• Published 9th Sep 2023
  • 323 Views, 11 Comments

SuperGod - AndyHunter

Various cities and towns in Equestria have created artificial superponies with unimaginable powers as replacements for the pillars.

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Chapter 1 - I'm the devil in disguise

I did a quick breathing exercise before starting my speech. First, I'm going to explain to Sunset Shimmer how all of this came about.
"As you already know, in Equestria, there are always threats that attempt to rule our land. All that responsibility has always fallen on us. Sometimes, we have even been on the verge of losing, but we always manage to prevail and move forward.
As time passed, new technologies were developed, such as the telephone we have, robots, and artificial intelligence to perform tasks for us.
Creating this technology requires a great deal of knowledge about science and computing. However, it can also mean that somepony might use that great intelligence to create something that could be destructive. They always say that knowledge is power, but when that power is exploited, it can condemn us all, leading to a devastated and lifeless land"

Sunset Shimmer remained silent, waiting for me to continue my speech. She kept her gaze fixed on me, while I tried to maintain a neutral posture. At this moment, I have no idea how I feel.

"Technology was not enough; the ponies looked for desperate ways to find somepony to protect them so that not everything depended on the Elements of Harmony or the princesses. Their main objective was to replace the Pillars by searching for test subjects for experiments and giving them powers—powers that don't even compare to Grogar's"

"They experimented on ponies..." Sunset Shimmer let out a surprised sigh and clutched her chest.
"And did Princess Celestia approve of this?!"

"Yes, unfortunately, I tried to talk to her, but she didn't want to listen to me. It seemed like I was talking to another pony instead of the Celestia I once knew. She said that she just wanted to keep Equestria safe, that thanks to the new technology, we could create our saviors so that they could end all of Equestria's problems... OH REALLY? CREATING ARTIFICIAL PONIES WITH CHAOTIC POWERS?" I started coughing when I screamed, and Sunset Shimmer got scared, her eyes widening as she became paralyzed.

"Twilight, breathe, calm down. Maybe Celestia was just trying to protect us; she just didn't realize that the situation would get out of control. Can you explain what those experiments were exactly?"

"You're right... I'm sorry. Let me have some water to clear my throat" I took out the bottle and drank some water, making sure not to overdo it; I wanted it to last me for at least two weeks.

After finishing the water, I let out a sigh of relief "Several cities and towns each had high-security laboratories patrolled by robots, replacing the royal guards. In each of these facilities, experiments were conducted to create a Supergod, totaling seven in all. They were meant to save us and bring peace to Equestria, but the opposite occurred. I worked on creating a Supergod in the Ponyville laboratories, with Pinkie Pie and her two sisters as the test subjects" I looked away from Sunset, anticipating her reaction. Guilt would soon begin to take control of me, especially since describing this Supergod would be one of the most complicated tasks...

"WHAT? And you didn't do anything to stop it? She's your friend, Twilight! How could you experiment on your OWN friend?" Sunset tensed up, her fists clenched tightly.

"I didn't want this to happen—I swear I tried to stop it, but I was forced. Otherwise, I was going to be banished to Tartarus if I didn't obey Celestia's orders!" When Sunset started talking back to me, I felt like utter garbage...

Sunset had remained silent, but her anger was evident, and I completely understood why.

"I'm sorry for what I did. It doesn't matter whether I agreed to work in that laboratory or not; the result would have been the same. Sunset, please, I need you to understand" Small drops of tears began to fall as I lamented what had happened to Pinkie Pie and her sisters. I still remember that day perfectly. Guilt consumed my every thought, and the idea of suicide became a constant companion.
But when you feel forced and without options, what else is there? I had no chips left to make a move.

"Whatever, Twilight, what I'm really eager to know is what you did to Pinkie Pie. I feel like I'm talking to a stranger now" Sunset said, her arms crossed in disappointment.

I took the bubble pipe out of my backpack to keep a cool head. I know Sunset is angry with me, and I'm not going to try to convince her. She has every right. "The experiment I worked on was called Apollo 1. With my knowledge of aerospace engineering and planetary geology, I collaborated with Doctor Hooves to design plans for building a space rocket. Our mission was to take Pinkie Pie, Maud Pie and Marble Pie to the moon. We wanted to study the behavior of non-alicorn ponies on the moon, considering that Luna had been there for a thousand years, to understand what it would be like for a normal pony" As I spoke, I remembered Pinkie Pie's last words before she took off into space. Tears welled up when I recalled every word she had said. It was like a bittersweet sound of relief, as she had seemed so excited to go to the moon with her sisters.

"Pinkie Pie, it's wonderful to see you! I can tell you're thrilled about the idea of going to space" I told Pinkie Pie, forcing a fake smile. I had received direct orders not to provide them with details about the experiment, emphasizing that they were only test subjects. It was one of the worst days of my life, but it seemed to be the best for Pinkie Pie.

"Are you kidding me, Twilight? Of course, I'm excited to go to space! I'll be able to see all of Equestria from there. I wonder what it would feel like to trot on the moon. Could my voice be heard in space?

I couldn't help but chuckle when I heard Pinkie ask me that question "No, Pinkie, there's no way your voice can be heard. Sound is a pressure wave and needs an elastic medium to propagate. The vacuum of space is not an elastic medium. Therefore, you cannot hear anything"

"I'm going to pretend I understand that" We both started laughing.

"You'll find out when you're there... By the way, Pinkie, I want to tell you something"

"Hmm? What's wrong Twilight, is something wrong with you?" Pinkie Pie asked me, raising an eyebrow.

"You have always been a good friend Pinkie Pie, I will never forget the moments we spent together, the first day we met, when I moved to Ponyville, do you remember it? And that you threw me a welcome party, you always tried to keep a smile on all of us no matter the situation and I... with all this... I hope everything turns out well" I told Pinkie as I cried and looked down.

"Oh Twilight you're going to make me cry, look at me. Everything will be fine, I'll come back and when this is over we'll have a sleepover, what do you think? Pinkie Pie said as she lifted my head with one of her hooves making me look directly into her eyes"

"I appreciate you so much Pinkie" We both gave each other a big hug

Pinkie Pie was heading to the launch pad jumping for joy while behind her were her 2 sisters, I decided to ask Maud.

"Maud? How do you feel?"

Maud responded with her everyday neutral tone "Happy. As long as Pinkie is happy, I will be happy too, even if it doesn't seem like it. I can't wait to see space rocks"
Behind Maud was Marble, she was very shy and socializing was the last thing she would do, so I decided not to say anything to her so as not to make her uncomfortable.

Moments after saying goodbye, including that of their parents... I did not have the courage to speak to them or look at them, I simply went to the control cabin to direct the takeoff, being completely forced against my will.

"They returned to Equestria after about five weeks I estimate, the rocket had fallen in Appleloosa.
A medical team went to check on them, the sisters were not there but there were ponies that were injured due to the fall of the rocket, luckily no deaths were reported. The sisters were found in the underground bunker that was beyond the Everfree forest.
Pinkie...They had literally joined together, it seems from the report I got, an alien fungus took over them, uniting them into a single being.
It seemed that the moon was infested with fungal spores, they are capable of surviving in space but where that spore came from I have no idea.
Pinkie Pie, Marble and Maud became a horrible 3-headed being... unified"
I stopped talking because I wanted to cry and scream while Sunset stood paralyzed, shaking.

Sunset and I cried for several minutes, until we calmed down again, we let out all our despair that we had accumulated since I started talking. That definitely helped calm us down and continue with my speech.

"What I will say next will be somewhat uncomfortable, if you want me to stop let me know, it is about the abilities of Kali, the name we gave to the supergod" Sunset nodded her head, already feeling better and ready to continue listening attentively to every word I said.

"She was able to speak through sounds, sometimes using radio signals as well. Kali expelled spores with digital code, functioning as a mushroom supercomputer.
Scientists who approached her immediately bowed to her and prayed to her as if under some form of mind control.
The scientists went crazy, they masturbated furiously before Kali. One of them had even gone so crazy that he tried to have sex with Kali but his penis was filled with mushrooms when-"

"Ok, ok, Twilight enough information, skip that part please" Sunset felt uncomfortable and covered her face with her pillow.

"Oh... okay, it makes me feel uncomfortable too, I just didn't want to skip any details" I told Sunset as I scratched my head in embarrassment.

"I appreciate your attention to detail but you can skip that information, it's really not something I want to know about" Sunset Shimmer said, speaking between pauses.

"In that case, I'd better tell you about the next supergod that was created. At the Fillydelphia facility, they experimented on the lifeless body of Queen Chrysalis. Her body was left lifeless in Hollow Shades, I guess she didn't survive the impact of the fall when we defeated her a long time ago.
They collected her body and experimented on her. Fillydelphia was not in the best conditions. There was overpopulation and famine. They were desperate to have a savior who would solve their problems in the blink of an eye. Before continuing, do you know what artificial intelligence is?" I asked Sunset Shimmer to help her understand how Chrysalis works.

"No idea Twilight, what is it?" Sunset Asked.

"AI refers to the development of computer systems and machines that can perform tasks typically requiring pony intelligence. These tasks can include problem-solving, learning, reasoning, and decision-making. AI systems are designed to mimic pony cognitive functions, such as understanding natural language, recognizing patterns, and making predictions. This is how Chrysalis works or as some called her, the angel of death. Basically she was a personality combined between changeling and a AI"

"So does it mean that she still had a changeling part but also had parts of an AI at the same time?" Sunset Shimmer asked curious.

"Exactly, what led her to have divine knowledge, beyond what you and I could understand. From time to time she made speeches and saying things that had never been written before. Her speeches also filled the ponies of Fillydelphia with tears of hope and happiness with her perfect and unimaginable wisdom. But the most important question is... how exactly would Chrysalis save Fillydelphia? She thought that to save Fillydelphia she would have to reduce its population to 90% by killing almost everypony she came across. She also purified the dirty water that was around in that city"

"I don't understand, Chrysalis takes the lives of innocent ponies and then does noble things like purifying water? Sunset asked confused.

"Chrysalis saves Fillydelphia her way, she believes the way to end overpopulation is to annihilate almost all of them and start again. On my Eclipse intuit phone I have a recording of what happened that day"

On the screen of both phones we could see the recording in good resolution.

"NO PLEASE HAVE MERCY" A mare had said with her son crying and begging that Chrysalis not end their lives.

"I am your god and you must obey the destiny that was given to you, it includes exterminating you and your son, you and him will be in a better place soon" Chrysalis said in a calm tone but her eyes were cold and unfeeling.

She had the power of instant combustion, meaning that just by looking at her you could be on fire.

Suddenly they both began to burn in flames. They were convulsing on the floor in pain, this part of the recording managed to bring a tear to my eye, it's very painful to watch, you could see both of their bones and their skin melting quickly, I decided to look away from that part of the recording. Meanwhile Sunset was left speechless.

"I'll make you pay for what you did! It was the same A.K yearling also known as Daring Do had watched the scene, it was not a smart decision to attack Chrysalis but Daring Do's sense of justice made her want to at least try.

"You dare to attack a god? How stupid, come closer to me and see how I destroy you without even moving a hoof" Said Chrysalis with a threatening tone"

Daring Do at full speed slammed her right front hoof directly into Chrysalis's face. Chrysalis didn't even flinch and stared at her with a neutral gaze.

While Daring Do rolled her eyes and slowly backed away from Chrysalis.

"You are pathetic, I am your savior, your hope. You dare to attack me, is that your way of serving your god? I will return the favor by sending you to the sun" Chrysalis without moving trapped Daring in a sphere of green energy, sending her flying into the sun at an indescribable speed, completely pulverizing Daring body.

Meanwhile Chrysalis didn't laugh or say anything, she just continued on her path to continue saving Fillydelphia.
The city was full of flames, I could barely see around it, it was a scene that is not worth taking a look at, those burned corpses will only make me feel worse again and lose my temper, I must remain neutral at all times.

Minutes after that confrontation between Daring... and Chrysalis, in the city of Baltimare they were thinking about launching missiles at FillyDelphia in an attempt to finish off Chrysalis. They knew she was a supergod so they used their entire arsenal on her.

Chrysalis had smiled for the first time, she had noticed that the missiles were heading towards her, before any of them hit the city. Chrysalis using her powers of telekinesis and technomancy, returned all the missiles back to Baltimare, since they were nearby cities, Chrysalis generated an electrical barrier to protect Fillydelphia from the shock wave.

The barrier had no kind of protection upwards, meaning debris from some buildings and pulverized objects still fell on FillyDelphia but that didn't matter to Chrysalis, she still stuck to her plan.
It was said that anypony who came into physical contact with Chrysalis's barrier could instantly cut off a limb.

Here the recording ends, nothing was left of Baltimare, just a piece of land with a big hole in the center, that means that almost all the inhabitants of that city died, I'm not sure how many exactly, although that information is irrelevant, nothing good came out of this.

"After everything I've told you Sunset, it's better that we rest, my throat already hurts from talking so much, with the red sky I can't even tell if it's night or day"

"It still seems incredible to me that Equestria has been reduced to this, how they can be so stupid to create artificial ponies believing that this would save them when everything I have seen and told has been the opposite" Sunset said in a combination of anger and sadness.

"As I told you, they were trying to make Equestria a safe place but by the wrong method"

"And where are you going to spend the night or day... Twilight? Would you be okay resting in Ponyville? From what I see on your screen, practically everything is destroyed and it doesn't look like any house is habitable. Sunset Shimmer asked, since not only Ponyville was like this, but all of Equestria, you could say that this bench is the only thing that was not destroyed during all these events"

"Don't worry Sunset, I'll be fine, I'll be able to spend the night here, the only thing that matters to me is having somepony to tell my terrible experience and to serve as a reflection so that events like these don't happen again" I told Sunset while I showed her my teeth smiling, she also did the same and we said goodbye. Tomorrow I would continue telling her about the other remaining supergods.

I lay down on the bench and checked my backpack with my alicorn magic, I still had food left to survive a few days.

"Rest in Peace and Daring Do and all the ponies that died hope you all are in a better place" It was the last thing I said before closing my eyes.


Author's Note:

The word "God" is not unreasonable for Twilight to mention, since in the show you can hear several characters say "Gosh" which is the same thing. :ajbemused:

Words I was going to add but ended up deleting: Antichrist; This is how Chrysalis was going to be referred to as "Antichrist" But I had to eliminate it since it would be out of place in the world of MLP no matter how badass it sounds.
I try to maintain the MLP canon while taking the SuperGod comic as a base, combining both universes without leaving the context of totally different universes. :rainbowdetermined2:

Balefire Missiles: A silly reference to Fallout Equestria that at first seemed cool, but Balefire missile sounds weird and unoriginal, just changing "Bomb" to "Missiles" I prefer to use my own terms and establish my own canon in this story so to speak. :derpyderp2:

Comments ( 7 )

The moment I read that Equestria alone had seven ‘supergods’ I got this same feeling of hopelessness from the original comic. Granted, the prologue already set that tone, but it’s the fact that Twilight describes the existence of seven living weapons of mass destruction that drives the concept home.

I can see how much the setting diverges from the canon in how Twilight keeps swinging from emotional to cold. Though, it could use some more paralanguage (gestures and tone inflections to complement the dialogue).

The melancholy from the Pinkie flashback really hits from the start. Besides the foregone conclusion, the heavy contrast between Twilight and Pinkie really makes it an emotional scene.

The gross-out tone from Ellis’ original kinds of clashes with the rest of the narrative. Mostly in describing the effect of Kali on the scientists.

The pacing on the creation of Chrysalis was a bit sudden, but it balances out at the flashback recording. I think reading her dialogue makes her more interesting than Krishna in the original since she shows more emotions.

All in all, it’s an interesting take on both, Warren Ellis’ style and the subgenre of MLP post-apocalypse (aponylipse?).

11719999 Thanks for your opinion brother, I admit that, yes, in the introduction of Chrysalis, I had run out of ideas, I couldn't think of anything to add more background to the creation of Chrysalis and I didn't want to explain scientific methods that surely not many would understand, because I want the story to be understandable and explain everything in a simple way.

And the comics do not provide, at least from my point of view, more information about the creation of each Supergod to adapt it to my story, which also contributed to me not knowing how to make the creation of Chrysalis to have more depth.
But after all, I'm glad you like my story and it's not forgotten, just to clarify, I still plan to finish it, it's just that I'm one of those authors who can't focus on just one story or two stories, so it may take me a while to write the next chapter.

I always thought the Supergods' origins were meant to remain vague besides the technical explanations so they would feel more detached from the reader. Same reason they barely express themselves or have dialogues. It all makes them more dehumanized, thus more eldritch.

And yeah, I totally understand. I once tried to juggle four (I think) project at the same time as my first year at university. And in between I also made a couple of one-shots. Sometimes one just needs to write something, anything.

And the fights were too short, I remember that the Supergod who was created in Russia was defeated so quickly that I think he only appears on 2 pages. That's why I focused more on the fights and interactions between Twilight and Sunset Shimmer, I want to extend it a little more and give more depth to the story.
The university, the main reason why I took ages to respond and release new chapters, in fact I would have to re-read the SuperGod comic again because I don't remember much of it anymore.

Maybe for the better. Make this more your story rather than adapt Ellis'.

Right dude, that's exactly what I'm going to do.

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