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May Harmony Prevail.


  • TA Star's Journey.
    Twilight Sparkle had experienced the worst at the hands of Queen Chrysalis. With the Queen dead, she can now begin her recovery. However, the cold winds of the North are blowing with Dark Magic. Will Twilight stand, or will she break forever?
    Naren · 15k words  ·  9  1 · 428 views

The Canterlot Wedding has placed stress upon everyone, especially Twilight and Princess Cadance. After Twilight's outburst and removal from the wedding planning, she disappeared. Many thought, including her friends, thought that she just needed space. But Luna, supported by a stranger, launches a search party beneath Canterlot. However, what she may find will haunt her forever.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

nice work

Okay. Literally nothing outside of what happened to Twilight and Cadance, makes sense. Random human for literally no reason for one.

Most HIE at least explain how and WTF he was babbling about. Did I miss a prequel?

“ CHRYSALIS! I will rend you and your kind into Extinction! ” The Knight-Regent roared, and the battle began anew.

Without having his attention drawn by fighting the Lunar Guard, Solar Rush could focus on the two’s duel. The Prince slammed his sword downwards, Cadance barely dodging it. Before she could react, pink exploded out from the sword. It washed over the battlefield, blind him temporarily.

When his sight returned, he noticed the Princess Cadance was gone. In her place was-was a monster. It looked like a pony, but it had smooth carapace, and insectoid wings. A silk-like mane flowed from its head, colored aqua. The Bug had a curved horn, with multiple holes piercing it. Behind the horn was a weird crown-like appendage, which didn’t make any sense to Solar Rush. She, Chrysalis, bared her fangs, and leapt at the Knight-Regent.

It happened so quickly; he could barely make out what happened. As the bug leapt through the air, the Knight-Regent seemed to have been caught off guard. His sword was still down, where he had used it to rip Chrysalis's disguise away. It was to la-

A spear slammed into Chrysalis’s side. Solar Rush blinked, and he found his head throbbing. Has that spear always been there? It…it hadn’t existed before, yet it did now, but it should no- Solar Rush cleared his head. Whatever the case, the spear was here now.

Now that he could focus again, he realized what had happened. The Knight-Regent had lured that bug into a trap, and she fell right for it. Now she was laying in the rubble, green blood surrounding the spear. The spear itself was pitch black, and a pendant seemed to be attached to the top of the spear. Yet not only did the pendant defy gravity, it appeared to be made of a shadowy mist.

The Knight-Regent approached the fallen bug, looking down upon her. He took a deep breath in, before sighing. He raised his sword upwards.

“Goodbye, Chrysalis.” In a single clean motion, the blade fell. Solar Rush snapped his gaze away. He was still a pony, even if he was part of the Royal Guard. To kill another creature was an incredibly hard thing for a pony to do, or even watch. Even if that creature was a horrible bug-thing. Regardless, Chrysalis was dead.

Dude, she had it coming.

Solar Rush closed his eyes and breathed out. So much had gone wrong. The Element of Magic was gone, and the Alicorn of Love as well. But deep in his heart, he knew that the Alicorn Princesses, and the power of Harmony, would see them through whatever came at them.

So where the heck are Twilight's friends? Or brother and parents?

Don't they realize what literally happened to poor Twilight and Cadence?

“Yes. Perhaps, as unlikely as it is, there may even be a way to cure them.” Princess Celestia’s ears flicked upwards. “I cannot make any promises, but magic can do some crazy things. Harmony willing, you’ll succeed.” With that said, the Knight-Regent began to walk away.

Even If they somehow turn back to normal by some crazy Deus Ex Machina.

I will highly prophesize and bet that Twilight will MOST DEFINITELY will never want to see her former friends, Shining, her own parents, and including Celestia ever again.

Because not only she has freaking defiled, and turn into a Changeling against her will ( Including her real sister-in-law. ).

Her very "speical" friends, her own brother, her own parents, and Celestia DIDN'T get a total crap where she was, or find out if she was okay.

Until it was bloody late and pointed out to them by a third party.

Luna, along with that random human protagonist are the real heroes here.

Her only real friends she has now. Is that Knight-Regent guy that save everybody/everypony, the real Cadence, possibly Spike, and Luna that actually does give a s**t on where Twilight and Cadence was.

Thank you for your comment. I while ago I found myself in the…more heretical side of Fimfiction. In it, a found a story which features the defilement of Twilight that I showed here. So technically, yes you could call that a “Prequal“.

Spoilers for later works that I want to do- My belief, at least when it comes to fiction, is that all fics could be part of a larger multiverse. There are things, both pony, human, and other, that can travel between each universe. The Regent is one of those. I actually have most of his story planned out, which would feature across multiple universes(fics) and a timespan of some 10,000 years. There are lot things that I showed in this short story that would be relevant later on.

Anyway, thank you for the comment and view. May Harmony Prevail.

I guess that makes... kinda sense. Though all of my stories are their own multiverse. People can write for it, but there are certain, not up for debate rules they abide by

Spoiling all that to be safe.

That’s completely fair. The Analogy I ended coming up with was “Imagine a valley. In it, there are a bunch of tiny streams all running in the same direction. Each of those streams is it’s own universe, with the flow of water representing time. The Valley itself represent all alike universes(MLP has its own valley, Halo has its own, etc etc.) There are areas where different valley seem to touch, and streams combine. Those are crossovers. Some areas of The Valley are more distant from the rest of The Valley( your multiverse, if you will). The last part of the puzzle is the idea that there is an infinite amount streams in a valley, and there are an infinite amounts of Valleys.

Thank you for your comment. Please bear in mind that the time between Twilights disappearance, Her Defilement, and the search party is only 12-18 hours at most. The main reason the search party goes out it due to the strangers( The Regent’s) intervention.

The Knight-Regent is a character I have been working on for a while. Initially , he started as one of those fix it characters-but he slowly developed into his own person. While this story was short, and I do not plan on writing a sequel, there are couple of things introduced in this story that are more relevant to the over arching story. Things like the Knight-Regent being enraged at Twilight’s defilement, more than Luna, is a hint towards his true identity. The Title The Knight-Regent is just that, a Title.

But yeah-thank you for the comment. Theirs a lot of stress going into planning a wedding, which part of the reason in canon Celestial never notices the deception.


Still, regardless.
Even if there won't be a sequel for this story. I have a good feeling that Twilight will highly likely to never forgive her former friends, mentor, brother, and parents anytime soon. ( For not believing her, or caring about her and Cadence. )

Because what that bug queen bitch did to her, should be very traumatizing to Twilight.

And most of her loved ones didn't even give a crap about her, except with the likes of a literal stranger that is not from their world, or Luna.

Can we get a sequel to this?

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