• Member Since 19th Aug, 2023
  • offline last seen 15 minutes ago



After a teleportation spell gone wrong Spike is transported across the universe. He is found by Ratchet and is taken in and kept safe, when they almost complete a ship they find a small robot by the name of Clank who is trying to find someone to help save the galaxy, The three of them go on a galaxy wide adventure to save it and many more adventures to follow.

Shout out to Dragonknife5 for this idea!

Chapters (21)
Comments ( 58 )

I love Ratchet and Clank.

Yeah that franchise is awesome

I'd be happy to offer any assistance if your interested.

i would be glad to have any help, i'm open to any ideas

Sweet. First thing is Spike's signature weapon. What do you have in mind?

like a long ranged weapon, what's the best weapon you recommend?

I meant like Ratchet's Omniwrench. Maybe a sword-like screwdriver.

while i had spike be given a wrench, i think it would be best as something like a hammer of some kind live Rivet's

That's good. I'd have done something original for variety, but that's just me.

what would be the best thing to give him

Well, like a mentioned screwdrivers have sword potential.

I'll think of something, for now though Spike will just have a wrench like Ratcht

Never played Ratchet & Clang games (shocking I know!:twilightoops::twilightsheepish:) but I like it so far! Maybe Spike can show off his thinking skills/strategy more here besides developing his fighting skills alongside Ratchet/Clang! :moustache:

The plumber always surprised me after the 1st trilogy. I mean he tends to break the 4th wall until the rift game explains how. Also imagine how Spike will react to Olga?

i wanted Spike to have two blades because i thought it would look cool, characters like Roxas from kingdom hearts look really awesome with two weapons.

The swordsman from One Piece right? Just recently got into it and i know he's a double bladed swordsman

Cool new additions to Spike's weapon arsenal, especially the robot wings! :moustache: Gotta wonder who left those blades for him though?:rainbowhuh:

Even though I don't know much about the Rachet&Clankk franchise, this really caught my eye.

Huh wasn't expecting that last part regarding the identity of the weapon placers for Spike, not to mention the final destination of this adventure! :moustache:

when i'm done with Spike's frontier. don't worry, i'm almost done with the story just a few more chapters or so then i'll get back onto it okay? it's just a lot more people had more attention on my other one, sorry for making you wait, it's still continuing i promise

Are you going to do every Ratchet and Clank game or just the first one?

all of them, i just need time to plan out

Lucky Spike missing out of the death sewers...hated that part so much.

Yeah, uh, good luck with that I guess. I really do have to wonder how you plan on stitching it all together when the canon is pretty solid for the original trilogy and turns into questionable at best immediately after. They did some retcons I really don't like and introduced some really generic plot points that I wish they didn't...

I could probably write an entire essay on the mixed feelings I have for the Ratchet and Clank franchise.

yeah i agree there are things that are mixed on the plot, but with my friend we've been discussing on how to properly connect it all together, we'll make something that does its best to make sense and ties it together, sorry if it feels weird with that.

Huh glad to finally learn who left those unique weapons for Spike, course that timelines mention at the end there was a big surprise! :pinkiegasp: (left out Kung Fu Panda world though :twilightsheepish:) That last timeline was interesting so guess we'll see how that one goes when it comes around! :moustache:

If I remember correctly, will they meet that scuba diver who wants that rareatanium or how its spelled for that hypnomatic device that givens them discounts?

yeah that's what i was saying, it didn't really feel that important to the plot if you asked me, he's just another guy asking for money like almost everyone else in the game

You're right about the money part but it was technically a trade event instead of paying

Sweet couple of chapters but the icing on the cake was our trio handing out the loser cake to Quark in that fight, good riddance!!!!:flutterrage::moustache:

This will get ugly when Drek reaches Equestria

wonder how the other games from this line will take Spike being in them?

Drek better watch his back cause a very ticked-off purple dragon's about to womp him good! :moustache:

I wonder if Ratchet will threaten Fluttershy not to hug him. Oh wait… I see that though Jax

"Everyone hit the duck!"

Hit the duck? Don’t you mean “Hit the Deck!”
Also can’t wait for everyone to react to Quark’s product

Some "very" interesting possible sequels, but I prefer to another with Ratchet and Clank.

so the other Ratchet and Clank games are also gonna be done right??

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