• Published 16th Sep 2023
  • 632 Views, 40 Comments

Pokémon: Fire Ruby - MechaTomX

Welcome to the Pokémon world, in this story, a boy will travel through the Equestria Region on his way to becoming a Pokémon Master.

  • ...

Lesson Learned, Keep Moving Forward

Author's Note:

What is promised is a debt.

Enjoy this short episode and thank you for commenting, I'm very happy.

Spike was running directly to the nearest Pokémon center, after his defeat against Garble, the first thing he thought about was going to heal his Pokémon, he felt too bad that he couldn't have been a better trainer for them, but that didn't mattered now, at least for the moment, he was with Cozy Glow and Ember, who decided to guide them to the place because she knew the city of Draconia like the back of her hand.

“There it is,” Ember pointed to a white building with a red roof, there was also a sign of a pokeball over a red cross, “The Draconia City Pokémon Center.”

“Thank you for everything Ember,” Spike thanked her humbly.

“We'll see you soon,” Cozy said goodbye as she and Spike entered the Pokémon center and Ember left the place.

"I'll come back tomorrow to see how you are, don't worry, your Pokémon will be fine," the Gym Leader said goodbye and left.

Spike and Cozy stepped inside, only to be greeted by a woman with white skin, pink hair and wearing a nurse's uniform, "Welcome to the Pokémon Center, I'm Nurse Redheart, how can I help you?"

“Hello Nurse Redheart, my friends are hurt,” Spike told her as he placed 2 Pokeballs on the counter, “It was my fault, I ask you please if you can heal them.”

"Of course," Redheart turned to the door behind her, "Chansey, I need your help."

Seconds later, the doors opened and a pink egg shaped Pokémon stepped out while pushing a trolley, the Pokémon had a small pouch on its stomach that had an egg in it while also wearing a nurse's hat, "Chansey."

“Oh Golly, it's a Chansey,” Cozy Glow exclaimed with a smile as she grabbed her Pokedex and scanned it.

Name: Chansey.
Type: Normal.
Info: Chansey, the egg Pokémon and the evolved form of Happiny, Chansey is a kind Pokémon that gives eggs to those who are sick or injured.

"You can be relieved Spike, Chansey are Pokémon that can heal other sick or injured Pokémon," Cozy Glow told him making Spike relieve a little.

“You're right, you're very smart,” Nurse Redheart smiled at her, then she turned to Spike, “And don't be discouraged little one, these things always happen to rookie trainers.”

Spike was going to wonder how she knew he was a rookie but the nurse continued.

“And before you ask, I knew because you only have 2 Pokémon and I saw them accompanied by the Gym Leader, I bet that was your first gym battle?”

Spike nodded his head down, “Yes.”

“Well, don't worry, I'm sure you'll get better,” the nurse told him, placing her hand on his shoulder, “And I'll make sure to treat your Pokémon well, feel welcome to hang out here to rest, you must be exhausted. ”

The two nodded, then the nurse took the Pokeballs from Spike, passed them to Chansey and they both retired to the emergency room.

“I didn't tell her everything,” Spike spoke under his breath.

"What are you talking about?" Cozy asked him.

“I don't know why I didn't tell him about Garble, maybe out of cowardice, maybe, and now Peewee is…” Spike said with his head down.

“Spike, you didn't know he was an expert, you didn't know he had a mega stone either, the important thing is that you didn't give up and Peewee continued fighting,” Cozy Glow tried to encourage him, “You didn't tell him, because you know you can beat him.”

Spike raised his head a little, but then, he saw an area with a bunch of green computer like devices, “I'll call home, if that's okay with you, Cozy.”

“Go ahead,” Cozy Glow told him.

He got up and went to a seat in front of those computers, there was a kind of phone which Spike took and began to type a number, then he fixed his eyes on the screen of the device, a few moments later, the screen changed and Spike's mother, Twilight Velvet, could be seen in it.

“Hello, this is the Sparkle residence.”

“Hello mom,” Spike greeted her in a low, weak voice.

“Spike,” Velvet was surprised and when she saw the screen she realized that it was her son speaking, “Spike, hello, how have you been, where are you calling from?”

“I'm calling from the Draconia City Pokémon Center,” Spike answered in his low voice.

Velvet realized that something was wrong with her son, whom he had always seen very animated, she was going to ask him what happened but at that moment Twilight Sparkle appeared in front of the screen, apparently she had heard the conversation, "Spike what the heck are you doing in Draconia City?"

“There was a train available, we thought coming here would be better than waiting 3 days to take the train to Ponyville,” Spike responded.

“Did something happen to you, sweetie?” his mother asked him.

“I challenged Gym Leader Ember, after that I had a battle against an experienced trainer,” replied Spike who paused, then lowered his head, “And I lost both battles, I'm here while I wait for Peewee and Treecko to be cured.”

“Oh honey,” Velvet said, feeling sorry for her son.

“Spike, what were you thinking,” Twilight Sparkle scolded, “You just got your first Pokémon a few days ago, why did you think that challenging the Draconia Gym would be a good idea?”

Spike continued with his head down but a tear slipped from his eye, “I thought I could win.”

“I'm sorry to say Spike, but that's called arrogance,” Twilight continued her sermon, “I don't like to say I told you so, but that's why I said it would be better if you waited for the train to Ponyville but apparently you were too stubborn to understand."

Spike didn't say anything, he just kept his head down, but more tears began to well up in his eyes.

“Professor Twilight,” Cozy Glow approached, “This isn't Spike's fault, I suggested we go to Draconia.”

“Wait what?” Twilight wondered in surprise.

“I thought it would be a good idea when we saw the train, I didn't think it was a very strong gym,” Cozy Glow spoke, looking at the ground, Spike looked at her, he couldn't stand that his friend took all the blame for him.

“Oh Cozy,” Twilight said, putting her hand to her forehead, but there was disappointment in her tone of voice, “I expected more from you, that was reckless and…”

But at that moment Twilight was interrupted by her mother.


Everyone shuddered when they heard Twilight Velvet's voice which had scolded her daughter.

“Twilight, I understand that you want to help, but this is Spike's journey, not yours,” Velvet told her daughter, “The decisions Spike makes shouldn't bother you, because they are his decisions.”

Twilight Sparkle had been left speechless by her mother's reaction.


“And Spike,” Velvet addressed her son, “I know you must feel really bad right now, but Shining Armor also had problems in his early days as a trainer.”

“Yes, but compared to him, I'm just a…” Spike said depressed but was interrupted.

“Spike, look at me, that was your first battle, and they defeated you, use this experience in the future,” Velvet told him with a smile, “Remembering this, you will be a greater trainer than anyone, because I know that you have that potential, So don't be afraid of defeats but be willing to accept them when they come, that's what makes a Pokémon master."

Those words reached Spike's heart, he wiped the tears from his face with the strength he had left and looked at the screen, “Thank you, mom.”

Velvet smiled at her, then she turned to Twilight, “And I think someone has something to tell you.”

“I'm sorry about that,” Twilight apologized to the 2 trainers, “I shouldn't have scolded you for making your own decisions, this is your journey and I understand, you could forgive me.”

“That's what the little brothers are for, Twi,” Spike told her, to which Cozy Glow nodded.

Twilight smiled, moved by her brother.

Immediately afterwards, the two said goodbye and hung up the call.

“You have a nice family Spike,” Cozy told him.

Spike smiled, “I guess I do.”

The next day.

Spike and Cozy Glow were waiting in the main room, and at that moment Nurse Red Heart appeared with 2 Pokeballs in her hands, "Alright, these 2 are already doing very well, remember not to push yourself too hard in the battles."

“Thank you very much Nurse Redheart,” thanked Spike who took the Pokeballs, which he threw into the air, “Peewee, Treecko, come out.”

The 2 Pokémon came out of their pokeballs, a little confused.

“Guys,” Spike bent down to talk to them.



“I'm sorry for everything that happened, I hope you can forgive me for this,” Spike said as he apologized to his Pokémon who accepted his apology.

“Treecko tree.”

“Fletch Fletchling.”

Spike smiled as his 2 friends rushed towards him to hug him.

“I see that they are already cured,” said Ember who entered the Pokémon center, then she turned to Spike, “How are you?”

“I think I'm better, I just know I can be stronger, I just have to try harder for my friends,” Spike replied confidently to which Peewee and Treecko nodded.

Ember smiled as she took out 2 papers from her backpack, “That's the spirit, here, for you two.”

"What are these?" Cozy Glow asked.

“Tickets for a ship that will leave for Ponyville in an hour, there is a gym there that you can challenge,” Ember told them.

“Ember, you shouldn't,” Spike told her moved.

"Of course I should," Ember replied, "During our battle I saw your potential, you know a lot, but you still lack experience, I want you to go to Ponyville and when you feel strong come back here to challenge me once again."

Spike smiled, “I will Ember.”

“Preferably when you have more than 5 badges,” Ember whispered.

And at that moment Spike and Cozy Glow approached Ember to hug her.

"What in the name of Dragonite are you doing?" Ember asked with her arms raised.

"You do not know?" Cozy Glow asked her.

"It's called, a hug," Spike responded.

"Oh...um, I don't know if I like it, but...okay." She said still blushing patted both of them on the head as Spike hugged her tighter.

And so, Spike and Cozy decided to continue their journey, their next stop was Ponyville.

Meanwhile in Canterlot.

Twilight Sparkle was there with her lab coat on, she was thoughtful.

"Are you still thinking about what you said to Spike?" Professor Celestia asked her.

Twilight nodded, "I was really mean to him, I know he forgave me, but still, is it wrong for me to worry?"

"Of course not, Twilight," Celestia responded, approaching her, "You love him very much that's why you want the best for him, I'm not saying you should tell him what to do, but you can be there for him when he needs it."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked him.

Celestia didn't respond, she just giggled and at that moment she handed Twilight a lilac backpack, surprising Twilight.

"Is that?" asked Twi but then, an owl like Pokémon appeared which landed on the her shoulder, "Owlowiscious, Is what I think is happening happening right now in this moment?"

Celestia just noded with a smile.