Johnny Dead Eye and I’m a Sheriff.” Johnny said tipping his hat to Capper also showing respect.

“Interesting name Johnny and Puss was it, may I ask why you all here in the middle of nowhere it’s dangerous as it is out here.” Capper say’s warning them of possible dangers here.

“Ha Danger I laugh in the face of Danger hahahahahaha?!?!” Puss said laughing as he is a Fearless Hero.

“Laugh all you want little pussycat but I assure you the dangers out here are very real.” Capper says trying to convince them to take it seriously.

“PUSSYCAT why you littl-“ Puss was cut off by Johnny as he needed to make a point.

“Puss I believe we should take him at his word for it we are in a Whole New World after all?!” Johnny said as serious as he can be.

“Fine.” Puss said reluctantly.

“So now that the pleasantries are out of the way, I have a proposition you two can come stay at my place and in return you have to answer some more questions for me and I can help you with whatever you want, Capper said proposing them an offer, “Plus there’s a storm coming,”

The duo was about to respond until they heard a thundering noise and saw a huge sandstorm coming in the distance and they knew what there answer will be.

“Shoot you are right.Alright Capper lead the and No Tricks or else?!” Johnny said

“Cool cool follow me and hurry since Pussycat here might catch a cold.” Capper said trying to be funny with Puss.

“It’s Puss in Boots, Puss corrected, “idiota.” He muttered that last part.

The trio all went in a hurry towards the town down south in hopes of getting Claw.

Back in Canterlot

Much Later on at the Friendship Festival, Princess Twilight Sparkle is talking to Songbird Serenade about her performance. The conversation was interrupted however, when the sounds of thunder in the air. The Ponies looked up to the sky in shock and fear and believed to be storm clouds in the sky. Twilight however was not happy about this development.

“Storm clouds? I ordered perfect weather! Rainbow Dash?!” Twilight asked frantically almost angrily. Rainbow looked nervously towards her friend.

“Uh… I… don’t think those are storm clouds.” Rainbow replied.

“Ooh! I bet those are the clowns I ordered!” Pinkie Pie excitedly.

As the ship landed, the walkway lowered to the ground and crushed a balloon animal instantly.

“Brain, Nooo!” Party Favor yelled in anguish. From the top of the walkway a small hedgehog walked down the walkway and spoke into a speaker.

“Ponieth of Equestria, we come on behalf of the Fearsome, the Powerful, the Almighty… Storm King!!!,” Grubber said as three banners which has the Storm insignia on them rolled down the side of the airship.All the Ponies begin to cower in fear of this new threat, the three Princesses looked from the balcony of Canterlot Castle. “And now, to deliver the evil, Evil methage, put your hooveth together for Commander Tempeeeetht!” Grubber announced.From the top of the walkway, Tempest made herself known as she stared down at the populace at the bottom. Twilight tilted her head in confusion

“Is that a… unicorn?” Twilight asked.

“I thinks so, but what happened to her horn?” Spike replied with an another question as he just as confused and curious as Twilight. The three Princesses then landed down in front of the group and stared at Tempest.

“Tempest” Is it? How may we help you?” Celestia asked.

“Oh I’m glad you asked. How about we start with your complete and total surrender?” Tempest replied. The Princesses looked at each other until Twilight nervously walked to the side of the Princesses.

“Hi there. Princess if Friendship. Not exactly sure what’s going on, but I know we can talk things out.” Twilight smiled nervously.

“Oh, goody. All four Princesses. Here’s the deal, ladies. I need your magic. Give it up nicely,please, or we make it difficult for everyone.”

“And why should we cower before you?” Luna said bravely. “There’s one of you and hundreds of us.

To be Continued…

Author's Note:

Sorry about the dialogue being long and boring as well as this chapter it’s because I didn’t want this story to be so boring and long. Plus the story is split until Kludgetown meaning the events of the MLP movie timeline is normal until the Mane 6 reach the town to finally meet Puss in Boots and Johnny so I hope you know what I mean. Again i apologize for that lazy ending but like I said it’s only temporary until Kludgetown and I didn’t want to make the story boring for you readers and viewers so please bear with me see you in Chapter 2.

Comments ( 2 )

Are Death and the Bloodwolf ever going to appear in this story?

You’ll have to wait and see can’t spoil the Story right.

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