• Published 13th Nov 2023
  • 1,322 Views, 42 Comments


Raven Inkwell figures out the real reason why Discord was easily forgiven for his crimes and plans to expose all the lies that have been told.

  • ...


The thunderous sounds of a stampede of multiple different hooves could be heard. As hundreds upon hundreds of different creatures. Far and wide, ran side by side towards the same destination. The stampede was also being followed by hundreds of creatures who were flying above them as one giant flock.

The army of different creatures were being led by six friends. Who work to help bring everybody together to help stop the evil threatening their world.

Ponies, Changelings, Dragons, Yaks, Griffons, Hipogriffs, Kirins, and Buffalos. Now stand together as one mighty army. All charging with great purpose and determination. To save their friends, The Mane Six.

Everyone's goal was the same. Help The Mane Six in defending Equestria against the evil trio known as, The Legion of Doom or L.O.D. For short. And put a stop to their evil plans for world domination. But one pony among the army didn't really care about all that. Sure, she'll still help in the fight of course, but she haves her own reasons for helping and it only made her more and more excited the closer she got to seeing something truly wonderful to her. The thought of it just feels her with giddy and puts a smile on her face.

“Hurry up, Grace! We don't want to miss the festivities.” Said Raven excitedly.

Raven Inkwell. "Princess Celestia personal Secretary" was one of the many creatures running to help in the battle for Equestria. Keeping up alongside her is her twin sister, Grace Manewitz, an earth pony with a lavender coat, blonde mane, and wears dark purple glasses and a necktie.

She lives in Canterlot, but sometimes her job would have her traveling across Equestria. Like when she worked as the receptionist for Fashion Week in Manehattan, each year.

After hearing what her sister just said. Grace gave her an estrange look as she continued to run alongside the glasses wearing unicorn.

“Festivities!? Seriously Rave! Have you forgotten that the world is in danger of being destroyed?”

Raven let out a laugh. “I know right! Isn't it great? This day just keeps getting better and better.”

Grace left eye twitch. “MERCIFUL FAUST, RAVEN. Have you lost your mind?”

Raven scoff at that. “Oh, stop being such a drama queen! Any more of that and I could easily mistake you for Rarity.” Grace rolled her eyes at that. “It wasn't that long ago that I told you everything about why all this is happening in the first place, as well as explained the reasons behind it.” Raven chuckled. “And it's all thanks to that bucking idiot and his bucking plan.” Raven couldn't help but smile as she thought back to earlier today, when she learned the truth as to how the L.O.D. came to be in the first place and it only brought her great happiness. “And F.Y.I. I do know that the world is in danger. I’m here to help in the fight, aren't I?”

“Only so you could see him fall.”

“Because he deserves it after everything he’d done, and you know it. Like I told you before. The Princesses and the mane six were really upset at what he did and with every horrible thing the L.O.D. does. He’ll be held just as responsible for he brought them together in the first place. Everpony becoming racist towards each other, the attack on Equestria, The Pillars getting hurt, Chrysalis getting a chance to have her revenge on Starlight, the destruction of the castle. HA! That was a good one.”

“Oh sweet merciful faust!” Grace thought as she remembered how excited and happy Raven was when The L.O.D. destroyed Canterlot castle. Not that she wanted the castle to be destroyed. She loves working there. It was just another thing to add to the already long list of the mastermind many crimes, thanks to his plan and it only serves Raven's purpose to see him punished.

“And now Windigos, have come to freeze us all.” Raven shakes her head disappointingly. “And that's just scratching the surface of his list of crimes and I have no doubt in my mind. That after the L.O.D. are stop. He’ll be severely punished for what he did. There’s no way he’ll be able to get out of this one.” Raven face saddens. ”Not this time.”

Despite Raven whispering that last part. Grace still heard it, and it only made her feel sad for her sister. Still holding a grudge after all these years because of what he did and after what happened earlier back at her house. Just makes Grace both worried and scared for her. Because of this, she made sure to bring a “special item” with her just before leaving her house to join the army. Which she keeps hidden away in the saddle bag she was carrying. Raven was quick to leave the house the second they heard what everypony was doing and where they were going. So, she didn't see Grace pack up the “item” before running after her. The lavender mare prays that she wouldn't have to use such a thing on her sister of all ponies. She prays that Raven won't have another of her “episodes.” Because if she does. It would take a pure, absolute, miracle to stop her.

As the army drew closer to their destination. The sounds of The Mane 6 and The L.O.D. fighting, could be heard. Spurring everycreature to move faster to the top of a very tall hill. When they got there. They all saw The Mane six and Spike huddled together. Looking defeated. They watch as The L.O.D. taunt them while charging up for a final attack.

Lord Tirek: Turns out that the Magic of Friendship is your biggest weakness. A fitting end to your pathetic story.

Rainbow Dash: No matter what, we face it together!

“QUICK! Everyunicorn cast a shield spell, NOW!!!” Tempest ordered. And without hesitation every, single, unicorn in the army. Combined their magic together to quickly create a powerful shield around the Mane Six.

Twilight and her friends sat there awaiting their demise. The evil trio simultaneously fired a combined energy attack at them. All the group of friends could do was close their eyes and hug each other and except their gruesome fate. Knowing that that they had failed to protect Equestria. Or so they thought.

The unicorns just barely managed to block the L.O.D. attack with their shield, just before it hit their friends.

Applejack was first to open her eyes and see what was happening. Just when Spike spoke.

And just like that. It was over.

It's been one hectic day, but in the end good have once again triumph over evil. Equestria had survived its most challenging threat yet, a threat that could have destroyed the world but thanks to the combine effort of everycreature around the globe and the true power of the Magic of Friendship unleash by Princess Twilight Sparkle; Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow were defeated.

Grace let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad all this madness is over."

Raven scoff. While rubbing her horn a little. It was a bit sore from helping with the shield. But nothing at all serious. The pain went away pretty quickly. "Don't relax just yet, sister. It isn't over till it's over," Raven grin. "But it will be soon."

Grace was about to say something in response, but was cut off by a loud ground shaking *THUD*

"Is that a giant cupcake?" Asked Grace.

"Eyup!" Answered Raven. Soon it started raining.

"Now it's raining chocolate milk!" Grace sighed. "Let me guess-"

"Nope, it's not him." Raven interrupted. Pointing a hoof at the one responsible for the raining sweets. "It's Pinkie Pie."


The two watches as Pinkie pie turn into giant and turn all of reality into sweets.

While that was going on. Grace's focus was really on Raven right now. She was worried for her sister's mental stability. She has been for the past 5 years. Remembering the conversation, they had earlier today, only made her more worried and scared for the unicorn. It's not that she doesn't understand why Raven the way she is. She just hopes she doesn't go crazy like she did before.

Grace noticed the devious grin growing on Raven’s face since the fighting came to an end, Raven was excited and happy. As it looks like her wish will finally be granted after all these years. After everything Raven told her. Even Grace can't see this ending any other way. How could it after all the trouble “he” has caused and that’s exactly what Raven’s waiting to see happened.

Raven watched as "HE", use the bell return both his and the royal sisters magic back. This both annoyed and angered the glasses wearing unicorn. "Oh, don't get too excited you piece of shit!” Raven smiled wickedly. “There’s no way you'll be trusted to keep your magic for long.”

"Raven!" Grace somberly whispered to herself.

Raven grin began to drop as she watch what happened next. "What are they doing?" Raven said in shock as The Royal Sisters and "him" turned the evil trio into stone and what made it worse was that "he" was the one who suggested the idea and the sisters actually agreed with him so casually. "WHAT THE HAY!" She screamed in anger. “Why would the princesses let *him* decide how the legion should be punished. HE’S THE ONE WHO BROUGHT THEM TOGETHER IN THE FIRST PLACE.......WHAT THE BUCK!!!!!”

"Raven, please, calm down." Grace pleaded trying to get her sister to relax and remain calm. She MUST remain calm.

Raven used the breathing technique she learned from Princess Cadance to calm herself. "It's ok, its ok, the princesses are just making sure those three won't cause any more trouble. Now they're going to take down the real threat." She said, smiling awkwardly. But that smile soon began to slowly fade cause of what happened next.

She watched as "he" taunt the evil trio after turning them to stone. "You don't have the right to taunt them. You son of a bitch!" She watched as Princess Celestia praised Twilight telling her that she was ready to rule. "What the hell are you talking about Celestia? Nothing about any of this, haves nothing to do to prove Twilight being ready to rule. She already proven that she was ready two months ago.” Raven let out a groan of annoyance. “But that's not important right now. Aren't you forgetting something even more important." She watched as Twilight asked her friends to join her to celebrate at Joe's Doughnuts, "No!" and she watched as everyone began to leave now that everything was over.

But to Raven this wasn't over. It can't be over. It wasn't supposed to end like this. Her anger started to grow more and more with each step as everyone took their leave. She couldn't believe it, she just couldn't believe what just happened, in fact what didn't happen.

"Where does everyone think they're going?" Raven said as she looks around to see everycreature leaving, but her attention was mainly focused on Twilight and her friends talking happily with The Royal Sisters. "They can't be serious? They don't really believe this is over, do they?" Raven turned her sights to the statue of the three villains, as it was being loaded into a wagon by some royal guards.

Grace was afraid of this. She didn't actually believe this outcome would happen, not after everything Raven told her earlier, but given the Mane 6 history with this kind of thing it was still a possible outcome.

Grace put a comforting hoof on Raven’s shoulder. "Come on Raven! Let's go." Raven didn't move. "I know you're upset that thing's didn't turn out the way you wanted, but don't let it get to you. Not again."

Raven didn't listen to her sister's plea. Her anger only grew higher, as she stared at the statue. Her anger wasn't directed at three who nearly destroyed the world but mainly towards the one who suggested what their punishment should be, the one who brought those three together, the one who was the true cause of these events that transpired, the one who is now standing their laughing and talking with the princesses and the Mane 6 as they all walked away together.

The earth pony mare noticed her friend rising anger in her hate filled eyes and it was just as scary as it was the last time when......

"R-r-r-raven?" Grace said with fear in her voice. She back away from her sister slowly and slid the saddle bag off her back. With a single hoof she opened it up and reach inside. Grabbing the item but not taking it out just yet. ”Oh merciful Faust, please don't make me have to do this. She thought to herself. With a tear falling from her eye. "Raven please, calm yourself." She said trying to plea to her sister once more.

But Raven couldn't calm herself, she wouldn't even try. Her rage was close to boiling over. Grace could see that and it only made her more and more afraid. Raven turned to glare angrily at the one responsible for bringing the villains back, the one responsible for almost getting Equestria destroyed, the one responsible for.................. ”WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THOSE PONIES!”

Raven clutches her head in her forehooves and let out a loud scream as if she was having the world most painful headache.


As loud as her scream was. Everycreature were far enough away to not hear it.

Fear filled Grace as her eyes widen in horror. For she knew exactly what was happening to her sister and she feared the worst. ”Oh no! No no no no no no nooo!” She thought. ”She's already hearing the voice in her head.” Still clutching the item in her hoof. Grace thought about using it while Raven was distracted by the voice. She knew this could be her only chance to stop Raven now before she begins to go crazy. She knew this, she really did, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Not to Raven, not her family. So, she let go of the item and rush over to her and with tear filled eyes. Tried to snap her friend out of her anger by trying to talk to her, trying to get her calm down. Raven NEEDS to calm down.

Grace grabs her sister and begins shaking her. “Raven! You need listen to me. For the love of Faust. Please listen.” She pleaded. Raven had long since dropped her forehooves back to the ground and just sat there on her haunches staring blankly at nothing. Despite her sister sitting directly in front of her, trying to get her attention. “Raven! I know you're still hurting after what he did, but it has been five years. Please you need to put the past behind you, even if you could never forgive him. You need to let this grudge of yours go, PLEASE!” Raven doesn't respond to Grace's pleas, but she does speak. Just not to her.

“He’s getting away! They're letting him get away! Even after everything he’s done, they actually-

”FORGAVE HIM!” Raven said. Her voice sounding demonic.

Fear hit Grace like a runaway train. The second she heard that voice again. This wasn't the first time she’d heard it. The last time was just earlier today at her house. When she said something to Raven that she shouldn't have. But that was a small accident. This time things are much more serious.

This is what Grace feared would happen. The voice in Raven’s head isn't just some random voice talking to the unicorn. It's actually manifestation of her Anger, Rage, and Hate. In other words. Raven’s talking to the part of herself that was born from the event that happened five years ago and the more she listens to the voice, only risks Raven burning up with righteous fury and that's something Grace plans to stop before her sister does something she might regret.

Grace keeps on pleading to Raven to listen to her. To ignore the voice in her head. But the earth pony cries fell on deaf ears. The only voice Raven could hear. Was the demonic version of her own.


(Inside Raven’s mind)

Within the emptiness of Raven’s mind scape. Two ponies sat side by side one another. One was Raven and the other was also Raven except her coat is black and her eyes were red. This is dark Raven. She's just a manifestation of Raven’s negative emotions; her dark side if you will. She isn't real by any actual means. But the emotions she represents are very, very real. Raven is just having a conversation with herself.

The two Raven’s couldn't help but talk about the events that transpired earlier.


”And yet it has. It would seem The Mane 6 and the princesses forgives that monster for everything he had done.”

“But why? He’d cause so much trouble with his asinine plan. I saw how angry they were at him when he confess back at the castle.”

Princess Luna: Let me get this straight. You wanted to boost Twilight's confidence, so you brought back Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek to attack her?!

Princess Celestia: And while you united these three villains, you pretended to be Grogar?!

Fluttershy: How could you do this to Twilight?! And us?!

Applejack: For all the time you've spent with us, you really haven't picked up too much in the way of friendship lessons, huh?

Twilight Sparkle: You've been setting up challenges for us the whole time, haven't you? None of our successes were actually real.

Rarity: You beastly beast! Don't you know how much this day means to Twilight?! Why wait until now for such a horrible plan?!

Princess Celestia: ”You have made a grave misjudgment,”

“It doesn't make SENSE!” Tears began to fall from Raven’s eyes. She still can't understand how the princesses and Co. Could forgive HIM so easily. “Nothing about any of this, makes any sense.”

”You're right it doesn't but the real question is, WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT?”

That got Raven’s attention. As she jumps from the demonic voice sudden outburst. “What do you mean?”

”What I mean is. Are you just gonna sit there and do nothing and let that MONSTER get away? Or are you gonna step up and do something about it?”

Raven wipe away her tears and glared angrily at her dark self. “AND WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?”

”CONFRONT THEM! Those fools clearly don't know the whole story, but you do. So go up to them and speak out.”

“I can't do that! I can't speak out against the princesses.”

”So you're just going to let him get away, AGAIN! HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN WHAT THAT MONSTER DID?”

So much hatred filled Raven’s entire being the instant she thought about that day.

The second the memories came full force to the front of her mind. Dark Raven turns into a giant, raging, swirling vortex that surrounded Raven as she sat there in the center of it.

All she could feel was ANGER, RAGE, AND HATE boiling up inside of her. As the voice of her dark self and her own could be heard through the storm.


He cause all this


He should pay for his crimes


He doesn't deserve forgiveness


Turned to stone for eternity



Then you know what you must do? Those idiots failed to see for themselves just how much of threat that monster truly is. They won't even try.


The vortex stops and disappears. Dark Raven reappeared behind Raven. With one hoof touching Raven’s back the two fuse and became one. Now only Raven Inkwell stands alone.

As the old saying goes. If you want something done right.


(Back in the real world)

It only been a minute so far and Grace been trying to help Raven snap out of it this whole time. Raven hadn't said a word since her last sentence.

(“He’s getting away! They're letting him get away! Even after everything he’s done, they actually ”FORGAVE HIM!”)

Which ended in her speaking in the same demonic like voice, Grace had heard before. This of course scares the hell out the blonde for she doesn't want her friend to go full on crazy again. So, she continues to try and get Raven to listen to her and calm down. She NEEDS to calm down.

And after a minute of nothing. Raven finally speaks.

"No!" Raven said. Her heart filled with anger and hate towards the mastermind. "No, no, no, no, no, no, NOOOOO!!!!!!” Grace let's go of her sister and backs away from her. “They can't seriously be letting him get away with all this. Don't they know what his crazy plan has done? What it almost did? And they're just going to let him get away with it." Raven began trotting forward trying to catch up with Twilight and Co. "BUCK THAT! I'm not going to just stand in the background and let that monster get away, not this time, not again. It's about time he gets what he deserves and this time I have plenty of evidence that will condemn him for good."

Grace watch as her sister stormed off to confront the group. After hearing what she said about presenting evidence. Brought the earth pony great calm and relief. It would seem that Raven was able to calm herself. Good, Faust knows we don't want to see that mare at her angriest, but still. It doesn't mean Raven given up on her war against the mastermind, nor is she willing to put the past behind her. Raven got a score to settle, and she will settle it, once and for all.

"Raven, please, just let it go." Grace shouted, but her voice fell on deaf ears. "RAVEN!!!" No response. The receptionist wanted to run up and stop her sister but knew it wouldn't work. She wouldn't dare stand between that unicorn and her target when she's like this. All she could do is be there for her friend and pray that she doesn't do anything too extreme. So, after picking up her saddle bag, she followed Raven, hoping that her anger won't get her into trouble.


Raven continued her march towards the Co. Getting angrier and angrier the closer she got. She’s ANGRY at the way things ended, she was filled with RAGE at the fact that the Princesses and the Mane 6 easily and happily forgave the one who nearly destroyed the world with his stupid plan, but most of all her veins boiled in pure absolute HATERED towards *HIM.*

As she stared at him laughing and smiling with his friends. Acting like he didn't do anything wrong and go back to living his happy little life. All she could feel was-




Once she was close enough, she stops in her tracks. Using her magic to amplify her voice, Raven bellowed.


The sound of her voice roars across the field with enough punch to resemble the royal Canterlot voice. That got everyone's attention as they all turned to the source of the booming voice.

"Where do you all think you're going?" Raven glared at everyone around her. "This isn't over yet!"

Everycreature started closing in, surrounding Raven. Curious to hear what she was trying to say.

Princess Celestia steps forward to speak. "Raven! What is this about?"

Luna steps up next to her sister to speak. "And what does thou mean by this isn't over?"

Raven took a few deep breaths to calm herself before speaking. "Before I answer your questions Princesses, may I please have your permission to speak freely?"

The Royal sister's glance at one another before turning their attention back to the Unicorn mare. Whatever it is she wanted to say sounded very serious.

Celestia nodded. "You may speak Raven! Now tell us what troubles you?"

Raven closed her eyes and took another deep breath. Gathering thoughts and preparing herself for her speech. Once she was ready, she opened her eyes and glared angrily at the soon to be retired rulers and spoke.

"Pardon my language your highness's but what in the actual BUCK do you... all of you," she gestures to mane 6. "Think you're going? Can't you see that theirs still one member of The Legion of Doom, that needs to be punished?"

That outburst definitely caught the Royal Sisters off guard. Especially Celestia. For Raven would never talk to her that way. Freedom of speech or not.

Rainbow Dash flies forward to speak. "What the hay are you talking about?" She points at the statue of the three villains. "I think your glasses needs cleaning, that way you could see that all three members are clearly encased in stone."

Raven glared angrily at Rainbow. "Except your wrong! Theirs still one left." Raven spat.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Who? Sombra!?...We took care of him months ago."

Raven groans in annoyance. "I'm talking about HIM!" She yelled. Pointing a hoof at the perpetrator.

Everyone follow her hoof to who she was pointing at. Standing close by, behind the mane six and Royal sisters was none other than....

"Discord!?" Said Rainbow Dash.

"Yes, Discord. All of this is his fault." Raven accused. Staring at the Draconequus with pure hatred in her eyes. "None of this would've happen if he hadn't brought those three together and gave them the means to try to take over Equestria." Raven bellowed.

"Wait? Said Ocellus. "What do you mean this is all Discord’s faults?" She asked.

"Of course! You all have the right to know, after all." Raven said. Turning her attention to the surrounding crowd. "Hear me my fellow creatures. Do not just simply blame those three for their wrong doings, for they are not 100% responsible for the trouble they caused." Everycreature were confused at Raven’s words. How were the now petrified trio not fully responsible after everything they did and what exactly does Discord has to do with it. "I know you all are confused but allow me to clear things up for you." Raven cleared her throat, turned to face Discord and pointed an accusing hoof at him. "That Draconequus is the reason those three almost destroyed our world, the same goes for King Sombra, when he attacked months ago." She accused.

Everyone gasps in horror at the news, causing Discord to flinch back in fear. Fluttershy notice this and tried to comfort him with gentle hoof brushing his hand. It helps him relax as he smiled down at the yellow pegasus, but soon turned his attention back to the white unicorn as she continued her speech.

"You all heard me right." She said addressing the crowd. "Discord purposely freed both Tirek and Cozy glow from their cells in Tartarus, he brought Sombra back from the ether, and pluck Chrysalis from herself exile. All while pretending to be some ancient villain named Grogar, and recruited the four of them, so they can work together to take over Equestria. But all that was actually a part of his real plan to help Princess Twilight gain "confidence" in ruling Equestria."

The crowd was flabbergasted. They didn't know what to think, with this info.

"He committed treason against the crown.... for the second time, he purposely orchestrated two terrorist attack against the country, and his so-called "plan" to help Twilight nearly got the world destroyed." Raven turned to face the Royal Sisters. "You two punish Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow for their crimes but the one responsible for all this gets to go free. NO!" Raven stomps her hoof angrily. "Discord should be punished for his crimes just as well. Its only just, seeing how he's the mastermind behind all of this." Raven gestures to the statue of the three villains and say's. "You can't just punish those three as well as Sombra, when you all know that Discord was the one who brought them back in the first place."

Silence. The crowd was shocked at what they just heard. But was it true, could all of this be Discord fault? None of the other creatures said anything. Opting to watch as things played out.

"Now hold on their miss Inkwell." Said Applejack, stepping up to speak. "It's true that Discord did start all this, but how exactly do you know about that?"

Raven tilted her head. "What's wrong Applejack? You're upset that I exposed the truth to everyone, thus ruining you guys' plan to keep it hidden from everycreature."

The crowd gasp on murmured to themselves about the princesses and the Mane 6 keeping Discord involvement a secret.

"Now that ain't true." Applejack neglected. "We weren't trying to hide nothin from anyone."

"Yet neither of you didn't even bother to try and tell any of us of his involvement." Raven shot back. "If I haven't heard the truth with my own ears. We all would have remained oblivious to why all this really happened, thus meaning those three would have unjustly taken all the blame, while you all purposely hide the truth from the world." Raven adjusted her glasses. "And to answer your question Applejack. Earlier today, back at Canterlot Castle, before Discord showed up. Princess Twilight sent me to grab some documents she wanted to go over. Upon my return to throne room via the side entrance. I opened the door just enough to hear what sounded like an important conversation. Not wanting to interrupt, I waited till you all were done.


"It was then that I heard everything, when Discord confess his crimes, so, I don't understand why he isn't being punish for what he did."

Celestia steps forward. "That's because we pardon Discord for his crimes."

Raven stared at the sun princess, stun at the news she was told. "P-pardon!? You pardon him?"

"Yes!" Celestia answered. "Discord performed a great act of bravery to make up for his mistakes."

Raven left eye began to twitch like mad. She just couldn't believe what she just heard. "Ok, back up let me get this straight because I for one can’t see how anyone could be pardon so easily after committing multiple serious crimes against Equestria. Because of Discord, so called plan. He broke out criminals from their prisons, conspired with said criminals, treachery, treason, terrorism, manipulation, sabotage, aiding in the destruction of property, necromancy, because Sombra was basically dead. Foalnapping, enslavement, and the destruction of a cultural relic and since he is the one who started all of this in the first place because of his plan to help Twilight.” Raven rolled her eyes at that. “He is 100% responsible for everything the four villains did. The crimes I just listed are highly serious offences that he committed. So, tell me what he could have possibly done to earn a pardon from those crimes?"

"I'll do you one better. I'll show you what he did." Celestia suggested.

"Show her?" Rainbow said confusingly.

"She's going to use a spell that will project memories of her own choosing up on a magic screen." Twilight explained. "You can cast the spell on yourself or on another creature. All the caster needs is for the chosen memory to be at the forefront of one's mind and the spell once cast creates a magic screen above that creature and the caster can play the memory and simply watch the event play out like a video or it can be a still image like a photo." Twilight horns glows and not long after a giant magic screen appeared above her. Showcasing a still image.

"Remember, Rainbow? I did the exact same thing back when we exposed Svengallop of his manipulation of Coloratura."

"Yea, you did do that." Rainbow acknowledges. "But didn't you say that was a recording spell you used?"

"Yes, it was, which is why you see the screen being projected from my horn like a movie projector the whole time. Sure, I could have used the memory spell on myself and got the same results. After all, both spells are basically similar, and the memory spell is more advanced. Not needing the caster to constantly project the screen to keep it up as you can see that I'm not doing with this one. I just chose to use the recording spell back then because it just felt like the right tool for the job at the time. Afterall memory spells are mainly used for events that happened days, weeks, months or even years ago. I saw no need to use it for something that happened less than a minute ago." Twilight finish, before making her screen disappear.

"Thank you for that astute demonstration, Twilight!" Said Celestia.

"Happy to help, as always princess!" Said Twilight.

Celestia turn her sights back towards Raven. "Now, without further ado. I will show you exactly how Discord was able to redeem himself for his actions." With that said, Celestia casted the memory spell on herself and a giant magic screen of her own creation appeared above her. "Now, see for yourself as to why we forgave Discord." She said before playing the memory.

The second the memory had finish. Celestia made the screen disappear, before addressing Raven.

"And there you go. That's how Discord made up for what he did and earned our forgiveness."

The crowd was murmuring agreements and acknowledgements. They were now seeing the good Discord did to make up for his mistakes. Everyone quiet down when Celestia resumed speaking.

"I understand you're angry Raven, we were too when Discord told us what he did, but you must understand. He did all of this in order help Twilight gain confidence so she can become a greater ruler, he pretended to be Grogar so those three would follow him. His plan was that the four of them would attack on the day of Twilight’s coronation. Things wouldn't have gotten out of control if they hadn't betrayed him and took the bell for themselves..... Even with his chaos magic. Discord can't see or predict the future. So, he didn't expect for them to betray him and try to take over without Grogar. I know it doesn't excuse what he did, but he did everything he could to make things right and thanks to his act of bravery, we were given the chance to stop those three and save Equestria, and thanks to you and everyone else working together. That's exactly what happened."

Everycreature cheered and applaud Celestia's for her speech. Agreeing with her words.

Celestia looked around at the crowd with a smile. She was happy that everyone was able to forgive Discord for his misdeeds. But there was one pony who wasn't cheering. She just sat there unmoved by Celestia's words. Grace was the only one to notice Raven unchanged demeanor. Deep down she hoped that maybe, just maybe her sister would listen to the princess, let this all go, give up on this self-appointed mission of hers, and just move on with her life. For real this time. But the mare knew that was just wishful thinking. Raven wasn't just going to abandon things, not when she finally has a second chance to see Discord pay for all he did, and since the heroes refused to do it, Raven will just do it herself.

When the noise from the crowd died down. Celestia turned her attention back to Raven. "Now that you know why we forgave Discord, can you find it in your heart to forgive him for his mistake? He's truly sorry." Raven just stared at her, one eye twitching like mad. "Raven?"

Raven didn't say anything. She was clearly untouched, unfazed by the sun monarch's words as demonstrated on the deadpanned look on her face.

After a moment, Raven took a deep breath, using the moment collect all her thoughts. After exhaling, she stared up into Celestia's eyes then spoke.

"You have got to be bucking KIDDING ME, CELESTIA!" Raven screamed. Shocking the sun monarch of her sudden outburst. "You can't honestly believe that one little act was enough to make up for what he did?" She said frustratingly.

"As I said before, Raven. If he hadn't put himself on the line. Equestria would have been taken over by those three." Celestia argued.

"WHICH WAS ONLY POSSIBLE BECAUSE HE BROUGHT THEM TOGETHER IN THE FIRST PLACE." Raven argued back. "Those three plus Sombra were no threat to anyone anymore until he decided to make them one. You can't just ignore the absolute fact that Discord was using them for his plans." Raven rubs her forehead in frustration. "I mean seriously, you can't honestly be so gullible to not see that Discord LIED to you all about the bell."

Fluttershy blink in confusion. "Lied!? What are you talking about? Discord didn't lie to us."

Raven glared angrily at the yellow pegasus before bellowing. "OF COURSE, HE DID! "Do you honestly believe that he didn't know about the bell being taken? I mean seriously he did something similar once before and I can prove it. Right here, right now. I just need a little help from, Twilight."

"Me!? What can I do?"

"I just need you to remember, two specific moments that happened during one certain event." Raven adjusted her glasses. "I to know how to cast the memory spell and I want to show you all a time where Discord straight up LIED to your faces about a dangerous situation, he himself caused from the very start." Raven turned to Celestia. "These specific memories will prove to you Celestia that Discord has been lying about his Legion of doom plan, as well as provide clear evidence that he did knew that the evil trio had the bell the whole time." Raven turns her sights towards the sun monarch. "And after you do. You will finally come to your senses and turn that FAUST DAMN MONSTER INTO STONE, PERMANENTLY!"

Raven's sudden burst of rage caught everyone by surprise. Especially Celestia, who has never seen her assistant act like this before.

Raven turns her attention back to Twilight, calming herself down as she walked up to stand before the purple alicorn. "So, Twilight, are you willing to share your memories with me?"

Twilight was hesitant to answer. She didn't know what memories Raven wanted everyone to see, but she didn't have any reason to refuse. So, with a sigh she gave her consent. "Ok, Raven, I'll play along. So, what is it that you want me to remember?"

Raven smiled as she adjusted her glasses. "Of course, you remember the first time the plunder vines first appeared from the Everfree Forest?"

Twilight nodded. "I do! That was back when both Celestia and Luna suddenly disappeared without a trace."

"Exactly, now as I said before, I need you to remember two specific moments during that event. For the first one, think back to when you and your friends summon Discord, and you accused him of being the cause behind the plunder vines."

Once again, Twilight hesitated for a second. As she immediately figured out what Raven wanted to show and why, and yet she doesn't stop herself from closing her eyes and remembering that moment.

Raven immediately cast the memory spell. Her horn glowed and soon fired a beam at Twilight's forehead. *ZAP* the second the beam hit a giant magic screen appeared above Twilight's head for all to see.

"Good, now the second memory I need you to remember is when you and your friends met with Discord again outside the Everfree forest after you returned the elements to the tree of harmony."

Second verse same as the first. *ZAP* a second magic screen appeared.

"There, now we're all set." Raven turns to face Celestia. "Now, Celestia you can see for yourself the truth on how Discord has been lying to everyone." Raven smiled as her horn began to glow. "Let's start with the first memory shall we." She said as she played the memory.

After the memory ended, Pinkie spoke up. "Was the part involving Zecora and Twilight seeing into the past necessary?"

"No! No, it wasn't." Raven sighed. "Look, these memory spells are tricky to control. They won't always just show exactly what you want them to show. It's not easy to just show only the key moments. I mean sure I could have just stopped the memory just before Zecora showed up but I forgot I could do that." Raven shrugs. "Oh well, it doesn't matter. It's not like that scene with Zecora plays in anything important. So, forget about it."

"Okie dokie lokie." Said Pinkie.

Raven lit her horn and made the first screen disappear. "Now on to the second memory." She stated before starting the final memory.

Once the memory finish, Raven made the screen disappear. "And there you have it!" She said with a confident smile. "Through these two memories alone, I just proved how much of a manipulative liar Discord can be." Raven lit her horn and another giant magical screen appeared. Only this time it was just a still image, instead of a video.

"The Mane 6 accused Discord of being the one behind the Plunder vines."

Raven lit her horn causing the image to change.

"He straight up told them that he had nothing to do with the vines and that he was innocent."

"Would I lie to you?"

Image change.

"Turns out, the mane 6 accusation were spot on. He was the one responsible for the vines the whole time. He knew what was going on and straight up lied to their faces about it and for what? Just to teach Twilight a lesson!?"

"Well let me tell you something very important about Discord's ways of teaching. Every single time he does it he puts others at risk of getting hurt OR WORSE. If you think about it and I mean REALLY think about it. You can see the obvious truth to my words, clear as day...... Twilight!" She turns her attention to the purple alicorn, getting her attention. While changing the image at the same time.

"Remember when Discord trick you into believing he was sick and sent you and Cadance on a wild goose chase to find a cure that didn't even exist and leading you two to get in a fight with a giant Tatzlwurm, who was only mad at you two for taking its flower, and I don't give a DAMN that it was a friendship test he made up for you. The point is, he still tricked you into putting both yourself and Cadance in danger with an innocent creature, who was just minding its own business and watching over its flower and who knows what could have happen to either of you during that fight. You both could have been seriously hurt...... Or something else entirely could have happened. That thing had tentacles did it not. I've seen and read enough adult content to know the direction that battle could have gone."

Twilight's face instantly turned red for she knew exactly what Raven was hinting at and was thankful "That" didn't happen. Pushing those thoughts aside, she wanted to retort to Raven's claims but couldn't think of any counter argument. She could tell Raven about how Discord ended up getting sick for real during the encounter, but something told her she already knows that and that it will only support her case against Discord.

"Or how about when he tricked you all into going on a fake friendship quest that sent you spelunking in a really creepy cave with a bunch eyeless worm creatures chasing you. Rainbow Dash!" Raven called out. Once again changing the image.

"You clearly remember, last hearth warming how he trick you into getting a creature you never even heard of, as a gift to Fluttershy, and because of your lack of knowledge on the Winterchilla, you didn't even know that it turns into a Winterzilla after sunset. Thus, endangering your friends. And again, I don't give a DAMN, why he did it. My point is that he still tricked and manipulated you and it was possible that someone could have gotten hurt when it was rampaging throughout the castle. Which leads to his more recent trickery, Sombra."

The mane 6 winced at that one. They all know full well where Raven was going with this one.

"Yeah! You all know exactly what I'm talking about. After all I just spoke about it" Raven spouted. "How he faked being hurt by Sombra, just so you 6 would be the ones who defeats him. When he could have easily done it himself." Raven shook her head in disappointment. "And for the last time. I. Don't. Give a. DAMN about his reasons. He still endangered both the Crystal Empire and Equestria by bringing that monster back..... Do you see the pattern here?"

No one said anything. But Raven still had much to say.

"Everything he'd done in my examples led to dangerous situations and others could have gotten hurt because of it. Discord is smart, devious, and an expert at manipulations. Heck the first thing he did when he was first freed from stone, was manipulate you all (except Fluttershy) into going against the elements you represent, the core of who you are, just so you can't use the elements of harmony against him." Raven let out a sigh. "I need a minute." She said as her horn glowed, teleporting a bottle of water out of thin air. She drunk half of it before teleporting it away. After regaining her composure, she resumed speaking.

"Now that you all have seen my evidence," Raven said as she addresses the crowd. "there's no reason for you to doubt when I say that Discord has been lying about his Legion of doom plan. To be more specific, he lied about the betrayal." Raven adjusted her glasses. "Allow me to simplify."

Image change.

"He purposely allowed Sombra to run amok and mind control others,"

"and I have no doubt that he purposefully sent Sombra to the Crystal Empire as well, which started that whole mess, and it makes perfect sense because Sombra is the very definition of a lone wolf." Raven adjusts her glasses. "He doesn't work with anyone; he also doesn't have willing subordinates and why would he need any of that when he can simply mind control and enslave others. A creature like Sombra would never work with a team and Discord knows that. He knew that Sombra would refuse teaming up, because he wants to take over everything for himself, but Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow aren't like Sombra. Sure, they each clearly want to rule the world on their own terms, but they each have had willing subordinates to help them out one way or another."

Raven continues. "Chrysalis had her army of changelings, Cozy Glow manipulated all the students at the school of friendship to her side, and......" Raven suddenly paused for a moment as she rubs her forehead as if her head was in pain. This action does not go unnoticed by her sister Grace, who stared at Raven worriedly. After a few seconds Raven resume speaking. "S-sorry, as I was saying. Tirek got Discord to betray us and help him gain power faster. Those three had more of chance of working together and that's exactly what Discord wanted and got. For them to work together and become a greater threat."

The crowd began murmuring among themselves about what Raven just said as they all agreed that her theory makes sense.

"So, in the end you're saying that Discord plan was never to actually work together with the trio?" Ocellus said as she spoke up. "After all he clearly knows that the three of them are the most untrustworthy creatures in the world. Cozy's manipulation, Chrysalis deceit, and Tirek had betrayed him once before."

Raven nodded. That's exactly correct, young lady!"

"Ocellus! My name is Ocellus!"

Raven smiled. Very well, Ocellus. It is as you said and what I mentioned once before regarding the bell. Discord lied about the betrayal, or should I say he lied about not knowing that the trio had it with them the whole time."

"YOU'RE WRONG!" Argued Fluttershy, grabbing everyone's attention. "Discord was trick. He didn't know the evil trio had the bell."

Raven let out an annoyed sigh. "I seriously don't get you Fluttershy, I really don't. I mean seriously, you were the one who was tasked into reforming Discord. You knew he was screwing with you the whole time. You played along with his games because it was all part of your plan to show him what it's like to have a friend. You saw through his tricks then, so why not now? You spend more time with Discord than anyone else. So, it should be easy for you to see pass his lies.

Fluttershy stood defiant against the unicorn mare. Defending her friend. "You're right! Discord has played many tricks in the past, but this was not one of them." She argued back. "Discord plan may have been bad, but he had good intentions."

"GOOD INTENTIONS!" Raven bellowed. "Good intentions is not a get out of jail free card, Good intentions is no excuse for nearly getting the world destroyed. Have you ever heard the old saying that the path to Tatarus is paved in good intentions. A common meaning of the phrase is that wrongdoings or evil actions are often undertaken with good intentions; or those good intentions, when acted upon, may have unintended consequences and that's exactly what his so called "good intentions" led to, you BUCKING IDIOT!"

"RAVEN!" Celestia roared. Staring angrily at her assistant. "I get that your angry but there's no need for such language."

Raven glared at Celestia. Causing the Sun princess to flinch back. She never seen her friend like this before and it was very unsettling.

"You're not retired yet Celestia, which means you're still the ruler of this country and you gave me permission to speak freely. So, I'm well within my right to say whatever the BUCK I want until I'm done saying what I want to say." Raven said angrily.

"Raven?" Celestia said with worry. "Why are you like this? I never seen you like this before." When Celestia stared into Raven’s eyes, she could see so much anger, rage, sorrow, and most of all hatred in those eyes. Celestia known Raven for years and the two became such great friends. When not on duty the two would talk and share stories over cups of tea together. It got to the point where Raven no longer had to address her as "Princess" Celestia anymore, but she only does it when they're alone despite Celestia telling her that its ok to do so in public, but Raven always said that she should always remain professional when in public. That and she doesn't want to make anypony jealous. That one made Celestia laugh really hard. The two of them would share many laughs together and Celestia enjoy seeing Raven drop her professionalisms and opened up to her and smile. But the mare the Sun Princess sees before her now isn't at all like the mare she remembered, and it scared her to see her friend like this. Soo much anger, soo much rage, soo much sorrow, and just so much hate. Celestia only had one thing to say. "What happened to you Raven?"

Raven scoff. "Nothing! I'm just trying to get you to see why that monster should be turned to stone for his crimes."

"Nothing wrong you say? You lie Raven!" Thought Grace. "They're only a hoof-full of us who knows what's bothering you."

Raven turns her attention back to Fluttershy. "Be honest with me miss Shy? Do you truly believe that Discord was trick by those three?"

Fluttershy stood firm. "I do."

"Really! After everything I just said. After ALLLL the evidence I just presented thus far." Raven let out another annoyed sigh as she rubs her forehead with a hoof. "You truly are a gullible fool. As Tempest Shadow would say, OPENED UP YOUR EYES." Tempest scoff at that. "You truly believe that Discord, DISSS-COOORRRDD wasn't lying to you all earlier and that maybe those three stealing the bell was actually a part of his plans?"


Raven took off her glasses, got up in Fluttershy face and glared menacingly as she stared into her eyes.

"Look me dead in the eyes and tell me that you truly believe in Discord. Despite knowing what he's capable of, despite knowing that he pulled this same stunt multiple times in the past, do you honestly believe that Discord was truly betrayed by those three and didn't know about them having the bell at all."

Fluttershy glared back, staring deeply into Raven’s eyes and said. "Yes! I believe in Discord; I believe in my friend."

The two mares had what could have been the world most intense staring contest. Neither one back down for what felt like an eternity. But soon enough Raven step back out of Fluttershy personal space, put her glasses back on, and sat on her haunches.

"Hmm, very well Miss Shy." Raven said calmly. "It looks like I'm gonna have to shatter your faith in that monster by hitting you with cold hard truth, facts, and reality." Raven adjusted her glasses. "You believe Discord didn't know about the betrayal, which led to a series of unfortunate events, and that he learned from his mistake and made up for it by risking his life to save you and your friends."

"That's correct." Fluttershy replied. "Discord had a plan in place and things wouldn't had gotten out of control if those three just gave him the bell."

Raven shook her head. "Well, that's where I disagree with you Miss Shy. With his powers there's no way those three could have gotten away with stealing the bell without his knowledge. As I said before. Those three are the most untrustworthy creatures in the world and Discord clearly knows that. That fact alone only helps prove my point."

"That does make sense." Said Ocellus. "Discord magic basically allows him to do anything. The limit to his power is literally his own imagination. He can literally reshape all of reality in any way he wants. With that kind of magic at his disposal it would be all too easy for him to simply spy on the trio. As Raven said, those three are untrustworthy, there's no doubting that. So, ask yourself Fluttershy. Why would Discord trust them to actually give him the bell, when the chance that they would betray him was extremely high? If he truly wanted his plan to go exactly the way he wanted it to. Then why didn't he spy on them? There's nothing stopping him from doing something that is literally too simple for him." The crowd surrounding the two mares muttered their agreements and Raven basked in it. Smolder only glanced at her friend when she said those things but didn't think much of it.

Raven could see the fear and confusion in the yellow pegasus eyes when the crowd started agreeing with both her and Ocellus. It was without a doubt that Fluttershy was having trouble trying to answer Ocellus's question and disprove her logic. Better yet, she couldn't even if she tried.

Fluttershy was losing a lot of ground, and she knew it. The thought that everycreature were joining Raven's side scared her deeply but Raven's next words made her feel even worse.

"Of course, you'd believed he is telling the truth and isn't lying." Raven shakes her head disapprovingly.

Image change.

"Seriously, Fluttershy. You have a serious problem when it comes to trusting others who lie a lot. I know you're the element of kindness but that doesn't mean you're stupid and yet you still believed all the lies Dr. Caballeron told you, thus tricking you into joining him just so he could use you to steal the Truth Talisman of Tonatiuh." Raven smiled devilishly. "Remember how it felt when you learned that he had been lying the whole time?"

Before Fluttershy could say anything, she was hit with a beam *ZAP* and the screen change images. "What the?"

"What?" Raven shrugged. "I think it would be best to show everyone this, I just needed the memory to be at the forefront of your mind for at least a second for the spell to work." She explained. "Now let's watch and see what happened."

"But let's not stop now for I'm on a roll. Remember when Discord protected you from Sombra's attack?"


Again, before Fluttershy could even get a single word in. She was once again hit by another memory beam.

"And remember what he revealed after you and friends defeated Sombra?"


Fluttershy didn't even bother by this point.

"Yep, he straight up lied to you all, just as he did back during the first plunder vines event. Lie, lie, lie. That's all he does, and his so-called lies combined with his over-the-top lessons keeps putting others at risk of getting seriously hurt or worse. I literally just presented multiple examples and yet here you are, once again, for the millionth time. Falling for more obvious lies. Just how many more times are you going to play this song and dance until you learn Fluttershy? Oh, wait, I almost forgot how much of a slow learner you are when it comes to this kind of thing. After all. You have the longest record of repeating the same damn lesson over and over again." Raven grinned wickedly. "Something you clearly know all too well, don't you, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy's eyes widen in shock for she knew exactly what Raven was talking about, as it reminded her of what that one mare said to her back then.


"Lemon Chiffon": We wanna know why Fluttershy keeps learning the same thing over and over again! Be assertive already!
"Wisp": Even I've learned more than she has! Why can't I be in the book?!


"I am more assertive! And yes, it took me a while to get there. But can you honestly say that you could learn something one time and completely change who you are? I didn't think so." Raven said in an imitation of Fluttershy's voice.

Fluttershy was taken aback by that. How did Raven know exactly what she said back then. It wasn't a memory spell, Raven didn't cast one this time. She was just thinking about that moment, so did Raven read her mind? No, that can't be. Raven's horn wasn't glowing and Fluttershy remembers Twilight once saying that there's no such thing as a mind reading spell. But how does Raven know about that moment? She wasn't there! was she?

"And seeing how many times you had to learn the same damn lesson before it finally stuck. You're literally doing the same when it comes to trusting obvious liars. After all, you said it yourself once, Fluttershy. can you honestly say that you could learn something one time and completely change who you are?" Fluttershy gulps. "And considering how long it took you to learn to be more assertive, it's taking you far longer to STOP. TRUSTING. OBVIOUS. LIARS." Raven step closer to the shivering pegasus before her. Relishing in her fear as she stared Fluttershy down. It was without a doubt, Fluttershy was scared and losing confidence in herself, and Raven just kept pushing.

"You truly are a gullible fool, Fluttershy. I mean seriously! Why are you even defending him? Let me guess, because he's your friend? Then tell me Fluttershy. What kind of friend keeps constantly lying to you on multiple occasions? What kind of friend put you and others in danger? What kind of friend toys with your emotions by pretending to be hurt? WHAT KIND OF FRIEND PUTS THE ENTIRE WORLD AT RISK FOR THE SAKE OF A BUCKING TEST? That doesn't sound like a friend, that sounds like a bucking asshole. Discord had YEARS of experience learning about friendship, yet he still goes through with this L.O.D. stunt of his. Hell, Applejack said so herself earlier at the castle, remember."

Image change.

Applejack: For all the time you've spent with us, you really haven't picked up too much in the way of friendship lessons, huh?

"See!? That's exactly what I'm talking about." Raven said angrily. "It just goes to show that Discord is not your friend, he never was and the fact that he went through with his so-called plan proves just as much. I mean seriously, Fluttershy. I just showed you all the times Discord lied straight to your face and the faces of your friends. I showed you how his antics could get someone seriously hurt. And I. Don't. Give a bucking DAMN if no one had been hurt yet. It doesn't mean that it can't happen. In fact it technically did,"

Imag change.


"Not to mention the pillars and Starlight. Especially Starlight."

Image change.

"Discord was there when Chrysalis declared vengeance on her."

"And yet he still chose to set her free and give her the chance to enact her revenge and who the hell knows what Chrysalis could have done to her." Raven leaned in closer staring menacingly cold at the kind mare who only laid there on her stomach; feeling small compared to the glasses wearing mare before her. "As I said before, Fluttershy, Discord is not your friend. He will never be yours or anybody's friend. He's an evil piece of shit who will never learn the true value of friendship because people like him will never learn and the sooner you learn that. The sooner you can break all ties with that BUCKING MONSTER."